porn mods when
Daggerfall thread
Other urls found in this thread:
It has begun
Why does everything need porn
>accidentally strip my character
>have to jack off
I manage to miraculously saved my character from the corrupt files
Because no matter how you put it porn is not good for you
The elder scrolls need nudity back, I truly believe those who make nude/porn mods are only keeping the original greatness of the games going.
Life is not good for you, it ends in death. Retarded logic.
Away christian the boys just wanna have fun, you have your shitty underwear mods and no nudity options
t. Gayle
Dragontail, Dragontail Mountains... home.
Corruption of Champions
in Daggerfall
Because my penis demands it, also, why not?
there is your answer
damn yucksters
>Rest well this night, for tommorrow
>You will sail to the kingdom
>Of Daggerfall
>living in a capital
How gouch
Shoulnt be too hard, only problem is that the combat would get interrupted constantly.
Now this is based
Is there a way to make holding a mouse button do continuous attacks? I can't stand combat being such a clickfest and swinging your mouse isn't much better.
PLEASE, there aren't nearly enough games that let you transform into and then play as a monstergirl.
Its extremely good
It liberate us from 3DPD
vampire or werewolf
Enchanced AI, on or off?
Volvo is so much stronger.
Cease and desist letter by Bethesda in 3...2...
It's a mod so they can fuck right off. He was super clever about using the base game for all the resources instead of repackaging them.
bethesda is the chillest company about this sort of thing they would never CD it
Why would they do that? Yea Forums's been sperging about TES again for 2 weeks straight with this.
>requires a license for the original to play
>doesn't repackage any assets
they're 100% safe mate
T-thanks, it's not like I wanted to this particular main quest.
Yea Forums just wants to hate Bethesda and they're tired of the usual memes.
Is it just me or do the enemies do alot more damage in this version than in the original?
How is your GAMER not censored?
The game is fucking free from Bethesda themself
pawn shops
Itinerant adventurers might try to buy them, but make sure their CON is high enough.
Thank you, I promise not to underuse that power.
Where do you find those?
Well this thread is off to a good start
Are the controls still fubar?
You can, and probably should, remap everything. So no? Unless there's something you're talking about specifically.
Unironically this.
What was the command to teleport to dungeon entrance again?
>[email protected]
>Bethesda fucking with their greatest asset, the modding community
If they did that, they might as well declare bankruptcy right there and then.
if you type help into the console it will show you everything. tele2exit
>try to rest before going into dungeon
>get attacked by zombies twice
>try to rest again
>get attacked by a wereboar
>fuck this
>go to a inn nearby
>rest in room
>"there are enemies nearby"
>attacked by a fucking zombie inside the inn
Thanks Todd
This. Bethesda doesn't make games. It makes modbait and then later repackages good mods for expansion.
Did you forgot the paid mods diasaster already?
I mean that attacking had this weird drag-drop-while-pressing thing as a control instead of just clicking
It's optional. Honestly I'd prefer if instead of toggling RNG swing type in response to a single click that they give it mountainblade controls (no locked camera and a directional prompt and or using movement) or something like that.
That said I have no idea how hard that might be. Still it would be better.
it still has that, but you can decrease the movement required by editing an .ini file, and you can use a standard click to attack. that option won't always use the best attack though, and you can't influence the attack direction, it just swings sideways in my experience
How else are you goidg to utilize different attack types? It was the same in Morrowind, except instead of dragging you used movement buttons.
Leveling a mage so fucking easy, just make cheapest spell possible for every school and spam them in tavern for 2 months to get all skills to 100 and advance to level 15. Being a mage was supposed to be hard.
maybe your potions are too strong for adventurers to buy them
>it just swings sideways in my experience
Nah it cycles. I use it exclusively now. Still not ideal but less annoying/painful
>being a mage was supposed to be hard
said who?
All of a sudden I started getting no response from people after going to a dungeon
Like literally everyone, evne the Mage's Guild chaps I'm a journeyman with for some reason.Is it a bug?
yea but that's boring and tedious AF
I love 2D women and have no plans to ever breed with 3D.
Where can I find adventurers that buy them?
You must have caught autism. Check for diseases.
ah sweet, i only used it once for a quick shot to see how it works. i might go back to it, i don't care about min-maxing or whatever
3d women are nice too user
>minmaxing in a single player RPG
The pyramid below is filled with water and 4 magically sealed doors. Does anyone know where the switch is to open the doors? I've checked everywhere.
Just use a fast weapon and it's irrelevant anyway. You'll cycle to something useful. Besides the real minmaxing is stat grind and character creation. I really barely see the difference in strike types.
Said every RPG ever. Mage is fucking weak at start and needs a lot of effort to become powerful unstoppable force of destruction. In Daggerfall you just become NEET in tavern room and spam same spell for days and you emerge as a demi-god.
Minmaxing is fun. Learning mechanics and exceeding limitations is a lot of fun for people. Besides it's one way to earn your powerwank rp - by actually being powerful (relatively).
So If I don't use mods is it still better to play the dosbox version?
Doesn't that make sense lorewise? A talented imperial agent studies magic and slowly makes his way up the ranks in the local guild. Eventually they earn knowledge of spell craft and then sequesters themselves away for months on end. When they reemerge they are powerful mystical masters ready dominate reality itself.
What the fugg, apparently I activated it at some point because the doors open now. Funny I never even saw the switch.
>cuмbrains have reached Daggerfall
Is there really not enough porn out there for you? I would think oblivion and skyrim would be enough to satiate someone for a lifetime
only if you have a windows 98 pc or your nostalgia goggles blur your vision.
Back to Twitter, tranny.
Either or.
Cope harder incel, nofap won't magically fix your life.
Anons this is serious damn it, I literally can't talk with anyone and it's always the same prompt with everyone
You are in dialog mode, right?
And you can't even talk to people in the street?
>inb4 you're in info mode
>t. addict trying to bring others down
Aye, I know what I'm doing.I'm in dialogue mode and it's the same even when I choose the Talk option from those who give you options like shops and teachers etc.
