Classic... Home...
Classic... Home
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Asmongold layer....home....
Daily reminder that if your guild doesn't have a "no girls allowed" rule, that you're in for a world of trouble.
I just hope I survive another three weeks
You will never be a teenager again. You're already dead.
>imagine all those autists playing on a pvp server to gank you
>tfw playing on a pve server
Feels pretty comfy to never get ganked anymore.
>B-But pvp is the best thing ever
On a PvE server you can just active pvp mode if you want to do pvp. But you can't gank people anymore who don't want to do pvp.
I love how triggered some people are and are also saying "b-but it is part of the game". No, ganking was never part of wow. It was only great because no one really knew about wow and you hadn't all those minmax autists who have full T2 rogues will 300 engineering and camping level 30 players.
Times have changed and pvp is not what it used to be. And the best thing is if you don't do pvp, you don't have to do raids and you can just enjoy the game and drop it after a few weeks because you have seen everything that is worth seeing.
See you in Stranglethorne folks
Hope you have a pleasant leveling experience
am I actually unironically missing out on the experience if I do not play on a pvp server? or is it bullshit? educate me please
I don't want to be a teenager again, I just want to play 1 month of WoW classic with my group of friends and then move on to the next thing
why are you this mad about people wanting to have fun with an old game?
maybe you are the one that feels already dead user
Yes you are. No doubt about it. Clashing with random players is ab ibtegral part of the experience.
early on you'll regret it a lot because the only ones not getting ganked will be the organized guilds in parties and you'll basically get farmed by parties pretty much constantly
later on, you'll be thankful because the PVP server gives you a lot of fun content to do when you're bored
Feels good
Been 6 months since I stopped playing on vanilla pserver to cleanse myself and enjoy the F R E S H, can't wait.
>me and my friends have all managed to get a weekend to have an old style LAN to play classic WoW like the olden days
Cant fucking wait. It would be the ultimate send off. Might just end it afterwards.
Fuck you for making me wanna jerk off to this pig. I demand the source now.
if only you replied with this for every zelda, mario, and crash thread
>"random players"
You mean fully geared undead rogues who corpse camp you.
That is not the vanilla experience. Classic is over 15 years old. The only people you meet in open world pvp are gankers who you aren't able to kill.
Home is where the hurt is. I'm never going back
FF LOL. Having to level level through that trash first 50 levels and story quests were 90%
>I feel self conscious about being on a pve server safespace so I have to do some mental gymnastics to justify it
every time
Borderline sneedchuckian post
Redpill me on PvP holy pala in battlegrounds.
I love the fantasy of an armored saint putting a stop to the advances of the shoeless savages. But it seems like the moment a warrior/rogue/hunter decides to go after you you wont be casting anymore non-instant spells.
Also how good are the T1/T2 sets for pvp? It seems like the pvp set tries to be everything at once and ends up being good at nothing.
of people quit
>giving modern blizz your money
Dont need a redpill. Its just straight up not viable. Why would you even consider it?
Honestly the main reason I want to play on a pvp server is so I could go to the town in duskwood, get on one of the roofs and one hit confused lowbies.
Were people ever this mad about others enjoying an older game again?
Imagine going to GoG spamming every game with: "Lol it won't be the same fag you're never going to be a child again". Retailtrannies are really mentally ill
>mfw Feral / Resto Druid
>mfw idiots who never played think druids are shit
>mfw all those rogues who watched those EPIC montages
>mfw ganking rogues all day long in STV all over again
>mfw watching the butthurt on forums all over again
God I love being a Druid
They have literal physical anguish realizing they have been playing actual shit for years. Classic WoW and its success is proof that they have wasted years on consuming piles of crap.
BC and WotLK were the high points of WoW. Prove me wrong.
They were both decent expansions when compared with the trashfire of the later ones, true.
the sub count positively correlates with expansion quality, including vanilla sub count, prove me wrong
While leveling as feral specc can you go heal dungeouns aswell?
the black pill
thanks m8s
druid are shit i kill them with frost shock alone
In my online friend groups which is in majority my ex wow guild, there's 1 guy still playing retail, while most of us wait classic impatiently, he's the only one shitting on it and wishing it to fail.
I can literally feel his fear
>when I bubble up and hearthstone as the undead rogue is openly weeping and ineffectually scratching at me
Vanilla, BC, WotLK
tauren warrior or undead warlock?
no greater feeling in the world
Healing pala is not viable?
Both are kino. I can't really decide, really hard question. Tauren warrior is always a good choice though, one that few regrets taking.
Warlock. There's going to be a lot of every class but I feel everyone and their mom will being playing warrior. You can always make an alt latter on.
>tank responsibility
>slow ass leveling
what is the appeal of warrior?
Best class in game once at 60 and fully geared. Not so much in PvP unless you have a pocket healer but when you do you wreck everything.
>Tanking responsibility
not hard at all unless you have one brain cell
its a fun class at 60
Based fellow druchad.
i only have 1 brain cell which class should i play?
Gonna gank every single rouge i see until they get up to the point where they feel abused enough to switch classes or quit classic.
This is for 4 years of Trauma you sack of shit.
Nostalgia is mental illness.
Nothing can be the same.
Wrath has a high point, that being 3.1 patch, but the expansion as a whole is rather poor. World and dungeon content in Wrath is irrelevant, leveling is in the process of becoming irrelevant (prot warriors 1-shot cleaving mobs with Revenge while being damage immune during shield block, 1-80 being quite a bit shorter than 1-60 or post-2.3 1-70 even without heirlooms, that sort of thing), 3.0 and 3.2 patch content is beyond awful and ICC is mediocre with three relevant bosses already being generous. There's just not many worthwhile things to do because it's the premier raidlogging expansion with bad raids - even neo-WoW fares better in that regard. And while the content side of things is in itself damning, the general style and design of the game is also highly questionable. Planned obsolescence of raids and generally horrible progression mechanics, gutted professions, RDF, "epic" ""cinematic"" quests (yet clumsier compared to later expansions), and while some specs become more involved to play (although not all of them, priest and druid healers and tanks for starters), I think class design as a whole had turn for the worse due to being homogenized to hell and back.
In a sense it has actually my favorite expansions to play on private servers because at the end of the day it's not all bad and the game is still recognizable. Heavily custom tuned T7 content can be endurable and Ulduar tends to be rushed out at an accelerated schedule so you don't have to bear it for too long. Then you can grab Death's Demise and quit because there's nothing worthwhile left to play for. However, as a whole I'd probably rather play neo-WoW.
Hmm honestly whatever you want dude. Just have fun because either way you're going to be criticized for something if you are dumb. Just stay away from tanking. Hunter and warlock have it easy for leveling and solo content but hunter falls off hard at 60 and will have a tough time getting into raids due to only needing really 1-2 in raids
Or you're just projecting because nostalgia in itself is completely fine...
WoW classic is a great game to this day. It's going to still be great after it launches again
>giving blizzard more money
I didn't know who this was before but the more I see this name, the more I want to avoid this individual.
could you imagine being a hall monitor on Yea Forums
look at this faggot
How does a manchild like him get such a thick instabaddie? Why would she be with him? Makes no sense.
Nostalgia is mental illness.
Nothing can be the same.
we have to start all over from square 1?
what about my toon that I worked on for 10 years?
>hall monitor
Fucking kek
Not him but she's a streamer as well correct? Then why would she need someone else when she makes enough money?
>hurr the thing you said doesn't strictly apply to me or the reply i decided to make, so you're wrong buddy
At this point I wonder if it is autism or just a bot.
