Well, Yea Forums?
Well, Yea Forums?
Literally all it requires is you to fucking pay attention
People are too used to games letting you auto-pilot through them with button mashing
What does "hard" even mean anymore?
So many faggots love to jerk off about how not hard something is.
Didn’t these fucks use le prepare to die meme to market it back then?
>companies using outdated and dead memes
It's also not actually any fun. Just a boring, shallow RPG with lore so vague that retards think it's being deep.
i mean, they're not wrong i beat dark souls, it also requires determination and persistence that's all
Non-controversial statements thread?
It just requires paying attention. Back with Demon's Souls a lot of complaints were just "what do you mean I died because I rushed blindly into a run unprepared?". That never really changed and only became more elaborate.
I need it hard to jerk off tho
Contrarianism for the sake of contrarianism. go fuck yourself.
Fbpb. Souls bosses have fixed attack patterns and wide openings. The AI isn’t that bright.
Sekiro is From Softwares hardest game, not Dark Souls
Dying is part of the game. Literally prepare to die because you're going to have to in order to get better
Yeah man, playing flight of the bumblebee isn't hard, it just requires a lot of effort and concentration
Nothing is hard. With enough effort and commitment, you can literally accomplish everything. Get off of the internet and go accomplish something, OP.
The confusion on the cat
More like it just requires a good memory
LOL at the cat.
Don't understand how people can chimp out over video games around pets
The hardest enemy in dark souls is your own impatience.
Every boss can be beaten on the first try if you take your time and observe their attack patterns. People are impatient and rather than getting in 2-3 hits and pulling back they go for 6 and get fucked up because the window to safely attack closed, then they cry about how hard dark souls is.
>that look of psychomotor retardation / sleep deprivation / intoxication at the beginning
>whore out new IP using "le prepare to die so hard xD" meme in marketing
>makes the community cancer
>warps perception of the entire series, and colours expectations for everything the developer makes
>years later
>completely unprompted
>franchise is over
>"Dark Souls isn't even hard guys you're deluded for even having that idea lololol"
dark souls is nothing compared to high-ish mmr matches of 90% of online games.
based Hitchens poster
I cant argue with that. It was tough at first but once i got past my first big hurdle (capra demon) i started to get used to the game and got better.
If you say dark souls is hard turbo virgins will tell you you are an idiot that doesn’t know how to play the game
If you say dark souls is easy turbo virgins will tell you you didn’t appreciate the game’s difficulty
Just shut the fuck up and never even mention dark souls
well yeah, why do you think the git gud meme came from?
No singleplayer game is as challenging as anything multiplayer
>hurr i play competitive gaymes and larp that im a top player
Fuck off, kys, dilate, and go watch twitch esport faggots, faggot
You can't be more right than this.
>this isn’t hard, it’s just the opposite of easy
Dark souls doesn't even require that, just patience. It's not so much a test of skill as it is your willingness to just wait. Dark souls as a whole entire series and all its spinoffs are a joke once you realize instead of challenging the player they're only limiting them, thats it.
no shit, nu-gamers are just used to cinematic experiences where you tilt the analog stick forward and mash X / R2
amazing how many people got filtered by the Ogre or Lady Butterfly.
Companies posting memes is still cringe though.
The requirement of effort (and to a lesser extent, commitment) is exactly what makes something hard. That's almost the exact definition.
Well it's true and true for all good action games
He's right, though
You can die pretty easily
No hard video games exist. Except, of course, for multiplayer.
Well what faggot?
>letting you auto-pilot through them with button mashing
Just like in Dark Souls
That's just gooks in general, retard.
Dark souls isn't hard, dark soul is cheap and unfair, in what other game there is a monster that if he hits you he cuts your health bar in half? How is that shit fair?
How is losing all your XP everytime you die fair either? I used a glitch to get infinite souls and it made the game much much much better
Do we want to talk about ornstein and smough? You get hit offscreen so many times and everytime you die you have to waste 5 minute to walk back to them, how is that fair?
Just look at the bed of chaos fight to see what they mean by "effort and commitment"
>roll and block
Dark souls is a shit game with barebone gameplay.
>it just requires effort and commitment
If it isn’t easy enough to do without effort and commitment, some people might define that as hard or difficult.
>Souls isn't hard, it's just hard
What did they mean by this?
yes, and now they ride the "lol darksouls is easy" train to market it agian.
That cat has a lot of patience.
Pattern recognition but also reflexes
Stopped reading
pretty much
>that fucking cat
>you only beat NG, that's easy mode
>the real difficulty doesn't start until NG+++++++
Yeah we all know that. Keep going and you will win, if it's too hard it even let's you grind up. It's time and effort. Skill only if you feel like it.
Stopped reading
Dark Souls is about as hard as MHW
Now XX? That's a hard game for gaming gods.
soulsbabs will seethe at this post
Just stop posting on DS threads and stay on Uncharted ones.
>it requires more effort than other games
>but it's not hard tho
that's the definition of hard retard
Aren't things that require effort and commitment called hard?
Nothing that requires commitment is easy.
Dark soul's problem is what makes it "hard", aka bad AI, bad controls, and lots of "die and retry lol" monster placement in narrow spaces.
The trick is to stay calm.
Sekiro has nothing on Bloodborne, the series actual magnus opus. You could tell BB was the game they really wanted to make for ages, and everything coming after, Sekiro included, is something they just half-ass out of obligation. Only braindead Nintendo tards like you think otherwise.
I don't think anyone that has actually played the Souls series would make the claim that they are difficult to any significant margin. They just play differently from most other games so there is a period of adjustment, which varies from player to player.
It's pretty right. It's not even really that commitment/effort heavy either though, the commitment you have to put in is to not swapping weapons every fucking 5 minutes or it makes the game much harder than it needs to be. The effort is just not quitting when you die, and going back to the boss. Eventually it clicks, usually pretty quickly.
ITT armchair game designers who cant pay attention.
It's true
Dark Souls is actually very casual
>generous checkpoints
>mild as fuck death penalty (later games actually made death matter somewhat beyond losing your wallet)
>several ways per game to utterly trivialize all encounters and content
>summons to carry shitter asses through all content
>all of these shitters who think trial and error/bad controls = hard
>design problems
everything that isn't instant gratification is a design problem
I've been saying this since 2011
>dark souls is artificial difficulty
>Bloodborne, the series actual magnus opus
Why don't you go end your pathetic life?
Fucking bloodbronies I swear, you guys should be shot on sight
The only """magnum opus""" there is is Demon's, the only game Miyazaki actually gave a fuck
how are the controls bad in dark souls?
