aand dropped
Aand dropped
Trans is inherently cyberpunk. Cope.
>freedom and choices are bad
>degenerate dystopia set in future west coast USA
I don't get it. Seems like a pretty accurate depiction to me.
As an aspect of the loss of humanity, sure.
High tech, low life - and nothing's lower than trannies.
obsessed. Actual trannies don't talk about trannies so much.
>trannies want to go from M>F or F>M
>Still two genders
>'trans' is a 3rd gender?????
I thought trans wanted to be either male or female?
Turns out they want to be neither, who knew
why are you weirdos so obsessed with trannies
Yes they do, OP is proof.
If this was an attempt to bait me, I'm sorry to say that I agree with you, hence it being inherently cyberpunk
You could get convincing temporary sex changes as long as you had the money in the tabletop game. Cyberpunk 2077 is still looking to be shit for cutting the more interesting roles in favour of basic bitch shit and removing other RPG elements.
jesus christ what the fuck happened to this jpg? the first time this was being posted I could actually read the author of that article
If you're trans, you're going to pick male or female. However, if you don't identify as either, you're going to want the third option.
Why are you so obsessed with self harming?
Direct competitors in the weirdo market
> why isn't this AAA RPG as open ended as the tabletop game guys? I swear I'm not a tranny even though I was rambling about them incoherently five minutes ago!
They don't want no trouble from the bankers. Smart move. Very smart capitalists those people over there are.
Body modification is ten times more cyberpunk than flying cars (which is just generic futurology, not cyberpunk).
> Choice
> Meaning you have the choice not to be a tranny if you so desire
I hate this board
Why is Yea Forums obsessed with trannies? Had sex with one 10 years ago in Thailand, they are cute.
It literally just means your character voice is not limited by gender. That's it. Which Saints Row 2 did ages ago.
>Why did they backpedal on the RPG elements and roles you could have and end up with an action adventure game instead of what the originally proposed? But hey look guys we have Keanu Reeves, you can fight the power with Keanu Reeves, guys!
I hope there is a nonbinary option too, I would propably pick that. I was thinking of running a genderfluid android Media in my next tabletop game.
>implying the virgin tranner has shit on the CHAD Ladyboy
It's like chalk and cheese.
I dropped when they said it was first person. There are no superb first person rpgs.
no such thing. You're either a man or a woman. fuck mental disability
The tranny obsession is beyond retarded at this point. It's like 80% of the conversation.
A sex change is bioware so it doesn't effect the level of the players humanity.
If you're going to be offended at least get your info correct.
> devs have reiterated on twitter multiple times that the game is still an RPG despite the shift in marketing
> 'they changed their twitter headline, that means they completely restructured the game!'
I doubt it's going to be a "third option", more like options for tits and bulge and a beard for everyone
>0.26 PLN has been deposited into your account
Can't till this young woke bunch of developers end up on twitter whining when their game fails.
It'll just be like Saints Row 2 where you could mix voices and hair, I doubt they'd do pronouns cause thats extra work and V is a specifically non gendered name.
>everyone must me miserable like I am
Heteros don't have a 40% suicide rate user. Try again.
Just like MHW?
>kill tranny npcs in multiple ways in game
>post it on youtube
>trannies and their worshipers freak out like what happened with that Red Dead redemption 2 video with that guy killing women's suffrage movement activists
If no one will do this, I'll do this, just wait
the more and more gameplay they reveal the more boring this game appears to be. Funny how this was hyped up as something godly for years and years.
Turning your dick into a surgical wound (or pieces of your forearm into a frankensausage) is not cyberpunk. It's cronenbergian.
Thats a hell of a non sequitur. You mind telling me how you got there, or did you just type that automatically?
trans is a greek root word that literally means 'across'
the word 'transgendered' based on its construction means someone who changed into the opposite gender. if a trans person says that they are not male or female, they are trans, then why did they identify as transgender instead of agender?
because it's not about their personal identity, its about getting control over other people through subterfuge and guilt, and attaching yourself to whatever group will give you the most advantage
This site is meant for adults.
How is it pathetic to have sex?
Clotted blood and pus,
leaks from his fake vagina,
like a squashed cockroach.
- a haiku
Becoming a robot means you no longer have genders. That is the whole point. You blur the lines.
Quit crying, you should be laughing at the articles being written that the game is "transphobic" if anything.
>degenerate future
>offers degenerate choices
Oh noooo....