Thinking looks matter when you average about 20k+ viewers every stream, have money, and clout to grow her own following.
Nostalgia is mental illness.
Nothing can be the same.
2019 Vanilla wow will never ever be like 2004 vanilla wow
just because it's the same game doens't mean the community or the experience will be the same as it was 15 years ago
nostalgiafags on suicide watch
Money, you idiot.
No, the real question is how did he get this much of a following, he's bad, unfunny, not particulary endaring and doesn't know shit about the games he plays.
Nothing was the same...
by Drake
pretty sure she's a big streamer and has rich parents to boot
Do you seriously ask how gold diggers do their thing?
Maybe there are some genuine feelings among them, who knows. But yeah, she is way out of his league even if she is half plastic.
She's 29, and about to hit the wall. Don't let the insta photos trick you, when she's on other peoples streams without the lighting you can tell how much lucasarts tier makeup she's using. Asmongold is the perfect target; he's got money, a personality, and he's never had a GF before.
If she manages to clean him up a bit, he's a top tier beta provider.
I feel bad for him, because she just hits all the marks for a golddigging babyclock 30 year old woman. At least he'll get his tiddies and maybe a few kids, that's still more than most of the spergs pointing their finger at him.
pic unrelated
t b h thats what im afraid of, that people who will go into classic with a bfa mentality, only good thing is, they will only shit up the game for max a month and then only people who take this 15yo serious will stay
Barrens is gonna be full of faggots RPing like its still 2004 telling Chuck Norris Jokes
Pretty much this. There may be genuine feelings between the two but her main intention is securing that financial stability before her bod clock runs out of time.
I like playing retail
Yeah, i know it's cool to hate the guy, but he seems like he's a genuine person that just likes to be childish and rude online(who doesn't?).
Hope he's smart and buries some of that money, Ron Paul no jutsu.
>when your less intelligent and less articulate friend wants to act like he is a part of the analysis
Nostalgia is mental illness.
Nothing can be the same.
you're a massive faggot
shocker you are pumped for wow classic release
Lads, the reason I asked this is because she herself must have made bank from being a twitch streamer.
When an instathot has money herself, why should she need a beta provider?
Based and very cute!!!
As fucked up as he'd make the realm I'd still like it desu, just cause that would guarantee some kind of random shit was going on.
Why should it be the same?
>All these angry and delusional XIV trannyfreaks
Hahahahaha ooooh how close you are to the day of the glorious rope!
I don't think he's off the mark, women can love a guy they're exploiting the same as a guy they're committing to. The difference is that when there is no more free meals for them, she dries up fast.
I assume it was the 'genuine feelings' thing that got you going, having said what i did you're probably still right to be sceptical.
God knows how much she spent already, or how well she managed that money in general. Either way, she's turning 30 and Goldshire mailbox squatter might not last for her. She wants a guy with money so she can continue to be rich, i know people mentioned her family, but who knows how much they have, much less how much she'll be getting.
fuck we're turning rose tinted gossip general into a gossip column
Nostalgia is mental illness.
Nothing can be the same.
Reminder if you want a guaranteed raid spot just roll Shaman. There's very few of them and guilds can't get enough of restos
Troll or Orc Warrior?
why do people think nostalgia has literally anything to do with retail fresh lol, no one gives a fuck or even has any nostalgia for the game. people just enjoy playing it
Well then it's a good thing I'm a zoomer who never played WoW until a vanilla private server a couple years ago and just thinks Classic is more fun and better designed than any piece of shit currently on the market OSRS is alright I guess.
It’s a tranny thing.
>Dedicate your life to being le cute girly on le rpgs mmos
>ADOOOOOOOOOOOOOREEEEEEEEE mogsmountcheevospets (nuwow And Xiv)
>Fucking HATE pvp and high skill pve (wow vanillas specialty)
>Degenerate and Jewish , hates white men
>seething and angry that wow classic aka the white man game is going out again
desu it's more like just don't roll warrior or rogue if you want guaranteed spots
>Fucking HATE pvp and high skill pve
What the hell are they doing then, just chilling in front of the bank waiting for an orbiter to gift them a pet or a new mount?
Because women will always want more
Or running low/no skill challenges (the entire Xiv game and 1-shorting bosses in nuwow in raid finder).
>holy paladin
>Not viable in pvp
>this whole post
what did he mean by this?
100% accurate. Also they're 50/50 split between healslut and 'girls can dps too ya know!', which of course, they can't.
They're essentially doing it as a social exercise, only playing the game for cosmetics. They enjoy the game only on the most superficial level, chasing easy rewards/carries and trying to get people to treat them like the guild girl.
Sooner or later the crazy starts to come out, and they start drama with someone that ruined their pretty princess fantasy, at which point, people have to choose sides, and shit starts flying.
Piece of shit sexual chimeras are as bad as any batshit insane woman, that is their only success.
This so much.
Time to stop being manchildren.
Nostalgia is mental illness.
Nothing can be the same.
So, basically, they're playing these games as they would play Second Life? Makes sense.
Girls don't play vanilla. We might have plenty of "girls" though.
Kinda. Same awkward roleplaying, and the same drama when someone makes them break character instead of praising them for being hot grills.
Pretty sure they end up in MMO's because they're typically piss easy and allows them to attempt living the 'gamer girl'-trope.
Women will suck a dick for a pair of shoes or dinner
Pretending to like a bald twitch streamer who makes a million dollars a year is nothing if you're a woman. They literally fake 90% of their emotions and relationships anyway.
And when it's over she'll blame you for any discomfort or shame she felt. Enjoy!
Tried this shit on a private server and it was boring AF. Installed WoW and since a new character forces you to play through TBC etc, what's the point of classic?
guys how well can i do as gnome warlock? are they good?
For the love of god, put some goddamn shoes on
Nostalgia is mental illness.
Nothing can be the same.
T2 is sort of good. I use 5 pieces with corrupted ashbringer on a private server
Is it true that hunters are useless at endgame
Horde lock is suffering. Half the horde is going to have will of the forsaken. The other half is going to be orc warriors with berserker rage.
In PvP lock is a horde race.
Hunters dont scale as well going into later raids but you still need 1-4 for tranq.
1 if they are a god hunter and will never miss or die. 4 is the upper end of safe where you prob have mediocre hunters anyway.
>lock is a horde race.
i thought gnomes are alliance, i want to do pve and raids and such and heard people like warlocks for portals and healthstones
>Top tier
Mid vanilla
Early - Mid TBC
>high tier
Early/late vanilla
Ulduar Wrath
>mid tier
Late TBC
Early Wrath
>low tier
Late Wrath
Pre nerf Cata
>shit tier
Everything else
Think about it logically
You'll still have the means to do damage, and there won't be many Alliance locks so you can get a place pretty easily, but as said you won't be steamrolling on every foe you meet.
Am I the only one who will play druid and have rebirth and innervate bound then afk / watch something on screen 2 while collecting fat loot
Disregard my lengths of typos, and suck my dick. You'll get a raidspot easy, but PvP pwnage is the endgame of vanilla, it's the reason anyone bothers with boring hour long tank and spank raids.
>hit future buff bot
>he has to use his SAFE SPACE ability and teleport across the content to be safe
Heck it's even better than killing you. At least then you'll be back in just a few minutes
"girls" are just as much trouble as girls. Anything someone can thirst over can and will kill your guild and/or fun, never give anyone the opportunity to be a thirstlord and globally ban all girls/"girls"/>girls.
they exist just to cast tranq shot
Definitely paladin. If you are raiding you will be healing, you will place blessings every 5 min and you will only used low rank flash of light while topping healing charts. Levelling is only a slight step above warrior since you can heal but you will mostly just rely on auto attack and using seal every 30 sec
you might have to holy light sometimes though or wipe the raid
It's big brain if you want to kill in pvp with it though, but if you are trying to do that you are a hipster anyway.