>Literally all it requires is you to fucking pay attention
does it?
you just need to press one button around 1 and a half second before the long telegraphed attack launch to becme invulnerable to their death hit of ultimate galaxy wiping strike
and if you fail to do that, you just need to walk away from their locked animation combo and press a button to get your whole life back up
No shit, I never thought that playing against other people could be hard than playing against an AI
how can people chimpout over anything besides actual personal security and by extension fiscal security?
like I get mad at a game I go "awwwwww come on man." put the controller down take a lap and try again. I get mad at someone fucking up the decimal location and that's a crime scene you'll be fucked before someone takes my house because someone doesn't know the difference between 1000 and 10000. likewise someone tries to run up on me they better kill my ass if they think they can walk away living like they did before they tried me. no nig doe
oh shit, we got an internet tough guy
You act like this is a braindead simple notion but people constantly shit on multiplayer games for being "casual" when the highest level of competition is always more challenging than any single player experience could possibly offer.
I just wanna say thanks for taking the time to open blender or the 3D menu in photoshop to try and emulate the curvature of the fabric. not a bad shoop at all just cant read all the text very well.
nah dude I just had to live in baltimore for too many years
Sekiro is the best From title released so far.
The game is not hard, it requires patience to look for opening and not rush agains 4 enemies at once like a retard
It's just that people are used to fucking rush everything when they lack the skill or the reflexes to do so
>in what other game there is a monster that if he hits you he cuts your health bar in half? How is that shit fair?
Go say that on the mh threads and wait for the autists to go after you
I didn't make it, and honestly it probably looks shitty cuz it's one of those autogenerated pics that Redbubble gives when you upload an image.
Since you're posting with a black hand, I'll give you the (you) you wish for
Where did you stole that you fucking nigger?
>guy smashes thing
>cat chills
>guy gets up and smashes thing again
>cat chills
>guy smashes something then throws keyboard right near the cat
>cat chills
>guy pushes the chair in front of the cat, kicks the keyboard and then smashes the keyboard several times on the table
>cat chills
>guy breaks the keyboard (or whathever the fuck is he doing)
>cat dashes away
Is the cat retarded? What caused it to react like that?
The chink should kill himself btw.
>no ear plugs
fucking casuals.
True, my mom (65), finished it
That's what niohfags say
darksouls haves absolute garbage gameplay and it's story is mediocre at best.
Pontiff is just like cookie clicker amirite
If you were to mash r1 and tank every hit like a mong, you will eventually run out of estus though
he's korean so gook, not chink
Based artificial difficulty, beating fights by being lucky enough to avoid bullshit mechanics is the highest level of skill.
based mom, is she hot?
>Monster Hunter
>Must think boltreaver astalos or extremoth are hard
I love how you spergs have to appear in every other game thread when someone mentions the word hard, even on fucking ninja gaiden threads
>dodge, dodge, dodge
>dodge, dodge, drink pot
If you have a shield add another variable where you deffend
WOW MUCH GAMEPLAY!!! sόyboy.jpg
post souls mommy
Dark souls isn't that hard. You just need to get used to queuing moves punishing you for button mashing and high enemy damage. It's possible to beat every boss on your first time but because you don't know the attack patterns you are quite likely to fail untill you know when to dodge.
I also believe Yea Forums has a lot of contrarian faggots these days that forgot finished the game like 5 times and now think it's easy because they know the location of all the bonfires and the attack patterns of all the enemies.
Everything is easy ones you've done it enough.
>You act like this is a braindead simple notion
Because it is
The other people are just way more braindead, that's all
It's slightly easier than the average SNES game
You can simplify any gameplay loop and make it seem retarded.
>run right
>run right
>run right
>run right
>run right
>run right
>hit block
>pick up mushroom
>run right
Wow, Mario is for fucking retarded people
look at this dude
you like a horse dude you hear a noise or see something move you run. no chill my dude. I don't even flinch until someone says snoy
Good job describing every game
literally name any game that has more variety in its combat within this genre. Ya know, the controller has the same number of buttons, no matter what games you play with it.
this goes for every "2hard or unfair" game. retards just need to practice a little.
cat is used to him chimping so he only ran when things start falling and possibly hitting him
Don't listen to the retarded falseflagger
it doesn't even require attention, it just removed the handholding and autopilot that most games have been saturated with since we moved into the 360 / PS3 era
dark souls games are only hard the first time you play ONE of them, no matter which one is it, you play one and the mechanics are there in your mind forever, you can't fuck up another one
all it has left is surprises and ambushes to catch you off guard, which once you learn nothing can stop you
this is why you died a thousand times playing through your first souls I.E demons souls, but then barely died at all while running through bloodborne
its also why people shill bloodborne so hard, because while it wasn't hard at all, it changed the theme and thus stands out the most, despite being basically the same fucking game
I think a bit of it hit the cat, there was some shrapnel left on the table at the end
Give them back, Jamal.
exactly this
pay attention the entire time and you're fine
Imagine being this retarded.
Sad, very sad.
oh shit yeah, i didn't notice the numpad landing right next to where the cat was
he got some good reflexes
He's right though.
"hard" means games where you grow an intimate relationship with the game over screen. basically games where archaic design like trial and error is still in place.
literally any game that cares about directional inputs or uses light+heavy together to do a 3rd attack type
Name one
monster hunter
You can generalize every fucking game like that, I see you're in the club as well.
how is MH better than dark souls mechanics in any meaningful way?
Fucking kek
B-But I'm afraid of commitment
DMC, Bayonetta; MGR, really just look at any third party action game in existence.
I like Souls, but it does have astonishingly simple mechanics.
Even shadow tower had better mechanics, go mantle the fuck out of here
is that a joke, have you played any of them
>MGR,Bayo or DMC
>Within this genre
Dark Souls isn’t that hard. In terms of difficulty it’s the most overrated game ever.
I don’t understand why so many people jerk off about the difficulty of Dark Souls. You want a real hard game, play La Mulana (without a guide)
>pclard only knows about world
beg for bloodborne ports retard
watch the backpedal when they say it's an rpg not an action game
You literally can't fail Dark Souls. You can just brute force your way through until you outlevel everything.
Long time ago, I want your perspective though.
Ok, then shadow style the fuck out of here, suits better for you?
>brute force your way through
>dark souls
toppest of keks
Is every Monster Hunter fan this fucking stupid or it's just you?
This games are more close to 3d metroidvanias than fucking hack and slash
>watch the backpedal when they say it's an rpg not an action game
What backpedal you retard?
Now souls aren't rpg?
bruteforce is how the game is intended. You can have the illusion of strategy while looking at streamers running the game, but this is a jap game with grind, you can and were supposed to do it to deal with strong foes. AI abuses and collision tricks were an after thought.
Many videogames are hard. Dark souls is not spectacularly hard. What sets souls games apart is that it is actually punishing for mistakes, which most mainstream games are not at all.
Based. Post your whole collection some day.
Plenty of time to react.
>bruteforce is how the game is intended
Litterally run at any boss that isn't pinwheel, nito or four kings (with right stats) and see how mashing your buttons will do. It is brute force to match Artorias' moves with precision enough that if it were two irl people it'd be like they were dancing? faggot opinion.
Ninja Gaiden is way more deserving of the "git gud" shit than DS is
The movesets in general are more intricate, with attacks having more defined uses and functions (for example a shitty move generally speaking but it's an upward swing that is useful for really tall enemies or ones that fly)
The sheer number of attacks per weapon is higher, enemy interactivity tends to be higher with how they react to your attacks and very specific weakpoints being more important to focus on.