It's always ''You get no response'' for whatever reason, and it just started happening abruptly.
>the entire town literally decided to shun you
user this is fantasy. You're supposed to play a role not self-insert.
Have you gone to other towns and regions to see if the issue persists?
Its a Bethesda game, do you really have to ask if it's a bug? save often and keep a couple old saves
Aye, it's not about a specific place or a caste
As I have said, I'm even a journeyman with 21 rep in Mage's guild and it's the same line
Wouldnt people use different lines if it was a reputation bug anyways?
Not if you've somehow bottomed out?
I was just wondering if somehow what triggered the cascade was regional rather than global. Interesting glitch at least. Also this:
I tend to have 3 saves for a dungeon (start and two inside) and 3 for town (return, inside, leave).
Better to be safe right?
That's true, but it's dumb to bitch about how easy it is to do x or y because most games like this weren't designed to be maximally balanced and resistant to abuse. If someone wanted to use their own time spamming low level spells to become an arch mage without ever leaving the inn, then that's the player's prerogative.
So I did a quick search of the code and one case in which it does exactly what you describe is when it thinks you're a lycanthrope in beast form.
Seems like people have reported this issue with vanilla daggerfall. Someone said he fixed it by using a save editor.
It is dumb to bitch, to an extent. You can power level a lot of skills without much effort. At least using weaker spells in dungeons makes some level of sense...
On the other hand it wouldn't be impossible to somehow moderate the method of leveling somehow. I'm not him and I used a crypt to level a misc skill of guild ranks so I can hardly talk
Sure but
A:I have done nothing evil to bottom my rep other than maybe letting 2 random quest timers run out
B:This was after coming back from a dungeon and doing a different quest too so rep being that low is a bit absurd
C:The last save is really far back in time thanks to dungeons being so long
Now that is prime bullshit because I'm not a werewolf let alone in the beast form
Thanks, I'll try to find that then.If not, just cheat through the stats I have lost and the quests.
And even after that failed horribly they never resorted to taking down mods or forced people to sell them
>he doesn't save before leaving a dungeon
That's gotta hurt mate.
Oh, has your affiliation changed or is it simply the reaction?
>AppData\LocalLow\Daggerfall Workshop\Daggerfall Unity\Saves
The "FactionData" file in each save contains a list of all factions and your reputation with them. If anything's really weird about your rep you might be able to find out what there.
It doesn't.
Good Jesus poster.
What do you mean "no respone" like they're being dicks and refuse to talk to you or can you not even open the talk menu?
this is harmless, you're thinking about high speed internet porn
what places or items should i look for to make bank?
i need to save money to summon the daedra
fucking jewish witches
Steal books and sell them
i might be a werewolf, but i'm no thief
no sir
Talk menu straight up doesnt open and I get a prompt saying ''You get no response''
It's one of the lines when you have really low rep but even then there are supposed to be variations and even the guild I have a good rep in says the same.
Checked it, slightly low for Daggerfall but even then not bottomed out or something
Time to go back a lot of saves and cheat
no matter they couldnt handle my poitons
why can't elder scrolls return to the days of casual nudity without mods
Only cuckold porn where you watch other guy fuck a woman.
Nowhere. Potions can't be sold.
What's all this? I just sell to shops. What am I missing out on?
Welcome to the internet, enjoy your life above the rock you've called home for two decades.
There's literally no shop that buys them.
I meant adventurers, or are they just talking about the stores branded with adventurer
Not even potion sellers?
I don't even know what adventurers are.
Those only sell potions. I can't select a potion of my own.
>I don't even know what adventurers are
Generally speaking they look for profitable ventures, mysterious intrigues and swashbuckling confrontations.
In this game I mean.
Anyone tried to go for max level? Does simultaneusly raising 6 skills that increase level from 99 to 100 still work so I dont get capped at 95 with other skills?
Christian parents
Pretty sure the Unity version is always better as long as your PC is less than 10 years old.
I played this like two years ago and I made custom spells so powerful that I was literally flying while having shields and had regeneration that basically made me immortal. I had daedric enchanted daggers that could one hit literally daedric lords.
That freedom made daggerfall amazing to me.
> .au
War. War never changes.
bait harder
One of the giant killing missions is spawning infinite giants for me. I can't even rest to restore my mana.
Why bother? He got your dumb ass.
Holy fuck man, being a werewolf is a serious buff in this game compared to all the others, even when not morphing
Why couldnt they let us have that in the other ones?This isn't fair.
Daggerfall is the only game with fully implemented Vampirism and Lycanthropy in the base game. Actually it's the only one with fully implemented lycanthropy at all since in Morrowind it's relegated to the expac island and in Skyrim it's tied to the circlejerk faction.
I don't know why this is something they can't just get right anymore.
David had the solution, but we never listened and now it's too late.
Its a free fucking game from bethesda themselves retard.
Not only that but you need the original untouched version to run this.
Please kill yourself.
It wasnt that bad in morrowind even if it was ''lol lackluster expansion material''
Skyrim lycantrophy was straight up a disadvantage, even after that stupid expansion and just not worth it
It's like the internet was made just for us. No one can match us in prominence or notoriety.
Is it normal for the Real Grass mod to cripple your FPS for a few seconds whenever the game loads a cell?
Wow the internet really hasn't changed in 30 years
How do I interact objects with a loaded spell? In the original game I could open doors and loot bodies, now I cast the spell instead.
Why is accessing the library behind a higher rank in the mages guild?
What benefits do books offer in DF?
Define few seconds?
It happens to me but it's like 1 second
I think I may have found a bug or there's some back-end fuckery going on for me. High Elves are supposed to have an immunity to paralysis, correct? I believe the character creator underflow thing has been addressed in the unity version, but with or without abusing underflow, my High Elf character can still be paralyzed by spiders and scorpions and shit. For reference, I'm using the DaggerfallSetup files with unofficial bug fixes, has anyone else run into this problem?