Then what are all the mentally incapacitated trannies like you doing here, you fuckin' filthy Jewish fuck?
Why didn't they add more genders? There are like 80 of them.
We need to boycott Keanu Reeves until they fix this and complain about it on Reset Era.
>just now realizes this
8gag is almost up already. You can clean your room or go for a walk in the meantime.
If you can't even decide what sex to be, you'd never get past choosing a name.
>they are cute.
Sure thing, hon.
yeah but saints row just let you choose any option at any point in the character creation process. there wasn't any political spin to it. they didn't make a press release about it either
I think a lot of people are dealing with some deep seated mental problems but are using the trans thing as a way to ignore the actual problems they have. Many of them appear to have a similar mindset as incels, where they will seclude themselves into corners of the internet and do nothing but talk about how superior they are and how nothing is their own fault.
And there probably are people with some kind of body dysmorphia who are either being ignored or sold a solution that wont help them just because it happens to be popular in the current zeitgeist. So that will lead to further mental health problems developing due to the constant stress of not actually solving their problem.
This isn't a response to you really but I'm using this as some kind of release because I'd probably be crucified if I said this irl.
This is exactly what's holding us back from real, true progression. Same way consoles hold back pc's on things like graphics. Fuck the world.
when the FUCK are they gonna stop shilling faggotry? When does this end Yea Forums?
as long as it's not forced I don't care.
There was that mechwarrior game that had trannies, I didn't care. I didn't buy it cause all the future races were niggers.
well mature adults won't mind a little gameplay video or two, would they, dickchopper?
This post is a fucking roller coaster.
the weirdo market called, they're running out of you!
No the answer to your question is actually "they don't"
Gonna make a Gigachad with a loli voice.
now that's how you do it.
all games should have a slider for:
I personally don't care about this at all since I was never interested in this game before it ended up like this, but what I don't understand is
>transgender options in the character creator
For what purpose? If a "female that was formerly a male" wanted to make themself a character, why would they make themselves transgendered? Wouldn't they want to make themselves a regular, normal, female character? I don't understand the logic of identifying yourself as a transgendered character in a videogame as opposed to making yourself the gender you want to be.
It's going to be "transgender" in the sense of literally crossing gender boundaries. You know, like the chick in the poster?
why would they make themselves transgendered?
Attention whoring.
Trans is fashionable right now because they are the most oppressed.
First innovation we've seen from this generic open world game.
Wish they worked on a better system to replace objective markers, though.
The real question is how many dicks can you have.
>cyberpunk genre it's degenerate by itself
>you can be a degenerate in-game
>"REEEEEEEEEEEEE muh trannies"
Retarded people everywhere.
Good. Finally a game i can play as a serial rapist cyborg shemale.
>fuck mental disability
I wish I had a reaction image for this comedy gold
The real question is when can we start throwing them in mass graves so that they're actually oppressed?
Time to take a nap grampa, you are getting cranky.
Yeah getting some new gameplay would be nice. I am not going to get the game at launch anyway because that is just plain stupid nut it would be cool to see some leveling trees or such.
Op is right. There is not enough representation in this game.
And can we please talk about why the main marketing character is another white male?
And the transphobic advertisements in the game?
I think Trans dudes kill themselves because they think it solves all of their problems
and then they have to go to work on Monday like nothing happened.
>Oppression begins at the mass graves and not a moment sooner
It's not trannies that are going to play trannies in vidya, it's straight obsessed trannies like you who want to larp.
>needing a third gender
i can't even imaging being this much of a snowflake
Trans undead? Shit it gets worse.
battletech wasn't as bad as Yea Forums pretends it is but the overweight muslim chief engineer le brilliant 200IQ womyn character was fucking unbearable
haha, fag
>not even EA has gone as far as letting you be a tranny in their games
>first dev to ever do it is Yea Forums's best friend CDPR
Its dudes either having a midlife crisis or jumping on a band wagon to be popular.
Either way they seem to regret having their dick and balls cut off, it must be a sobering experience.
Where the fuck did that assumption come from?
Do you people just respond without reading?
>not going full ghost in the shell transhumanism and offering a consciousness transfer in a bioandroid body. Offering a mutidimensional concept that has mutidimensional consequences.
Why even live?
and can they be sideways as well as upside down
The Sims
I've been trying to write a good Japanese death poem for months now.
