Hello guys!

Hello guys!
"I have No mouth and I must scream" is one of my favourite games of all time!
I also read the book!
I wanted to know if there other games out there (I don't care about the gameplay or the platform) that share the same kind of psychological/philosophical plot.
Can you help me?

Bonus if it's an obscure game!

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Other urls found in this thread:


kill yourself and get the fuck back to your subredit

Not close but, dark corners of the earth, SH 1 and 2 and Neverhood come to my mind.

I havent read the book but I have heard things
Is it true that AM engineered it that the last woman on earth, who is also black, got fucked by a gay gorilla dude and liked it?
Cus that shit is hilarious


It's a short story, not a book.

Yes! Absolutly...the scene is also pretty detailed!

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You've never played the game



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unironically this

The city of lost children.

Literally what I was looking for...

When does this shit get to the sex and violence? I got up to the bit where you meet those people living in the barn but it was so boring

It's a pleb filter slow burn. Just keep going, you're close-ish.

Maddie, is that you?


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AM was based

You mean edgy bullshit?
Also the book is available in audio by the author. it's a 15 minute story... so that's what, 100 pages? WEW LAD!

you can listen to the audiobook on youtube, read by the author himself. it's only 40 minutes.

cringe. Go back

here you go, also it's voiced by the author himself. Save you the HOURS of shitposting time spent on Yea Forums instead.


Soma deserves a mention.

I sometimes mix up phantasmagoria and harvester, both are good, but I was thinking harvester, which is much weirder and very over the top with violence.

Already played! And Thanks!

I have no ass and i must shiiieeeet XD

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Always thought that it was just a shitty indie game...I have to try it then...

seriously though, harvester is right up the same ally as what OP is looking for.

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This game is straight trash. I had some expectations but it was completely dumb. I have heard the book was way better.


2 completly different experiences.
The book is obviously!