Paladins heh
>50% armor
>auras with resist to every school of magic
>blessing for your warrior buddys so they cant be stopped
rank 1 sacrifice random ally so you cant be cc'ed.
>500-1k heals costs nothing and are fast to cast
>holy shock either offensively or to clutch heal
Yep, paladins are alright.
I can't fathom how people can put up with the autoattacking of paladins and warriors. It's mindnumbing
>t.Assblasted Undeadfag
Can't wait to judge the horde as a CHAD RET Paladin
lol the absolute state of that rogue.
this is 2019, not 2009. most "girls" today are gonna be trannies. So it's more than just a world of trouble
The best part is that he's the one that made the video
I know both are considered bad, but which is more likely to get into a raid: Elemental Shaman or Balance Druid?
>barely talked with my friends for high school in years
>we all at the same time decide to make a Facebook group and invite each other to play again
>all of us are 30 yr old boomers
We already have around 12 people back.
this is correct. The dip from Ulduar Wrath to late wrath is so bad because i think Ulduar is when i liked the game the most
That's really really bad choices. Shammy more. Balance druids are God awful at everything they do.
>he doesn’t know the four step method of dealing with WoTF
Step 1: death coil
Step 2: curse of exhaustion
Step 3: retreat to a safe distance and fear
Step 4: wait for them to waste WoTF and engage
90% of UD crutch players will either freeze or run away using this method, which leads to the optional:
Step 5: watch them cry on the forums about how WoTF should break horror
Neither. You'll only get a spot over someone else if they just need one more guy to drop totems or innervate/res.
Does EU have the streamer issue at all? Seems like a top EU streamer will have less than 1k viewers. There are variety streamers that will probably play for a couple of weeks, but it wont be enough to damage a server
Reminder BC and WotLK are both bad expansions prove me wrong.
More than 3 classes are useable (not counting healers)
Nostalgia is mental illness.
Nothing can be the same.
Classic wow Servers are named after famous players from Vanilla, what server do you roll on?
Death Coil is a Death Knight spell you fucking retard. Now what do you do against a mage? Or a warrior that charge+hamstrings you? Even if you manage to get some idiot to waste his cooldowns, you're still just hoping that your opponent is stupid. Meanwhile, Horde locks spam fear and have no worries.
It's like playing Rogue against a faction with 2 stun trinkets, and you don't have stealth.
If you like a challenge, or just want to be Alliance, fair enough. But no matter how stonk your jutsus are you're still gimped and stuck hoping that your opponent is a fucktard.
>not having 2 monitors
>Death Coil is a Death Knight spell
please fuck off
The real horror of playing alliance lock is playing against shamans. Between earth shock, grounding and tremor it's hard to do anything
There won't even be any cross realm phasing so why is everyone still trolling about muh asmongold? Layering is only for the servers way over capacity, not that I'm defending them. I'd rather it just lagged to shit.
>he doesnt know
WotLK server when so these retards can learn.
>Death Coil is a Death Knight spell you fucking retard
2.5 secs gcd
>Not playing soul link in pvp
Warlocks have death coil in vanilla you retard
And I cant wait.
you dont raid with it and once you've got good gear the nuke specs are better
Warriors are reasonably active, though. Particularly prior to gaining access to Mortal Strike or Bloodthirst (which leave you with little rage for anything else) you can spend your rage on a broad array of abilities and in actuality warriors are ideally leveled hamstring kiting the mobs while waiting for your swing timer, continuously weaving in and out of melee range.
rolling orc shaman here anything i need to know?
how easy is the transition from raid gear to pvp?
You absolute spastic
Nostalgia is mental illness.
Nothing can be the same.
It's absolute bullshit, the people saying otherwise consider being corpse camped by some faggot 40 levels above you, forcing you to waste time calling in guildies to save your ass like a pussy, not only a rite of passage but somehow fun. if you unironically think that's a healthy player experience "because it's war" then go ahead, but imo you have to be a very specific kind of nolife loser to think ganking is an important part of PvP and to want to deal with that shit while leveling.
Autism is a mental illness
Orc shaman, dwarf priest or human warrior
There ill be Zerator and a few of his friend son the fr ones, but that shouldn't be ok, even if we were to play on the same server. I'll just go with my mates on another just to be sure though.
mental illness is a social construct
>cant wait to be a medicore at best waste of a spot that refuses to use his hybrid nature to throw his warrior friend (that does triple of your damage) a heal or a dispell.
Yes you just need to keep a set of healing gear
>yo bro wow classic is cummin!
>no way, any streamers?
>hell yea blizz is payin em too
>hey bro which board needed to be shit up even more?
>Yea Forums?
>Yea Forums
>lets make a fucking general bro
>wat about /vg/
>nah, shits for boomers and actually talking about games
>lol miss me with that gay shit
>not like the mods care right?
You will be a heal bitch in raids, do yourself a favor and dont delude yourself into thinking otherwise.
In pvp as ench 80% of all you do is frost/earth shock and right click and hpoe for a windfury proc.
>high skill pve
i know that there is really not much option regard the spec in pve and i don't mind healing in raids as long as i get to zap fuckers in pvp.
from what i understand most of my healing gear should be fine in pvp as ele is it right?
We cant. Both had little flaws but it was the closer to perfection any MMO has gotten
>WoWkiddo trully believes this
But I like ICC.
>no nether drake questline or kaiju hunter pets in Classic
To degenerates, even BRD must seem like they would never reach the end of it.
Nostalgia is mental illness.
Nothing can be the same.
tbc was prime wow for me. if blizztards release tbc classic, i might as well quit my job.
How do I level a paladin and heal at the same time?
play with friends
If you have people who are not shit peeling for you then it's not a big issue.
Of course literally 95% of people that play wow are actual retards or bots or something
At least in retail anyway
>playing classic asmongoloid edition with layering and sharding
how the fuck is this supposed to be better than just playing on a private server, which have been available all this time?
my faggot friends are 1 tank and 10 billion DPS. Since I remember the LFG hell from vanilla, I'm going to go healer. Shaman or Priest? A priest was my first 60 but I didn't play it and immediately rolled a mage who became my main. I played a bit of shaman in Kara in TBC. They were both fun.
dungeons? running zf from 42 until 50 is alright. also you can tank well with some mages and locks to aoe everything
>actually talking about games
way to go, newfag. Lurk more.
He has charisma
Damn you are so mad lmao
level through dungeon healing, people dont remember this and claim its false because of private server made up numbers, but i remember clearly that spamming dungeons is a very fast and viable way to level i leveled my warrior from 30ish to 50ish solely in dungeons with some of the crucial quests in between
official servers will always be better than private servers, regardless of what the private server does
wheres the version of this where the streamers leave after a week and he comes to a completely empty town
it's faster for classes that suck balls at questing, but questing is fast provided you can kill mobs at a timely clip with little downtime.
More accurate gameplay, higher quality tech support and uptime, reliable population
She's not extraordinarily hot and anyone with a good career can get someone who looks like that (unless you expect her to be anything more than a dumb bimbo).
I hope you're working on your career, user.
>with layering and sharding
I'll forgive your retardation/bait because of the hot human girl god I wish they were real and to answer your question private servers are so shit that even $15 a month for official Frankenservere is a better deal.