Different defensive mechanics per weapon beyond the universal roll and dive, arguably equivalent in certain cases to dark souls weight affecting rolls and stuff like poise.
Positioning mattering in the same way as in Souls games for not getting hit but going further with the previously mentioned specific weakspots. Sticking to the safest side of the boss might not allow you to actually damage it. Even if it does you might also be going after a tail cut or wing break. Blunt weapons have to play near the face/head exclusively even if it tends to be the most dangerous part of the monster because headshots are the only way to get stuns which is their gimmick.
input timings being used on certain weapons as well adds another layer of possible moves without needing more buttons
Of course this is all considering bosses as the meat of the game, dark souls has a lot more goin on than just that.
based retard
>Every boss can be beaten on the first try if you take your time and observe their attack patterns
How do you beat Seath on the first try again?
Patience is more accurate. It's a slow game, you're supposed to play it like it is. The only skill you need besides patience is doing boss runs.
>if you sink hundreds of hours into a hard game, it's not actually hard
destroy the crystal
>people are trying to retcon the Souls series into "always having bad combat"
Absolutely pathetic, Ninja Gaidenfags just have a chip on their shoulder from being BTFO of their hard game meme status
Interesting, maybe I underestimated MH. What's a good place to start afresh with the series? The new MHW for PS4?
>Of course this is all considering bosses as the meat of the game, dark souls has a lot more goin on than just that.
This is actually why I like DS so much, I consider the entirety of the game as me vs the world, and the undead as simply an extension of the world. So in this way I would not look at Bosses as the whole cake but the cherry on the cake. Iteresting take though.
not him but that is a bad example. I beat Seath on my second try only because I literally didn't pay attnetion to the cutscene and the crystal tree, and when I wondered why he regen'd so quick, I realised his special shubbery was responisble. I then proceeded to kjill him in one go. You could say that's not first time kill, but I certainly didn't die to him cos of his patterns and attacks.
How long did you spend torturing yourself by grinding? Serious question
That's the second try.
Fair enough, it was more of a cheeky question
I disagree. If somebody has bad reaction time, then the dodge-parry fest Souls games are hard. I am speaking from experience, DeS and DaS are easy since enemies are slow and give you plenty of time to learn their moves and figure how to counter, meanwhile DaS3 and Bloodborne are fucking impossible for me because bosses immediately fuck you up.
Then how the fuck am I supposed to beat Capra demon as a mage? This game is too clunky for adds.
>What's a good place to start afresh with the series? The new MHW for PS4?
yeah that was the intention of it, huge ass expansion pack is coming out in exactly 30 days now but im not on capcom's payroll so that's all i'll say about it
>effort and commitment
Two words I hate the most when it comes to this shit. Why should I put in any of that if the devs don't do a good job at making me like the game in the first place?
At that point I either quit it or just want to see through with finishing the game and that's it, I don't have any reason to fucking show off about it, I don't do DUDE EPIC meme montags of the game on YouTube, I don't stream, I actually have a job and other shit to do IRL aside from video games, I have no reason to no-life a game like Dark Souls just so I could somehow feel good about myself.
Unlike whatever NEET retard that plays it for days on straight with barely any break, I take joy from other things in life too and I don't need a fucking video game to help me feel accomplished about anything.
Brute force in dark souls is called iron flesh
>DeS is fantastic but has some issues, wasn't afraid to try new things
>DS is fantastic but has some issues, focused solely on refining the things that worked from DeS
>DS2 is a poorly designed, rushed mess with some alright ideas but horrible implementation, caters exclusively to people who have convinced themselves that dying is fun
>DS3 is a poorly designed, rushed mess with some alright ideas but horrible implementation, caters exclusively to people who have convinced themselves that the PvP is the most important thing in a game with awful netcode and shit-tier balancing
What are some other franchises that were driven into the ground by publishers pandering to the worst part of the fanbase?
Dead or Alive.
The trick is that it doesn't feel like a chore when you're not a total retard, because you're always making steady progress
Never have I seen a more correct opinion fact on the franchise. Based SWTOR poster
>DS3 has tons of PVP options, areas that are clearly designed as PVP arenas, and numerous dueling covenants
>Undid the fix to backstab fishing from Bloodborne, so now every fight is two retards dancing in a circle and baiting out backstabs
>Could literally just stunlock someone to death with a basic bitch sword because poise wasn't even functional until a patch months after the game released
>Half of the encounters are just fucking bumper cars because of the awful netcode and the way the server handles users with high ping
The only way to have fun with DS3's PVP is massive clusterfuck invasions with 4 people. Anyone who defends the PVP in DS3 is a fucking retard who just doesn't play any other games.
I've never understood this opinion on DS3 and assumed people were riding the hivemind on that one, can you describe exactly what's so bad about it? Level design was great, hitboxes were on point, and bosses were well-designed but too reliant on multiple phases. My main complaints are the decreased stamina cost of rolling, but enemy attack speed was increased roughly proportionally to compensate. Boss attack animations are also more similar to Bloodborne in that they try to hit you by faking you out instead of being like DeS/DaS1 where it's obvious when you should dodge and you just have to execute it correctly.
Run to the stairs
I get what they tried to do with that fight, but they implemented it very poorly
add me on psn bro
Holy fuck, the guy in that webm isn't overleveled at all
That's like going with g rank equipment for the first monsters
>effort and commitment
>Why should I put in any of that if the devs don't do a good job at making me like the game in the first place?
Are you a child? This is a child's attitude. Replace this game with anything else and you sound like a whiny brat. Let's give it a try.
>Why should I put in any effort with the piano if composers don't write simple melodies and do a good job at making me like the instrument in the first place?
>Why should I put in any effort with watercolours if canvases don't come with pre-drawn stencils and do a good job at making me have a sense of proportion in the first place?
>Why should I put in any effort with reading classics if Dostoevsky didn't do a good job at making it easy to understand in the first place?
Teh joy comes from overcoming something user, no one likes Marathons, people still run them for the moment they go over the line at the end.
cool thanks user
Even though DS3 wasn't that great, I'm offended that you imply it's on the same level as DS2.
Other than that though, this is a pretty based and redpilled post.
I don't really use it, I live in rural england and the bandwidth here in like my fucking arse.
>Durr, if you practice this task a lot an commit hours and efort into it, it becomes easier
No shit, Sherlock, that's exactly how hard things work.
The only thing Dark Souls requires is for you to not be new at video games and to not be a mouth breathing retard. The games were never about being hard, this shit started with the retarded media and was picked up by facebook normalfags, which now comprise the majority of the series fanbase. The Soulsfag bubble is real.
Incidentally, Dark Sousl 1 was one of the most boring "action" games i have ever played, even for an RPG the encounter design in that game is toddler proof.
I know, it's pathetic, can only get new games on disc from amazon. thanks for the offer though bro.
If you die to the surprise monsters you are both an idiot and bad.
Poise was fixed?
