When will they realize tailing missions are not fun?

When will they realize tailing missions are not fun?

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When will nerds realize AC is for the history/plot, not for the gameplay

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>a game is not about gameplay

Kinda like until dawn

Who cares, the franchise died several times suffering a final death after Rogue/Unity. Replay the good ones and let it go.

Since them dropped them in Rogue

there has been no tailing missions in the last 2 or 3 games retard

>Rogue was bad
9/10 in steam
9/10 on Xbox 360/one
9/10 on ps3
4.5/5 stars in PS4
Well someone clearly never ever touched Rogue

I'll take things I never said for 500

>When will they realize tailing missions are not fun?
AC: Syndicate? AC: Origins and AC: Odyssey don't feature tailing missions. Holy shit, when did you last play an AC game?

AC didn’t died in Rogue unity
Everyone fucking loved them when they came out, the franchise died with odyssey because it didn’t feel like an assassins creed game, it felt like your cliche Greece mythology book
Now sit down

Neither of those games were bad, though.

Overshadowed by Unity and next generation of consoles. Otherwise more of Black Flag with a story that actually had ties to series proper. I would say it was too short, but not like Revelations.

Fucked up performance that ended up fixed on PC and still probably the best looking AC game while still being one. I liked the return to form with basic tools. Only game to make an effort towards stealth. I just wish its MP was properly realized because it could've been that major new addition to the franchise.

Attached: Assassins-Creed-Unity-Initiate-Chests-Guide.jpg (900x506, 95K)

AC: Rogue and AC: Unity were kinda like Double Agent Montreal vs Double Agent Shanghai. The more "modern" game attracted all the attention and budget, while the former game was a tweaked version of a beloved title. (Chaos Theory and AC4.)

Holy shit you're both fucking retards lacking reading comprehension
>the franchise died several times, suffering a final death AFTER Rogue/Unity
Fucking inbreds. First Désilets is "let off" during Brotherhood, then III sucks balls and kills Desmond, then after Rogue/Unity it stops being about AC at all.

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There are tailing missions in Syndicate retard.

Tbh if watch dog game play could had been good as modern day assasin creed
Make me wonder why they never done that

is alright, fren. people are idiots.

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You mean the "cinematic history"? The "here's a youtubers take on the past" that gives you a rough idea but still leaves you completely fucking wrong about the times and places/

I never saw someone who likes Unity.

It's popular to hate it. It basically goes back to bad performance.

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I’m 100% it didn’t died in syndicate because they kept making games
As I said it literally died in odyssey so the argument “azzazin crid died in revelations/3/syndicate” it’s still incorrect

Oh, so you're just stupid. Okay then.

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I like .. part of it
Specially the map design and the whole town/setting

Imagine NOT liking the Assassins Creed series


I'd say Syndicate is the one that got blasted as a bad GAME, not really on technical merits. Which was odd. Best waifu in the series.

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I guess it’s how you interpret “the death of a franchise”

>Marries a poo in loo

No. She ruined her waifu status and yet she was so close.

I fucking hate Black Flag. Hate pirates and the ocean. Just give me a beautiful city and assassin/illuminati plot how hard can it be FUCK

Syndicate is utter shit, and your waifu got POO'D

Has one of the best towns in the franchise, albeit like all IV towns is small as hell. The atmosphere though

Attached: AC4_Havana.jpg (1920x1080, 1.09M)

They fixed the performance problems. But it's still a shit game.


Asscreed is just historical urbanism porn. It's also why vikings are such a shit choice for the next game. Even just limiting it to pre-widespread gunpowder settings, literally all of these would be better options

>Roman Republic/Empire
>Minoan/Mycean Bronze Age Greece
>European Middle Ages (enough shit fort like 2-3 games at least)
>Proper Ancient Egypt (as opposed to origin's poltemic egypt)
>Bronze Age or Iron Age mesopotamia (Sumer, Babylon, Assyria, etc)
>Ancient Persia
>A newer game set in the Medieval Islamic world
>Ancient or Medieval India, (like with europe, enough shit here for like 3 games)
>Medieval West African Kingdoms (Mali, Songhai, etc)
>Medivial Southeast asian kingdoms (Khmer, Sukhothai etc)
>Ancient or Medivial China (like India.europe, again enough for like 3 games)
>Fuedal Japan
>Postclassical Mesoamerica (Aztec, Purepecha, etc)
>Classical Mesoamerica (Maya, Teotihuacan, etc)
>Late Horizon Andes (Inca Empire); an early intermediate or middle horizon with Moche city-states or the Wari and Tiwanku empires would also work, if not for the lack of historical sources

