What am I in for?
What am I in for?
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ghosts and blitzball
An enjoyable rpg
Word of advice. The cat is useless
Don't listen to him, put Kimahri through Rikku's grid and he becomes alright. But he does become massively outclassed later in the game.
Upboated xD
>Moving kimahri away from his designated spot as early ultima for lulu before seymour
Only go throguh Rikku's grid up to steal, then move him into Wakka's for the attack boosts. He'll be one of your best damage dealers with access to pierce and strong weapons and Steal until late-mid game. Still superfluous and unnecessary since the other party members already fulfill their respective roles perfectly, but he's definitely not terrible.
Better dead than Al Bhed
>people say X is enjoyable
>people say XIII is shit
No one is going to take this bait.
I found X's story to be not as anime-ish. That's literally the only thing that salvages it for me. Yes it has the ff13 linear shit, but the characters aren't nearly as insufferable.
Just how stupid you are? You seriously can't see difference between X and XIII?
How do you even manage to breath?
You'd be surprised
>I found X's story to be not as anime-ish.
what? x is literally cookie cutter isekai
The characters in either didn’t really seem that great to me, but I prefer turn based to atb. XIII’s summons look fucking great though.
To be honest, they weren't to me either. I only mean in terms of saying it's 'not like anime' FFXIII to me was literally a shonen anime made a game. And yes, fuck atb.
I like how everyone ignore that novels existence.
The fact you don’t like it does not make it bait faggot
Final Fantasy X by the looks of it, OP. Are you retarded or something?
FFX's Linearity:
>Can go off the beaten path and find completely optional cutscenes as early as the trip to Kilika
>Optional things to do while you stop and smell the roses like Blitzball
>NPCs to talk to and towns to traverse
>Sidequests have actual dialogue and story behind them once you get the airship. Many tie into Spira's lore
>Innumerable minigames and things to discover if you backtrack. Can find stuff by "turning around" as early as getting Valefor
FFXIII's linearity:
>Literally Gears of War. Maybe hit a treasure chest here or there, but you're more funneled through than FFX
>No optional minigames
>NPCs only have "chatter" dialogue when you run by them. Towns aren't functional JRPG towns
>Cieth stones are literal MMO sidequests with the most basic lore that is irrelevant to the main plot of the world for the most part
>Every step forward is a point of no retturn. No backtracking to previous areas like a metroidvania to unlock goodies.
Most FF games are linear. FFXIII is a whole nother fucking level. Like they were going for the FPS audience in a singleplayer game.
Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter is also more painfully linear than FFX or FFVII. There are levels to this shit
>Anime poster is retarded
X has side missions
X has towns
X has airships where you can go back to previous places
X has NPC's you can talk to
X isn't always on rails
X has monster arena
XIII has none of these and no, C'ieth stone missions don't count as side content, it's literally the same shit you've been doing the entire game, killing enemies.
Ejecting after 2 hours and buying XII
>doesn’t count
user you’re being a cockgarbler. What are X’s amazing side content? If you say the minigames a furry is gonna find you and break your toes.
This ain't FF7.
>X minigames
This is why no one takes Xfags seriously
>What are X’s amazing side content?
>Omega Ruins
>Anima Sidequest
>Belgemine Sidequest
>Celestial Weapons
>Blitzball (if you don't like Blitz, neck yourself)
>Monster Arena
X's linearity didn't feel as bad because you had an end goal right from the very beginning and every step forward was one more step towards that goal. XIII's linearity felt bad because most of the time they were just wandering around aimlessly. X also had things like backtracking and towns whereas XIII did not.
Can't forget the difference in how the games explains things either
>Tidus(the player) is confused about something in spira
>Lulu or someone else explains things and players can easily get the gist of tjing
>Confused about ff13 fal'ce, l'ce, cie'th or whatever
>game expects players to read the datalogs instead of explaining it in the story.
XIII has a 20 hour tutorial
Blitzball is rng shit unless you already know who the good players are.
Why don’t XIII’s weapons count?
standard or expert sphere grid?
which one Yea Forumsros
And the kicker is the characters in your party in FFXIII lie about shit to confuse you even more. If you don't read the datalogs you're fucked in that aspect.
>game expects players to read the datalogs instead of explaining it in the story.