I remember Dark Sword still being king when Ringed City was new.
>Effort and commitment
It's the same fucking thing you mongoloid.
DS3’s PvP is clearly an afterthought and is the worst in the series due to how rote it is. Even DS1’s, which is broken to shit and extremely unfun at the “higher levels”, is better.
>The games were never about being hard, this shit started with the retarded media
And yet, one of the official trailers showed the player dying repeatedly.
I think it’s fun, but I also totally agree about the “lore” in the game.
Demon Souls came during a time where hand-holding was at it's peak in video games. Games treated the player like a moron. People loved DeS and DaS because it was a refreshing return to a place where the game spat you into the world, and you were free to figure shit out for yourself. All you had to do was survive and find the right direction to go in.
You fucking dumb?
Almost everything you listed has at least some degree of usefulness in the day to day life, either by entertainment means or possibly giving you an opportunity to do something with your life.
When's the last time when no lifeing Dark Souls or Sekiro or fuck knows what other ''hardcore'' game like this helped anyone with anything?
It helped me have fun because they are fun.
This post is typical shitter garbage, the cancer that killed this series soul.
DaS2's biggest mistake was thinking the series had a fanbase that played and was good at video games, when in reality it was mainly boastful circle strafe backstabing brainlets.
>So many faggots love to jerk off about how hard something is.
There's the reason why people are saying that something like Dark Souls isn't hard. It's annoying to listen to you faggots going on about how "hard" something is with your little elitist club. You're fucking obnoxious, that's why people post this shit.
That's because it started as early as the import reviews of Demon Souls and the community made the mistake of embracing it. Of course the marketer scum ran with it, that has nothing to do with design.
>usefulness in the day to day life
>watercolor painting
>classic literature
Yes, I regularly quote Dostoevsky whilst tinkling on the piano at my local pub, good job I developed such good spatial awareness as the paint in my eyes would normally mean I can't see the keys very well.
Also, no one plays vidya to get ahead in like, and guess what, neither do they paint watercolours, cos no one buys that shit. You wanna start comparing vidya to job related hobbies, you will wind up liking nothing at all.
Ban all assault memes!
user, that trailer existed before the game was released. The community could not have influenced it yet.
If it requires effort and commitment doesnt that mean it's hard
Are you retarded AND illiterate AND underage?
No, I'm just trying to see how far can you push your made-up theory without any proof before you crumble before the evidence that all you said is literal headcanon supported by nothing and star using insults because you don't have real arguments.
Glad to see we already reached that point. You can now go on with your life.
>he is
Read the posts you're replying to again you absolute mongoloid
They're bad controls because I don't want to have to commit to my button presses. I want more control. I need a safety net animation canceling mechanic.
Hello. Oh, did you need that floor?
>it's not hard, it's just hard.
What they think difficulty means? That no matter how much time you spend that it will still be barely possible to beat? Then no game ever made is hard.
I dont want to pay attention, it isnt fun
Ah yes, the hbomb defense that people who hate ds2 simply aren't good enough when in reality the game is a buggy mess with intrinsically shit movement and poor level design with enemies that still die to circle strafing
Okay, I do concede that BOBS is an exception to the rule.
Literally the only thing that is true in your post is that people who hate DS2 simply aren't good enough.
The Hbomb defense is a fucking mess, but it is true that the multiple encounters aren’t really a problem.
What the fuck is an Hbomb defense?
There's basically three facets of a game's difficulty
>Time Consumption: the minimal amount of flat-time it takes to achieve success.
>Punishment: the cost in either resources or the player's time that mistakes exact
>Execution: the complexity and precision threshold the task demands the player to complete
Dark Souls is very Punishing, but none of the individual tasks in the game are particularly complex or even time consuming. It's just that when you do make a mistake, the outcome is severe
Yep and it worked like a charm. Now your normie friends can talk about these weird weeb games because it's now mainstream.
Dimb faggot on youtube that made such a bad video defending DS2 he actively harmed people who like the game then got fucked over like 10 hours by an autist.
Dank Souls is a man's game.
What you've got to realise is that quite a lot of people fall to bits under the slightest amount of stress. So they straight up cannot handle punishing games because knowing they'll die in one, maybe two bad decisions fucks them up
Some dude made an opinion video on the internet about why DS2 isn't actually that bad, this means that the people who already dislike DS2 can now go
>Well you are just parroting an e-celeb
on top of their usual "it's just worse in every way imaginable to DS1 and it killed my dog" arguments. Thus further dismissing anyone who defends the game, if you don't like DS2 your an ok guy and if you don't dislike it your an e-celeb cuck.
People who parents didn't put a lot of points into INT need every excuse they can get because thinking is too difficult
Dark Souls 2 rode the "PREPARE TO DIE" meme super hard. Some rooms are just straight up bullshit enemy spam and 180 overhead slams. On a design level DS2 is designed to be "hard" but not in a way that is punishing or rewards trial and error. If you're terrible and keep dying to a room eventually they will just stop spawning, meaning the player doesn't even have to get better.
Seriously, fuck Dark Souls 2.
>Punishment: the cost in either resources or the player's time that mistakes exact
>DS is very punishing.
In what world, assuming you know where all the bonfires actually are and how the game works the worst you can expect is 5 minute time cost at most and hardly no ingame resource cost. The difficulty came from the fact that people didn't know about all the hidden bonfires and gameplay mechanics, but the souls series is hardly punishing any more than literally any game that uses checkpoints.
>Dark Souls 2 rode the "PREPARE TO DIE" meme super hard
But that's the name of DS1 not DS2. Literally. "Dark souls: Prepare To Die Edition", DS2 and 3 got a far tamer "Scholar of the First Sin" and "Fire Fades".
I'm sorry user but this really doesn't fit the narrative you are trying to weave here.
If youKre dying 12 times on a single room you are beyond bad.
It took me 4 hours to get past the chained ogre, I got lady butterfly on my third try through.
>E-celeb parrot shit
But of course it is. I should have guessed it.
step aside, soulstards.
>pirate the first Dark Sóys
>fighting the dude on the bridge at the start
>drop from the stairs onto him to land an overhead hit
>slide off his body and off the bridge into the pit
>this happens multiple times
Y-you too
After stacking poise and health, sure.
Not in early game though, and that’s where most people give up
I think my rage has a direct correlation to how "fair" a boss fight feels. A long boss fight like Nameless King with a LOT of slow, telegraphed attacks didn't really bother me even though I'm bad and spent 4 hours straight trying to beat it without a shield because I could see where I was messing up, everything I did wrong was MY mistake.
Now by comparison I spent maybe 40 minutes on Capra Demon and had to stop playing for a couple hours due to how fucking unfair that fight is. You can literally walk into the room and get stun locked to death before you even get to do anything.
Defend snap point movement without saying you can use a controller fix outside the game on pc (not on consoles)
They're right. I beat platinumed Dark Souls 1, 3 and Bloodborne in 3 hours without dying once.
What about 2
>Defend snap point movement
Translate this retarded buzzword into English and then i will.