>full access to the mystic knowledge and LORE of the mages guild
>something to give to initiates
You're not thinking with your roleplay hat user
did you take the disadvantage + answered a question about weakness with critical weakness against paralysis?
isn't all porn watching people fuck?
by your logic if you watch porn at all you're a cuck
even drawn shit cause its fantasy cuckolding
hell even non sex solo shit your just coveting shit you cant have
pure cuck shit
hell having desires you cant fullfil is pretty cucked dude
everyone is a cuck
gamer is filtered, sorry m8
>Isn't all porn watching people fuck?
Oh you sweet naive child.
Well if we think literally then the human brain should not become accustom to getting aroused at the sight of others being intimate.
So while in passing yes one often self inserts as an actor or sees the situation outside of relational dynamics he is right in that it is, undeniably creating a strange wiring in the brain where stimulation comes from seeing desirable people sleeping with others.
Happened to me too
Grass looked really unfitting to me with the retro textures so i disabled it
Guess which nationality made DF Unity? :^)
Seriously? Sweet.
lowercase 'L' = uppercase 'i'
For this character, I did not take the critical weakness to paralysis disadvantage, nor picked the weakness in the biography questionnaire. I don't know why my immunity isn't being checked against spiders and scorpions.
I think I read it in some other thread, that it's a bug in the current alpha version
IIRC Immunity as a whole is bugged out
That's a cute young boy
Sometimes life can be nice. Now to think how to enchant this badboy.
I'm liking your aesthetic user.
I remember some user saying that if you become a vampire it fucks up a lot of quests of guilds...why? because the game treats you as dead when you turn into a if you were already in a guild and had rep before turning....they would no longer recognize you for your position. its not they they hate and now distrust you, they literally forgot who you are...
He's running the "Dr Doom" build
Oh it's a pre-established build? Fuck him then. Besides he needs a green cloak for it to be doom and a silver or steal helm.
I take EVERYTHING back
>Oh it's a pre-established build?
Nah I made the name up
(I'm aussie btw)
Thanks, I'm a sucker for robes, and the fact that I can wear plate and robes at same time is a dream come true.
Post kniggers
Jerking off is gay because you are ejaculating touching a dick
Oh wow when did this happen?
Well good to see it actually. Fuck shitty forced memes probably spammed by some faggot redditor or other "raider"
Cumgamers need all the dopamine they can get to distract them from their pathetic lives
>(I'm aussie by the way)
Go to sleep you fucking NEET. We're supposed to be in bed right now.
It's a good look and not something I expected either. Then again I didn't expect that you could wear more than one cloak
If their lives are pathetic, do they not deserve their dopamine? Not every person is going to lead a fulfilling and productive life, contribute to society or change the world in any impactful way. In fact most people won't.
Why should we suffer more than we have to?
>Go to sleep you fucking NEET.
Getting some drinks into me user, you should be doing the same
Double cloaked Kniggers
Holy shit, you are fucking awesome.
Why is everyone talking about Daggerfall again? Did anything new happen?
t. haven't been on Yea Forums for weeks
a stable build of daggerfall unity came out
Guy built some tools to read all the original files and have them run in Unity instead. Game runs well in a modern 3d engine now, also now with modding support so people are making some cool shit.
How feature complete is it? Are there any missing gameplay stuff or is the base game there?
Sounds awesome.
100% base game iirc. Check the road map:
haven't been able to progress much cause of work...
Early game is the best anyway.
I want to to a mace for my next build.
>How feature complete is it?
Game can be completed. There are bugs, but the game is "done".
Between now and the release of 1.0 are just bug fixes. If you want some quality of life improvements or some cool mods, check out these two forum boards:
>Released mods (Mods approved by the admin)
>Creators corner
Why am I not getting promotions on my new character? I have like 50 rep with the mages and fighter's guilds and have done about 5 quests for each faction and my associated skills for both factions are in the 30-40 range and I'm STILL the first rank, I know you can't get promoted twice in a month.
I think you can only go up a rank every month
Thanks anyways, I'll just have to get by with my Free Action spell.
Yes I said that in my post. I am the first rank still in every guild.
What happens if I take Critical Weakness to Paralysis as High Elf? Does it negate my racial immunity or it has no effect?
This is copy-pasted from the unofficial DF unity discord:
"A High Elf has a 100% resistance against paralysis. All other races have only 50% resistance against paralysis.
Selecting Critical Weakness to Paralysis will lower resistance by 50%. Low Tolerance to Paralysis will lower resistance by 25%.
So a High Elf with Critical Weakness to paralysis still ends up with a 50% resistance. Every other race with the same affliction will have a 0% resistance to paralysis. The High Elf is still better off than any other race with the same disadvantage, but not as resistant as most others of their kind."
>sent to clear out werebeast from some dungeon
>dungeon consists of a corridor going in a circle back to the entrance with only a single room to enter
>that room has a cage in front of the entrance so I can't get in
>start humping walls looking for a solution but find nothing
>can see more doors in the blocked room
Help a retard out here Yea Forums, what do I do to not fail this mission, can I break the cage somehow?
It's been asked a lot of times in these threads. Basically they negate each other so you're no more weak to paralysis than any other race if you pick both. So picking altmer is still kinda cheesy since you get free difficulty dagger movement with no negative effects. Also altmer is only immune to magical paralysis, meanwhile immunity to paralysis perk seems to work for everything as my new character picked it and has never been paralyzed by the mobs that my high elf was getting paralyzed by.
Mods for actual 3d enemies and townspeople when?
A switch raises the cage, might be a hidden door too so pay attention to map as it shows hidden doors. Use the teleport to quest command in console if you're ABSOLUTELY sure you can't figure it out and that will help you out.
Thanks a lot, I hadn't realised torches could be hidden switches.
2d sprites = soul
3d models = souless
I'm in the same boat, picked high elf for that immunity, then discovered it's fucked, but had already invested enough work in that character to not care
>I'll just have to get by with my Free Action spell.
