Where's my goddamned trailer Capcom
Where's my goddamned trailer Capcom
Other urls found in this thread:
Looking like gamescom
>Release trailer weeks before E3
>Release trailer the week before SDCC
>"the next trailer will be during Gamescom!"
*licks green plastic*
Wait another week prease
Did they REALLY say nothing about the next trailer?
August 8th, 2AM EDT
Everything he does is to spite us, try to prove me wrong
You can't
Trailer never
They say he tracked down the man that leaked the pastebin before TGS in 2017 with all the monsters for World and hung him in Hokkaido. The body dangling over hot springs was the inspiration for iceborne.
Reminder that the legacy monster focus was planned from the start, and the new monsters are literally just phoned in.
I'm losing hope Stevebros
So much of that shit isn't true that the game definitely went through major changes in development
>Post a fake leak attention whore whose leaks have all been entirely incorrect
>Act as if it's an authority on anything
Same leaker also warned everyone of World and the ruination it'll bring upon the franchise's good name.
Reminder that axe mode is really good now, and outdamages sword mode, even with a power phial. Goodbye, sword mode.
Can he really be considered a leaker if nothing he said came true?
Whats the point of using Sword mode after Iceborne then?
The whole list is bullshit to begin with retard
Sword mode will outdamage axe mode when buffed. Also, sword mode discharge moves got a buff. But its much less mobile, so it cant be used reliably for every monster. Also, the flinch damage buff for axe mode isn't as valuable in multiplayer.
So there are pros and cons now, more balanced than before.
What's that buff axe mode gets after the new big overhead?
And thus the cycle continues
its a large increase to flinch damage.
Sword mode will still probably be better on less spastic targets than Tigrex
Fucking awesome. I just wish we didn't get that long ass recovery animation after our stab explosion. It's neato looking, butt it's a damn long time to: explode, hop off, stabd sword in ground, slide a bit, recover posture, run towards monster again.
Remember, even if we want to be most pessimistic shitposters and we only consider
>15 confirmed monsters
>ruiner nergi
>2 from the LS tree
>water siege fight
>final boss
>only the most 4 obvious variants/rare species (Jho, Bazel, Rathian, Rathalos)
It's still 25 monsters
World did kill my love for MH, but Brachydios is the one monster I'd come back for. Despite many revisions it has always been such a solid fight that they just can't fuck it up.
You can press X to explode early, which removes the landing animation. You land on your feet next to the monster and save about 2 seconds of animation.
But this does ~33% less damage for the explosion, so it's a tradeoff.
>World did kill my love for MH
World did kill my love for the Nintendo games***
I think we will have a 4/4U representant too.
Regain that love with XX
>over 93 monsters, EVEN if you remove subspecies; also more than just wyverns, has insects, snakes, spiders, frogs etc.
>actual weapon design variety; tons of weapons to craft and they all look different and unique so it's a lot of fun even when they're not viable.
>online lobby system is multiple times better and more social, it's the good old fun of actually joining a room, talking to people, exchanging guild cards, chatting inbetween hunts, taking turns posting quests, sticking together for many hours... it's what makes MH online great
>insane replayability due to sheer endless amount of weapon+armor+style+arts combinations, opening up so many possibilities.
>lets you use the transmog system instead of keeping it only for specific DLC/event armor
>actually challenging endgame, has some of the hardest quests in the series, tough as nails shit to test your mettle as a true hunter
>rebalanced new weapons: insect glaive and charge blade DPS is now more in line with other medium weapons. charge blade now force you to utilize more of its axe moveset.
>virtually no cutscenes in gameplay ever. you can, however, unlock ecology videos of the elite four plus valfalk by beating their village quests.
what kills me about the wild swing axe is the fact that the animation only uses one hand to swing and the other placed at the hips. If it were to use both hands I could've pretend I'm doing ippo dempsey roll
We are 100% getting gore with shagaru coming later
>actually challenging endgame
Extremoth is more difficult than anything in XX. And solo, it's an even bigger gap.
We have definitely gotta get some 4th Gen monsters because if I’m not mistaken, we haven’t gotten any yet.
>mains hammer
I can't
We got one
>weapon called switchAXE
>does more damage in SWORD mode
Going forward I hope they add more "gimmick" weapons like Seregios and Chaotic Gore. So many weapons in every tree are made completely irrelevant when the only real goal for choosing which weapon to equip is "biggest numbers always best."
If more weapons had unique behaviors that conform to your build or playstyle that might outweigh having lower damage output, it wouldn't be so pointless to fill the game with so many "endgame" weapons that no one in the endgame is ever going to use.
MHXX is good butt there's some cons too. The beginning is abundant in gathering quests. And not as many players during a lot of the day.
My sister is playing atm and there are lots more players in G rank, more talkative hubs in G too. Prime times for multiplayer seems to be 1-4pm PST. MHXX content never fucking ends too. We've been playing for months now.
Too complicated
Add more Piscine Wyverns
It's Slash Axe in Japan bro. You fell for localization implication memes again.
World really fucked up MH, but Brachydios is the one monster I'd consider watching gameplay footage of to see if it still holds up. If I'm really bored and don't have anything else to do.
user you better not be cheating me....
Prove it homo
this. Extremeoth is the hardest fucking thing I've ever solo'd by a wide margin.
World really fucked up MH, but Bowser is the one monster I'd think about watching gameplay footage of to see if he still holds up. If I'm really bored and don't have anything else to do on my Nintendo Switch.
Only problem with this is World seems to have more copy pasted HBG players and crazy strong mantles and boosters. Trivializing the entire game really. HBG does the same in XX butt seems less people take it up.
Where are the ecology videos
These shitty ass cutscenes about the handler being a mongolooid can't even compare
It's actually better to detonate earlier on the clutch claw discharge because apparently in the beta the sword meter only gets consumed by the full-length explosion and not the revving or quick explosion
I know, they also said they won't reveal anything.
And we have the year of free updates.
I was just considering the lowest amount possible.
World did kill my love for MH, but Ganon is the one monster I'd come back for. Despite many revisions it has always been such a solid fight that they just can't fuck it up.
XX gives you more overpowered shit than World.
>Entirely incorrect
>Nothing he said came true
Not that guy, but you'd actually have to be completely retarded to say that. The leaker predicted both XX a few hours before it was announced and World about half a year before it was announced, at a time when the idea of Monster Hunter going back to home consoles was considered complete and utter idiocy. Unless you think the guy just made a ridiculously lucky guess it's pretty clear that he was at least mostly legit.
If ins't tomorrow, so just day 19.
>at a time when the idea of Monster Hunter going back to home consoles was considered complete and utter idiocy
No one thought that, besides brainwashed Nintensharts.
Anyone wanna do Extremoth on PC?
I'll be the tank....
I'm sorry you're a retard that believes fake leaks, especially when XX had already been trademarked in Japan for three months and PS4 MonHun rumors already existed before his fake leak.
So not only was he posting information that was either already out there in the business world, he got every single detail about World 100% wrong.
That's because HBG is super boring in both games, but people play XX to have fun while people play World to grind all the endgame shit.