Private servers have most or all of these problems:
>populations comprised of Chinese, Russians, and third worlders
>corrupt admins/GMs that rig things for themselves and their pet guilds
>constant drama and threat that the server will be shut down within a year of opening
>constant population drops as everyone chases the new FRESH meme
>inaccurate/broken scripts, quests, values, etc.
>shit ping if you're in the western hemisphere
Nice redirect, did you learn that from the Jew masters you pay into for the same product that you played years ago and that has been free for longer?
>third worlders
>corrupt GMs
>somehow worse than an e-celeb and his army of twelve year olds kissing his ass to the point of him practically being a semi-gm
my body is ready
Private servers feel empty and most players you see are actual chinks. Even with layering, I expect Classic to be more alive
Whoa it's almost like you can choose not to play on the same server as them unlike private servers.
You can avoid most streamers since they'll congregate to fellate eachother and will have their servers lined up within the next couple of days due to name reservations. Can't exactly escape corrupt GMs and Chink farmsquads.
spbp. How many guilds have been destroyed by the faggot guild leader shacking up with some random guild thot? Saw it happening to my tryhard guild back in vanilla and me and my officer buddy robbed the guild bank clean, made off with thousands of gold worth of shit and nobody was even the wiser because the guild disintegrated right about the same moment.
>difficulty modifiers
>vehicle quests
I don't think so bitch.
Nostalgia is mental illness.
Nothing can be the same.
Classes felt a bit better in TBC and WotLK. Raids were a bit better. But flying and dailies, fuck them.
TBC had great raids, but Wrath’s were mediocre to bad outside Ulduar
Tuning in vanilla is fucking pathethic relative to what's actually possible. Even the likes of Patchwerk require half or less than half of the DPS achievable with no gear from their tier, many bosses can be tanked by DPS warriors in DPS gear so it follows that healing an actual tank is completely trivial (to be fair there's a handful that do pack a punch, like Broodlord Lashlayer), etc. In this sense it's literally LFR-tier, or equivalent to Wrath dungeons as far as 5-mans are concerned.
However, while content is only ever "truly" difficult when it's tuned at the knife's edge, that's not the whole story because there also are mechanics to consider. And while they tend to be 1-2 mechanic fights, to vanilla's credit those tend to be mechanics you actually have to care about. I haven't played retail since LFR was introduced so I don't speak from experience, but knowing the quality of typical PUG players, the raids must have been tuned such that even trash random healers you can outheal the fires people are standing on and even when 1-shots are involved, In other words, while in neo-WoW you can charge in and push buttons haphazardly, in vanilla/TBC you actually have to care about these things, and that's a the kind of skillset (diligence, patience, coordination) people playing neo-WoW have almost certainly learned by now.
TLDR: In some sense vanilla really is LFR-tier but despite 1-2 button specs and 1-2 ability bossfights, in other but completely real sense it's also tougher than neo-WoW outside of higher artificial difficulties.
TBC started the trend of artificial gameplay in WoW and Wrath continued it.
>Players are running out of things to do? Here, have a second difficulty for the same dungeons you already have. Here, take some repeatable quests to do every day.
They never should have catered to players that are perpetually stuck in the endgame. Every game needs offramps where you can start playing for fun instead of playing to make the numbers on your armor go up.
can you raid as an arms warrior in classic?
i played one in legion but eventually couldn't keep up with dps because i didn't get the right trinkets
T2 can be decent for an ele offspec.
Best case scenario is Classic+ that adds modified TBC and Wrath content tuned for level 60, and the community votes on what things to include or exclude from these patches.
At least it was bfore the streamers fucked everythang up
His layer might actually get the best world events.
>and even when 1-shots are involved
...they just don't occur frequently enough for boss to wipe the raid before dying himself.
A retuned level 60 Karazhan could work really well.
It could be similar to Zul Gurub as an alternate way to gear up for Naxx
You can raid as anything in Classic. Just keep in mind that you'll be doing shit DPS and contributing nothing toward raid utility.
You won't be allowed to use Mortal Strike, so your optimal "rotation" will just be auto attacks and the occasional Slam. If you really wanted to be useful you could get yourself the support weapons to buff raid-wide DPS in which case you will only be using Hamstring and nothing else.
damn that sounds horrible...
thats a good rule actually with maybe exceptions if its a good 50/50 split.
also stay away from the ones with chicks in top ranks
Arms is more for pvp
You are posting her picture right no despite be a random instathot. That is why she is with him.
This is fucking delusion.
>marrying your mom
my interest sparked for classic again recently though i would want to avoid it since it comes out around astral chain.
going hunter this time though for a more laid back experience and probably a pve server. stealth is such a great thing for pvp servers though
Beside the wife aspect, that's pretty much what I'll do with my mates though.
Vanilla is my home. Classic is more or less an IQ test. If you buy it, you failed.
>Asian MMOs
I'd rather work in a fucking mine, it'd be less grindy and more rewarding.
The mods care so little they let up 247 ffxiv threads for about 3 months. My guess is that they start axing these threads a month after classic.
Nostalgia is mental illness.
Nothing can be the same.
wtf you can't enjoy think I dont like
Got into the beta because of my account age and experience. I had beta tested original WoW and had 50 characters over 60, no boosts. And I had known nothing of streamers and twitch before the beta. You see I'm an old man, a 36 year old man. The beta server is probably the most packed streamer server there will ever be. And I gotta say. It wasn't bad. I'm gonna miss those dudes. All that "invite me to asmon/staysafe layer" is because they were organizing events and raids. And if the raid was on the wrong layer the leader had to disband the raid and group with someone on the right layer then reform. What you're witnessing in that instant is a dumped raid trying to get reinvited. Those people wanted to raid. Not that they wanted to orbit a streamer. Well some probably did. And if you wanted to ignore it then just leave general chat for all over 5 minutes. I'm probably going to join up on a streamer server even though I don't watch streamers just because there are more community events.
Is this a copypasta
Runescape is still the best. after all these years. Even with classic the World of Warcraft will be over.
You could just as well look at content patches vanilla received. Now, some of that content (like battlegrounds and Maraudon) isn't endgame-exclusive, but it should go without saying that even at that point patches primarily focused on extending endgame.
As for the two specific complaints, heroic dungeons are supremely offensive from worldbuilding standpoint but, unlike raids all of which are max level content to begin with, that's an easy way to effectively double the quantity of endgame-relevant dungeon content (8 of TBC dungeons are 68+ and heroic versions of those have the same loot besides last boss loot and MGT and 8 are
But it breaks my immersion!
Rep grinding for the Argent Dawn
Wowfags on suicide watch.
>already have a dedicated guild of friends from private servers
>plenty of free time to enjoy the launch and the first few months
regardless of how classic shapes up im going to enjoy it, maybe for a couple months, maybe for a couple of years but whatever happens im glad I get to experience it even if its just to witness the inevitable shitstorms
She inherited millions of dollars and two businesses from her parents. She doesn't need money.
Nostalgia is mental illness.
Nothing can be the same.
Leveling in dungeons is absolutely terrible unless you do quests along the way. And even then you should do them all in one go. I know this because I leveled my vanilla priest by doing dungeons. Solo questing in the world is MUCH faster unless youre a holy paly or getting ganked 24/7..
Classic won't survive 3 months. PVE content will die even faster
Daily reminder that retailfags and rebbitors will play whatever their favorite spec from retail is, and then bitch and moan on the forums about how shit it is and demand buffs. Obviously those buffs won’t happen, but their tears will be glorious.