Can't offer that as a character creation option, it's OP
So what you're saying is, a Dick Mace.
a bit late to be bending over backwards trying to appease the queer community now
So I can play as a hot slut with a footlong metal cock, awesome
>bioware so it doesn't effect the level of the players humanity.
found the shadowrun dork.
bioware has humanity cost in cyberpunk.
not buying this game unless my dicks to have dicks
just hurry up and offer them artificial wombs so we can continue on to the naturalists vs transhumanism arguments
I think the trans-rights stuff has mixed a lot with this kind of competitive progressivism that many people exhibit, where they try to one-up eachother constantly by showing how accepting of oppressed people they are. It's a cancerous culture born in incestuous social media spheres where people jerk off whoever agrees and crucify whoever doesn't. No grey area allowed. Feedback from social media like retweets and likes only furthers the problem by feeding egos and priming people to see betrayal everyhwere just so they can reap the massive bounty on an epic twitter-takedown. Fragile egos, insecure people of all stripes as far as you can see. The trans thing is only a veneer for what's really going on I think.
It's especially frustrating for me because leftists and rightoids both think I'm on board with this kind of thing because I'm a commie. In reality I just wish these people would shut the fuck up about this useless junk.
>It's okay when japan does it
i agree
it's bad if it helps support IRL mental illness.
nobody would complain if trans had not been propped up by media to seem like more than 0.0000001% of the world population are trans
Fuck off op tranny faggot stop setting up threads
Transphobia is reactionary, comrade.
10 years ago we had this same discussion about gay people. 10 years from now we will have this discussion about something else, ikel nonbinary, and poltards will still be crying over gays and trannies and whatever else when all the normal people have moved on with their lives.
Wanting to go from man to woman, or woman to man = transgender
Wanting to be neither or some third gender or whatever the fuck "they/them" = actual attention whore
Given the setting that makes total sense though
gay is also bad but not nearly as bad.
people being gay at least believe in objective reality while trans people literally make belief and want to force others to play by their rules.
meanwhile gay is just a fetish.
Chinese historians two hundred years from now are going to be absolutely baffled about why the west destroyed itself. Like the fall of Rome and the European Empires was well-rooted in perfectly understandable factors like economic decline and repeated poor leadership. The best we have to go on is World War 1, which started all of this.
>No grey area allowed.
But you /pol/ types aren't a grey area. You're the same shit but the other way around and the one difference is you dont actually stigmatize violence. Choice is pretty easy.
because the media, industry, and LGBT community itself started to go full retard SJW around 2012-2013 or and being moronic about it, and in response/reaction Yea Forums went from being mostly neutral towards LGBT people as long as they didn't make a big deal about it; to being outright hostile towards it.
Before 2013 or so you outright would have anons admitting to being trans in threads about kotaku articles and most other anons wouldn't mind.
Because trannies themselves constantly invade this board?
get on ur knees and suck my cock retard
Romney should have won in 2012. Hussein Obama's second term is what enabled the extremist left to go even further.
>can turn yourself into a fucking shark
>procedures that involve your genitals however is out of the question
dilate you fucking mongoloids
How new are you?
What did the retard mean by this
>aand dropped
Oh wow. An opinion.
Wow wow wow wow.
Just fucking wow.
Don't interrupt him when he's stroking it.
Unironically this. Too bad Romney fucked up by the end of the election
Just say fetishists, user.
>option three: gas chamber
needs more jpeg
I try my hardest to not hate on the lgbt and let only God judge but they make it so fucking hard. I just hate gays and trannies so fucking bad.
>tfw I'll be playing a straight white male character without giving even a second thought to trannies and enjoying myself while op seethes, obsesses over and rants about trannies on the video game section of an anime forum
damn it feels good to be a gangsta
He never fucked up, it's just that the media demonized him like they currently do with Trump but people were unaware of it. Then the stupid fucking hypocrites calling his healthcare plan dumb started to cry once Obamacare happened
Yea Forums here, user is correct.
I think it looks stupid anyways.
Why would you hate me user
Believe me when I say i've tried.
>Cyberpunk has heavy themes of rampant degeneracy and hedonism
Seems trannies fit with the theme quite well
They don't identify as transgender over agender? Then how do you explain the transgender option. It's not an agender option
I think I just experienced an aneurysm vicariously because of that pic.
Imagine if Japan made an anime style open world game like cyberpunk but neo-Tokyo instead.
Literally good.
t. Haiku enthusiast
This writing is fucking atrocious. It literally reminds me of both Ready Player One and how Randy Pitchford described Battleborn (Battleborn is: FPS; hobby-grade coop campaign; genre-blended, multi-mode competitive e-sports; meta-growth, choice + epic Battleborn Heroes!).