I also recommend getting a magical item with free action enchantment for those times when you're out of mana and get paralyzed by some bugfaggit
Are you suggesting Jesus wouldn't love porn?
The man used to hang out with prostitutes all the time!
>Why would I tell you anything about that?
>I don't like your kind, [race]
>I gotta go
>I don't like that tone of yours
>Why don't you ask someone who cares?
>You're that villain, [name]! Why telling you would be like telling Clavicus Vile himself!
>You [race] are always bothering us hard working folk for help. Go away.
Ok so never, thank you for letting me know that Daggerfall will always be a waste of time to play. Have a good day!
24/7 online shilling
Skeleton warrior voice.
>Resurgence of Daggerfall discussion makes me want to play TES games
>I somehow only own Base Skyrim on Steam
>"Legendary Edition" is 40 fucking dollars
>I'll look up the Anthology instead
Man, Daggerfall is full of qts. The population around Daggerfall/Hammerfell probably breed like rabbits.
Okay, and what about Critical Weakness to Magic? What does it really affect?
daggerfall is free
oblivion and morrowind GOTY editions are like 15 bucks each on gog
and daggerfall is of course free
Bretons are an entire race of half-breeds, so their existence relied on fucking like rabbits.
Smaller dungeons tweak is pretty dope. The dungeons are still very big but not excessively so, I don't think it does anything to story dungeons either. If you guys wanna try it just edit your settings.ini file located in appdata/locallow/daggerfallworkshop/daggerfall unity
I haven't had any buggy quest items or problems with this setting, just make sure to enable this while you're in TOWN.
Why are Skyrim and the Anthology still so expensive, though?
This person is incapable of paying a measly 40 freedom bux, point and laugh at his misfortune.
Nudity, sex, and other adult situations are things that many people find interesting in certain types of games, but are avoided by the industry, even in games with adult theme, because they limit the range of your product.
Modders don't have to worry about these things, about consumer market, about profit, about cultural customs, about receptivity, and can do whatever they want.
It is not so difficult to understand this.
This is a fantastic feature and makes dungeon crawling much more enjoyable.
I don't think the Anthology collection is produced anymore, that's why.
Multiplayer mod when?
I want to become the king of Chesterwark and kill all Redguards who try to come to my city.
Yes it's amazing for all the random busywork quests. Seems to make the objective spawning better too from limited testing, and there's still plenty to explore! Really digging it right now. You can just run more dungeons instead of spending twice as long in the same one
Now I'm just waiting for a mod to add more variety to dungeons, those same corridors and empty rooms become boring quickly.
>rape dungeon mods
Same man, same. I'd also like more size variety, like small or really large ones at random. Hopefully more mods start appearing soon
Because some of the most creative and competent content in modding communities have come from porn mods.
It's just another avenue for the creative process.
I didn't know greentext was a thing in the 90s.
more like faggerballs
I can't stop playing this fucking thing
Well id buy Skyrim if it wasnt stil full PC game price, at least.
>Hey, it's free brand exposure.
with the huge ass map a daggerfall mmo would actually make sense,but it should have no fast travel,other than region to region
Thanks man. I was waiting for this for so long.
Any recommended mods?
Its free real estate
>900k for a single floor house
just like real life
>Town has 2 general stores and no inn
>Town is just an inn
Just get a boat. It's objectively superior.
>>You're that villain, [name]! Why telling you would be like telling Clavicus Vile himself!
It's somewhat fun when you know Todd did the voice for Clavicus Vile in Oblivion and, I believe, redguard.
>Who's laughin now
I think I fixed the main quest from breaking, but could someone tell me if I'm correct in saying that you start the painting theft quest after the missing prince one?
you're probably in info or steal mode, you gatta be in grab or dialog mode
>town is named The Something and Something Inn
>has one tavern
>it has different name
Imagine still playing the DOS version
happened to me quest givers should still talk to you but you're not getting any info from people so move to another region
The previous tavern burned and to avoid bad mojo, the owner rebuilt under a different name.
To be fair bethesda didn't cause the damage to the modding community, the modders destroyed eachother during that. Not that paid mods was ever gonna work.
>they might as well declare bankruptcy right there and then
you're absolutely wrong
did you watch the e3 this year? people were applauding when they introduced npcs as a fucking feature in fallout 76
they would swallow anything thrown at them
is it me or tedious fast travel is buggy as fuck
forgot pic
You cant go faster than your computer can generate the terrain or youll fall off the world.
What mods do you use, user?
On an unrelated note, my game also freezes when I try to close it in any way
Annoying as fuck
i use a whole bunch
some of the shit in dream is really bad so disable what you don't like
I didn't copy the .manifest or .json files on my mods folder. Do I need them? I don't know what they do.
I just got out the first dungeon then went to the closest town and some woman told me to kill vermins inside her house, so I went there and fucking giant mage scorpions started appearing and I can kill maybe 1 before I'm fucked up. What the fuck?
Also, is talking to NPCs basically useless unless you happened to get a quest? They always say the same thing.
using mods that do the same shit at the same time
Jesus christ you are a genius
Delete dream modes apart from maybe the sounds, huds and music ones
Even then the mod is ugly imho
i think so
you can ask for news they can also tell you who's offering quests
obviously i disable what i don't use or what's in conflict with something else, tard
Sorry but the soul meme changed focus.
Low poly models are now soul.
>Authorities changed the name of the whole town just to spite the inns owner
>The inn is going to burn down and they changed the town's name to avoid bad mojo
>The town is going to burn down and the bar owner changed the taverns name to pre-avoid bad mojo
>The rest of the town is actually an inn in itself
Where the hell is Longford? Searching for locations in this game is a pain in the ass.
Does it not show up when you type it in Find?
I think there is a mute command in the console try that
Nigga, he himself abstained from human desires to be fit as a Messiah. He was hanging out with low lifes to teach them there was a better way.