I am happy to be alive
Fuck bros.
It's not going to be the same without Total Biscuit...
if you think balding hollow walking stick is getting more money on stream than a huge titty twitch thot you might need to get a brain check
I can’t wait for all the angry whispers from “I CAN MAKE IT WORK I’M ABOVE AVERAGE” meme spec players when I deny them from my pugs/raids/premades. I think I’ll make a compilation pic of all of them.
>working part time
>gonna miss the launch by a few hours for work
it's an abstract kind of feel
She is literally a millionaire in her own right and set to inherit two million dollar businesses.
Why would she gold dig when she owns her own mine?
you sound like a power hungry discord tranny
>ffxiv grindy
that's not it's problem, it's just shit
it's fine. honestly the first few hours is gonna be painful. server lag. layering issues. bottlenecks from overcrowding. day 2 is where it's at
Cant wait for all the butthurt coming at me at a speed of 400 word per minute from feral druids complaining and talking about their gnomeregan mace as if I give a shit. You are NOT getting a spot in my raid, I'd rather leave it empty just to spite you.
Nostalgia is mental illness.
Nothing can be the same.
Nah, I just want to clear content in less than three hours :^)
This is the best outcome. Obviously launch through naxx should be nochanges. But this is an immense opportunity for devs to see there are (hopefully) millions of people who don't want the current meta in gaming. Fuck convenience fuck esports. There is a market for people who like a game that rewards time investment. Real content that isn't cut up in difficulty, completed and released in pieces or locked behind a paywall. Its a time machine that they can take a step back, address where the industry made them go, and see what they could have done different.
no transmogs, flying mounts, lfg, cross realm matchmaking and mythic are the hard rules.
Letting them in your group means giving them a chance to gain loot over someone playing a real class. I’d rather not reward someone with an inferiority complex who thinks they’re the savior of their spec.
Reminder that WPvP is a waste of time
>Your score shows that you have never done this dungeon. Care to explain?
Anyone know when the stress test launches in European time?
I'll be getting off just as the launch is starting. I didn't take off until Wednesday though so It's not like I'll be going full 'tism trying to outpace everyone, but it ought to be crazy logging in as a troll in the first hour of launch. Place is going to be fucking packed.
enjoy never getting a pug full then, since nobody is going is going for wait for 7 hours to fill a pug just so you dont have to bring any of the memes
Honest thoughts on TipsOut? Reminder that thanks to his efforts as content creator we finally got official legacy servers.
get sarkoth for me, bro.
Troll or Orc hunter? I know Troll is better for PvE and Orc for PvP but I'm kinda undecided on which one looks better
I pissed my pants laughing, the other day Tips was wearing a Method shirt and someone in chat wrote 'does Method have an Al'qaida branch now?''
This is my alt haha check my main: asmongold
Except the voting part I'm okay with this even though a timeline split would be more interesting. Letting this dumbass community have a say is what got us retail
Orc racials are strictly superior, but forget that shit and play what you actually like best. Remember that you'll be looking at the backside of your character for a long time.
>watching streamers
zoom zoom
dont know much about this guy, but for some reason redditors seem to hate him a lot, so i like him
Nostalgia is mental illness.
Nothing can be the same.
tranny cope
Have sex
you will be evading that flaccid experience but you will also be missing out on wpvp right? wrong?
Tbh I have nothing better to do, my attention span is shot, I'm tired and anxious from work, I have no patience to play games a lot anymore.
cry more shitter
have sneed
The Classic community knows what it wants though, look at all the good changes Blizz has made because of player outcry.
waste more time running back to your corpse
I actually downed Hakkar for the first time using /target and /cast as a healer. My wireless mouse died right after the pull. It was embarrassing.
That would be you if you weren’t too much of a pussy to play on a pvp server
troll bow emote is fantastic
I remember I made all my casters trolls because they did Kamehameha's for most spells and I loved it.
I played on pvp servers in vanilla and private.
It's a big waste of time, if you want to PvP you can just do BGs
Nostalgia is mental illness.
Nothing can be the same.
If running back to your corpse is a big concern then you must’ve been terrible. Other people enjoy it anyway, so keep your tears to yourself
What compels you to repost this exactly?
He doesn’t want everyone to leave him alone in his shitty game
tranny autism
>the face of classic wow is a muslim
what did blizzard mean by this?
479 times of hearing "you think you do but you dont" variations wasnt enough but that one post broke the camels back and now I think classic is shit
PvE servers tended to have mass brawls rather than 1v1s.
Sometimes from raids, sometimes because someone waiting for UBRS forgot to turn PvP off
>game made by boomers for boomers
>will be nothing but zoomers running around spewing twitch memes and orbiting their favorite efriend
I played priest back in the day and everyone was sucking my cock as well. Lack of dual spec is gonna hurt though. Shadow is fun but you either end up wasting a lot of gold switching or end up healing as shadow priest
None of the popular streamers will stick with Classic, they'll all stay for maybe the first month and then go back to retail.
All those niggers saying how much of a waste of time private servers were, but now I'm set with a raid group already going into classic.
>zoomers getting past 30
>giving $15 a monh to blizzard for a badly ported 2004 game
Nostalgia is mental illness.
Nothing can be the same.
sounds good. thanks
little zoom zoom will play as long as his efriend from twitch plays
>little zoom zoom will watch his efriend and not actually play
In a fair fight no, but the vast majority of the time nobody engages an evenly matched fight in WPvP. No one with a brain will engage a target that has an advantage over them.
That means if you're out in a zone trying to farm/grind/whatever you're only going to get attacked by those with a significant advantage over you. Either in level or gear, or because you're fighting an npc, oom, etc. Thus you're going to waste time running back to your corpse when you're not even interested in PvP at the time.
You can go out specifically looking for WPvP yourself and pick your own engagements, but that's less productive than doing BGs or farming/etc.
Town/city raids were fun back in the day, but in 1.12 they're dead because of DHKs.
>I don’t like thing so it’s a waste of time
Other people will enjoy it, whether it’s efficient or not, and you can keep crying
>Push my keystone on tuesday and be done for the week with retail
>Rest of the week play Classic
>the drawing of his mother and his wife are the same
This. I played on PvP servers exclusively for years, and I can hardly remember any decent fights that couldn't reasonably be described as ganking. I have a fucking job now, I don't want to come home from work and try to unwind by doing some grinding and questing only to find myself accomplishing nothing due to some bored 60 running through the Raven Hill cemetery one-shotting everyone and riding off into the woods. At least on a PvE server I can enjoy myself.
>badly ported 2004 game
What do you mean?
Asmon is one of the biggest streamers and Pinksparkles is a literal who twitch thot.
>want to play classic
>don't want to lose my life to it like I did in middle/high school
Nothing's stopping these streamers from playing both, it's not like they have separate subscriptions.
Nostalgia is mental illness.
Nothing can be the same.
>2 asmon realms
If you have no will power you've already lost your life
>we're going for world first
Do they know that the raids were cleared 15 years ago right?
never forgetti
vanilla for leveling
tbc for endgame
whats the Yea Forums guild going to be called? not ripip again
pvp server
user, do yourself a favour and avoid it like the plague.
They invariably get co-opted by tripfags or similar attention whores
Why do those avatars look so small compared to the rest of the bridge?
Nostalgia is mental illness.
Nothing can be the same.
Rolling a rogue/druid on a PVP server with my gf. We're going to gank solo players everywhere we go lol. Root anyone that can beat us and run away. Get rekt nerds.