>the chart
>the dialogue bubble from handler
gets me every time
>Arbitrary 25 minute time limit
Yawn. In terms of actual tangible skill requirement it doesn't even approach Low Rank in Dos. Come back when you have to keep track of 8 monsters at once.
Couldn't see the stream, was there new Dinovaldo footage?
>say something even remotely negative about world
insufferable faggots the lot of you.
>It's artificial difficulty!!!
lmfao here come the extremoth copes
There's also this
the people who dislike world, usually played the shitty 3DS games
Though at 50 minutes it wouldn't be an issue to solo.
5 minutes. Nothing new.
The other gameplay was actually way better.
The time limit isn't a big problem, even solo. The problem is Phase 3, and especially Phase 4. Also if you get bad Tornado placement you're just fucked.
>pre FU Monster Hunter
World really is the bastardisation of what was once a great series l. I will never forget the first time I encountered Rathalos in Super Smash Bros..
Lmao how are tornadoes real like just get aggro'ed bro
Phase 3 and 4 of Behemoth is more dangerous than anything else in a prior mainline game. Keep coping.
The time limit is the only problem. Who the hell triplecarts against any form of Behemoth?
>he got every single detail about World 100% wrong
Care to point out which parts were undeniably completely wrong? Because I guarantee you that it's not even close to 100% of it.
>people who played MH before world usually played the MH games that came out before world
you don't fucking say. Anybody who started with world would have nothing to compare it to other than itself so it's obvious they're less likely to hate the changes made to it.
Wow.. keeping track of 8 monsters at once.. such gameplay
you usually only get one cart because most player use Fortitude. Without Fortitude his damage is just way too high.
haha yeah who triplecart to Behemoth...
There were many MH games that came out that weren't on Nintendo consoles, if you didn't know.
A lot of people skipped the crappy 3DS games because of how bad they were. The people who started with the 3DS games are the ones who hate World the most.
I started with FU, it was an anti-fun piece of shit compared to World. I'm glad not to have any Nintendo cultism clouding my mind.
It would be if you didn't have moves like the fade slash and mantles like that thing you get from Lunastra that make syou literally invincible, and meals that cancel out your carts and also infinite items and ranged weapons that let you run circles around him.
I'd like to see you fight the one-eared Yian Garuga in FnH area 9 MHFU LBG and then tell me with a straight face that Behemoth is harder. He ain't. The only way you're losing is by timing out, which happens if you try to solo him without optimal gear, which requires hundrds of hours of grinding the same 3 monsters over and over and is why people like to call it a raid boss that checks your gear more than your skill.
Though to be fair he wouldn't work at all without all this bullshit.
Will there be savage jho?
>A lot of people skipped the crappy 3DS games because of how bad they were.
But 4U sold much more than FU
I could just as easily assume "a lot of people skipped the 3DS games because they hate nintendo" and that they "only love world because it's back on Sony" and it wouldn't have any more basis in reality than your claim. The 3DS games were pretty universally liked until World came out.
And Savage Bazel too
Yes, and they will also give Bazel a shitty variant to continue the rivalry meme
Iceborne is adding actual delete buttons for your item/armor sets right? I didn't just dream that did I?
The fuck is up with you ITT?
Based, Axe mode has always been way more fun.
>tfw you like all MH games
feels good being an idort
>95 posts
>29 IP
listfag really is oblivious. No wonders why he gets constantly banned
It's bad and you should feel bad for using it. Nothing wrong with the hack 'n slash, though god help you if you use it in Tri.
Stop replying to the Listfag Subspecies
If you truly care about MH, go out there and protest.
every fucking time
Bazelgeuse is an absolutely garbage monster that is more dangerous to whatever you're hunting than you, also he has less moves than Khezu
The inevitable Variant will just be perma rage mode Bazelgeuse that spreads more bombs, they won't actually give it new attacks
I really only hate P3rd and World for being too casual. The ratio of good vs bad games in MH is one of the best in the industry.
It was fairly weak and you couldn't dodge out of it, meaning you had to wait like 3 seconds to be able to do anything afterwards.
>there are THE SAME identical shitposts both on Yea Forums threads and /mhg/
My God
>Me on the left
What the fuck are these people doing?
Actually, 2nd gen and World grew the series by the most sales:
>2nd gen: 5 million more copies sold than the prior gen
>World: 7 million more copies sold than the prior gen
Face it, the market said the Nintendo games weren't very good.
Though at 50 minutes it wouldn't be an issue to solo.
What did you expect from a man that huffs glue and thinks GU is hard?
Second gen also remade the same game a million times
Face it, 2nd gen is garbage and the only good monster that it has is Nargacuga
Just report the fuck for flamewar. Why you gotta reply to him?
Some chinks boycotting some chinkshit game ripping off BotW (like they always do). Has absolutely nothing to do with MH, just more shitposting by the resident /mhg/ shitposter.
They weren't, unless you liked hard games. Which most people don't.
>The 3DS games were pretty universally liked
They weren't. Many people hated the awful new mechanics (mounting, verticality, gacha RNG) and the horrible 240p graphics.
The people who liked them were people usually new to the series, like (You).
Oh yeah, I only heard about that shit but thought it actually had something to do with MH. Thanks for the clarification user and fuck the shitposters.
I think that only himself and oblivious people reply to the posts, every thread he posts the same bait
>If you made it easier, it wouldn't be as hard.
Do all nintendo fans have room temperature IQs?
he actually does that. Just report him, mods can see samefagging
>tfw love all the games because no matter how shit the game is, I'll always come back for the monster fights
Crashing this thread...with no survivors
1st / 2nd gen are more difficult than the Nintendo games. Extreme Behemoth is more difficult than anything in a Nintendo game.
Hey guys I just made the hardest monster in MH
It's Yian Kut Ku but you only get 2 seconds to kill it
How is that fun?
>Monster Hunter XX gets revealed a day his "leak"
Wrong on every account. Only Dos is harder than 3U and 4U, and I know you didn't play that.
>just bought mhworld
>absolute shitter because I got used to adept
oh god help
They were, people loved the new types of monsters, the returning series favorites, expansion of the palico mechanics, and new weapons like charge blade and insect glaive.
The people who hate them were usually people who started with World, like (You)
>Behemoth is too hard, he's not fun.
COPE casual
Yes, they were, they also sold better than your garbage games who needed to be remade 90000 times to compete with Nintendo numbers
why does barioth always look like it has the downs
Like he said, room temperature IQ.
>that post/IP counter ratio
what the fuck is going on?
eskimo eyes from the snow
The permanent brow furrow
Seeing his eyes is unnerving
>Ignoring everything
I see your mental health is continuing its rapid decline. Do you frequent /pol/?
A fag arguing with himself like usual. He'll get banned eventually.
What on Earth are you talking about, P3rd was the best selling MH until World.
Hopefully never, shockwaves and edgehogs must stay go
Nobody cares about MH anymore except for a few retarded Worldfags who have done nothing but shitpost for the past 2 years and don't know what else to do with their lives.
Watch; they're about to reply to this post.
to chime in, me and all my friends played 2nd gen and even Tri. We had to skip the 3DS games because of their problems:
>horrible downgraded graphics
>horrible downgraded controls
>added gay shit like QTEs
>added gay shit like a lock-on camera
It was what we used to make fun of. 4th gen fags are also insufferable and think everyone started with 4th gen like them.
