-7 days until beyond.
What should we expect?
Shills like this thread
They've already told you. The core gameplay loop and the variety of what's to be found are still shit.
who cares
>creating a discussion about a game on Yea Forums is shilling.
U wot mate?
why are people talking about this game besides shilling? did they ever put in giant sandworms?
They will downgrade graphics and planetgen even more to fit VR, and gameplay will be as soulless as usual.
this has been the case for the better part of a decade
What is Yea Forums purpose then?
Creating a thread to advertise a DLC/update of a dead game that has gone under the radar is indeed shilling.
Under the radar my ass. It has more players active than that stupid ea game with exoarmor
raging about politics
Fair point
With standards those low it's no wonder people need to shill this shit for free
I hate how good art and ship design was wasted on this not even halfbaked game.
I don't really care. I feel bad for people who fell for this game's hype. I feel worse for people who're still playing it, pretending they weren't totally shafted when the game sank in price numerous times to $20 weeks after release.
None of the promises from before release to be met.
I agree
Actually there's a third aspect that they have yet to reveal. I was hoping something that adds a bit of gameplay loop, or at least some focus, like some sort of "skill" tree for unlockables, because right now the base system is complete ass behind a long ass boring grind wall, that doesn't even make sense (I for example unlocked the advanced refinery way before the medium one)
We also don't know what's the whole "mmo" aspect like and what could that add in terms of gameplay.
Now if the third aspect of Beyond is instead something related to procedural generation improvements, or simply more variety, or something that at least improves the space exploration aspect in some way that is more attractive and encourages some sort of actual team play (because next mutiplayer is basically useles garbage), it'd be worth it imo.
A bunch of stuff has been leaked or is in the game files. It's not guaranteed it will be added, but it's stuff they have been adding since the last major update so it probably is coming.
First is cooking. Lots of ingredients and a nutrient processor found in the games files. So probably more survival elements.
Second is electricity. You build generators in your base, wire them up to stuff (like turrets) and they do shit.
There is also some stuff about customizing your ship. Probably only the appearance of it though.
They've also shown off that there is just more shit being added. Nothing particularly new or unique, just more variety like more anomolous planets, more biomes, new base pieces and so on.
>that stupid ea game with exoarmor
Comparing a dead game against an other dead game does not help your point. After NMS's blunder of a launch, after Steam offered unconditional refunds, the game's company went completely quiet and nobody talked about it for months. There was the one update and all that produced was some heads asking "is this still a thing?" and that's about it. The game's dead and news about its new content, after that first one, went under the radar.
The fact that not only did you make a thread about this forgotten game, but you also included the release day, proves you are a shill. So do kindly fuck off and go back to whatever social network your colleagues are interesting to generate fake hype.
A bunch of people in denial about how shit the game they wasted money on is and the complete silence until sean starts spamming Yea Forums again for his next half baked "update"
Not op but the game's not dead. It's just a niche game with a decent player base. I started playing a month ago and I'm pretty hyped for the update too.
Right now it has an average of 50hrs per new player on HowLongToBeat which is decent considering it has frequent sales.
The only thing I didn't like and that's why I stopped playing is how unfocused is the unlockables / basebuilding aspect are and the fact that the multiplayer aspect has no consequences and you can't even build a base with your bros. That's why I'm excited for Beyond which is apparently a "mmo-like" overhaul.
Fuck off and take your shit game with you.