Why are gamers so mean?
Why are gamers so mean?
i never believe this shit. i assume they had somebody on the inside make these threats so they can get free publicity
What a bunch of predicable whiny faggots.
Gamers are entitled nazi mra incel pissbabies.
Yeah, let’s see the receipts
Why are developers so mean?
I still witness racial threats on BO4, I even join in sometimes.
Baby gamers btfo
You know there are LITERAL autists here who REEEE at everything, right?
Eurogamer are also running with the story, is this the new "gamers are dead"?
>That's why we were totally unprepared for the attention we got from the broader gaming/internet community, which was fueled by a deep misunderstanding of the tongue-in-cheek tone as condescending and patronising
>deep misunderstanding of the tongue-in-cheek tone
>We were only pretending to be retarded
what kind of game is this anyway? looks pretty faggy to me
>devs behave like assholes
>people respond and tell them they behaved like assholes
>a minority of responders take things too far and start threatening and shit
>racist abuse
>both devs are white
How does that even happen?
This is advertising in 2019.
so then we both know those literal autists are harmless losers who cant even get out of their chair right?
>talking about the video game
>on Yea Forums
It's gay animal crossing or something
I mean they make an announcement baiting for harassment and they got it, amazing. Why is this a story? If you don't respect other people why would they respect you?
Racist abuse? Aren't they white?
I can't help it, I'm DAMAGED
Exactly. Everyone else on the planet don't give them a shit, but can be easily turned to free PR.
I've gotten death threats over minor differences in grammar preference when translating Japanese porn
I've gotten death threats over kicking someone's ass in TF2
I've gotten death threats over petty forum arguments
Sounds like these losers need thicker skin. Death threats on the internet are just another way of saying 'I vehemently disagree with your opinion', and are not to be taken seriously in the slightest.
I do believe because there are people who love the reaction and articles like these boosts their ego even more.
They targeted gamers.... GAMERS!!!
Honestly, how can anyone browse the Internet today an unironically doubt that people make threats online?
They know all that, they have just turned it into a marketing tactic.
>absolutely nobody cared at all about this game before
>suddenly on EGS and now people pretend they wanted it enough to send death threats
Why are gamers so mentally ill?