Yea Forums guild was kino during TBC and wrath
I was thinking about starting one NA West PvP Alliance side and my favorite name I've come up with so far is "Ebiny and Irony"
He's an idiot who didn't know that WOTF doesn't break poly yet claims that he knows everything about vanilla, he also got carried through raids on Northdale. He reported a bug on the beta that he got two shotted by a boss in WC when he had all red gear and just stood there..
I have years of tokens from playing retail WoW~
>can't wait to not be in a sperg min-max guild and play with friends who don't care about metas and just want to have fun
have sex
Did famous celebrity streamers exist in vanilla? I only got to level 50 but I never remember people sperging about a certain player. Maybe once or twice from vanilla to WOTLK? I only knew about like music video guys like that Ni hao song.
redpill me on squido
the fun ends when BWL hits, you can fuck around with onyxia and rag but starting at razorgore your shit hybrid class guild is over
Nostalgia is mental illness.
Nothing can be the same.
nobody really streamed until wotlk, but there were enormously famous players in vanilla. everyone remembers Kungen
>ganking in STV all over again
Feels so good
how would you know about them if you weren't on their realm?
i dont think streamers where a thing back then. but you had famous players like swifty, kungen who were well known for their vids
I mean, armor mitigation at that level would be, what, 30% something (he wouldn't have full slots, and it'd be mail)? Verdan the Everliving is just supposed to hit for quite a lot (277-369 t. WoW Bestiary). Which an experiences player should know, it was a notoriously hard-hitting mob.
what kind of beta incels would take this 15 year old already done game seriously?
All the people who claim to be "vanilla veterans" were exposed hard by Blizzard in that not a bug thread.
Unless I see video evidence from you raiding in 2004, I'm gonna call BS on every time someone claims to be a "vanilla veteran"
Since the game is an MMO and that area is a city, they made most outdoor geometry really big so players can see it and don’t fall in the water in the event that the area is crowded.
old wow forums, and youtube videos
the people who cant clear normal mode raids on retail
Nostalgia is mental illness.
Nothing can be the same.
Streaming didn’t exist back then due to most peoples’ internet connections being shit and there was no platform for it whatsoever. The closest thing to an e-celeb vanilla wow had was swifty.
>ctrl+f "nostalgia is mental illness"
>21 matches
I played a dwarf paladin in vanilla until level 53 am I vanilla veteran?
it's a special kind of autism
Strange, I only see the string in your post.
Have you forgotten how to use filters or something?
Nostalgia is mental illness.
Nothing can be the same.
>Why yes, I play male Night Elf Warrior, how did you know?
some die so that others may live
>tranny fantasy
I need help picking a faction
horde is what I know, I know where to go in terms of quest hubs, I know the cities and how to get around, it's what I played in retail.
but I started in tbc and don't know vanilla endgame at all so I'm thinking I might actually play alliance instead so everything is new to me, given that I know the old azeroth path to 60 pretty well on horde already
but I really do prefer the horde races so I'm torn. another aspect is that I know exactly what I will roll if I go horde (tauren shaman) but for alliance I'm torn between about 4 different options
>BfA is garbage.
>Most people hate it.
>It's been confirmed all the important WoW players like Swifty, Kungen and Towelliee will be moving to Classic.
>Future is uncertain for retail.
people are actually playing final fantasy not just watching someone else play
They're going to assume that the only people left are drones who will eat anything up, so they'll double down on titanforging, timegating, MTX, phone game content like mission tables, they'll probably focus less on mythic raiding and just hold the game steady with cinematic content updates and features like warfronts that literally play themselves, but look cool!
If anyone complains the fans will say "Play Classic if you don't like it!"
towelliee has got to be the biggest faggot on earth, even more of a nigger than assmongold himself
Nostalgia is mental illness.
Nothing can be the same.
I tried it. It's so fucking boring, it's the same shit as retain WoW. I spent hours running around killing monsters in shitty instanced areas while never losing more than 4% of my health in any given battle. And the UI is somehow worse than a 2004 MMO. I have no idea why it's shilled so much, but I'm assuming there are probably waifus in the expansions.
>p-p-p-p-p-p-p-people are just playing..!
>all of the hybrid-infested rebbit guilds will inevitably clear MC at some point before BWL releases
>they will scream “WE TOLD YOU SO” and celebrate their “accomplishment”
>once BWL hits only the skilled few will make it past broodlord. Those who were outspoken in the past are now silent.
>and then AQ40 will absolutely crush them
when you're leveling in a contested zone you're literally a homing beacon for every undead rogue in the area so quest with a friend or be near the vicinity of other players so they can help you
The fact that WoW was at it's most popular during the closed beta proves that people watch the game when they don't play it.
..a joke
dont know if i should pick human or dwarf for my paladin, probably human for the extra rep gains i think
the weapon skill bonus is very nice too
Nostalgia is mental illness.
Nothing can be the same.
stoneform is less useful on pally as other classes as you can already remove everything with cleanse bar bleeds
Like the other user said, retail will be kept alive with a fraction of the current dev team, just making a token effort to release content as a thin veil for squeezing as much money as possible from the whales through microtransactions, just to be funneled into CoD and Skylanders.
>Nostalgia is a menta-
Lol this would litterly be me if i was gonne play, plus a dog resting at my legs:)
Nostalgia is mental illness.
Nothing can be the same.
I would do dwarf because I love dwarfs but the dwarf melee attack animations are kinda garbage, especially the 2H ones. 1H is alright I guess.
Is healing even fun
Depends if you consider big numbers fun only if they're white or if green is OK too.
Satisfying, but boring except in a few situations.
I remember actually hoping for fuck ups sometimes, because those were the moments that really got the blood pumping and made for a truly great victory.
try it and find out dummy
Nostalgia is mental illness.
Nothing can be the same.
your obsession is a mental illness
Remember that even world first guilds during retail vanilla were trash and they still managed to beat the content. The margins are extremely wide.
Now, it's one thing to go out of your way to make a meme guild like all druids guild: not only would they be handicapped by their garbage raid composition, such a guild concept would primarily attract mediocre players who aren't serious about the game. I wouldn't expect such guilds to succeed either, they never do even in later expansions where such a setup is supposed to be """fine""". However, not caring about autistically min/maxing raid setups is another (min/maxing your character individually is a separate matter). First of all, contemporary players are going to make characters closer in proportion to the kind of class distribution that's optimal. A random sample of serious players might even result in BETTER setup than what world firsts were achieved with back in the day with zero consideration given to consciously going for optimal setup. Moreover, the advantages enjoyed by contemporary veteran players are so tremendous that even a meme spec like feral, even without using Crowd Pummeler, could well be out-DPSing anyone from 2005. Since 2005 players still managed to clear the raids, this should obviously be fine. If played by capable players, you'd have to actively try to make a comp that couldn't clear raids without an issue.
>That male dorf rogue aesthetic.
Truth. Dorf rogue is peak aesthetic.
Nostalgia is mental illness.
Nothing can be the same.
So what's Blizzards plan once they run out of content in Vanilla? Make new content or go make a TBC server and bring the downfall of the game?
depends on your group, with a good group its relaxing, you can watch the fight from a safe distance and keep your buddies healed, maybe compete for healing meters in raids if you feel dedicated
with a bad group its a challenge
I've only healed in tbc & wrath but I found it quite fun, sure you are essentially just watching health bars for most of the fight but when you pull off last split second heals to save someone or keep a whole group up against all odds it always feels great
>hack fraud pirate server can somehow handle more players than an official blizzard stress test
Man I’m just not inviting meme specs because they have entitlement issues/inferiority complexes and tend to cause drama
You're thinking of Korean MMOs. XIV isn't grindy at all.