It squints when it's daytime, the eyes fully open and glow at night
this face makes me feel many different things
>at a time when the idea of Monster Hunter going back to home consoles was considered complete and utter idiocy
Every single MH generation has had a home console release except 4th, and even then that isn't entirely correct because the generations line are 4th gen games according to capcom.
the 3DS games had a lot of problems and a lot of long-time fans stayed away. There's a reason they didn't grow sales as much as 2nd gen or World. I know you started with them so you have a soft spot, but this is why people don't like you 4shitters.
Something being fun has nothing to do with how hard it is, brainlet. Extremoth is one of the hardest challenges in the series and the strict time limit is just a valid reason for that as anything else.
The games were really good though. The fans were just fucking retarded.
They didn't sell better. P3rd was the best selling game until World. The biggest growth in sales was caused by 2nd gen and World.
that's pretty cool
>Something being fun has nothing to do with how hard it is
Wow this fanbase has really gone to shit, hasn't it?
>The games were really good though.
If you started the series with them, I could understand that opinion. However, they were tremendous downgrades compared to the prior games and added lots of bad mechanics. It is a shame the series was held hostage on the 3DS for so long, but thankfully World has fixed that mistake.
It's always Shiten Unknown isn't it
You clearly care a lot, otherwise you wouldn't appear in every thread.
>greatsword with no augs
not having a good time against AT teostra
I beat him once, but I'm really not enjoying this
he's in don't worry
>open world
>cutting weapons
>no missions
>no timers
>no gathering
>no preparations
>legacy monster focus
I don't like nu-Brachydios. He's too slow and his explosions are too small and his new hornslam move just makes a slime puddle that explodes in your face if you try to attack his face or arms.
The one in 3U was godly. What a great fight.
What makes you say that?
>Every single MH generation has had a home console release except 4th
That still constitutes a gap of almost a decade. Between Tri and World the only console releases were ports of handheld games, not original titles.
Just do the good old hit and run draw attacks
Or get the AT Kulve legs for easy Heat Guard
No actual new info and Iceborne only comes out next month, that's why threads are always filled with the same people everyday
So what, a limitation placed on the player is a very typical way to make something harder.
We can't all have full on valor mode with absolute evasion all day
World is not doing so bad.
What exactly is wrong with them except the graphics, optional game mechanics and other shit nobody cares about?
you did bring fireproof mantle right
Not made by Sony
>what is wrong with them except [a list of a bunch of things wrong with them]
Home . . .
See? Look at this loser. This is the first MH thread I've been in since April and I only came here to discuss Brachydios.
But I guess that ain't happening, is it?
is this wubshit tigrex's new battle theme? it makes me want to puke
it's impressive that the consistent player count is still in the tens of thousands, I expected it to drop below a few thousand after the initial peak
I ended up making armor for Crit Draw which worked marginally better than what I had before. I'm using a charm with heat guard on it which kind of sucks because it takes away a lot of damage
I've never done kulve but I'll look into it
I really don't like mantles but I'll use it if it's really that good. I have 20+ fire resist and heat guard so I doubt it will make a huge difference
None of it is legit though.
>Cross-cross was just leaked to him
It was revealed in famitsu that day and he there were posters referring to the game exactly by name instead of "cross cross" before him on Yea Forums
>MH5 is paid by sony exclusively to keep it off switch
No retard, it's a demanding game that can barely even run on the "powerful" home consoles. Compare this to MHGU, which is a 3DS port locked at 30FPS that the Switch still has some trouble running in some places, such as the Marshlands zones with a lot of grass.
>MH5 is open world
The only correct thing was XX being a Switch exclusive but that was already publically available information that day.
No it doesn't. 3U came out in 2014 and XX Switch version came out before World was even announced.
Any monster you regret killing, user?
>Dota is still first
>open world
>timer and missions are gone
The 5 week, every festival event is happening right now. PC didn't get to experience half the festivals.
The legacy monster focus is true though. That's why people are unironically hyped for returning monsters over literal whos like Velkhana. Too bad Capcom did not get the hint, so they're putting Velkhana in the last beta instead of Barioth or Glavenus.
I regret not killing Sonygros
before all that it was still over 30k
>This is the first MH thread I've been in since April
I really wish that were true user
The mantles are something like an extra 20 resist plus an extra effect, Fireproof Mantle has Heat Guard built in. It certainly helps. What's your def at?
if you're running that much fire/heat resist already then probably just go for something with more damage, like affinity booster
People care about these shitty festivals?
Eastern Europe/China/South America
Yeah, people care. Sorry that didn't work out for you
man, that's one thing I always wanted from the old games, the camera being all the way out so you can see everything. Also passage of time, Moga at night must be extra comfy.
I thought uma delicias played LoL
china, just look at the top games and china will make up the majority of the pop
It is. And I stopped frequenting them back in 2014 because the 3Ubabs were insufferable. Little did I know this fanbase would continue its decline into madness until I can't talk about goddam Brachydios without getting shitposted to death.
Somewhere between 430 and 470 after eating so I'm good on defense I think. I'm just awful at the actual fighting part. The blast clouds are so deceptively placed and every time I get stunlocked into death I scream
It's not a solid build, just stuff I threw together with fire resist gems and a heat guard charm since I switch weapons so often. I can try affinity booster
If Iceborne's difficulty ramps up at the usual high to G rank level it will be the hardest MH game ever.
Peruvians are the ones that play Dota, Everyone else is a LoLfag
I hope you enjoy those shitty fireworks instead of actual content
>open world
A lot of people call games with any kind of open level design 'open world', this is extremely common.
>no missions, no timers
Technically wrong, but it does accurately describe expeditions.
>cutting weapons
Not what he said.
>no gathering
Not what he said.
>no preparations
Not what he said.
>legacy monster focus
Hard to tell what he actually meant by this, but World's roster is almost 50% returning monsters, so maybe he meant that, or possibly how a lot of monsters are reimaginings of older ones. Hard to say on this one.
The only one that seems to be completely incorrect is the QTE thing, but like open worlds that's another label that often gets attached to tons of completely different things by different people.
>if Iceborne is as difficult as previous games it will be more difficult than them
MHW is already the hardest MH game
show me the other MH games that have HR content as hard as hard as MHW's HR content
k, I hope you get over your autism
we predicted this 10 years ago with tribabs. Just look at how awful Pokemon's fanbase is, and it only got worse as the series jumped to each new shitty Nintendo console.
AT Teo has his stun cranked up to old Teo levels, just slot in Stun Resist and save yourself the pain.
His cheeto dust has set patterns so just learn where it shows up on each attack
Again I'm out of the loop because I only visit PMD threads. And that fanbase is great. Who wants to discuss games with a bunch of shitheads, anyway?
But it's artificial difficulty so it doesnt count.
>3U came out in 2014 and XX Switch version came out before World was even announced
Both of those were portable games given console releases afterwards. I already stated that I'm referring to original console Monster Hunter titles.
I mean if the gap between high and G rank will be as large as in previous games.