For fucks sake even the more complex Native Americans like the MIsssissipians and Pueblo had comparable towns and settlements to the vikings; the Missisispiians in particular actually having LARGER towns then the Vikings and even straight up cities, (see pic) and said setting would at least be more unique and underused.

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90% of all open world missions are not fun.

>Ancient Persia
Putting money on it that they'll come back to that later and show that Xerxes invade Greece because of some Precursor tech and that lead to the opening fight of Odyssey.

I want something set during the Khanates. Any of them. From any perspective.

I'm seriusly concerned by them doing vikings. It tells me they are wary about doing non european or normie tier settings like egypt or japan.

They might not be willing to do persia.

I played rogue for 20 hours and uninstalled. It’s boring and the reason why it’s boring is the same reason why ac3 is boring. North America is a boring fucking location and the history sucks. Ac4 was kino because of the Caribbean feel and the more interesting history.

I can't imagine them doing that well. Unless they do some "varangian guard" story and reuse Constantinople. Then again that would likely have the backdrop of Persians and Christians slaughtering each other even if not actively touched on and might be in a no-no zone.

I think they're having trouble finding areas that are historically relevant, have locations that are recognisable, and also have figures people know or can say "that sounds familiar."

Maybe they'll go something like Mesoamerican before European contact and put full blown alien landing pads and shit into the game.

>Ac4 was kino
End yourself.

>I played rogue for 20 hours and uninstalled. It’s boring

Explain and then tell me your favourites. Also my favourites are:


AC3 is by far the most cancerous, followed by Rogue. Never played unity, liberation, syndicate, origins or odyssey.

The answer to every "when will Ubisoft realize x mechanic sucks" is when a market research team tells them a majority of people won't buy if it is present.

>I can't imagine them doing that well

Well it's basically confirmed that's what the next game is.

>Maybe they'll go something like Mesoamerican before European contact

I fucking hope, a Mesoamerican asscreed would be incredible, though I would like them to keep ancient ayy shit to a minimum if so. There's already so much /x/ tier bullshit with those socities, people need an actual relalistic look at them beyond just "dude sacrifice" and "dude mysterious stuff": People need to see how they were as actual functioning political states and sociites.

I do think doing pre-contact entirely is sort of a waste. Not that that wouldn't work or wouldn't be interesting enough, even 1000+ years before european contact the region had huge cities and such, but the meeting of the Spanish and Mesoamericans is such a unique occurance in all of human history that that + the other geopolitical factors involved has so much potential in a game like this.

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Not him, but I played the series until BF until throwing in the towel. It's all the same tedious garbage and the only thing the devs are doing is changing the historical backgrounds as if they were wallpaper on their boring fucking framework.

A concept like this should be extremely interesting, but in an AC game? Sleep-inducing tedium with lame gameplay loops and minimalistic UI and map icons littering the screen. No thank you.

>political states
they were tribes which each had a dictator.

I don't think they would touch any Medieval Islamic setting. It was already notable enough how they didn't mention ANYTHING about women walking around covered in Revelation's Constantinople/Istanbul. Even if they highlighted the reformers and free thinkers of the time, you'd still have to end up criticising the culture for it's treatment of women, and the modern comparison would be impossible to ignore. We'll see a Jesus the Christ game before we see Islam touched, as in never.

I believe they had Altair dealing with the Khans later in life - would have been a great game potentially.

China seems most likely within the next decade.

>He thinks Ubisoft designs games to be fun

come on, dude

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AC has no story. It's literally just random shit happening on a historical revisionist backdrop where nothing ever has consequences.

Never because that was 90% of AC4 Black Flag but all you faggots praise that game so AC: Tail Flag will never go away

>last two mainline assassins creed games don't follow that formula

Absurdly incorrect. Did you even look at the fucking image? You call what you see there or here a "tribe"?