THIS is the biggest fuck up that ruins ff13. The final fantasy series is and always has been built around story. If you need me to look up a log to be able to explain to me what's happening your narrative storytelling is already fucked to the ground.
>People pretending FF games haven't always been linear
Where does this supreme meme come from? No FF game has had Metroid progression, even the fucking MMO's are linear.
>no restart option for chocobo racing, you have to complete the entire thing even if your run is fucked from the start
>blitzball isn't good until you get brother, even then you're not guaranteed reels after multiple resets
>dodging 200 bolts in a row, can't save between dodges
>butterfly catching at all
nomura why
>Why don’t XIII’s weapons count?
Because playing Blitz, hunting for Qactuars, looking for optional cutscenes detailing the previous pilgrimage, and even something as banal as dodging 200 lightning bolts is far more fun than driving giant turtles to extinction for an RNG drop
Kill yourself, tranny.
First time? Standard
Played through the game back in the day and want to do hilarious shit like make Tidus a white mage? Expert.
>a game from 2000 ripped off a meme genre fron 2018
No airship to travel freely anywhere in the open world. Say, as final fantasy 7. That's where'd you find end game secrets or at least close to endgame secrets typically.
A final showdown with shin...
the last final fantasy
I love cid in 10.
Tidus doesn't exist, he's actually a dream of the fayth. The town your in is completely made up.
Kill yourself, "what am I in for?" fag. You've probably not even read the thread.
can i constantly change playstyles or am i stuck with white mage tidus?
A bottom third final fantasy with one of the worst protags.
>driving giant turtles to extinction for an RNG drop
You just brought back some repressed memories
It's good, but my god do you wish there's a skip cutscene button
>main party member in 13 dies
>everyone dies
isekai is old as fuck dude. just because trash nu anime spams it it doesnt invalidate my point.
I remember back in 2010 Yea Forums when XIII came out you had those fags saying the game gets good 20 hours in only for you to be greeted with a giant empty map and some lame missions that are just killing monsters.
>You hope ends here! And your meaningless existence with it!
another rpg where you dab on religion
You can move around the grid as long as you still have S. Levels for that specific character.
>Didn't bother casting debuff magic on anything because it never works
>Somehow bio works on that dude
>Only boss that isn't immune that shit
X was bullshit sometimes.
The funniest thing about that is the teachings were sorta just humbled together and Yunalesca rolled with it."Yeahhh...sureee. Let's go with that"
>worst mini-games in the hostory of the series
>idiotic characters (Wakka)
>gay antagonist
>basic turn based combat, not much improved compared to combat in FF1
>awful voice acting (and to think that guy who voiced Wakka also did Bender from Futurama, lol)
>mediocre story
>zero-to-none exploration
>completely useless NPCs (you will stop talking to them after first 3 hours of the game)
>Sphere Grid is cool
>good soundtrack, though
6/10 game, at best
This is considered bad storytelling for the record. Or at least lazy.
>tfw you grind the early game with tidus and Rikki to learn loner and blitzace
The last good final fantasy game...enjoy the ride while you can. Playing modern final fantasy gives me the chills disgusting.
>game expects players to read the datalogs instead of explaining it in the story
Yes yes. We know that Burger don't like to read. Hence the reason why they don't watch foreign movies.
Does it still hold up, Yea Forums?
Seymour really did love yuna despite it being incredibly creepy given the 10 year age difference between them
Engaging Combat System
Cool enviroment designs
Excellent music
Goofy as Hell character designs
Idiotball plot
On-Rails Story
Cringy Voice Acting
Obnoxious Protagonist
>Does it still hold up, Yea Forums?
Better than ANY modern final fantasy.
FFXIV is the highest rated FF game and it shits on all previous games.
The turtles are legitimate challenging content though.
>FFXIV is the highest rated FF game and it shits on all previous games.
Shit b8 m8
I'd agree if the game wasnt 200 hours of filler and 50 hours of actually interesting story
I doubt he loved anyone beside himself. Just the impression I got.
>*where you dab on some jap's surface level understanding of theology
just like every other JRPG
This is my actual problem with XIII. Great game, great lore, great battle system, but FUCK THIS.
I'd rather replay anything that came after than replay X desu.
The same thing is present in Mass Effect, too. But you don't see people complainig about it.
Also, this ''leader dies = game over is shit mechanic'' complaint usually comes from people who say that FF XIII is too easy. Well then, if the game is too easy, then your leader shouldn't die. Right?
