could it be? nah i wont get my hopes up
Could it be? nah i wont get my hopes up
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Cube World looks nice zoomed out, but up close it looks like rancid dog shit, bad art style
It already looks old and shitty, who the fuck cares?
HYTALE is where its at.
this fuck should stop teasing us with new shit if he ain't even planing to release a update
This, it has bad aesthetic and shit art direction. For a game about exploring, building and spending alot of time travelling its a bad sign.
So whens Hytale coming out?
I've seen shitty phone games with better textures.
>acting like cube world even matters when the superior minecraft rpg was announced and stated to launch before cube worlds fourth update
Its time to give up, wollay. You six, going on seven, years too late.
the game that never came out
>make game
>lots of people buy it
>dev says it's a sideproject and that it will update slowly
>doesn't shift focus to it 100%
This guy is fucking retarded, he could've made bank on this game but instead he just fucked off for no reason.
>5 years later
>new title screen
Had a decent shot at being the next Notch, honestly. Cube World had potential, but that was in 2012. Now it's too fucking late. Lots of games already cashed in on the niche, and even Minecraft is a fully fledged RPG game by now. It's way too late.
I'm sure this retard still made decent bank, but he could've made ten thousand times more if he seized the opportunity.
yeah cube world could have been a gold mine if he actually worked on it for the past 7 fucking years.
Its too late now.
He is only working on it now and will most likely finish it in hopes that Epic come in and he gets that sweet sweet buyout money. No other reason for doing it now.
I like how the title screen reflects how the game will finally be coming out around the time the Sun consumes the Earth.
That's because there are no textures, user.
>50 Million views
What the fuck? I've never heard of it.
It's made by the creators of apparently-popular Minecraft servers, so it probably drew a lot of eyes from that alone.
I don't know much about the Minecraft community though so maybe the Hypixel servers aren't that popular.
Apparently he emails people and sends screenshots about game details periodically.
These emails are sent on the Cube World Subreddit discord
I believe they run minigame megaservers, not really that interesting. But hytale looks promising from what they've shown
More like
>make a game as a hobby project with no intention to release it
>it gets a lot of traction and loads of people want an alpha release like minecraft
>caves under the pressure because he's getting nonstop messages about it and ends up releasing a paid build
It was never his intention to work on the game full time, and people were warning others about it non-stop. He still shouldn't have caved and released it, but people got way too swept up in the hype to notice all the warning signs.
>Make a game for fun with your wife. Already have mad dosh due main job so this is jsut a side project
>Game picks up attention, people insist they want an alpha and preorder the game
>Release such alpha and open a store but warn no promises of updates or finishing the game
>Divorce your wife, don't feel like working on the game again, close store.
>Start working on the game again one year later but keep it small and personal
He's been giving updates for 4 years now, you jsut had to look for them. There's a reason why there's no drama around the game besides it not being released. Wollay would suffer little from it being cancelled. He has his own life and Cube World was always just a hobby,. not a necessity.
Is it actually available in the store again, or are people who might want to play it just shit out of luck?
Just pirate the Alpha.
Doubt the store will open anytime soon.
Reality: Wasted potential and could've been a multi-millionaire or the next big thing. "Muh" wife and sideproject is not an excuse. He had an oppurtunity of a lifetime and did absolutely nothing with it but ignore it and piss people off.
You're assuming a lot.
From his perspective it was a simple side project while he was having issues in his personal life.
Based Hytale chads.
I've waited six years for proof of this game's survival. What's another few to actually play it.
this thread is proof alone that the game, albeit 6 years late, is still popular and if a full version was released we would all be hacking and slashing cube shit right now.
Stfu blockautist
I mean we're getting more updates on the game than ever and according to some emails he bought a website domain. Nothing has happened with the website as of right now.
is this shit even worth it
i get it's only two people working on it but still
I mean with all the shit that has changed in this video, i'm interested to see what this game is going to have