>Trans is inherently cyberpunk. Cope.
This. Trans has always meant Transhumanism, NEVER will it ever mean transgender or transitioning TO transgender.
Trans is literally short for Transcendence, and that is it. To transcend your human limits is the true meaning of trans.
>They went full retard so we had no choice but to go full retard in response!
Guess what they were responding to
>Battleborn is: FPS; hobby-grade coop campaign; genre-blended, multi-mode competitive e-sports; meta-growth, choice + epic Battleborn Heroes!
So it's a recursive description?
I'm not sure who you are talking about. Who is "they"?
CDPR obviously
lol retard
"Trans" in "transhuman" means the same as it does in "transgender", that is, crossing the boundaries, and in that sense, transgender is a natural part of transhuman. The "trans" in "transcend" also means "beyond".
No it's not. You are just pushing a narrative.
Play the game and find out
>everything I don't like is a mental illness
Literally not your problem. Freedom and choice above all, fucker
Key word here is beyond, not below. Trannies are below normal human, not beyond.
I feel ashamed that I understand what this means
>Imagine if Japan made an anime style open world game like cyberpunk but neo-Tokyo instead.
I wish. Doesn't even need to be "anime". I'd go with realistic but with a better/colder color pallet and style.
And of course with the Godlike OST youtube.com
By trannie options what they mean is saints row tier customization, basically design a dude and give him a womans voice right?
Its a fucking videogame for fucks sake. Just pick the character you like and roll with it. Dont need to bring your mental illness to a fucking game
ow the edge
That's just like, your opinion brah. Etymology, for one, does not agree.
Being "just" a tranny would be pretty tame in the world of cyberpunk. I hope that they won't be given any special treatment considering most people are augmented in some way. Cutting off your dick and prancing around like an anime girl wouldn't shock anyone in a world where you can do pic related.
Playing devil's advocate for a moment here.
A key aspect of punk is rebellion against authority, norms, and social expectation, and a key aspect of cyberpunk is body modification and/or enhancement.
So it's not really an out-of-place inclusion for the genre.
You could take your own advice and just pick the character you like ignoring the tranny options because they are literally just options.
They will be. Games are made to reflect current trends of politics, not the future.
Where's the oppai futa?
people that don't live in objective reality are insane.
i'd much rather have a gay friend than a trans friend that can flip out and stab you because you call water wet.
B-but we live in le society.
Trannies will be in the game regardless, and by paying for it, you normalize tranny propaganda.
Yeah, my guess is that it simply will be normalized. Which is already too much for some seething Yea Forumstard ludites.
Then I have the freedom and choice to live in a society without tranny propaganda.
That would be retarded then, in a world where everyone is some kind of hybrid abomination, cutting off your dick shouldn't give you special snowflake status. It should be the opposite, people who refuse augmentation should be the special ones in this world.
I don't really give a shit, user.
>Character creator
Really? The last trailer made it look like you were stuck playing as established character who had his own pre rendererd cutscenes.
Yeah, because normalizing trannies is good.
>muh propaganda
Seethe harder, inquisitor
Or not buy it at all.
That's only because it's inevitable. The game is made now, and not in the future. But having transgender people be an accepted part of society is itself a commentary on current politics.
vtmb, cope you motionsicknesslet
if they would just act like normal that would be nice, instead of faking their voice and putting on parades that frighten children. i don't know why media and corporations pander so much to what can't even be a permille of the population.
What would you know, you don't have any friends.
It doesn't normalize it, if anything it will show you that if you allow all kinds of degeneracy, not limited to body modification but also augmentation and overrerliance on electronics, you will end up in a shitty dystopian world.
Again, games are made to fit politics, not vice versa.
This is why killing orcs is okay, but killing black tribals is bad.
Then you are already a hedonist. Welcome to your future.
where's my option for cute girl(male) though
Seems like it's Mass Effect-like. You can look however you want, make some decisions, but in the end we're all playing the same character.
Sure. Pack your bags and go to russia instead of inducing more prayers in schools, kek
You don't know that will be the case yet.
Do you live in objective reality? You seem to be taking this very personally.
It's true tho.
Nothing is inevitable. These games serve as propaganda to ease trannies into society.
Yeah it actually would. Cause people understand fantasy. No one freaked out when Luke got a cybernetic hand. Watching a 40 year old that looks like a man in a dress with makeup would. Cause it's real.
