>TF2 balance out the window because valve added too many weapons without considering their impact
>R6S full of samey characters and frustrating gadgets due to the retarded 100 character target
>TF2 performance down the shitter because its a 2004 engine with over 1500 cosmetics and unoptimized visual effects
>R6S netcode is garbage because its an Ubisoft game, regardless of the updates desu
ITT: Games that were ruined from adding too much content
>TF2 balance out the window because valve added too many weapons without considering their impact
Oh please. The game was most unbalanced in it's first years when demo had 6 pipes and stickies were much stronger than now etc. TF2 is probably more balanced then it's ever been.
And even though you're kind of right for the optimization, it's important to remember the architecture of source makes it so games rely primarily on the CPU instead of the GPU.
>>R6S netcode is garbage because its an Ubisoft game, regardless of the updates desu
The engine also wasn't designed for an online FPS
shut the fuck up with your fake nostalgia, demo only had 6 pipes for like 2 weeks at the game's release
>TF2 is probably more balanced then it's ever been.
>Wrangler + Rescue ranger combo
>Can literally sit at spawn and repair sentry from a distance safely, while activating shields to make it resist 3 times more damage
>completelly stalls matches in high level play
>Base Jumper lets you become nearly unhittable in mid-air like a clownn
>Quick-Fix is a straight upgrade from other mediguns and completelly stalls matches in high level play
>inb4 you mention some pubber anecdote about beating some F2P that used these weapons
Yeah alright mate keep crying in the corner.
go back to your friendly plr_hightower server, its too hard for you to understand basic gameplay problems, you're probably sucking a golf ball
tf2 now is a hell of a lot more fun to play than launch tf2.
2011-2013 TF2 was peak tf2
now its just the generic corporate "Click to join a generic Valve server" instead of the cool community servers that used to exist.
I don't really mind the number or operators in Siege currently, especially now that they've added 4 bans to ranked. What really killed the game for me was the netcode and the fact that there are bugs still in the game from release and with every patch that fixes 1 bug, they introduce 4 more, 3 of which were "fixed" previously. They just keep reintroducing bugs exploits and glitches every patch and it just gets fucking old. Oh and the map pool is fucking dogshit, nobody likes any of the DLC maps except Border yet those maps clearly have a higher value in the ranked pool because all anyone ever gets is Fortress to Theme to Sky to Fortress to Coastline to Outback to Sky to Theme over and over. The base maps are unironically the best ones yet they're the least common. I'd kill to just be able to play fucking Oregon or Chalet once or twice a session, god damn.
Bruh I understand actual gameplay problems more than you.
Wrangler + rr complete non issue, just shoot the engineer.
>Base jumper lets you become nearly unhittable in mid-air like a clownn
So you just xab't aim right? Base jumper = free kill in my book.
>Quick-Fix is a straight upgrade from other mediguns and cpmpletely stalls matches in high level play
Huh, guess this explains why everyone uses stock.
Now retard talk about those
>medic being absolutely necessary to secure a win
>pyro relying on crits all the time
>cl_interp abuse from spies
Here, these are actual issues you fucking mongol.
No zoomer will ever know my pain.
Siege was ruined through balancing not more content
It needs more content if anything nobody wants new shit meme ops I just want more maps
Netcode aside the game isn't that bad apart from the morons running the anti toxic bullshit and perma banning ppl at random for saying no no words
i've never seen such a blatantly wrong opinion
>Start as 4 serious guys heisting banks
>Ends up as the Netflix Pokemons collecting meme masks and going on the moon while blasting Beta male EDM
>too much content
where? you mean the operators? because theres like 6 maps on the whole game
i would remove the shitty cheating pieces of shit operators tho but theres only like 4 of those
if anything siege need more balanced maps.
nah it's right.
launch tf2 had shitty maps like dustbowl and 2fort which are just chokepoints.
engineer couldn't move his buildings, pyro didn't have airblast, medic was way less fun to play than he is now, there was no delay on snipers zoom and headshot so he could stay unscoped all the time and right click + left click to headshot someone instantly, demo was extremely strong and both him and soldier didn't get nerfs till later after release.
>Wrangler + rr complete non issue, just shoot the engineer.
Engineer can stay behind a wall, or even worse, inside spawn while defending last on a 5cp map. If you ever played competitive you would know this is possible. So the only way to beat a wrangler + RR combo in this context would be to place down like 6 stickies around the sentry somehow.
>So you just xab't aim right? Base jumper = free kill in my book.
So you've never seen someone with a base jumper that can airstrafe? Its like we live in different worlds
Here, ill show you a vid youtu.be
>inb4 you mention some pubber anecdote
>complains about shit that is not now or ever was used in comp tf2 which is a joke itself
These guys are just retards yes, what competitive league do you play in? Dirt? Hahahaha nigga don't reply again you're a clown.
>6s balance
noone cares
>Huh, guess this explains why everyone uses stock.
wow, its almost like people who play Casual dont really care about winning that much or know what the top level players know, shocking right?
ill give you the TLDR from the season it was allowed in ESEA
>It was either use it or lose against it
>40% more heals than other mediguns, so you effectively have to do 40% more damage in order to win team fights
>The only counter that was sometimes used was kritz, but in most cases quickfix was always used if it was allowed
who the fuck cares about compfags
I could go over every gun banned in comp TF2 and explain reasonably why its banned with valid arguments
In fact theres very few weapons banned atm, some classes dont even have any weapon bans
i'm still fucking mad about the unusual exploit, i sold some crates on the market but i wonder what i would have gotten, it's getting bad bros, to the point of removing my friends that did it
Don't talk to me about comp balance when the base format is fucked.
Change it from 2-2-1-1 to something like 1-1-1-1-1 and then talk to me about balance.
Literally the only fun maps in TF2 are the original ones but excluding everything new makes matchmaking take too long
comp shows what the most broken weapons are
putting a 12 year old on a casual server will not show or prove anything about balance, since hes shit at the game and doesnt know how to play
theres a reason some classes got limited to 1 and others didnt. it wasnt just decided in one day, but made with feedback from years of playing.
cp_well a shit
>in it's first years when demo had 6 pipes
Even in its first years it was 4 pipes, the decision to reduce them was pre-release.
It's true that the balance was much worse back then but it's also true that the unlock clutter has fucked the balance up, just far too much exploitable shit in the game. If valve had gone the direction they were going class balance wise while not going full retard with unlock (and not relying on unlocks to buff the weaker classes) we would have both a much more balanced game and a much more easy to balance game.
>being so much of an autist that you remove friends for having virtual hats that you don't have
you're doing them a favor
Every TF2 update before Mann Co was great. Nearly every update after F2P was god awful
There's way too much shitty content
don’t care
the people I’ve removed so far have given me games and shit
and they have a bad habit of making random shit and then abandoning it
>Competitive Matchmaking
>Pass Time
most of the good maps came after launch.
Only remotely decent original maps were the 5cp ones and even compared to the later 5cp maps they are kind of shit. It's really obvious Valve had no idea how many medkits a map needed back then.
im saying it's a good thing you're removing them, I'm encouraging you to do it. you're genuinely doing them a favor lol
they all like me
keep coping incel
holy fuck i forgot about this, what the fuck were they thinking?