Dark Souls 1 came out in 2011, Dark Souls 2 came out in 2014. Autists with 800 hours in 1 forgot what their first playthrough was actually like, they had already learned almost everything about the game and were trying to make it popular, thus they would justify just about everything as totally predictable and fair.
The narrative was "Dark Souls is hard but fair" and that narrative was ran by people who due to human nature and the march of time could't even tell what their first original playthrough was other than brief moments of it. Thus when 2 releases and they went in expecting a game that was the imagined narrative rather than what DS1 was on release (go download the enemy aggression mod, that's what the vanilla agro ranges on enemies were, the current game has been patched and people tend to forget about it) and got really upset that 2 didn't live up the the narrative of 1
The choice then was to either admit that 1 wasn't what it had been hyped up to be, or double down and shit really hard on 2 and say it wasn't a real souls game, then blame every mistake on the not a real souls game aspect rather than admit to or try to learn from it. After all a bunch of 1's and 0's were out to get them.
The positive side effect of this was preparing people for 3 and setting the expectations and bar lower, a lot of things that saw endless bitching and moaning at the release of 2 got glossed over for 3 (such as no central hub and warping from the word go) so the game got an overall better reception
read your post again from start to finish and tell me it's not fucking annoying
You can't turn in a full 360 degree radius in ds2, you are adjusted to 8 snap points like in Mario 3D World where running in a circle is impossible, instead you run in an octagon
"Hard" means something that requires effort and commitment.
>Becomming the number 1 football player isn't hard, it just requires effort and commitment.
Defend the 4 directional rolling while locked on.
Yes, PTD edition came out AFTER DS become synonymous with "Hard Game" and they used that as a marketing tool for the re-release and the sequel. For fuck sake DS2 has a godamn global death counter. I don't have to weave a narrative because it's so blatant.
Whattaboutism doesn't save ds2 you dumb monkey
How in the name of the ever loving fuck does this matter?
So what, a game is only allowed to be considered "hard" if it's literally impossible? I don't get it.
You die too randomly until you master animations and everything else which is that hard, especially with just a keyboard
Fuck you joystick/controller goys
>Cherry pick some literal inconsequential tiny detail
>Dismiss actual flaws
Classic brainwashed Soulsfaggot
>lore so vague that retards think it's being deep
Deflecting doesn't save ds1 you dumb monkey
>No you are not allowed to say bad things about things I like, only I am allowed to say bad things about the things I dislike ))))));;;;;;;;;
You absolute fucking baby.
Because it makes the game feel like shit? Movement in ds1 worked just like DeS where you could control where you walked and do the shitty souls platforming segments as intended. With DS2, the movement was fucked making those stupid jump puzzles even more of a chore, as well as making those shitty bridges in the Iron Keep a chore because you'd have to keep adjusting your run since you can't always take the bridge at a proper snap point and if left pressing in the direction you'd think is a straight line you'd run off the bridge
>can't defend ds2 so has to turn it on ds1 instead
ok haha good arguments
I'm not just talking about the cost of death, but the cost of getting hit in a fight.
It's kind of dumb, but compare the time it takes Chosen Undead to recover from a hit in DS to the recovery time it takes Dante or Bayonetta to recover from an average hit.
It's lower, and not just because the pace of DMC and Bayonetta is faster but because the game doesn't wnat to punish mistakes to quite the same level as DS.
Keyboard and mouse is perfectly fine for the series
1 was hampered mostly by technical incompetence rather than a controller actually being better, you couldn't bind half the shit to anything useful or use things like alt/shift modifiers, PC gaming wiki has the fix for DS1, 2 is slighly odd to bind with but perfectly workable and 3 is arguably easier with a keyboard and mouse because you can actually bind mouse buttons, alt modifiers and still retain complete free aim, thus reducing your reliance on lock on.
Bosses like O&S require razor sharp reflexes that most people don't have.
>Because it makes the game feel like shit?
No, it literally does not.
>With DS2, the movement was fucked making those stupid jump puzzles even more of a chore, as well as making those shitty bridges in the Iron Keep a chore because you'd have to keep adjusting your run since you can't always take the bridge at a proper snap point and if left pressing in the direction you'd think is a straight line you'd run off the bridge
Never in my fucking life did i experience ANY of this.
You're a complete fucking sperg.
Just because you didn't notice because you're a fucking brainlet who enjoys trash doesn't mean other people didn't
>but the cost of getting hit in a fight.
Which is extremely generous, go Pathfinder Kingmaker and get your entire party wiped in the first encounter because your max HP is 8 at the start of the game and one good roll on an enemy attack will literally 1 shot you.
Dark Souls is more punishing than Skyrim for sure, but it's fairly light on the grand scheme of things, you can tank multiple hits, deaths cost next to nothing and you can always just grind up your stats if you can't get past an area.
>Bosses like O&S require razor sharp reflexes
he's a gook he probably ate it later
What? Moving straight ahead while turning your camera is standard in all the souls games.
Can deal it but can't take it eh? Still not hearing anything other than a baby whining about people not liking the things he likes.
Why is every anti-DS2fag so obssessed with it? You can't have a single thread about it without devolving into comparisons with other games. Why don't you create a Ds3 or Ds1 thread?
I have more experience with video games than you. Don't know you, never will, but i can just tell, even if you were not an e-celeb parroting fuckwitt i would probably be able to tell.
Great taste.
Because a half decade old game mentally scarred them to the degree that they have actual PTSD which is made even worse when someone implies that their personal crisis and the massive undertaking that was beating a fairly average videogame is not an feat worthy of a medal of honor.
After all, if someone else didn't struggle with it as much as they did then is it possible that they were to root cause of their own failures rather than the game itself
He is unironically the biggest fucking sperg in this entire board and believe you me that is quite the achievement. It's no wonder Yea Forums is ground zero for Souls cancer.
Except in Das2 you fucking can't because movement isn't free to rotate in 360 degrees like the camera which is my point. It wasn't an amazing system in the other games but it worked as intended, it doesn't in ds2 it's that simple.
Another great argument
I fully appreciate that ds2 had some changes and improvements on ds1, but as a whole it was a piece of shit. Rolling 4 directions while locked on isn't a better alternative than rolling freely, but moving in 8 directions is also not a greater alternative than moving freely.
They are half right
Dark Souls doesn't require more effort or commitment than any other game out there, maybe even less, but what it does require above all else is patience.
Dark Souls is a terribly simple game, you dodge, and then you hit, you dodge and then you hit, and you repeat that until you win, the difficulty comes from figuring out when you're supposed to dodge, and when you're supposed to hit. This is where the patience comes in, if your first strategy is to run at your enemy and hit until you're out of stamina then you're going to die. The best strategy in Dark Souls, the strongest move that wins everything, is to do nothing, but dodge and simply observe, however modern games have taught the people the exact opposite, which is to attack as often and as hard as possible, which is why so many are frustrated by Dark Souls or get stuck with a particular boss, since they approach it with a casual mindset, believing that they have to simply brute force their way through the game. What they lack is patience, the foresight to know when to attack, when to heal, and when to simply stay back.