I very much doubt they will make more content for classic but then again I doubted they would ever release classic servers so who knows
there's certainly a lot of love for the first two expansions at least so I think releasing tbc servers would be the most logical next step
>Yea Forumsirgins making fun of based ASMONCHAD again
Like pottery...
Nostalgia is mental illness.
Nothing can be the same.
sorry ff tranny we're living in 2019 with 2+ monitors. maybe invest in a second one instead of HRT meds and dilation rods
Yeah okay but as someone who played a PvE server in 05 to 06 I greatly regretted it as it was not, and is not, the full experience. Game is supposed to be PvP. That's why the game has factions...
I'd be interested in them releasing future expansions but reworked with Classic philosophy.
TBC comes out but there are no flying mounts.
Wrath comes out, but doesn't introduce LFD or store mounts or achievements or ilvl.
Got into the beta because of my account age and experience. I had beta tested original WoW and had 50 characters over 60, no boosts. And I had known nothing of streamers and twitch before the beta. You see I'm an old man, a 36 year old man. The beta server is probably the most packed streamer server there will ever be. And I gotta say. It wasn't bad. I'm gonna miss those dudes. All that "invite me to asmon/staysafe layer" is because they were organizing events and raids. And if the raid was on the wrong layer the leader had to disband the raid and group with someone on the right layer then reform. What you're witnessing in that instant is a dumped raid trying to get reinvited. Those people wanted to raid. Not that they wanted to orbit a streamer. Well some probably did. And if you wanted to ignore it then just leave general chat for all over 5 minutes. I'm probably going to join up on a streamer server even though I don't watch streamers just because there are more community events.
daddy blizzard thanks your autism keeping this thread bumped reminding Yea Forums classic is indeed in 20 days
honestly, bar tempest keep/skettis etc tbc would still work fine without flying mounts. there are no zones like storm peaks that are fully designed around flying mounts
The most likely option:
>progress existing servers into TBC exactly as it was 6 months after naxx
>create a few fresh vanilla servers at the same time
>continue doing this until at least wrath because wrath was when subs peaked
What I hope they will do (and most likely what they won’t do)
>create new content post-naxx that follows vanilla design philosophies
>eventually release a different TBC with level 60 cap and no blood elves/flying/heroics/arena
Just put flight points there, bang, job done.
Or a guy you speak to nearby who gives you a controllable gryphon that expires in 2 minutes.
Imagine a TBC with WC3 draenei, with a different race entirely replacing BEs
TBC should have been ogres for horde and high elves for alliance. Giving the horde a pretty race was one of the worst decisions ever made.
How are you people going to optimize your time inside the asmongold layer? I think we need to start a discord server where we all can help eachother scout for the layer and then when someone finds it he can invite everybody else. I think that if we get enough people we can exclusively level 1-60 around asmongold and he will 100% get to know us and remember our character names.
Nostalgia is mental illness.
Nothing can be the same.
the original world of warcraft is one of the best games ever made. it has nothing to do with nostalgia.
Damn, guess I can’t replay games ever again.
I really do rather like the contrast between the Draenei and Blood Elves, it's visually stunning and they're both very cool races with ties to Outland.
TBC seems to me a very well thought out expansion on paper, just poorly implemented in a few spots. Maybe implement a system where you can only make one Blood Elf/Draenei character to reflect how they're supposed to be relatively rare?
Do you actually trust nu-Blizz to make new Classic content? They don't understand what made the game good, even if they could make a new raid they can't write quests the same way they used to. It'd be so fucking tacked on.
Here's the actual better option. They just have a small dev team dedicated to making minor updates like Diablo 3 and start opening seasonal servers, fresh start for people who want to play again and compete with a blank slate. Possibly they could have a hardmode server with a different gimmick each season too. A server with half exp, a server with permadeath, a server with this and that to add challenge and spice the game up, but without permanently changing it.
It won't be the same retard, it will be even better
>haha classic sucks you're just nostalgic about it
>it will be dead in a few months
>you're not a kid anymore, you don't have time to play it
>you're just trying to relive your childhood
>the raids are so fucking easy, bosses only have 1 mechanic lolol
>everyone will quit when they remember how bad the game is
>people only liked it because it was new
>there's no mystery to the game anymore, everything is figured out
>you really want to drop all of the improvements retail has made over the years?
>lol why are you paying for a game already released 15 years ago
>blizzard is going to fuck it up, just you watch
>it's not better, just slower
>layering.webm (video actually from the blizzcon demo, not the beta)
>people only played private servers because it's free, nobody will pay $15 for classic
>no content after naxx, you can't keep playing forever lol
>bfa kiddies seething this hard
top kek
Vanilla is trash and a horribly flawed game. PVP is also the most imbalanced shitfest to ever exist. You're pretty much required to run through several consumables and weird niche items just so you don't get locked down by CC for 20 minutes.
the only seethe here is in your post
I hope Classic will do well so that the design philisophy of the time can be resurrected, even if I have no faith in Blizz at all. It's a terrible company. It's more to encourage other devs to work on similar games in the future.
And also so that the "it's just nostalgia / rose tainted glasses" instant self-gratification cultural marxist Candy Crush player base can stfu.
>he's actually seething at people enjoying a video game and isn't just shitposting
Ohhhh man that makes it even better to read. Every post gets me more hyped.
Shut the fuck up mccuck
School doesn't start for a couple more weeks gramps
I haven't played retail since MOP, but I did go through northdale as a prot warrior all the way to Kel'thuzad. I'd never do it again.
>I don't like it therefor nobody will like it
>he forgot his raid chicken
exactly, reading these people is like listening to liberals. Are they from the same stock ?
Then she's just an attention whore.
>ret paladins are good, guise! there's just so many ELITSTS and HATERS that don't know the spec's true potential!!!!
They announced an RP-PvP server for China, likely meaning EUfriends and USfriends are getting one too. Guess I really am getting to go home, bros.
34:45 for the curious.
What class and role should I (a girl) play?
>Needs literally the best item in every slot just to lose to naxx feral druids
These are naxx nubmers by the way
retail healslut or something
stay out of classic
and then they usually shift the argument to "b-b-b-but vanilla is easy lol a couple ret paladins won't hurt your raid!!! you don't NEED the dps!!!"
Wtf bros
>Time: 00:57
there's your answer
i've never played WoW "properly" before, just fucked around on private servers levelling classes to the cap then stopping
how likely is it that classic guilds will tell me to fuck off when i don't know the first thing about raiding or gear?
The virgin shit dps no one wants to bring
The chad shit dps that you have to bring
Who hunterchad here
Druid heal, it's easy, you can't fuck up too much, and if someone tries to gank you you can just flee.
Very unlikely, the game itself largely isn't the hard part. It's the tard wrangling that makes raiding difficult. If you aren't a drama llama or retarded, most guilds will be more than happy to take you.
There's plenty of casual guilds that don't give a shit how bad you are and will recruit you just to fill up those 40 raid slots
>on the internet
Don't worry about it, the bosses are undertuned and it'll be piss easy, even easier than on pserver. You shouldn't have any problem as long as you're not a mongoloid, just read a guide for every boss before going on a raid.
Yeah the kinds of guilds that will waste 5-6 hours wiping in molten core. Nobody wants to join shit like that.
Remember when Ret-turds thought this was going to be their bis weapon because of bugged private server attack speed values? I member
that only worked on feenix iirc
and even then it was still a total meme spec
different engines
Everyone says how easy vanilla raiding is but I bet they've only done MC at most. Shit gets real at AQ40 but I expect a lot of guilds to give up on BWL as well.