Pardon the ESL
I had 3 stun resist on my non crit draw armor before, but I had to switch to something with fewer gemslots. I'll figure out the blast patterns and try not to get nova'd in the middle of an animation
>A lot of people call games with any kind of open level design 'open world', this is extremely common.
So he was wrong.
>Technically wrong, but it does accurately describe expeditions.
So he was wrong.
>Not what he said. x3
But that is what he said.
>Hard to tell
No, it's easy to tell. That''s why you have shitposters trying to use Iceborne to say he's right even though Iceborne wouldn't even have been in pre-production when those "leaks" were made.
The hell are you on about? There is not a single quest in MHW that took me more then 3 try's
So Pukei has a somewhat straight shot from its mouth to the end of its tail, and is able to process matter straight through itself at quite a high rate.
This opens up a lot of possibilities.
>show me the other MH games that have HR content as hard as hard as MHW's HR content
Someone never played the PS2 games.
Probably MH4 (not 4U)
Not to mention that aside from 4 optional monsters, the entire rest of World's endgame is a total joke. If we're only including obligatory hunts then World has the easiest HR in the franchise. P3rd had that double Jinouga quest
But it wouldn't change a thing, shit like the FF Fursona or the Leshen are special events, they're not the standard difficulty of World
That would be like expecting 3U to base it's G-rank difficulty on Worldeater Deviljho
Why do you need to argue? If your favorite MH is as good as you say, why not play it instead of telling everyone else why their favorite MH is inferior? Nobody's ever been successfully convinced from these arguments.
Even Extremoth?
Me too, I guess there's just one more trailer...
>MHW is already the hardest MH game
Is this true? I never fainted in World until AT stuff came out. Are the old games really that terrible and casual?
How did you guys put up with it?
Such as?
I'm just saying the retarded festivals in World are garbage and aren't a good substitute for actual content, the other MH have nothing to do with this
And i'm also objectively right
If you played them online then you could technically put down the controller, go take a dump and still win.
This is true for World also.
World only got difficult thanks to the events
In other words yes, the tip of the tail is his anus
>we predicted this 10 years ago with tribabs.
But this fanbase was ruined when FU came out.
Which, by the way, was only one year before Tri. So FUbabs are not veterans.
Or expecting 4U to base its difficulty on 4's Frenzied Brachydios and his teleporting ass
People trying to compare difficulty are retarded since no MH will ever be as hard as the first one they played. LR is only challenging once.
No it's not
World is babymode until AT Nerg
So how long until listfag either fucks off or gets banned before we go back to discussion?
I'm still confused as to why people reply to him despite being outed as a shitposter and not an MH fan
Great, now people are going to shit on games like FU because you guys feel the need to attack the classic games in order to defend World.
I like how you ignored everything else about my post and are hung up on a small detail that doesn't matter anyway because Monster Hunter being a portable-only series is just revisionist history.
Can we discuss about how they ruined Glavenus's icon?
Not everyone played FU though. Not everyone played Tri either. The old fanbase was mostly intact before the 3U announcement, and then totally destroyed with the World E3 announcement.
Their mistake. Can't take them seriously after that.
>People trying to compare difficulty are retarded since no MH will ever be as hard as the first one they played. LR is only challenging once.
Excellent point. I don't know why difficulty matters so much anyway. I play these games for fun.
>posters: 48
yes, and when you fight him on last phase with heroics activated it becomes EDM
I feel a deep hatred for all the community and players of every single game and i want to see the threads crash since there is nothing to talk about
Also Listfag is arguably smarter than everyone here since he gets people to reply to him
After Iceborne drops, and they have no choice but to concede.
Is this one gonna be a daily thing too?
they didn't
Well he was an unknown entity during the events of MHX, so the artist was probably unaware that he could fire up his tail.
>People trying to compare difficulty are retarded since no MH will ever be as hard as the first one they played. LR is only challenging once.
STRONGLY disagree. To me they just got harder and harder as my playstyle became more aggressive.
Can somebody call IRC user or something? there's some severe samefagging going on ITT
It's an official cover of the Tower
>Great, now people are going to shit on games like FU
Good. Clearly the "classic" games had something wrong with them considering World completely changed the formula.
I'll let you have the first two points because you're obviously not willing to back down on them and I have nothing else to add. I still disagree with you on them, but oh well.
>But that is what he said.
No, here's what he actually said
>[Capcom] very worried that mh5 will follow sfv in that it will be pushed out in a hurry, limited monsters, limited weapons and balance, the new combat will force some weapons to be completely dropped
That's one sentence. He said they were worried they'd have to cut those things to rush the game out in time, not that they were definitely going to.
>moving away from gathering, preparation
Completely correct, World made gathering extremely effortless and pre-hunt preparation is mostly unnecessary as things like eating can be done during a hunt and you no longer need to worry about bringing items like paintballs and whetstones. He did not say these elements were being entirely removed.
>legacy monster focus, they identifiable
Completely unclear what this means, if you think you know then please feel free to explain.
Dunno he looks better
He still has a chance, right bros?
It's like 99% identical. All they did was update the graphics. That's why I found it so uninteresting.
>Can somebody call IRC user or something?
No. If we keep having to do this, they'e going to get sick of it and ban these threads for good.
I'm out. The next thread better be actual discussion and not shitflinging from our local autist
I blame every single one of you retards for giving him the attention
Yep, first two times I had randoms cart, 3ed time it was a team that knew what they where doing.
Nope too anime, go back to anime hunter XX
>totally destroyed with the World E3 announcement
You keep repeating that but a lot of us that like World began with Tri or earlier games, we just aren't as vocal about it. Not every 'series veteran' has to behave like they have a rod up their ass, even if there are genuine issues with World.
>Worldfags are literally schizos who think any fan of the series that criticizes the casualization changes masquerading as QoL are the same person
Right my bad, I can't have a problem with being able to run with potions, access your storage and effectively have unlimited resources during a hunt, and monsters being slower and having weak points extending to their entire bodies. MMMMmmm please ruin my series more and cater it to game journos, Capcom!!
>only 1 year older than Tri
Do one good thing in your miserable void of an existence and stop breathing, FetUs
you playing like a dumbass doesn't mean there is a difficulty spike in place. it's just you m8. it gets better once you start noticing the mons' patterns or not, idk how suicidal you got
He's a known samefag dude. Doesn't actually matter if anyone replies or not, he just wants to shit up the threads.
you didn't see the new long sword weeb moves?
Where were you when adept style got introduced in gen?
Mission accomplished, see you next time until they show Brachydios gameplay
yup, people gettin mad is what he really wants, not just replys.
Don't strawman my post into your console war bullshit. I said the ANNOUNCEMENT. What does an announcement have to do with World's issues?
i like how much a simple game can trigger your autism
Stevebros. Is there hope?
Jihad tier. Every single possible moment, the monster needed to be taking damage. To me the 0.3 seconds you spend rolling was intolerable so I instead learned how to position myself without it.
That would not line up with the way it seems to process poison and now water through the tail. It seems to bypass the digestive system.
Oh you know actual porn-logic in/cumflation, massive and/or all-the-way insertions, comfy, non-lethal vore and other such complete degeneracy.