It objectively isn't worse than believing in some imaginary friend in the sky
>manbaby virgins who play skyrim with futa mods cry about a game offering an OPTION which doesn’t force you to do anything and won’t affect you in any way
lmao you’re pathetic
have sex
user, maybe you should wait until the game is out before bitching about how they chose to depict something
Did I touch a nerve
We already LIVE in a shitty dystopian world.
Trannies don't care if the content is good or not, what matters is:
1. It's popular.
2. It has trannies in it.
They will have no complaint unless trannies are shown as villains.
Cyberpunk is puritan genre! LETS KEEP IT THAT WAY! SAY NO TO GENERACY IN CYBERPUNK!! Vote for proposition 69 69
Of course it is. And to anyone disagreeing, I want to know if it is because of any religious beliefs you might have ?
It wouldn't be bad if trannies were shown in bad light, which we all know will never happen.
It objectively is. Believing in the imaginary friend in the sky doesn't involve me self mutilating myself of denying XX or XY chromosomes. Dilate more.
The autism that irradiates from this post
I'm fighting hard to avoid that case.
I'm not even a christian but the breakdown of social norms means everything bad in this world.
The devs already confirm trannies are in it, what's the point?
>Nothing is inevitable.
I don't know, linear time seems like a pretty big constraint still. You know what isn't inevitable, though? Propaganda, like you seem to think.
>doesn't involve me self mutilating myself
no but it does involve mutilating your baby boys.
good point. as long as the trans option has 0 impact on the game it's acceptable. let's hope they don't go full mass effect on us
It wouldn't be fantasy in the context of the reality of the game ya tit
What autism?
If having more visibility in society and defending your interests is being a propagandist, then almost everything is propaganda for one thing or another. Does it make all of those things insta-bad by default? Allow me to doubt it.
That reply doesn't make sense.
How do you know that there won't be shitty trannies in this game? Until they show you something woke along the ines of the BAttlefield 5 or Wolfenstein New blood there is nothing that indicates the game will be woke.
Even the concept of time is evitable as we discover FTL.
And yes, propaganda is evitable, that's why I fight it.
>you /pol/ types
What? Did you reply to the wrong post? The guy literally called himself a Connie. Might as well just bring up Reddit out of nowhere
>I'm fighting hard to avoid that case.
You're passing pure speculation off as fact in an impotent tantrum on an Indonesian carpentry board
Why is it that whenever people talk about trannies they automatically assume mtf and never mention ftm?
aawwww poor baby! here mommy’s gonna get your pacifier
>as we discover FTL
FTL is physically impossible.
Not all propaganda is bad, but if said propaganda promotes an actual mental illness such as transgenderism, yeah sure it's bad.
And no, encouraging people to be trannies is OBJECTIVELY not good in any measures.
I'm not a kike friendo, try again.
>as we discover FTL
Which is evitable. And anyway probably won't be used to make sure Cyberpunk 2077 accurately conforms to the future.
I don't need to know that because the games having trannies is already a hard pass to me.
Trannies being villains is already real life, no need to pay for a vidya about it.
You are just making this up. Cyberpunk its about cibernetics enhancment, not mental ilness about "i'm am the wrong gender" but the obssession of "i want to be more than what i am"
There are more straight white male reactionary mass shooters than trans mass shooters
who's mentally ill now ;)
And even if I did cut some foreskin he still wouldn't have a 40% suicide rate. So yeah, play semantics, trannys are fucked creatures and even nature agrees.
Yes, everything is propaganda, it's only called propaganda when you disagree with it.
tfw tranny and wont even play this game and these threads are fucking hilarious
How is speculation that trannies are in the game?
Because the MAJORITY of trannies are mentally ill men.
Just an example, and no FTL is not physically impossible.
>And anyway probably won't be used to make sure Cyberpunk 2077 accurately conforms to the future.
Cyberpunk 2077 normalizes trannies IN the current society, let alone future.
>implying mass shooting a bunch of spics at martshart is bad
>i want to be more than what i am
Or just, y'know
like a certain group of people I can think of
It involves anything that could be justified by retarded beliefs, which includes genital mutilation as well in some systems of belief. I don't see the difference.
"Social norms" always change and evolve. The current paradigm is always shifting one way or another. There's no mythical golden age where everything was set in stone and then somehow devolved into imperfection. Everything changes all the time,starting with perceived "norms"
How come trannies is a hard pass when literally changing half your body with a mechanical parts is not? As long as the game won't have woke mentality when it comes to specific groups of degenerates it will be fine. Cutting off your dick is less shocking that cutting off half your face and replacing it with a mechanical part.
