Every modern game is complete shit

Every modern game is complete shit

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lucky for us the classics still exist, y'know for now until they take all the shit down and repackage it for $79.99

Have sex and dialate.

shame that it gets old to eternally replay the same thing and there's a need for new games

Maybe you're just too old for videogames and so they seem shit to you. Today I was driving around and suddenly thought about what a massive waste of time plying videogames is. Maybe we've just grown out of them.

Of course, you have played every retro videogame in existence. What a guy, what are you even doing here?

yeah but sometimes good games come out..
FromSoft has a p gud track record. NierA was nice. MHW not bad. there are more ofc
maybe few and far between but that's okay to me for now cuz I have thousands of old vidya that ive never played. Super Metroid is an example of one I need to get to.

i cant do those at the same time

he said classics, not every retro games

classics is something that is generally considered good, not atari shovelware

I guarantee you're under 25.