He's a Wyvern and half of Bazel's tiny moveset is from Seregios so I don't see why not. Gore would be more likely if they were only going to pick 1 from 4/4U though just because they can get 2 fights out of 1 set of animations.
Not using it because having one crutch mechanic that's only optimal on a handful of weapons is forgiven by the fact that the game's endgame is as tough as ever. Not to mention they also fixed mounting and IG being absurdly broken from 4U.
>same leaker
Bazelcuck has literally no moves from Seregios, he's too fat and shitty to do any of Seregios' attacks
New trailer tomorrow???
so stand still and drink your potion then
he's just digging the bottom of the barrel for shitposting.
There's a chance, i remember seeing a bone glaive in the trailer with what looked like Seregios scales
on like 2.4k hours now on GU still loving the shit out of it, it's pretty much the perfect game in m view
His headbutt and tail whip animations are both from Seregios.
Oh I thought he was talking about minecraft in Smash. Seregios is such a forgettable monsters that the thought didn't even occur to me.
Nice, i always loved more the gameplay of the axe mode... Im gonna have some real fun
In many ways it is, but FU and 4U still have enough unique stuff in them that it doesn't invalidate them.
I don't see myself replaying 4U any time soon though.
Damn dude sorry no one wanted to talk about how elite you are at classic monster hunter games. see you tomorrow i guess
>decided to start using hammer recently
>used to main GS
>carved my first barroth scap ever yesterday
All the wasted years
How will that make the monsters faster as fast as they were in previous games and not have weak points on their entire bodies?
Take that back.
>Unique weapons
>Cool armor
>Is a total chad and cucks Rathalos on the regular
>Invades places he feels like
based rathkiller
But the fight is so boring. Three quarters of his attacks don't even do anything.
Based Steveposter
Can't do anything about that shit taste bud
I like it, his sideways flying gap-closer in particular and his bleeding is a fun challenge.
I would kill for this monster to be in MH6, the weapons it produces look fucking godly. Same with that Ice Rathian/Rathalos.
It's always worth branching out
I can play everything except Bow with some level of competence at this point.
the fuck was that sword?
I only remember being hidden behind the ice wall in pokke
It's Fatalis
This. Seregios is all style and no substance. Same with Brachydios and Zamtrios. Anything with an Ios and the end is always guaranteed to be a braindead fight.
I try to capture regular mizutsune most of the time. In world its tobi kadachi and i always capture.
Fill me in on this Steve cuck meme. I don't get it
He's gonna be in, as post launch DLC.
It's a Fatalis sword that Pokke's former chief used
Same model as the actual Fatalis GS
>weapons called slash AXE
>does more damage in SWORD mode
be more intelligent in your pedantry
Remember to eat before you hunt!
Pukei is an absolute shit monster only liked by Worldfetuses but after the his escapades with Geralt i never want to kill one again
Except Coral ones, the fight looks awesome
Dude Brachydios is the hardest flagship of all time. Didn't you fight him in 3U? Back when his explosions were so big you couldn't out-roll them? He was nerfed into the ground after that.
Ancestor to the Pokke chief dropped his sword made of elder dragon bone there.
It just kept growing by itself over the years.
Either that or it was already big and the ancestor was one of those giant wyverians. CLEARLY MADE WITH NERGIGANTE BONE
In what way is Brachy not a fun fight. He's fast and actually does damage. Granted he's been nerfed since 3U but he represents "dancing with danger" pretty well due to his mobility.
I mained Swaxe in GU up until G Rank, at which point I switched to SnS. I'm thinkin it's time to go home in Iceborne.
He'll be the first monster they work on for MH6, hopefully with water so he's not a giga khezu
But Fatalis gear eats your soul? How do you explain Pokke being so full of it?
Seregios is introduced by attacking you in a mission where you're supposed to be hunting a Rathian, and scares off a Rathalos that comes to try and defend her. Because the whole side plot with Seregios was that something was scaring them away from their secluded mountain territory and they were just trashing other areas to establish a new territory.
Brachydios is unironically the hardest flagship in the series for now
Oh that explains it. Shit flew over my head
I can't fucking wait for these worthless hacks at Capcom to finally run out of old monsters to rehash so they can make some new ones.
List of things that have fucked Rathian:
Anything else?
>Brachy is hardest flagship
t. lancefags
The sword is isolated
Glavenus teleported right behind Rathian
He's a joke with Lance though unless you're dumb enough to still be building for Guard past early HR in any of the older games. None of his shit except the big horn slam has lingering hitboxes so you can just Evade +1 sidestep all day.
Unlike Seregios Glavenus has no intention to rape the Rathian, he just wants to fucking kill her
GU question. Should I invest in Nargacuga or Glavenus LS?
But then we wouldnt have World. The whole point of World is the legacy monster focus.
What he said plus a comic where Seregios literally rapes Rathian
king of the skies?
more like kuck of the skies lmao
I want Rathalos and every variant to be removed right now. Especially Silver
Yeah. Plus being able to guard was better than dying, even if you did get slimed and your stamina took it up the ass.
Try using like an LS and just feeling your fucking heart drop when he rears back a punch, knowing you can't out-roll it.
Glavenus = incel
Steve = Chad
>they reveal Unstable Bazelgeuse
>His scales explode on his body as they grow
>Breaking parts causes them to explode
>Crits on his chin scales cause them to explode
>Cut Bazel's tail off
>It explodes
pretty much this. And Events aren't part of the story mode. Funny when other games are judged its the story mode that's they're judged for. but for world the goalposts shift to Event quests, how convenient.
The actual incel here is Astalos
That's why I hate it. That's literally my only problem with World. I would go from hating it to loving it overnight if they would just make new shit instead of rehashing content.
How many fucking Rathain do I have to fucking kill before you're sated, Capcom?
>new ones
You mean flying wyvern #22 and brute wyvern #13?
So basically a flying Brachy?
>huge focus on the New World for a new generation of players
>game didn't even get good until they added all the Old World monsters
really makes one think
trade him for steve, astalos and thunderlord and we're good.
Essentially Raging Brachydios but easier since he's Bazelgeuse
I don't like that you can do shit like run around drinking potions in World, and I didn't like styles or arts in Generations, what now?
>it doesn't count, its artificial difficulty
glad to know World has gotten them to this point.
mean boltreaver
shush listfag
I guess you're based af
i started with p3rd, and the 4th gen games were great.
t bh I just like being able to fight old monsters in HD and open maps, and also there are few people that have fought every monster in the series.
i started with imported Dos, and the 4th gen games are awful.
How is that true? World takes place in "the new world" and it introduced more new large monsters than any game in the series. Only game with less rehashing is Tri but that game's roster is overall smaller.
Brachy is a brute wyvern and was a wholly unique and refreshing experience. Almost excuses the fact that 3U had literally nothing new to offer aside from that.