Nah one of the developers outright said he loved yuna despite his craziness. Why else would a dead dude go through the trouble of planning a wedding and that forced as fuck kiss. Yuna balled a fist of anger at that
I'd rather replay anything that came before cunt.
Your trash
>gorgeous atmosphere that really radiates the peak era Sony vibe and is what will pull you in until the end
>slick and fast combat system
>good music
>somewhat interesting world building and environments and non-linearity (later on in the game)
>some of the most genuinely fun, challenging and interesting to fight bosses in the genre that make you think
>some of the worst random encounter ratio in the genre
>story is cocktease tier in the first half, completely retarded and nonsensical by the end of itself
>some of the side content is obnoxious
>characters are dog shit
It's one of the better games in the genre that is plagued by design flaws. If you can ignore the flaws it's one of the better things you can play from purely video game side of things.
Of what theology, user? The theology presented in the game is pretty cut and dry.
That too actually. Except maybe 2. 2 just makes me want to play SaGa.
I want to FUCK Yuna
>Why else would a dead dude go through the trouble of planning a wedding and that forced as fuck kiss.
Cos public opinion. Or something like that. Definitely not for money, or love.
What can I say 10 was dogshit.
>What can I say 10 was dogshit.
user honestly the people that parrot "too easy" and "plays itself" never played, or never made it past lake bresha.
More like modern faggots never played a REAL final fantasy.
FF13 is one of the only ones that actually tries to kill you. Probably because of the low punishment for death.
That is also possible.
And what exactly is REAL Final Fantasy? X and everything before it?
If you didn't read them you deserve it
A transistory title between FFs following older formula and newer FFs
Your goddam right.
Just in general. FF is random western mythological & theological names picked out of a hat and given to an edgy haircut in an urban fantasy setting with a convoluted melodramatic but overall shallow, utterly forgettable plot
X isn't real FF though. That ends with 9. X has fuck all in common with the older games.
Aw little zoomie wants to protect his first rpg. It's ok I'm nostalgic for FF1 too (better game than X for the record).
XIII's linearity extends all the way to how you can even grow your party members and gear, so there's absolutely no replay value to it. X at least lets you still do whatever kind of meme runs you want. The existence of the Expert Sphere Grid even supports this kind of mindset, as you can use it to immediately start doing wacky shit with your party builds and still remain flexible enough to deal with whatever comes, whereas XIII's combat design is so rigid that it does a stronger job at enforcing you to approach most bosses in exactly the way the developers intended for each to be handled.
This is absolutely THE key difference between X and XIII aside from thematic story stuff and how the linear roads are structured, and it always baffles me that I see nobody bringing this kind of shit up when comparing the two.
Best FF games are, in no particual order: III, V, VII, XIII and sequels, Tactics, WoFF, 4 Heroes of Light
you're a goddamn okay person, that opinion is respectable
FFX boils down to just hitting the bosses hard dude. Being able to build a shitty character isn't a positive.
In my copy the entire game boiled down to quick hit and limit break. It sucked. At least 13 demanded buffs debuffs and status.
Don't associate Carlin with your shit taste please.
Holy shit, someone actually didn't attack me for my opinion. Must be samefag.
I mean, I like IX, too. But that camera dance at the beginning of battle is killing my motivation to replay it. Freya is probably my fav FF character.
The crystarium opens up and lets you assign characters roles that they don't start out with. I feel like being able to do it a few hours earlier isn't really a big plus, for either game. After all, probably less than 3% of the people that played X are gonna make white mage tidus.
>shit taste
>Plays modern final fantasy
Avatar fagging is wrong and immoral.
Hey, the only FF I will say is objectively bad is II. I didn't personally get very engaged with VII or VIII but I can see why people enjoy them so much.
FFX is modern FF you tard. And it's the worst of them.
>FFX is modern FF
>X and everything before it
Yes, dipshit.
Hironobu Sakaguchi is the father of the franchise and he left after 9 and only oversaw 10, and after that, he's out of the picture. Hence why the games after X sucked.
loading times
emulate that and you'll have a better experience
great game
>FFX is modern FF
Fun fact: The period of time between FF1 and FFX is greater than the period of time between FFX and now.