A couple of times I've found these enchanted items that are marked as quest ones with green icon. So they can't be identified or sold. And after some time they disappear completely. What are these exactly?
>town is just a temple of dibella full of really horny dudes
alright so I went into this dungeon and there is just a random brick wall here, can I do something with it or what? I mean I can still go through the dungeon but I want to do whatever with this first, also it makes a sound if I interact with it, like a very faint sound that sounds kinda like a door opening.
I tried playing it on Dosbox or whatever and the controls were way too awful,is this thing better?
Run through it.
Also known as Yea Forums
>open travel map
>select province
>press 'f'
>search "longford"
it won't let me, I just run into it until I start climbing
also if I click it too much I take damage.
How do I get back to the first dungeon? I fast travelled to it but I can't find the entrance.
>its literally impossible to travel in Arena
How the hell was Tamriel even settled
some sort of snow bug.
>do random quest
>get shit gold
>random enemy from quest appears because I went too fast
>kill him
>fucking full chain armour and a steel curiass
>300 gold
>I'm only lvl 2
It wasn't a forced meme. It was retaliation against faggot lewd spammers that flood every single thread with off topic bullshit
>3 ''aaa what is this [new obvious forced memeword] threads before anyone even uses it
How the hell do I find out the power of magic items? I got a magic ring that doesn't say what it does and now I got a magic amulet that gave me this icon on the left with no explanation whatsoever.
Why would you ever want to?
I'm trying to get a silver weapon to fight some ghost.
Nigga how old are you, you never heard about ''identifying''?Take it to someone who can identify a magic object, all mage's guild offices have them
this is the worst game I've ever seen
So this is how chim looks like
Info mode in your inventory magically reveals information about your items.
indetify it in the mages guild or craft a identify spell
>for me, it's [insert generic gook drawn lewd]
>you're gonna buy her game, right?
>I wanna FUCK [insert generic gook drawn lewd]
>[insert generic gook drawn lewd] is my wife!
Fuck off redditor
It's weird right? It's like if someone walked up to a sink and didn't know what the knobs did. It's so ubiquitous to old school RPGs even though I know why some people don't know it.
wait wtf, why is gamer censored
Gamer onions basedboi
wait onions is a censored word? what was it?
Is that Lyn?
Can you still get infected by vampirism or lycanthropy even with desease immunity?
those diseases have a fixed rate of inflicting
Black sauce that asian people use it in their cuisine
is gamer a new one i didn't notice yet?
>playing morrowind
>get free action spell
>cant cast it because im paralyzed
wtf Todd
i thought onions turned to based?
>town has 3 general stores and 3 inns
>they are separated with all the stores together and all the taverns together on opposite sides of town with a row of houses inbetween
it's both
What's a good website for Daggerfall mods?
by itself its onions, if theres no space after, i.e. in conjuction with another word, it turns to based, like basedboy
Did this version introduce new bugs or something? A lot of people in these threads seem to experience a lot of glitches. I played through the entire game several months ago on an earlier version (weapon enchanting and becoming werewolf not implemented among a few other things)and experienced no bugs that I can recall.
I did install base Daggerfall WITH the extra patches options despite the unity developers not recommending that. Perhaps that would actually be best if you are experiencing problems despite that statement? I think I would recommend a reinstall with the extra patches if you get gamebreaking bugs.
>the giant scorpion sprites
>turn on updated AI
>AI becomes wise to your whiff baiting
>walks back to bait you into getting in range
>bops you when you're just about to get close enough to hit
>chases after you when it thinks you're no longer whiff baiting
>combat becomes all about footsies
wtf i love Tekkenfall now!
Sex is a fundamental part of life.
there are probably some new bugs in alpha but also keep in mind a fuck load of people here are playing with a shit ton of mods which might also introduce problems.
there exists a subset of people who can not stop thinking, talking or posting about porn. people who truly lack a life. we all lack lives here, sure, but those people are virtually dead. their personalities are that of a concrete wall.
there was a word for these people but it was censored as to not hurt their feelings
but the truth is, these people don't have feelings for anything but their waifus. not anymore
>have 100 rep with mage's guild
>still stuck at evoker, can't access anything other than spellmaker and the library
You only rank up every month. Also you beed certain skills to rank up as well. If you arent actuslly that good at magic you wont rank up despite rep.
It takes 28 days in game or 20 quests completed to update your rankings. Also, there are magic skill requirements for each rank. You can see the skill requirements at the wiki.
any way to make interaction mode switching less annoying? I'd love just a single key cycler but that doesn't seem possible.
You dont actually need to switch between interaction modes anymore.
Just change the hotkey? It's not that big of a deal. I use 2 and 3 to swap from talking and inspecting for example.
Which Knightly Orders and Temples are the best in your opinion, user?Why?
You need to change to info if you want to see building names and steal mode to lockpick or pickpocket
Knight of the Rose and Akatosh Temple for true Wayrest patriots. Fuck Daggerfall and fuck niggers
Next time I play Ill go for something more obscure I think and work my craft in some small region and put off the main quest for a long time.
The first one I didnt know about. Very useful. Dont really steal or pickpocket.
Info is also useful for seeing people's names without talking to them.
It would certainly have made things a lot easier. I actually went into peoples homes and asked them if I was at the right house.
Sometimes they would even lie or not answer.
I'd like to live in Menevia
>getting daedric weapons at rusty ogre lodge doesn't work anymore
those bastards
>just chilling at your house
>half naked argonian man covered in blood and carrying 4 variously assembled armor sets bursts in
>DO YOU KNOW WHERE [your name here] lives
>100 rep with mages guild
>daedra summoning still costs 150k
i thought it was 100k at max rep??? freaking j-words
Imagine the future of this game when the modding really takes off. Who'd think a game I watched my dad play in the 90s would get a ressurgence like this, even if it is only for a small community of interested players. Boggles the mind.
Just go to a no-name province and take out a massive loan and never pay it back.
Rate my werewolf half mage knigga
>turning into a werewolf turns my health to 4
The fuck?