The focus on legacy monsters was World's intent from the start
There's not exactly a lot of competition, and I'm basing all of these off their debut games and base forms
>Rathalos is just a standard wyvern plus a time wasting attack where he flies outside the map
>Kushala is one of the easiest monsters to stagger lock, crippling weakness to Poison
>Tigrex's AI could be exploited hard by standing 3 feet to the right of his face, gets demolished by GS and Hammer
>Narga is fast but fragile as hell
>Lagiacrus is only threatening underwater
>Zinogre is a punching bag
>Gore only catches you off guard with his rage mode the first time
>Seregios has glass ankles
>Nerg is even easier to knock over than Kush
It's less that Brachy is super hard and more that he wins by default
Dos is also garbage
Have there been any large-scale popularity polls on monsters in the west?
I don't believe you. Please provide a photo with timestamp of today's date.
If you started with p3rd then you weren't a "long-time fan" when the 3DS games came out.
I started with an early dev copy of the original Monster Hunter. and the 4th gen games are the greatest of all time.
They've been rehashing monsters since Tri. It's only acceptable in MHW because its at the very least made with new models and given new moves
World's new monsters are pretty rehash-y though. Like Gen 5 Pokémon. The only ones that felt fresh was Odo and, ironically, Lunastra.
I think it'll be something more like slime
>Oozing Bazelgeuse
>attacks splash slime around
>slime is like a lesser version of brachys
>some takes longer to explode, other remains for a long while
>tail still able to drop larger scales
>scales will cause a huge splash and set a chain reaction off
>tail used more effectively as a weapon when in the air, dragging it across the ground and spreading more slime
Or something to that effect
finally beat AT nerg
I hope grank isn't that ridiculous
>Same with Brachydios
blasphemy. Legitimately one of most involved and interesting fights in franchise
jesus how horrible
so what? It still means i didn't start with the 3DS games like you keep repeating.
G-rank elder dragons will make AT Nerg look like a bitch
But no new weapons. 4U rehashed monsters but gave you new, unique ways to fight them with the axe and glaive.
Plus World is getting a new expansion and there are STILL no new weapons? C'mon Capcom.
>"a lot of long-time fans stayed away"
>well I started with P3rd and I played them!!!
You weren't a long-time fan.
>what is Ruiner Nergigante
>Tri literally rehashed 3 monsters
>Introduced brute wyverns and leviathans
Way to prove you have no fucking clue what you're talking about, especially when the PSP games that released before it were essentially just compilation games.
I started with Freedom 2 and the entire series is garbage
Something that will make AT Nerg look like a bitch
Iceborne's giving weapons new moves, where have you been?
What do you guys think the first post-expansion update monster will be? Deviljho was released 2 months after World launched.
I wonder what the hell they're gonna do with Teo. World already gave him his entire G Rank moveset, just split between his Fire aura and Cheeto aura.
Maybe speed his nova back up to how it used to be?
We don't really need new weapons
Lao :^)
narga weapons in general for Weakness exploit and Crit Boost builds - can't go too far wrong. Why do you have to choose why not make both? or save the game and make the Glavenus LS and take it for a spin and if you don't like it just close down game without saving its what I do when not sure. Usually only takes couple fights to know if I like a weapon or not
Magala brothers
All of the hardest content in all the MH games aren't part of the story mode. Pretty much every much peak difficult monster can be entirely ignored since the earlier games. My Worldbab friend just got GU and beat the G rank the other day. Didn't even know what a deviant monster was when I asked if he beat any of them.
>that's the problem with you 4shitters
I also wasn't new with 4 like the post you quoted claimed.
Well it's halfway to what I was hoping for. I'll revoke half of my disdain.
Boring fight, but the weapons and armour are great. That would be cool.
Merge the auras
God damn I hope so.
Lao isn't boring. It's, dare I say, epic? The only problem is that people hunt him way too many times and get bored with it. Like Jhen.
>Compare this to MHGU, which is a 3DS port locked at 30FPS that the Switch still has some trouble running in some places, such as the Marshlands zones with a lot of grass.
Thats because the game was a lazy slapped together port by Capcom for a quick buck where they didn't bother unlocking the framerate because it would have been too much effort
guard is such a useful skill against stronger monsters holy shit
>Explosions leave fire puddles
Quick firing but weaker Novas that don't reduce his charge up.
Rehashed them poorly unlike Tri-P3rd and made fucking horrible new weapons. Everyone hated the 1st gen and most 2nd gen monsters.
Then they jumped the shark with Gen.
Praying that they actually got the ape skeleton working in World and the first title update is Rajang
Imagine how much further ahead the series would be by now if it wasn't held hostage on the most underpowered possible platform. The monster count would be at least triple.
>Thats because the game was a lazy slapped together port by Capcom for a quick buck where they didn't bother unlocking the framerate because it would have been too much effort
And in spite of this it still has some noticeable frame drops in certain maps and during online play. Now tell me you unironically think the Switch would be able to handle World when the PS4 frequently dips below 30 FPS and the hub can take almost a minute to load. Has nothing to do with some fake exclusivity deal. World is just poorly optimized and Capcom, like you said, is lazy and would never be able to get it running on Switch.
yeah, we'd have three times as many rathian clones.
The 3DS games were poor, I don't know why women people get so defensive about them.
I know, the psp days were truly awful
How so? I figure weaker hardware meant monsters could be made more easily since they wouldn't have to put as much detail into them
guard, evasion, earplugs etc are all good skills if you're not part of the 0.1% of players interested in competitive solo speedruns
Every missing monster type except Snake Wyverns has some of their basic ass animations present in the game somewhere so it's not totally impossible, but I doubt we're gonna see more skeletons added for now
That being said though,
>Status toads use Tetsucabra/Zamtrios idle and digging animations
>Jagras, and Kulve with her coat on, reuse Leviathan animations
>Crabs in Kulve's lair
>Monkeys in the hot springs
>Popos exist so there's half of Gammoth's animations
Why was Gammoth so forgettable compared to the rest of the Fated Four?
It was slow and didn't have a very interesting moveset. It just kind of stands there and lets you wail on it. Basically it was a worse version of Duramboros.
>And in spite of this it still has some noticeable frame drops in certain maps and during online play.
Yea that was because of laziness. They saw no need to optimize the game because all it existed for is to make some quick cash for Capcom. Its nothing to do with the hardware, its fucking Capcom not giving a damn.
This half assed-ness is also present in their other Switch ports, like RE0 having 15 second loading times between each room making it practically unplayable and were too lazy to fix the audio bugs in the DMC port everyone complained about.
If Capcom cared enough, they could get it running on Switch. (Fucking thing can run Witcher 3 and The Outer Worlds now) The problem is, they don't.
Because his fight is boring and you can't see shit during it with any blademaster weapons
Exactly my point. GU's hub and village aren't hard. It's all the add-on stuff that cranks. Like the advanced village quests, deviants, event quests etc. etc. = all "optional" content. Though I'd argue nothing in a M game is optional since it all feeds into the core gameplay loop. The only difference being one gets a little credit roll for finishing story "I finished the game!!!" People are so fucking simple-minded.
>Why was Banbaro so forgettable compared to the rest of the Fated Four?
I disagree. The new weapons felt unique and monsters like Teostra got a great makeover. Gen wasn't a sharkjumper either since you could customize it.