I'm old enough to remember the hate this game got and how Final Fantasy is dead. We didn't know how good we really had it back then
*less than
I shouldn't post before I fully wake up
>dumb binary-thinker unable to grasp the concept of degrees of linearity.
Classic Final Fantasy takes you on a linear tour of the world, gradually opening up new locations that you can henceforth travel freely between, with occasional branching paths and optional areas opening up as the game progresses.
>he left
You mean, he got kicked after he ruined the company with that abysmal movie? Go suck his cock on Twitter.
Falshing lights and some text; basically hypnosis session.
Also, you're going to die.
thanks for the video
Why would I need to? He's left a decade of great games, and you square enix fags have a legacy of failure after failure.
It is. FF9 is the final classic one.
This guy almost got it right.
Cool, that doesn't make X classic.
thank god we get final fantasy 8 remastered. i'll play that over 7 remake.
>FF9 is the final classic one.
>Cool, that doesn't make X classic.
>It is. FF9 is the final classic one.
How? FFX is basically the same design with increased production value.
Final Fantasy 12 is the best FF game but X is a really, really close second.
He is the reason why Square and Enix merged. Enix was in shit because they did some poor choices, and Square was in financial problems caused by that movie. Just think, one, just one movie fucked up the whole company.
Sakaguchi is just like Kojima - a self centered asshole with a big ego, who is relevant only because his fanboys suck his cock for some game he made 15 or more years ago.
having played both kinda close to each other it's almost day and night, i agree that FF9 is the last classic FF
He's a zoomer don't bother.
Has very little in common with classic FF. Nomura had too much reign as we can tell by the disgusting character designs. FFX has the ugliest characters in the entire series.
I started with FF1 shithead and I'm almost certainly older than you. On the other hand I bet you started with X.
9 is the last one with a freaking traversable world map.
>I started with FF1 shithead
>Has very little in common with classic FF.
But it follows the old FF formula to a tee if you look past the presentation. It's not a diversion from the tradition to any meaningful extent.
Presentation matters. And no it demphasized npc interaction it's more on rails than the past. There's not even a goddamn real airship. The series was built on exploration. Like I said my first was FF1 that game is open as fuck. It got less so over time. But FFX was too far.
I bet you haven't even beaten 1.
Well, getting the ultimate weapons should be hard.
>I bet you haven't even beaten 1.
Yes, hard. Not tedious. Lock them behind hard enemies. FF13 unironically did it better.
It's the usual hypocrisy typical of the FF fanbase, don't take it too seriously.
you sound like a faggot zoomer
Ahaha, only a zoomer would defend X.
Shoulda got zodiac international on ps2.
>Ahaha, only a zoomer would defend X.
>playing anything past 10
Very nice, goalpost mover. The question in essence was 'were the older final fantasy games better than the new ones' - What is exactly is a REAL final fantasy game. You got btfo, everyone knows these new FF games are shit, the sales reflect it as does the general consensus. Cite the company and movie all you want. I never claimed this guy made good movies.
>Word of advice. The cat is useless
Good for porn though.
But you said he left - and I qoute - ''a decade of great games''. My question is, even if I agree with you (I'm not saying I am) what does that have to anything if he ruined the company? By your logic I can praise Hitler because he was the first guy who banned smoking at public places.
>Sakaguchi is just like Kojima
Kojima at least does write some nonsense and directs his games, Sakaguchi didn't even do that outside of incredibly rare occasions.
He's like Inafune, a businessman who puts his name on other people's work.
This and XII are the only FFs I've played. I kind of liked X, but overall didn't think it was the 10/10 masterpiece people think it is.
Music was great though, especially Besaid Island
one down
>that comfy feel of seeing progress through the pilgrammage on the map whenever the story progresses
>that comfy feel of tidus narrating over it from the future
>That comfy feel of tidus being awkward by saying they should do things after the "defeat sin" being unaware that yuna will die
>that comfy cast
The world-building surrounding spira is amazing, it puts all other FF games to shame
>playing anything past 9
10 ruined my faith in the series so I was able to play the rest with 0 expectations.
>t. shit-talking beta who has never led a team of people to accomplish anything in his life
Speaking of fanboys...