Also what's with the line that says I feel the need to kill innocents, it just appears but nothing happens
You need to kill innocents or your hp drops. Lycantrophy isnt a free ride or it wouldnt really be a disease.
if you do not hunt innocents, your max health decreases to 4. Just kill some villagers/guards every two weeks in game
Oh, that makes some sense.Do you take a rep hit when you murder in the wolf form or does it actually hide your identity?
>your character trying the different politeness levels on the same person
*strokes cock*
Ooohhhhhh fuccckkkkkk.... I love this game Yea Forums fuccccccckkkkkkkk
>use open on a magically sealed door
>says it's ready to open
>try to open
>nothing happens
God fuck this gay ass door
OwO whats this?
*paws your cock*
I also like Daggefall!
>prompt appears as I'm bashing someone's head in so dont see what's written
Any way to read those prompts afterwards?
I assume it was quest completed prompt if it was a square with text
How can I raise my reputation with a region?
I've been doing quests but none of them have done anything.
>you are amused by this lock...
Knights are identical so just whatever region you like I guess. I spend most of my time in Sentinel so the Order of the Candle is a natural pick.
Although Temples share most of the same content there's a few subtle differences. Based on those I prefer Akatosh (called The Order of the Hour, but it's not a knightly order) the most because it has every useful Temple service that isn't already provided by the Mages Guild, and the passive that gives faster travel times is alright even if it's small.
>Sometimes they would even lie or not answer.
Don't hold it against them. They weren't intentionally trying to lie to lie to you, the game just doesn't have the functionality for an NPC to identify that they ARE wherever you're looking for when asked for directions to a place, so they'll always give a direction based on their position relative to the origin coordinates of the building rather than just say 'you're here!'
something weird is going on I just came out of a dungeon and now every single towns person and every NPC is ignoring me what the fuck just happened.
>Finally get enough gold to summon Hircine.
>Game bugs out and the confirmation message to accept the quest doesn't appear.
>Get softlocked.
Please tell me there's a way around this.
Join a knightly order of the region and do quest. I think also doing quests for nobles increases it. Nobles would be the main story characters, or other NPCs inside other more generic castles.
Check spell list and see if you're a werewolf or something
whats the fastest way to become a werewolf
just load an earlier save and try again?
I already tried 3 times, even other daedra summons glitch out.
Some fighter's guild quests have a chance of sending you to a dungeon with werewolves. I managed to become one at level 2.
let them poz your boy pussy a couple hundred times
How the fuck come Fireball does "1+1 points of Health" when my magical stats are high as shit?
use shift+tab to bring up the quest debug screen and use [ and ] to cycle through quests. find the hircine quest and maybe try using the console to advance the quest forward, or manually give yourself the quest if it's missing. pretty sure you can find the quest ID's on uesp
Because you made one that does 1 base + 1 per character level
Does anyone know how to verify the magical effects of magic items?
W-what? I bought the spell in the Mage Guild.
mages guild, you can buy item identification even if you aren't a member, just gotta find the right NPC
So just to be clear your reputation with a region (the one you see on the status screen) is your legal reputation. It is mainly lowered by getting arrested and there's no reliable way to raise it. Like all reputations it trends towards 0 at a rate of 1 point per month passed in-game.
There are exactly three things in the game that can raise your legal reputation directly. They are three of the random Merchant quests:
The quest where you're framed sets lowers your legal reputation to -100, and then adds +110 if you finish it successfully.
The quest where they ask you to do some smuggling reduces your reputation by 100 when you accept it and adds 100 back when you finish it successfully.
The quest where you escort them to a random town while being attacked by another faction has a 25% chance that the enemy is the Town Guards. When you hit one for the first time they will ask you to give up the questgiver. If you say no, you will be able to successfully complete the quest but will LOSE 20 legal reputation, while if you say yes you will fail the quest but GAIN 10 legal reputation.
A & B will never set your reputation below the min of -100, but you always get the full increase so they are great to reset it if it's low.
C is the only way in the game (other than the overflow glitch that I assume Unity fixed) to increase your legal reputation with a region past 10. This is exceedingly rare to actually do since it's only a small chance of a single minor quest. The best way to try it is to save next to a merchant who offers a quest and keep reloading until it's the escort one, then hope the enemy faction is the guards.
Sadly, knightly orders and nobles do not help your regional reputation at all. Note that it doesn't affect any dialogue checks. The main annoyance is that it spawns guards periodically to arrest you for "criminal conspiracy" when it's low.
Identify them with a spell or the Mages Guild service, available even to non-members.
fireball is 1 + (1-7)/per level
that's your character level, not your skill or stat level.
Thanks, I'll give it a shot.
How long until troll gothicfags from Resetera discord decides to troll these threads until the janitors close them?
>Sadly, knightly orders and nobles do not help your regional reputation at all.
Not all of them but there are some Knight quests that raise it. I think it's the ones that unlock as your reputation with the Knights themselves increases more rather than the ones you get as a novice member.
Join Temple of Mara
>Rank added to die roll when talking to members of the opposite sex
Join Temple of Stendarr
>Avoid death: Rank × 2% chance to survive death (except from drowning) in a weaker state
i can't decide bros
Do regions have different level sets or is there level scaling?
Get akatosh, time is money my friend
Don't bother. your potions will be too strong. You should instead direct them to a seller that sells weaker potions.
when he asks if it's an agreeable contract you press Y on your keyboard to accept it
Which inn would you stay?
Shit you do as a werewolf has no effect on your human form. You can change to, kill a bunch of people, and from your were-form right in front of a bunch of guards and they won't do shit about it.
Essentially unless you want to be a vampire, there's no real reason not to be a werewolf or boar.
Can you change from a werewolf to other were forms somehow?How?
What’s more fun, the thieves guild or dark brotherhood? Also what’s the easiest way to get vampirism?
who dun it?
He didn't see them as low lives he defended them from others and preached how god loved them regardless of their station or choices.