>*Replaces the fun underwater gimmick that shitters hate with a simplistic mounting system where you button mash for free knockdowns*
>*Rehashes almost the entire roster*
>*Is religiously defended while Tri is shat on*
explain this
They're all forgettable and have awful designs
The Witcher 3 is less performance intensive than MHW, as counter intuitive as that seems.
Try standing in front of it you fucking faggots. The fight gets much more fun and goes by quicker since her trunk takes like 86 cut.
Fuck off MHG is locked 30. post proofs or STFU.
holy fuck you're mad. Atleast Banbaro doesn't stand still for 10 years
Most plebian opinion of all time.
>they could get it running on Switch. (Fucking thing can run Witcher 3
"Run" is a pretty strong word. And also you the witcher isn't a real time action RPG, it's still perfectly playable in 144p slideshow format.
It's better
People got into the series with 4 so they will defend it, despite its problems. It's that simple.
Really? C'mon. We joke about it but the Great is by far the hardest first boss in MH. That leap flies across half the area and takes out 80% of your HP.
Plus the very next rank has Cephadrome. I can't even imagine starting with MHX.
listfag I know you're still seething, but the user asked a GU question, not MHW.
Banbaro is god awful for very different reasons
Everyone hated Teostra, the nova was an awful feature.
And I suppose that 'unique' can be a codeword for 'gimmick'.
>And also you the witcher isn't a real time action RPG
>The Witcher 3 is less performance intensive than MHW
be honest with me
is that a fucking evangelion reference
That really doesn't really change much, its attacks take a year and a half to execute
>And also you the witcher isn't a real time action RPG
>its only a fight if you let it attack you
Trudeau is that you?
Don't forget:
>*has terrible graphics worse than the PSP, which released in 2005*
>*adds lock-on camera because the 3DS has shitty controls*
Witcher 3 is Open World, MHW isn't.
I literally never said it wasn't locked at 30. It fucking is. It runs relatively stable BUT, there are still times the game can lag. I was playing the other day with a friend and when Duramboros did his spinning attack in that one marshlands area full of grass the game felt like it was running at about 12 frames per second.
I love him. He's so aggressive and that ranged explosion dissuaded staying at midrange. hte nova is pretty shit yes but he only gets to use it like once if you solo him fast.
And cover half the area with the snow status.
The Witcher 3 came out three years before MHW and is better optimized. At 2k I get better FPS in TW3 than MHW.
>4cm tall screen at 240p so you have no idea what the fuck is happening in game
Don't make me post the webm of witcher """"combat""""
Gotta get the breaks. Trunkspines are used for a lot of things outside of Gammoth's gear.
>adds lock-on camera because the 3DS has shitty controls*
3U did that, play the games
I hope you're not judging that based on the PC version because we all know Witcher 3 was built for PC in the first place and MHW's launch on PC was disgusting
It’s still real time you fucking mongoloid
>top 2 rows
pretty damn good
>bottom 2 rows
pure fucking cringe
Gotta get the breaks. Trunkspines are used for a lot of things outside of Gammoth's gear.
3U ran at 60FPS on the 3DS with the 3D effect on so technically it still looks better than World did on the PS4 Pro.
4U was the one with the dips. And nobody knows why because 3U proves these games could run fine.
Shut the fuck up tribaby, your game is ASS
Being incompetent and not knowing how to make a good PC port for a AAA Capcom game isn't an excuse
>discount chameleos
>discount zinogre
>poor man's jho
>discount duramb
>generic flying wyvern
>shitty ice rath
>cool skinned doggo
>ehhh I guess it's ok...
>cool concept and design shitty fight
>looks awful
>worst lao
>pretty bad final boss
>unfun multiplayer boss
then I'll just bait the trunkslam and break them. The whole fight is braindead
Do you even know what real time means?
>worst lao
Nothing is worse than Lao
MHW has to keep the entire map loaded at once, something MT Framework wasn't designed for. It's much more performance intensive than TW3 and gets lower FPS counts.
I know, because Capcom didn't give a shit
Not him but it isn't. It's still one of the most important titles in the franchise together with MH1 and World. The changes were huge despite autists complaining about nocontent.
Some of those autists still buy high rank games to whine, for some reason.
>Games finally move to stronger hardware
>Monster designs immediately become less varied and less interesting all around
I'll take a smaller number of interesting new monsters over a larger number of uninteresting new monsters.
That is not more resource demanding or performance intensive. That's just shoddy programmming
>locked 30
choose one
>>The Witcher 3 is less performance intensive than MHW
Yes based shiggy diggy baseball bat man, Witcher 3 is less performance intensive than World. It's a game that came out 3 years prior. The recommended hardware needed to run the game at max settings according to the steam specs page is the absolute bare minimum to play World.
I don't hate swimming but in all honesty I think the jumping gimmick worked and meshed with the regular ground gameplay better. That, an interesting roster of newcomers and a slew of QoL features puts 4U ahead of 3U for me. But it's a close match, 3U is still really good.
I said; SHUT THE FUCK UP TRIBABY, no one cares about your shitty opinions, but other tribabies.
shoddy programming makes things more resource demanding and performance intensive you stupid fucker
At least you can kill Lao.
Gammoth supposed to be high risk / high reward fight, hitting trunk and face. People usually hit legs then moan its a boring fight. Well... of course!
Nothing is worse than Lao. I don't give a fuck that I can kill Lao. The fight is boring
So if a developer "lock" a game's framerate they can just avoid all of the hardware limitations/poor optimization and their game will run flawlessly?
Lock is just a synonymous term for capped. The game will not run over 30 frames per second even if it could. You can't limit a game's minimum frames per second.
You are fucking retarded.
Every MH has had its share of good and bad monsters.
FU, 3U and 4U are all basically indentical and undeniably 10/10
XX is in every way superior to 4U, but it came out so much later that it's hard to judge obecjtively. Lots of "been there; done that".
>It's a game that came out 3 years prior
You act as if age is a determination of how much performance intensive a game is.That's like saying BOTW is more performance intensive than Witcher 3 because it came out 2 years later.
MHW's recommended hardware also probably takes into account the state it was when it released on PC and your PC had to brute force it to get it to run decently. Or maybe Capcom can't optimize worth a shit
but I can break the trunk and face by baiting the slams. Again, the fight is boring. Barely any moves and they're all easy to tell.
Stop defending a boring monster, a boring fight, and a boring design. Compared to the other fated four, this one sticks out like a sore thumb
>synonymous term for capped
fuck off
>12 days until gamescom
If we're being fair the monkeys have the best chance, especially with them riding the 2nd gen boner for Iceborne so hard.
I want the water elder to be Amatsu though.
Oh man, a Monster Hunter thread! I sure am glad that we can have discussions about my favorite franchise without console wars and gen wars like we're some sort of Pokemon thread!
I said that I'm not him, I literally never had a Wii or touched Tri. P3rd and 3U told all the story since they were all built on it, plus 4th gen was also just gen 3.5
well no shit, they couldn't reuse the PS2 models like every other game
>two of the six maps in 4 are the same map but in two alternative forms
>G-Rank doesn't introduce a brand new map, just a modified version of the Old Desert
>XX is in every way superior to 4U
>lacks Gog
>lacks Dalamadur
>lacks soulful monster intros
No, it's ok but no
It will drop tomorrow. Last trailer dropped on a thursday
Did they fix Amatsu in XX or is it the same boring shitstain it was in P3rd?
