They did it. They managed to make the bombcast even worse.
They did it. They managed to make the bombcast even worse
Call me when their GOTYs happen and I'll briefly give a shit about GB again.
can't be worse than rory or whoever the fuck coming on to talk about some fucking mmo no one gives a shit about
>Watching old, fat, balding manlets talk about video games
thats pathetic. kill yourself OP.
Fuck off, kid.
It's not the Gamespot people's fault, they were reflecting the energy in the room.
The problem is that Brad is fucking incapable of hosting a podcast, even after all these years.
Incredible that out of the 5 here, the 3 actual GB people are maybe the worst.
One doesn't speak at all, the other can't speak, and the other doesn't know how to host a show. he's hosting.
what kind of disease do you need to watch giantbomb in the current year
Motherfucker they got a hologram pokeman card on stream. You can't beat this shit if you tried.
>He doesn't watch the GOTY deliberation kino
Rorie is the only good thing left on that garbage site, debate me.
Jeff, Ben and Jason are all over 6', stop projecting, midget.
They said something mean about daddy drumpsy, didn't they? Now they're you're worst enemy, aren't they? That's pretty sad.
No they just suck and aren't entertaining funny or worth listening to. Been like that since that fat fuck died. (not jeff the other one)
also i miss the ones where they play simulators for an hour long (vinny and the blonde dude were top tier back then)
At this point even those are garbage. I only listen to those anymore because my brother and a guy from work both listen as well and it gives us all something to make fun of
>At this point even those are garbage
Objectively wrong. The 2018 GOTYs were the greatest they've ever been. It was absolute kino.
I haven't sought out anything from them since Ryan died, and the bits that get linked here from time to time since then have been unbearably cringe inducing. Some to the point of physical repulsion. I don't get how people can stand watching them on a regular basis these days.
what's sadder is thinking giantbomb has been anything better than total dogshit since 2014 or so
Meh, better than the other gaymer trash on youtube.
they just haven't had an interesting insight on a videogame since sometime in 2016. everything they say is just parroting some twitter shit they read and the news segment is literally just reading kotaku articles and then agreeing with them. Dan is the only entertaining and non-pretentious staff member left and they all fucking make fun of him for it. I can't wait for the site to go under and for Dan to find success elsewhere while the rest fade into obscurity and homelessness.
Lmao oh, a big fan of the format change are ya? It was boring, repetitive, and Abby managed to talk more than anyone else while saying less than anyone else
nice video games
no it's about the same level of trash, you might even say it's worse when you consider they have a full studio, corporate backing and a team of staff members on both sides but still manage to not only put out less but equally poor content as the average jackoff on twitch with 20 average viewers
>He didn't enjoy Brad getting utterly BTFO
Yeah, nah. You've clearly got an axe to grind here.
that was the only entertaining part of the entire 20 hours and it still wasn't that good
I thought it was fine and the discussion was interesting.
I did feel worse about it at the end though when it was revealed that they were only there to shill their new podcast.
I hope Jeff doesn't take more than a month off.
Even when Jeff is back he's just going to be even more tired and lazy than ever. GB west is dead.
It's been dead. After Ryan passed Jeff put himself in permanent low energy mode to preserve his will to live.
I hope Jeff comes back and shits all over One Punch Man and then throws Ben out a window.
Jeff may be tired and lazy but I can still hang in for his deeper knowledge of games that occasionally shines through.
Was really interesting hearing his perspective on Retroarch and made me go back to do some Retroachievements after not having touched it for 3 years.
I just want to watch Jeff play more Tony Hawk. That's it.
Can barely listen to the Bombcast because of Ben's fucking ENORMOUS lip smacks, and in the videos he's always stretching his gangly huge fingers and it freaks me out.
What game is Brad gonna shill for this year?
FUCKING this, why does West take forever to produce any content
Death Stranding, funnily enough