Also he abstained from sex (allegedly) not desire, he got to see all the whore tiddies he could want on a regular basis which is the iron age equivalent of porn.
>please cumfuckus help me rescue my lover from the thieves guild, i’ll pay you 8 gold now and 17 more once you’re done
Leo Frank did it
any must have mods yet? i downloaded the big graphics one and all the graphic enhancements it recommended but that's it
>sexlivion exists
>this is somehow gonna be the thing that breaks the camels back
so the immunity to magic advantage which is supposed to stop paralysis disease and poison completely does nothing in unity
pretty based!
post your npc wife
not how that works lol
exactly how it worked in vanilla
>The Screaming Pit
I guess Palutena had a bad day.
pretty much everything that was a bug used as an exploit is fixed in unity. like you can't underflow poison and disease resistance anymore either.
What stats should I focus on as a Spellblade?
>here's no real reason not to be a werewolf or boar.
Honestly that really sucks. I don't like the idea of my char being a filthy lycanthrope but the advantages are really tempting and the disadvantages are next to none
how is immunity to magic making you immune to certain magic a bug
now it just does nothing
it is talking about the magic elemental type. spells have different elemental types and magic is one of them.
don't click if your mom is in the room
apparently spell absorption is broken too.
rule 34 newfag!!!!!!!!111111111111111111
I tested extensively in the past with several quests from Knightly Orders and got a null result.
To double check I just tested now with the "Trouble with Orcs" quest which is listed as giving +4 with the "City-State where the Knightly Order is located" and a successful completion resulted in no change with the legal rep of any region, but did have the expected changes on Generic Knightly Order and its associated factions.
Note that there is in fact a traditional faction associated with each city which is NOT the real regional rep, which may be what those quest values refer to.
are 2d lewds really a good idea?
What's the best ways to make money in this game?
do items with skill enhancements stack?
like wearing two items that increase my long blade skill
go to a few regions you don't think you'll ever go to again and take the highest loan the banks allow and never pay it back.
Sorry but I only take canon wives.
But neither of us get her because she marries the King of Firsthold
The need to breed
get the flying boat.
My god..
I wish modern TES games embraced seductive clothing
I finally started doing story quests, and now I'm having zero fun. Fuck Medora and her tower btw.
Gameplay wasn't the only thing that modding fixed
I started breaking into shops at night and stealing every book there and have literally never been caught once
Is this intentional?
even when given dopamines in video games, gamers can't think of anything else when playing
Why was the imperial provice so closed off in the early TES games?
you can go outside a dungeon and wait, you get random creatures attacking at you
when a werewolf comes, just save, let him attack you a bunch of times then wait and travel to another place and see if you're sick
if not just reload and repeat
just be sure you're attacked by a werewolf not a wereboar
stat wise it's the same but you don't want to look like some retarded two leged Pumba, do you?
telling the guards right now
Why'd this shit have to come out right when I was in the middle of a Morrowind playthrough. I don't want to switch over, but I know these threads will be gone in a few weeks and never return.
Nigga, he clearly tells one ex-prostitute to stop sinning after saving her life. He sets them into the right path, he doesn't let them stay that way.
Your comparison makes absolutely no sense.
I doubt it, mods are only going to keep this game going
Not 100% sure, but remember that Imperials were literally not a thing in the first 2 games. All white humans were either Bretons or Nords. I assume the Imperial province was seen as just kind of a hub to connect the other places.
>quest objective is orc warlord
>he's inside a cage (?)
>can't kill him because the cage makes him impossible to hit
>he can kill hit and me quite fine, however
Is this working as intended? Was this so broken in the original too? Two quests now had this happen.
This game's pretty trash.
lmao use magic fag
unironically and literally incels is why
Mediterraneans confirmed for not white
why cant you hit him
>finally become werewolf
>literal fucking speed demon now
>free 40+ str agi end speed
it really is fucking busted huh
so are there supposed to be no npcs in town when you turn into a werewolf or is it a glitch?
No one has last names in ephesus
I imagine people hearing the sound of howling and a large animal galloping towards them from a distance is enough to scare everyone inside their homes or run to the nearest safe town.
i mean yeah, i thought so but you actually need to kill innocents every once in a while and you can only kill street npcs
so i think it's a glitch
you can kill guards too
alternatively head into town before you're forced into werewolf form
well fuck, i reverted the transformation and they're all back just like that
what the fuck
>get letter from dark brotherhood
>no time limit on the letter
>finish a couple quests for mages
>finally decide to get to the dark brotherhood meeting
>the letter is gone from my inv and the girl i was supposed to meet is not there
is there any way to re-trigger the event?
nope lol
How many fucking niggers do I have to kill to trigger the lycanthropy cure quest? The game is a fucking joke in wolf form.
i think you get a letter once a year
>once a year
Do you get quests from being a vampire? The wiki mentions friendly vampire NPCs, so do they have a headquarters or something?
because I can't? all my sword swings miss. he hits me back quite fine, though.
Just play ESO
so what's the deal with all the threads about this game did someone mod it to be playable or something?
So the queen of sentinel has a harem of shirtless dudes attending to her
Daggerfall Unity just got a big release last week, that's mostly the reason that people are playing it right now.
oh cool thanks i'll try it out
simbly ebic
>So many guilds to join
>Dungeons that are actually mazes
>Werewolves and vampires are not useless
>Daedric weapons and Daedric Artifacts are worth your time to get
>Uncensored nudity all over the place
What the fuck happened to Bethesda after Daggerfall and Morrowind? They wanted the casuals money or what?
>something about weapon material being ineffective against the enemy
What's up with that? I don't remember that happening in the original
Ghosts and Daedric enemies cannot be touched by weapons that's not Silver and above
there was 6 years, two games, and a lot of people internally coming and going between Daggerfall and Morrowind
That's odd. I remember specifically starting with a weapon that could harm imps when I played the original
and Cicero.
picking certain options about your characters background when making a custom class can have you start with steel or above quality weapons.
where do you get better gear? silver is like the rarest I find
there you go faggots, an AHK script to spam attack for you.
