Shep... urrgghhh...
Reminder that only soiboys and Canadians think Ashley is racist for being mistrusting of aliens when only a few years ago they had a bloody first contact conflict with them. And too bad these games devolved into dating sims past 1.
>killing Wrex
massive faggot
Reminder that only faggots still cry about soiboys.
Krogan cock... not so good.
The universe is for humans only, fuck aliens.
t. soiboy
>missed the chance for a Duke Nukem joke
If there are other beings out there in the universe then we are the aliens to them you know.
>doesn't know the joke already came out in 2011
I can smell the insecurity. You got rekt buddy
Do people still think that? You could make a case that back then it's the waifufags who preached how awful Ashley was.
Tripfagging is a far worse illness
t. tripfag
now fuck off back to pleddit/reeera/trannydiscord
>naming your character 'Shepard Shepard' has wrex say his name twice
Pic related does
Quit toying with my heart!
all non-humans deserve to be gunned down like fucking dogs and cooked
Ashley not trusting aliens is just fine. compearing them to dogs shows how fucking retarded she is.
have sex, Chang
>compearing them to dogs shows how fucking retarded she is.
Your reading comprehension sucks. The point she was making with that comparison was, given the chance to send their soldiers to defend humans or their own race, they'll choose the latter every time.
How is that reddit? Does it even matter? Do you have some compulsion to post that?
If you don't know how it's reddit, chances are, you're a redditor that doesn't know what makes your posts cringy to read and therefore sucks at hiding that fact.