Sure. I'm not saying DS1 is the most punishing game ever made, but it's more punishing than a lot of other games within its genre.
I would also argue that the situation you described in Kingmaker isn't one of punishment since there's an element of randomness and success is more about tactics and the Execution of the task
>since you can't always take the bridge at a proper snap point
I'm honestly drawing blank on bridges that you had to run across in 2, most even had guard rails and shit. 1 had it's fair share with the painting room being the highlight, 3 also had the cathedral of the deep but those were waaaaay wider and the gimmick was being knocked down by 30000 newton arrows as opposed to accidentally walking off
Are you absolutely sure you are not projecting the flaws of other games onto 2 in an effort to make 2 out to be worse?
>beats it using bongo drums
except pinwheel
just run up to that fuck and slap his ass hard
I'm positive, Iron Keep had plenty of thin bridges
Again I will disagree, the cost of death isn't high, you die because of a series of mistakes and running out of healing resources, getting bursted is rather rare outside of gimmick enemies. If your definition of punishing is that it consumes time/resources from the player then DS1 is not punishing.
>summons white phantom
But even locked to 8 axes you just fucking press up and turn your camera to get any direction of movement you want, like any other souls game.
The first game was pretty hard for me. 2 and 3 were much easier. I don't know if that's because I got gud or because the difficulty is just legitimately lower.
If its not hard then why should i play it? I like hard games.
its hard but Dark Souls fags while be massive faggots and pretend they only pay attention
Not that thin, there’s all of one particularly dicky bit of ground that is an iron cauldron filled with lava.
That's not how movement works in Souls, the camera just follows you it doesn't dictate your turns. Honestly have no idea what you're talking about, is that like a keyboard/mouse thing?
>Iron Keep had plenty of thin bridges
What. No I won't even bother cropping two pictures together of it so here you go
You are absolutely fucking delusional if you think 2 did anything other than series norm in this regard.
No, my argument is that the cost for each individual mistake is high. Punishing isn't a binary, it's a gradient. DS1 is certainly more punishing than the majority of popular action games in my opinion, but not as punishing as others for sure.
But a lot of the claims that DS1 is 'hard' are actually that it's more punishing than what many people are used to
The area with the platforms that rise in fall just past that, as well as the ledges for items. Similar bridges in the tower of Harvet Valley.
>the camera just follows you it doesn't dictate your turns
Dark souls, as a series, does not have tank controls.
Push your stick forward, hold it forward, move the camera and your character will go in that direction.
What the fuck dude? Seriously what the fuck you on
if you drop all the platforms in the big room, there are some thinner areas
but.. y'know.. don't drop the platforms?
What are you on? The camera is Das doesn't indicate shit, it's the analog stick. The camera is independently controlled by the other analog stick.
No, you are aware you can control the camera orientation right? Movement is relative to camera facing, so if you want to go a specific direction you face the camera toward it and press forward. This also works while moving. I assume you are just having trouble understanding what I mean and haven’t actually been playing DS with a mostly static camera angle.
are you high as shit
if you hold up to move forward, rotating the camera lets you turn as little or as much as you want
That doesn't change the fact that the movement being mishandled makes that area more annoying than it should be.
>No, my argument is that the cost for each individual mistake is high
And I'm telling you that if your comparison is CoD with its regenerating health then sure, but if you take any other RPG ever made then DS is fairly average. Taking damage consumes health and options for health restoration are limited unless you know how to game the system or are good a high enough level to ignore said damage.
Go play the first 7 hours of Morrowind or whatever, even that is more punishing in terms of fucking you over by taking larg chunks of health for poor decisions
The platforms are decently wide, that cauldron is the only thing I would call perilously thin. It’s also entirely optional.
Am I retarded? Booting it up rn.
I've thought about getting Sekiro recently. Is it more difficult than Dark Souls/Bloodborne or easier overall?
here, faggot
Show me one place that's at least HALF as fucking blatantly "le hard game" meme as this IN-GAME in DS1. You can't.
It doesn’t really,the same strategy that has always worked works there. Point your camera where you want to drop and press up.
user, please consider what you are trying to say here.
Now let me explain this from the top.
You want to make a minor adjustment to the way your character is moving, so you move the camera, to move the camera you move the control stick/mouse, this causes the camera to move and your character to move in the direction the camera is now pointed
Dude just stop, you are making absolutely no sense at all.
>You cant change the direction you are moving in by moving your camera because to move your camera you have to move a control stick
Learning to play an instrument isn't actually hard, just requires effort and commitment.
Learning a language isn't actually hard, just requires effort and commitment.
show me stats that matter. customer life time value for both platforms. number of customers.
I had more trouble with it and only beat a couple of the bosses first try, but I also went through it with the bell demon on for my first playthrough. A change of pace from the souls games but the rythm of combat does get more familiar more quickly considering you use the same weapon and merely add skills over time.
holy fuck user there are multiple people calling you a dense retard, maybe think about this for more than 3 seconds
mario 3d world has a static camera and 8-way movement. you are LOCKED into a set of directions and the game is designed around it. dark souls may have 8 way movement in some (one?) games, but a FREE ROTATING CAMERA means you can CHOOSE where each of those 8 directions correspond to. if i face the bonfire and press up i walk to the bonfire. if i face away from it and press up i am now walking away from it. what you are describing is mario 3d world where pressing up will ALWAYS put you in the same direction of travel relative to the level
kys for making me explain this
Ok I am infact a retard, but the turn radius is also still fucked even using the right analog to control the camera, so you can line up all ledges accordingly by stopping and aligning but the problem stands that you'd have to just stop and get yourself facing that direction from one of the snap points to another
What are you trying to say? Communicate like a human being you fucking sperg.
I am comparing it to CoD.
I did not mean to say DS1 is the hardest game or even in top 50 hardest action games ever made.
I'm saying that what everyone else who says its hard interprets as difficulty in accomplishing a task is, in fact, just experiencing punishment for mistakes that they're used to shrugging off.
We're on the same page here
It's more difficult, but has less replay value.
The whole game revolves around the parry and posture system to do well, and the timing is pretty precise. However, there isn't really a concept of 'builds' since it's less Action-RPG like DS/Bloodborne and more just action game.
If you never played an action game, yes
You mean other than title of DS1 I assume?
Well we have the crestfallen knight whos entire character is
>Well you could do this but YOU WILL DIE AND ITS POINTLESS
Did you even play DS1 or are you basing your entire opinion of the game on what people said about it? Solaire became a meme because he was a bright and upbeat guy in a world where everyone told you that everything was shit.
The 3D world was the easiest way to explain it at the time, it's not 1-1. And only 1 game had the 8 point system built in.
yeah that’s the hard part
Just jitter forward after you face the camera, you still turn perfectly. It’s been the best way to make perilous jumps throughout the series.
that goes for anything people define as hard. what dark souls in particular requires that is unique from many other games is patience. because you can put in a lot of effort and commit to a battle plan but get killed by a special attack you didn't know your enemy had, or a ranged attack from an enemy you didn't see. then the hard part is deciding if you want to repeat the past 20-30 minutes of gameplay.