Higher quality gear will become more common as you level up. Check in equipment stores that say "incense and soft music [...]" when you first walk in as they usually have higher quality items than the rest (but charge more for items in general and pay you less for yours)
fuck what was the character creator trick for getting magicka regen?
use the console and start quest id l0a01l00
>its a nymph AND deadra seducer dungeon
Face fucking enemies with fireball while you have magicka absorb?
if you ever wondered what that thing off in the distance is that you can barely see from your ship, it's an entrance to the final dungeon of the game
Spell absorption isn't a trick
Funny I found this lake that's not far from the starting dungeon
I figured it out.
The preset classes I was picking had the "Inability to Regen Spell Points" disadvantage
am I the only one who is finding this to be less playable than the original?
What am I doing wrong?
in what ways?
>I didn't know greentext was a thing in the 90s.
I cannot tell if you're having a laugh or not.
melee hits hardly ever land compared to the original
for some reason the movement stutters when I go forward and if I tap W+S it skips
whatever else is most likely just exclusive to me i.e wanting to make a caster but always get inability to regen spell points
sensitivity always feels off
Already some work being done towards that end. It's only a matter of time.
It's supposed to teleport you
>get a quest to kill some asshole wizard that's terrorizing the region from the Mage's Guild
>sure why not
>go in, cast my stupid ass regen spell when needed
>realize the mages can cast silence
>also find out as I'm progressing that there's floating skulls that teleport you to different parts of the map that are otherwise inaccessible
>can't find the mage I'm looking for, can't tell what I'm missing on the map because of how weird it is
Man this sucks, I'm still enjoying it but this dungeon is a pain in the ass at the moment.
Seems to be working just fine on my end,just started a mage with some skill in short blades & their hitting bats & imps just fine?
you already can put 3d models in from what I read. Just import them in unity.
Finding someone to redo all the sprites into models probably wont be easy tho and most likely why it hasn't been done.
I think I'd look for an inn at the next town.
Just now I did a quick test to replace an NPC with a 3d model. It was pretty easy though I couldn't figure out at first glance how to make him function the same as the NPC I replaced (the guy who gives quests at the mage guild). Disregard the model itself, its just something from the Unity asset store.
The hard part would definitely be sourcing the actual models and animations for them.
>about to go to bed after posting this screenshot
>say fuck it and explore the dungeon for a couple minutes since I'm not 100% tired yet
>the mage was in a hidden wall
Oh fuck off.
Should just go low poly, simple textures like Runescape or King's Field (the original trilogy, not 4) to match the rest of the game.
All we need now is Might and Magic VI Unity
what an asshole
You still need someone to do all of the modeling or at least a group of artists competent enough to stick to a single style. The problem with the current graphics mods we have is that they're all over the place with their artstyle which makes it look like a mess.
I'm still curious about bringing in models from some Morrowind mod into Unity and using those but I'm not at all familiar with Morrowind modding or if that were possible.
its only a matter of time before the autism to do it grips somebody, desu. doesn't mean it'll be any good, though.
I mean, who the fuck would want to be seen with Wongo?
Wongo more like dumbo
if you are getting stuck then check the 3d map for hidden doors
I think you have to dump the json for that building and edit it to make use of him then drop it in the world data folder. I know that works for placing new npcs anyway.
really getting sick of entering gothway asking for work, going back outside, and hearing HALT
stop stealing, redguard
I havent
do they really get upset just from punching doors open?
It properly replaces the sprite so I imagine it should be able to inject the data for it as well. It seems that the StaticNPC script is the one that takes care of their functionality but even with adding that to the prefab I only get the normal npc dialogue popup that you can get speaking to any random NPC outside but not the popup specific to him that enables you to pick up a quest.
Were they locked doors?
People generally don't like those who break and enter
I forgot to say they said you need to name the file the same as the npc you replace but it doesn't need the last number for animation since unity handles that.
example 182_25-0 would be 182_25
Yes, he's named 182_22 and replaces the sprite properly. He just doesn't give the popup that would allow you to pick a quest, just goes straight into the normal npc dialogue thing.
Uh, how do i kill anything? i'm at the start and the only thing i can beat (barely) are rats and (after going afk for like 20 minutes to let my health regen) bats, but now there's some buff guy with a sword behind a table is just raping me, even after like 30 reloads. did i do something wrong? ive beaten morrowind so many times and it was never this unfair.
Likely bait but just rest. You dont need to go afk. If you beat Morrowind you'd know about resting. If you get raped by sword guy, make a better character or run past him.
nvm, just 2 shot him with shock, guess the start is just super rng heavy...
Im not sure why it messed it up then. I drop sprites in the asset folder and still get the same functionality from them.
If you go into the building and type dumpbuilding in console it will put a json in the locallow folder and maybe you can see there.
he will be under block people.
typical redguard, breaks and enters all over town and then screams I dindu nuttin!
I need work, goddammit
fuck i didnt even think there was a rest button, just assumed this game didnt have it for some reason.
I'm guessing its because it's a 3d model and needs to be an actual dfmod instead of a regular sprite replacement. Based on the asset injection thread on the forums what I'm trying to do might be something that doesn't have full support yet.
You can actually actively dodge enemy attacks if you step back at the correct moment. On top of that the starting dungeon can be kinda brutal depending on what kind of character you made. Also you can run away.
Be sure to save often.
If you can find your way out there's a town just south of the dungeon exit on top of the hill.
>Be sure to save often.
also don't just quicksave, make separate backup saves before doing anything like taking quests or big battles
maybe. Just thought it changed one of the values in that file to direct to a regular npc dialogue instead of a guild one.
how come when I talk to people the box where their portrait is supposed to show is blank?
tedious travel mod flat out isnt working for me. Everytime I start the game it just gives me the "Daggerfall.exe has stopped working" error window
made a mage, pretty sure that fucks you at the start.