Even with all these years of knowledge very few guilds will clear AQ, not to mention Naxx, maybe 1% of the population will clear it.
See you guys in Naxx
Even in AQ40, the only hard bosses are prophet and c'thun, everything else is pretty easy and mostly just gear checks
t. never played on Nost
The way Nost handled huge pop was with reducing draw distance to an absolute minimum. You could literally only see stuff 5 feet in fround of you. Mobs and players would just pop out of thin air. It was awful.
>Nazi symbols
get out
>and mostly just gear checks
And most guilds will fail those checks. Everyone says it's easy but let's see how many of them actually put in the work to get an entire guild geared.
if you can clear BWL you shouldn't have any trouble getting geared enough for AQ40
This, though considering the amount of retards in gaming nowadays, most will still have trouble. But people knowing their stuff will absolutely roll over it.
>private server tuning
Ayy lmao
A reminder for those on the fence about playing Druchad
Based druid reference dump
Tanking endgame content
Farming in heal spec
Farming lashers in dm
PVE spec = PVP spec
KILLING named quest ELITES SOLO /w appropriate gear @ level.
All accomplished on overtuned private servers.
We all know that Vanilla WoW is peak comfy.
But, what zone of COMFIEST?
The hardest fight in the game is kel'thuzad. Four horseman is probably right after because everyone absolutely needs to know what they're doing. In aq40 it's really only c'thun, prophet and maybe twin emps if your tank gets one shotted repeatedly. In BWL the hardest thing is probably getting through the whelp room without fucking up and not being a tard on nefarian. You have a higher chance of wiping because some retarded mage/warlock pulled threat than because of any boss mechanic pre-naxx.
>tfw wanna roll on RPPVP server
>There's either one, none or two.
>Two would mean one Horde realm one Alliance realm so basically a pve server.
>One would mean I'd only be able to see what vanilla wow RP is like on one side.
>Wanna roll Nelf warrior just as much as I want to roll an undead one.
Can't decide, so many comfy zones in vanilla.
I love Feralas, Un'Goro, Tanaris and Winterspring. I used to spend so much time fishing in Feralas and Un'Goro. Can't wait to do it again.
Shimmering Flats
mulgore because my first character was a tauren
We're going home...
But when are we going HOME?
You don't need a rule; women won't want to join a guild with any of you insufferable faggots in it.
No it's not money in this case because she's worth a lot more than he is.
None of her money comes from streaming.
Lmao kys roastie
Why do Classic threads on Yea Forums move way slower than FFXIV threads on Yea Forums? Is there just less hype over Classic than FFXIV?
ffxiv just got a new expac and classic is 100 years old
Because FFags don't actually play the game.
Kenshiro pls
And the video he was replying to is footage of what then?
But this has been the case for months prior to the expansion release. So that can't be what you're saying.
what the fuck is there to talk about that hasn't been discussed to death already besides "hay guiz wut class lol"? The game is still 3 weeks away, too.
Everyone knows it’s Dun Morogh, comfiest zone with the comfiest city
classic threads were way faster before/during the beta release
Neither do WoWfags. That's why they care more about twitch viewers than player numbers.
user, raids are 40 people are are genuinely undertuned for that. Realistically outside of the last few AQ40 bosses and for Naxx, you really only need like 20 guys to raid in vanilla. You can bring whatever the fuck you want for half the raid as filler.
Not according to the tor archives.
>recent game with a new expansion just released
>15 year old legacy server that isn’t even out yet
Let’s see, can you guess which one has been discussed more?
>Ted Cruz is the Zodiac killer
>tfw no guild
I thought WoW was supposed to have million of players while FFXIV only caps out at 400k. Shouldn't there be more discussion just because there's more of a sheer volume of players interested in WoW?
We know the truth.
My plan is to stay guildless until I get properly recruited by a group of chill guys who I'm running a dungeon with.
Don't invite my to your guild when you're just standing around in Stormwind, the fuck outta my face with that shit.
Discussion of what? The game is not out.
good luck with that
No? Everything has already been discussed to death.
user unless you're trying to be the best of the best, you're going to clear most raids in vanilla. They're simply not hard.
>Everything has already been discussed to death
>Discussion of what?
duality of man
this is how I've found guilds on the private servers I've been on and it's as good a method as any
>I love Feralas, Un'Goro, Tanaris
Great taste. Some parts of Desolace are great as well. Duskwood when i play Alliance, wich seems unlikely this time.
With 20 people they're fucking hard/impossible
I'll recruit you bro, I'll be pallytanking my dungeons just to scare away the minmaxers.
Both are true. What we know has been discussed to death and we don't know we can't discuss because the game is not out and beta has ended.
t. mud hutt dweller
No I'm saying you have 20 people who actually are playing well and 20 people who are just there to do a little extra dps and throw out some heals.
Ony was 5-manned in vanilla using Naxx gear.
My requirement is that multiple people in the dungeon run are in your guild, I want to know that you play with your team as soon as I meet you.
>Ony was 5-manned in vanilla using Naxx gear.
well yeah because onyxia is pure mechanics.
but you're right that 20 good players will carry 20 bad players. thats what most raids are going to be like.
If I don't have a guild by 55, I'm making my own. And I'll certainly be running with them, since I'll recruit the founding members from the friends I make in previous dungeon runs. See you in Stratholme brother.
I had a pally tank LBRS last week, he did just fine. Dungeon tanking was never the problem, the issue is raid bosses are much harder to hold aggro on with that much dps going out. Druids can actually hold the aggro, they just lack survivability in raids.
Why don't you come play the superior MMO with us girls(male) instead you silly WoWfag boys?
King's honor, friend.
>If I don't have a guild by 55
I'll be amazed if you don't have one by 20, everyone tries to join a guild asap so they have people to play with.
Did you have to do anything special for him tanking, like hold back your dps or wait for him to gather threat before you start fighting? Just looking for tips.
>by 20
Problem with that is you don't know who will stick around, waiting until a higher level range ensures you only recruit dedicated players, not the casuals who will quit at 30 or 40 or BFA tourists.
Just let him run in and use consecrate first and you should be fine. Pallies are really good at holding aggro on groups, it's single target that's the issue, which all raid bosses are. Again, they have the survivability to withstand raid boss attacks, they just lack the ability to hold aggro, while bear druids have the opposite problem.
Fortnite is hardly discussed at all on Yea Forums must be a dead game. Have sex and experience life outside this chinese sweatshop containment board.
Real men had already been raiding for years in EQ before those "veterans" started acting like vanilla WoW was hard...
If the guild dies you leave for another one. Besides, this isn't an ultra hardcore game, you play to have fun, so join a guild of people you like being around with.
>join a shit guild because they threw an invite at you
>other, better guilds respect that you are in one and don't invite you
>you're stuck with a bunch of shitters for no reason
>real men
>people who play videogames
Not him but you sound amazingly pathetic here.
Because you're nowhere as hot as a viera, let alone a real girl, so why bother?
Are those shitters fun guys to hang out with though?
They just wank over their characters, of course it'd get posts fast.
Just take a look at the Life is Strange threads.
I heard consecration is bugged on private servers, any idea if that's true?
Y-You can s-s-s-still p-p-pretend, user.
Personally I'm way more concerned with my guild just fucking dying than I am with being filled with people who suck. Even if my guildmates are terrible, if we consistently have 30 people on at a time then I have people to talk to while playing.