Dark Souls poisoned the well on what it means to have a challenging game. Hey, Darksydephil beat it by bashing his head against a wall, clearly DS1 is for retard babies that can't do anything but button mash! Hey, DS2 totally isn't a fucking unbalanced mess of a game that thrives on trial-and-error to dick you over until you know exactly what to avoid! And DS3 must be turbo easy once you get past those constant "everyone has a delayed strike" moments, right?
Can't fucking discuss shit without retards in it now. Don't even get me started on the lore and anti-lore parts of the playerbase.
DS2 isn’t even trial and error.
>wall ogre glomps u
nigga just tap up
And neither is DS1 easy because DSP beat it nor is the sole difficulty of 3 from delayed strikes, that was sort of the point that dudge was going for.
Every game in the series has a meme or 3 surrounding it and it' all people ever talk about
>learning to avoid attacks is trial and error
The first one in Aldia is visible, I’ll agree the second one is a gotcha though even though it is behind the same type of door.
souls games are all shit
DSP beat every souls game, hell DSP beats most games he picks up because he has chat help.
just spam roll.
Also all the fags who hate dsII because they couldn’t just get I frames and beat the game with it any effort.
DSII GOAT, get good seething roll babies
The wall bursting ogre is untelegraphed as fuck, first one isn't but that doesn't mean you're suddenly going to be rolling around near walls, you'd assume they'd telegraph them again.
There are a few more instances but overall I think ds2's problem isn't really so much trial and error as it is copy and paste.
that's just literally what being hard encompasses
You can get more i-frames in ds2 than any other game
I don’t think the multiple enemy encounters are bad at all. Even with thrust weapons you just kite them into a lime and stab.
That’s one way to do it. But that’s not necessarily the spirit of the game
>Pick up Dark Souls 3 first
>Think that I’m gonna spend weeks trying to complete it and how hard it is
>Find out that its just hit and run combat, grindy, and slow
>Get bored after beating the first boss and get lost with how dark it is
How is that fun if you do the same thing every time? I'm not saying it's hard I'm saying it's tedious and poorly thought out.
It means that casual fags like you can't beat it and recommend it to other Redditors who are equally shit at videogames as you
The title of DS1 is "Dark Souls", pcnigger.
Not one character in DS1 makes an explicit reference to "dying over and over" and "losing your souls" like it's a fucking game mechanic, and then laughing directly at you as if their intention wasn't obvious enough. The world and atmosphere is bleak and everyone's fucking hopeless because that's the fucking theme.
DS2 crosses the line in the scene I just posted where it might as well be and fmv of the developers saying "We made this game really hard, cool huh? *wink*"
Bamco always rode the fucking stupid hard game meme for DaS, but it never actually made it into the game's contents proper until DS2
You do the same thing every time regardless of encounter type if you are using thrust weapons, it’s the only real way to use them. You fight the same enemies the same way basically 100% of the time with any weapon in fact.
>He doesn't remember the "Go Beyond Death" marketing campaign for DS2
secondary Scholarfag detected
I dunno about that but I also don't want to break down every single encounter in both games so I'll just say that I found ds2 to be poorly paced because so many areas were packed with spam I couldn't tell what was meant to be climactic any more.
I like them, games are fun, I like Sekiro as well.
The best part about From games is the people victimizing themselves over them.
Armored Core would have eaten them alive.
Saying "you can do the same thing you always do to kill the enemies the same way" doesn't really mean much when the initial argument is all about gotcha moments. The ogres are specifically worked in a way to force you to panic and fuck your shit up the first time they burst through a wall, "just kite him with thrust weapons" sounds like the perspective of someone that's seen it a dozen times and already knows exactly what to do now for their preferred playstyle.
Not mention ‘lol try dashing through’ which can be done almost every area
For the low low cost of 70 levels. I can still taste the salt of retards who ignored ADP, got naked and then kept asking why it didn't give them free infinite iframes
Obviously this fucking cutscene and some words is all you need to declare a game shit, you weirdo. Is Sekiro wannabe hard babby shit to because the Divine Heir asks how many times you have died?
We aren’t talking about gotcha moments right now, I’m talking about “Copy and paste”. We’ve abandoned the discussion of gotcha moments for now.
>Running around with a pinch of health
>Surprised that the fucking Ninjas ambushed you
The bossfights, it was always the bossfights.
>DS2 went too far with the prepare to die meme
>but thats the titel of DS1
DS2 gives you the most souls out of all the base games too.
ADP was a cool idea on paper but it kind of fucking sucks because once you're bloated with souls the game only gets easier and easier.
I don't think anyone before the fucking Vaati videos ever considered the lore in Dark Souls to be deep. It just had a unique way of adding color to the world that required investigation and some connecting of the dots on the players part, which people have liked since Demons Souls. It's vague enough to add some speculation to toss around for fun with other people, but a lot of the stuff people figured out (like Darkroot being Oolacile before the DLC came out) wasn't just fan fiction. It's not deep, it's all very basic fantasy stuff, it's just a fun way to add fluff to a game.
The game has always gotten exponentially easier as you level though. Levels cost less in DS2 but you also beed more stats than DS1, so it evens out. Loading yourself up with ADP will get you 15 or 16 frames, but you will have sacrificed everything else unless you are on NG+ 5 and are already piloting a haveljester gigahexer.
>>>>>DS2 ''''boss fights'''''
The best ones were all dlc. All of them. The main game had zero climactic boss fights. Many of them were indistinguishable from the spam in the regular areas.
Rat room, skeleton room, gargoyle room, all VERY cool and made me really feel the pace of the game. And if you say that's cherry picking, then the actual 4 major bossfights before unlocking the more linear path of the game were pretty dogshit, big demon of unlucky knockoffs who is otherwise a joke, spider of spam and wonky hitboxes, adjucator part 2 but easier, and I actually liked Lost Sinner but it was too easy to just not use a torch like they seem to have wanted you to.
Nobody called the game shit. Stop being an insecure little faggot. This has been about you denying that DS2 rode on Bamco's shitty difficulty-angle marketing since the first post replying to the OP.
You get more souls in DS2, you don't need to go to NG+ to become a gigahexergiantdad.
>DS2 gives you the most souls out of all the base games too.
Not really no, it does give you a lot more levels for those souls though, but again as a tradeoff levels are worth far far less even if we disregard the END/Vit split and ADP existing and being worth leveling as opposed to resistance.
Scaling matters a lot less so STR/Dex are worth less per point, gear is heavier and you get punished gradually for wearing shit as opposed to breakpoint minmaxing, there are more ring slots but rings are far smaller impact and so on and so forth.
None of this boils down to
>Enemy A in area A gives X amount of souls in 2 while Enemy A in area A gives X-50 amount of souls in 1 ergo leveling is easier.
True 2 gives you the most iframes overall, if you max your ADP but even with more generous level up costs it's still a far harder punishment than just removing some armor.