I didnt play it back then on the release because no open world = linear corridor mentality. played it first time recently and it filled me with old squaresoft quality nostalgia. time works in mysterious ways
Wait, are there faggots out there that actually like XIII
Hating your dad, a multi national adventure, bible, football and water polos fuck baby
The obly redeeming factors of XIII are Snow and Sazh, and Snow literally gets thrown into the cuckshed in Lightning Returns which ruins him.
Neither did Sakaguchi, which is why he managed to go the way of the dodo in a market where you can literally sell waifu PNGs to people and make millions effortlessly, and this happened after he sank his second company too with his supposedly amazing leadership.
I mean, it does admittedly take some talent to sink so low you can't even compete with Compile Heart or Gust on any level, that's the absolute state your beloved Gooch is in since a decade or so.
>dad is an asshole
>mother ignores her son when Jecth is with her
>for some reason, Tidus hates his father, but not his mother who was clearly worse
Who the fuck wrote that shit?
It's beautiful and sounds good. Fang and Vanille.
Maybe she would have loved Tidus more if he wasn't shit at Blitz.
I prefer it to X but neither is in my top 8 or so.
Best by console:
Bro, I never claimed to begin with that he did or didn't ruin the company. I only spoke in terms of games. The games since Square and Square enix have a massive reception difference among gamers. And that man is the biggest factor. And if the company deemed it 'smart' to fire him or let him go, that's their fuck up.
>dad is always away
>whenever he's home his mom goes retard
>hates his dad
>has a clarifying moment that it wasn't his dad's fault and that jecht tried his best, he just sucked
Pretty clearly shown in game that he figures out that his anger is misplaced.
>Pretty clearly shown in game that he figures out that his anger is misplaced.
You mean, when he finally beats him at the end of the game and says ''I hate you, dad''? Or when he ''flies away'' and gives him high five in the afterlife?
>You mean, when he finally beats him at the end of the game and says ''I hate you, dad''? Or when he ''flies away'' and gives him high five in the afterlife?
but also when he remembers that his mom is a vapid cunt in a bahamut flashback
>Everyone who doesn't agree with my gutter-tier no-iq shitposting must be a fanboy
user, you are trying to attack people because they didn't accomplish anything in their life
and you do that on Yea Forums
came here to post this
>playing ff for the gameplay
Incredible amounts of jank, especially when it comes to nearly all cutscenes.
>playing games for anything but the gameplay
you faggots are a fucking stain on this hobby
no ff has good gameplay
Lulu > Yuna > Paine > Belgemine > Anima >>>>> Rikku
For some reason his poison spells costed half, so that's everything he did
music that makes me nostalgic for a time period even though I didn't play the game from said time period
>you can literally sell waifu PNGs
He didn't sell waifu games, that's the thing. He always made tasteful games that weren't just a mashup of latest trends and lazy pandering.
>his supposedly amazing leadership.
He's hardly infallible and I never called him amazing. You're the desperately jealous motherfucker trying to take his accomplishments away from him.
>your beloved Gooch
Fucking straw men I swear to god. Are you that insecure with your position? I just think he's a reasonably good game designer with solid leadership skills and impeccable taste, who happened to be responsible for some of the only JRPGs I can even stand to play.
Do you guys prefet OG OST, or the one that came with remaster?
I think that some tracks on remaster were good, but some were really fucked up. Like this one:
>He always made tasteful games that weren't just a mashup of latest trends and lazy pandering.
Kek, FF's only shred of identity is literally entirely based around pandering to people with the latest trends, which is why it always copied other franchises too, let alone having pseudo hostile takeovers to absorb them into the FF brand like it happened with Quest.
>I just think he's a reasonably good game designer with solid leadership skills and impeccable taste
>Leadership skills
Sakaguchi can't design a game to save his life, and his supposedly solid leadership skills lead him to kill not one but two companies, and when it comes to its supposed tastes its even worse.
His entire career is based around putting his name on other people's work and pretending he owns things he barely had any input on, and precisely like many other people who did the same, he's now a washed up has been who struggles to get by and can only rely on what remains of the indoctrinated cultists he trained throughout decades of lies and propaganda.
The best story and soundtrack of the entire Final Fantasy series. Only Tactics rivals in that regard. It mogs VII which is considered a solid RPG as well.
late 90's - early 00's was the golden era of video games. Old enough for maturity, young enough to not be consumed by corporate greed
I'd say the ost is probably second only to VIII.
It has a great world though. Lucca is a great city.