Mesoamerica had towns with monumental archtecture, class systems, and long distance trade by 1400BC, writing and proper urbanism by 900BC, and formal state goverments by 500BC. By 200 AD urban cities and towns with state goverments had become the norm across the region aside from in West Mexico (though obviously as in euirppe or asia you had smaller rural communites between the larger centers)

Obviously it differed per civilization, but generally speaking goverments during the late preclassic (the preclassic being 2000BC to 200AD) and the Classic (200AD to 800AD) were generally theocratic monarchies, with religious cults and priestly casts wielding political power and monarchs cementing their authority via claiming divine rule a la egypt or china. The Maya city-states specifically for example were also particularly dyanstic, using strategic political marriages and installing rulers from their own royal families in conquered ones and setting up networks of alliances via genealogical connections. City-states during this period already had formal legal systems, judiciaries, priestly insutitons and formal religious cults, tax agents, and organized armies/warfare: Just yesterday a new paper came out talking about how organized, total warfare was more common amongst the Maya then we thought)

During the Postclassic (900-1521), you generally saw most civilizations have less theocratic rule with the priestly castes having political power, and instead monarchies where martial officials tended to have the most political authority and an increased emphasis on warfare, economics, and miltiarism defending geopolitics. You also saw formal oligarchies, with nobility electing kings and/or holding some governing power, as well as even republics with senates, such as with Tlaxcala.

Attached: Montezuma_s Palace besides the city center ceremonial plaza (off to the right), in Tenochtitlan, the (1200x800, 323K)

just played the 'old flames burn brighter. it was awful.

>I didnt play it so it died
The Serues as lots of enjoyable moments and across the series combat has changed like 5 times people saying it's all the same shit only played lol 2 games. Though I can see why most people dropped the game after 4 games of counter kill.Parkour is fun and Desmond story was actually Kino, sadly normies hated it and also begged for dumb crap like Japan and Vikings, who were just snowniggers raiding coastal villages. ( who the fuck would be assasination targets?). The game also did improve over the years, it peaked in its goal of assassinating stuff in Unity/syndacite with alternate ways of eliminating targets.

Sadly though the series has lost all its identity of an action-psuedo stealth game, its just an RPG now not even touching assassinations anymore ( though seems fun), Only keeping the name to drive sales up.


Tlaxcallan senators for example had to undergo public beatings to prove their fortitude, and then undergo a year of ethical and legal training prior taking office

Classical city-states already had formal goverments, a legal system, etc, but the amount of actual civil offices tended to be small and there weren't too many moving parts or large bureaucracies. This changed in the postclassic for larger cities, with many states having full multi-tiered appeliate courts, municipal governments (cities in central mexico were composed of multiple capulli, which each had their own school police force, local court, and civil servants to clean streets, buildings, etc), and more fleshed out and complex religious, economic, and martial institutions: As with courts, there were whole bureaucratic hierarchies with multiple offices and postions for religious officials/priests, diplomats, tax agents, constables, etc. Military complexity vastly increased as well: standards/banners, per divison insiginia, battlefield medics at the back of combat lines and formation blocks, elite military orders in addition to the standard rank system etc.

As mentioned, you had state ran schools, for both commoners and nobles, with nobles getting a full education in not just basic history, culture, religion, etc, but also mathmatics, writing, oratorical skills, medicine, astronomy, philsophy, and science; and professional theologians, philsophers, poets etc, taught at these schools, and also formed their own academic circles where they debated and exchanged ideas. We have survving poetry and we know the philsophers did stuff from ethics to metaphysics. In terms of diplomacy and politics, you had insanely complex geopolitical interactions and reapolitk between cities, as I explain here pastebin.com/h18M28BR ; and even specific dialectics of languages that were especially symbolism ladden used exclusively in diplomatic contexts, see the bottom half of pic

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Did you really spend 99 dollars on this user? Be honest

>they didn't mention ANYTHING about women walking around covered in Revelation's Constantinople
Yeah, Ezio should mention that he's in awe of their culture being THIS based and redpilled, then buy a burka for his sister on the bazaar.

What book or text is your image from? I'm interested.