Hell even getting rid of ADP entirely wouldn't have solved anything and people would then move over to bitching about why their 40% medium roll had less iframes than their 69.9% medium roll despite using the same animation and then claim it made the game impossible to beat without a wiki.
Smelter, Velstadt, Watcher and Defender, Mirror Knight, Flexile, etc. The best fights of every single souls game have always been in the DLC anyway, or are we going to pretend Sanctuary Guardian and Artorias weren’t huge departures from the slow and somewhat passive main game bosses?
Yes, you really do. Your standard playthrough with all the DLC will land you in the mid 100s for level unless you are farming. You don’t have that many points to spend.
>Goes around with a sliver of health
>Pretends to not be killed
Flexile was not climactic and had some of the weirdest tracking and hitboxes I've ever seen, and is then used as a miniboss like 1 area later, Velstadt was ok, Watcher and Defender were too easy because they were part of a boss chain, Mirror Knight was probably my favorite base game boss, but I'm curious what etc means to you. Nashandra, who can be circle strafed? Royal Rat Authority who is just sif + rats? Najka who is quelag but with a dig gimmick? Mytha who is again piss easy with or without dealing with her weird gimmick? The fucking dragonriders??? The Congregation?????
Darklurker was cool, but super optional.
>one is slow the other is fast
>Just run away from Josh and fight Drake while Josh tries to catch up or let Drake get far enough that you can land some hits on Josh
Yeah, DS2 has some bad bosses, I’ll freely admit that. They aren’t much hugher in proportion than any other souls title though, or did you forget Capra, Gwyn, Gaping, Taurus, Asylum Demon x3, Ceaseless, 4kings, Nito, and Bed of fucking Chaos?
To wear havels you need around 60 Vit
To be a hexer you need at a minumum of 30/30 int faith, but to do damage you usually higher than that
To have damage with melee weapons you need 40/40 in Dex STR
To have more iframe than a fast roll in the other games you need 60 ADP
To have HP to not die instantly you need around 40 Vig
To have spells to cast you need attuenemenet and to be able to cast more than 1 spell you need Endurance
Overall we are being kind we can say you can be a "havel hexer" with 30 in every stat and 40 in 3 stats (Health, end and iframes) and thats being VERY VERY VERY generous. A level up at that level costs 260k souls per level.
A lategame NG boss, say Veldstad drops 50k souls, thats less than 20% of levelup.
Stop saying random shit and assuming it's true just because you said it friend, it really doesn't help your case
It's technically more difficult, but significantly less of a test of patience. I'm not very good at games at all and gave up on Dark Souls at Four Kings, but had a relatively easy time beating Sekiro. I also missed the best alt-weapon in the game, which I've seen people describe as necessary for some fights. I genuinely cannot understand the trouble Sekiro gives people.
Everything hard requires effort and commitment.
>best alt weapon
Which, firecrackers? People who say you need firecrackers for any fight other than maybe monkey 2 are talking shit.
This critique is so lame and lazy. Rolling needs to be timed well and you’ll get caught by the attack if it’s too early/late. You also need to wait for an dexent opening to attack, or else a faster/bigger enemy will hit you first and interrupt you. This all needs to be done while managing stamina and possibly other enemies. Sure it’s not the most complicated or difficult thing in the world, but it’s not as mindless as “hurr roll and attack.” The thing is that most modern games are just “roll and attack” with little thought (Nier Automata for example, except for hardest difficulty), or more freauently, “mash attack button with no penalty”
The final boss is pretty fucking hard if you are playing a magic user.
>crystal soul spear
Unless you mean Manus
I had fun
You are right about the lore though, I would have preferred some more concrete information.
Oh Well there's my problem, I never learnt to parry well.
I think I might try doing that great chaos fireball cheese I heard about.
Is manus some secret boss? I thought you automatically got moved onto new game plus after beating gwyn
Why are you booing him? You know he's right.
The visual design is kino, but the gameplay puts me to sleep. It's so fucking slow.
PS: if an average normie can beat it, it's not hard.
Manus is the DLC boss. You should really play through the DLC, it’s the best content in the game.
Bold statement from the exact people who pushed the difficulty meme in the first place
Darksouls isn't actually a good game its just a franchise born from a starved player base.
No I actually mean that. 10 years from now nobody will replay that shit.
the jumping button being stacked with running and rolling is undefendable
and they pulled that shit several times
>No I actually mean that. 10 years from now nobody will replay that shit.
user, we're 8 years from the release of Dark Souls and still talking about it and have a DaS remaster
something is considered difficult or hard when you know how to do something but are struggling to do it
>I know I have to jump at this moment but for reasons x, y, and z it takes a bit of effort to pull off
To overcome these hard things usually require critical thinking, near perfect timing, and full focus. If you don't need any of these things then you don't consider the thing to be hard, but it varies from person to person
If a majority of people struggle with something than it is considered hard, if you a single person don't struggle, then its simply not hard for you as a individual. Some people want to say "It wasn't hard for me" but instead say "lol it's not hard git gud"
I mean 10 years from now when they stop making new games and more gamers start being idorts. The remaster will probably help people realize its not aging that well.
Nobody really replays a lot of old games that were, and still are, amazing. All you're describing is how things work.
I played and beat Dark Souls 1 about 8 months ago. All I did was choose a wizard as my class and I one-shotted almost every enemy through the entire game.
If I play DS 2 and 3 I'm going for a knight with an offhand bow.
>Nobody really replays a lot of old games that were, and still are, amazing.
Fucking consumer drone. I forget people like you are real sometimes. One day you'll break out of the cycle of kitsch entertainment when you play something amazing but not today.
Go on call me a self absorbed asshole and pretend like the term "timeless masterpiece" is illegitimate.
Yesterday or the day before yesterday I made a post wondering about how not hard the franchise is because I only play it everytime I visit my friend's house. Yesterday I visited him again and defeated the Nameless King with 5 Estus left, it was fun, but if he was one of the hardest bosses, then I wouldnt call the game "hard". The thing that killed me most was the camera fucking me up half the time the King jumped and lunged at me. I think the only aspect that makes the franchise hard is the "timing" part when it comes to dodging/parrying.
You avoid him by doing the elevator skip noob, pay attention next time
>Suddenly 4Kings
What a fucking curveball, stops my run every time.
Poise and magic defense. Seriously just put on Havels and never roll.
>game is not hard if you learn how to play
oh my god
Nameless King is a wall to people who panic roll, his entire moveset is designed around rollcatching, and he's a longer boss than many are used to.
Game is easier on NG+ though. I never understood this line of thinking.
Not always, DS2 changed things up and Nioh has a weird super exponential NG+ system.
DS2 has really excellent bows, you could probably beat the entire game bow only as a first playthrough.
Got to admit got angry because of that fucking ogre at the beginning kept throwing me off the cliff but after about 2-3 bosses game got way more easier or maybe I just got better.
>r1 r1 r1 r1 r1 r1 PREY SLAUGHTERED
No you don’t?