Yes Framerate locking is the same thing as framerate capping unless you'd like to provide some examples of games that break the rules of how hardware works and have minimum framerates.
That’s too much to ask from autists.
That's not an excuse for the lack of variety.
Those are all bad though, especailly the LONG, UNSKIPPABLE INTROS that ALWAYS spoil the monster's best attack.
Can you believe they SHOW YOU Gypceros will fake his death? What the FUCK. Might as well have Chameleos not be invis- OH WAIT.
I'm glad I was playing MH instead. I had fun.
We're not talking about World, you could skip everything in 4U
Except you can skip them in 4U.
>high risk/ high reward
that goes to Astalos when trying to get the tail. Gammoth is no risk, all reward
It's a good one solely because its new assets other than skeletons. This is a yearly release series so they hadn't got much time to work on. Iceborne and MH6 should be the sweet spot like FU was after MH1 and Dos
>you're going to hunt a monster at the very least a dozen of times in MH
>the first time you get to see a 60 seconds cutscene
Looks like utility phails are back on the menu boys.
Is Khezu a juvenile White Fatalis? here are the facts that say yes, yes it is a juvenile White Fatalis.
>both are white
>both control electricity
>both have high pitched roars
>both have wings
>both palpitate red
>both have very long necks
>both are neets that won't leave their place
>they are always seen in the same games
>Red Khezu = Juvenile Crimson Fatalis
>both despise humanity and rape huntresses
*have to do mandatory unique fern kelbi horn deliery quests and small monster slaying for 30 minutes before you can actually fight anything*
heh... at least i didn't have to watch a cutscene.
You're forgetting something. 2G is the 6th game. MH1, G, P, 2, and P2nd had happened already.
Variety fags are lost causes though because they showed up 10 years late riding PSP asset dumps. They're the kind of people that don't even understand that Zinogre was the only Fanged Wyvern before World, and now that's a category that's been expanded unlike the crabs that have only been Herm and Cen recolored endlessly.
That only explains the lower number of new monsters, not why they're less varied and interesting. Tri and 4 had even smaller batches of new monsters but they're both much more varied than World despite that.
Here are the facts that goes against you
>Fatalis is in
>Khezu isn't
Locked doesn't go above or below. Capped means it doesn't pass a threshold but can drop way below threshold. Now fuck off you fucking dribbling spastic, kys.
>gog is bad
>possibly the best big monster fight in the series is bad
yeah okay
No you couldn't. Eat shit and die.
5 minutes of tutorial is better than a pace-ruining cutscene before hunting every monster in the game.
It's the same excuse they had for Tri, and it's a valid one in both cases
Tri had to remake a bunch of shit from scratch for the returning monsters but they had more variety with a few new types of monsters included. Half the weapon types were cut because of the amount of modeling work and retooling for underwater combat.
World took the opposite approach where they focused on getting more monsters in but because of that they mostly went for Wyverns, and no new skeletons. Instead of cutting half the weapon types they just used more generic base iron/bone designs for half the weapons.
Would I like for there to be more? Sure but as Tri showed they can easily milk like 8 games out of World as a base just like they did with Tri, and more content will come woth that.
Quite based, if i do say so myself
>5 minutes
Welcome to MH threads since 3U, when MH shared a platform with Pokemon.
Stay tuned too for monster power level autists who treat them like their favorite character in a shounen and those who spam the entire thread with HES IN or NO [monster] NO BUY because Smashfags have to infect everything
>Locking a minimum framerate
How do you do this? I feel bad for giving you (you)s since this is likely bait but I actually want to explain this. If the Switch's hardware can't run the game at 30 frames per second during a certain fight, how do you still lock it to 30?
Fuck off listfag.
Why are you lying about videogame cutscenes on the internet?
Khezu is /in/ as DLC, just like White Fatalis.
Coincidence? I think not.
The two in XX shit all over it and even Goldbeard/that Fatalis thing in 3U were better.
Gog is alright. He's not very fun to fight though because it's hard to reach his vitals.
I still haven't tried FU because I got filtered because it was my first MH and didn't like the controls
Should I get back to it? I played 4U XX and MHW
Revisionist history. You could only skip online cutscenes for elder dragons and that's only if other people agreed to as well.
holy shit this thread is worse than mhg
How the hell did you manage that
If by varied and interesting you mean stupid anime dogshit like Astalos and Valstrax then thank fuck there's fewer of those.
Only if you are man enough to endure a real hunting game.
only if you really want to fight yama tsukami
all of the rest its content exists in a superior state in all of the games you played.
No, /mhg/ is fucking worse. Give that general a look. Yea Forums atleast gets some good MH threads with a few of them being shitpost central. Meanwhile, /mhg/ just keeps getting worse
At least we don't have that one autist shilling portable third pretending it's difficult
Is he still around?
die listfag
I don't know, you tell me. Only shit you could skip was Dalamadur and Gog if everyone agreed. Offline shit you're stuck.
GU is still at heart a 3DS game. It runs at a capped 30 FPS for 3DS crossplay in Japan. Its not optimize for the Switch at all outside Japan because Capcom couldn't give a damn to optimize well enough or even unlock the framerate even though we never got the 3DS version.
Nah, that's replaced with someone shilling XX and pretending its difficult
>since 3U
lol no, things only started going to shit when X was announced
>If the Switch's hardware can't run the game at 30 frames per second
Its not the Switch's hardware. Its Capcom's lazy optimizers
proof of game falling below 30 or STFU
>We hit Bump Limit with less than a 100 unique ips
A moron for a wise man? We are moving up in the world. Perhaps MH can still be saved.
I fucking know it's capped at 30 but the faggot I'm replying to is saying the framerate CANNOT drop below 30 because it's "locked" Jesus Christ why do you people even reply if you don't know the context?
>not the version with the moustache
Good, we're improving
Ah yes, when you first came to these threads. Surely every moment before you joined were perfect.
lmao delusion
youve literally never done extremoth and i can tell by this post
MHXX and GU would be improved by 200% if Capcom put them on an actual console.
Lingering hitboxes are cancer
>locked because "muh crossplay" even though no official source has ever said this
>Runs on the same engine as 4U which had uncapped framerate and crossplay between old and new 3ds models with different framerates
>3U had crossplay between a home console and a 3DS which both ran the game at different average framerates as well, also uncapped
why do you faggots love to defend Capcom? why can't you just say they're too lazy and incompetent to uncap it?
still no proofs of MHGU dropping below 30
most weapon descriptions are just memes written by the blacksmith, do you think all the things they say make any sense?
new bread. Learn to stop biting bait next time
better hardware can't fix laziness user
Fuck off revisionist.
Either that or drop your delusion.
Vitafag still seething 7 years later
I’ve never owned a vita so stay mad negrolord
Don't like to a clean thread in one filled with shitposting you muppet
Yea because you sold it because it never got MH or any games on it and now you're still seething
I’m offended but flattered that you’re confusing me with someone else
Maybe all Vitafags think the same
you would have to be an extreme nostalgiafag to think anythings worse than lao