Mass shooters are less mentally ill than trannies since they harm people they deem bad instead of themselves.
Imagine thinking the causes of suicide are inherent to the person and not caused by the environment. If you really cared you'd stop being such a cunt.
>dropping a game because it has multiple choices in a degenerate dystopian world
This is why Bethesdashit is popular.
no, not different
better, improved, enhanced, connected
not horizontal, vertical
maybe you are just not able to understand that
i had this reply prepared because i knew someone like you would show :)
>"Social norms" always change and evolve. The current paradigm is always shifting one way or another.
If it can change then it can remain the same. Social norms are changed by the media influencer and gradually, and the moment you take away these media influencer, social norms remain the same.
>There's no mythical golden age where everything was set in stone and then somehow devolved into imperfection. Everything changes all the time,starting with perceived "norms"
There is absolutely that golden age which set those norms in the first place.
Because their fragile masculinity is more threatened by it. FtMs are just sort of... there.
Admittedly, /pol/ types are any turbotists trying to enforce their extreme beliefs in place where they don't belong
>linear time seems like a pretty big constraint still
Time isn't linear, it's curved. That's a documented fact of reality.
No, he would be in 20%ish, yay he is half as likely to murder himself as trannies. You did a great job.
1. One is enhancing yourself via cybernetic parts.
2. One is self-denial about your own sex.
Following your example, wearing glasses is already being a transhuman, no need for trannies.
>Cyberpunk 2077 normalizes trannies IN the current society, let alone future.
So then you're saying it is accurate of them to portray the future like that, considering they're actively shaping it
user there are more female to male trand than male to female.
PLEASE at least do a quick google search before posting all this garbage
It's inherent to people who want to hurt themselves such as cutting their dicks off.
>when Yea Forums psueds pretend to be well-read
>As an aspect of the loss of humanity, sure.
It's more the aspect of mind being disconnected from body. If you can augment your body that freely like in a cyberpunk universe, it doesn't matter if you're male or female. You can just buy augments that make you the other sex.
It's not hard to grasp, you retard.
It's not though. "Trans" in a cyberpunk world is to be trans human. Idea being that gender doesn't matter. Therefore, it would follow that people wouldn't even give a fuck about their gender.
Trannys literally are the opposite of this. They're so obsessed with what gender they are and how their gender is perceived that they literally mutilate their own bodies in barbaric surgery just so they can feel like they are what they want to be.
Gender would be an after thought in a cyberpunk world. And the few people who actually pursued love and natural/traditional relationships would be revolutionaries.
It's why books like 1984 and Brave New World make such a point about how natural sexual relationships are so despised/illegal in the greater world.
Here's the real takeaway for you retards. Cyberpunk, as a setting, is inherently DYSTOPIAN. This isn't a world you're supposed to want to live in.
No, the future is what we made.
If we rebuke trannies, the future will not be Cyberpunk 2077.
Cyberpunk 2077 is made as prescriptive programming to brainwash people into tranny acceptance.
If you were already expecting the reply why not just put it in your original post?
Anyway, you're wrong. Plenty of enhancements in the CP2020 source books are cosmetic, or have downsides. It's a matter of preference. And of course a large theme of cyberpunk is that technology does not necessarily improve our lives, just kinda changes the set dressing if we're unable to address the structural issues in society.
because ftm are just angry feminists not actually wanting to transition to man but wanting to make a show of itself (like 90% of women in every media)
>mass murderers are less mentally ill than people only concerned about whether the look like the opposite sex or not
(You) just won the mental gymnastics olympics, turbotard
He's right, though, my ESL. "Transhumanism" is not inherently restricted to improving the human condition. Merely going beyond what it constitutes is sufficient.
Cyberpunk works commonly focus in how cybernetics make people lose a part of themselves, effectively being not a direct upgrade but more of a trade-off. Shadowrun, for example, has specirfic mechanics to reflect on this. As the person becomes more like a machine, more problems arise in their mind and soul. It consumes them.
It's never about an actual upgrade, it's about becoming something else entirely, and paying the hard price for it.
>wearing glasses is already being a transhuman
It is.
You're still making an arbitrary distinction just for the sole purpose of excluding trannies.
Okay whatever I don't plan on playing a trans character so I'll just stick with the male options. That was easy
Imagine being so weak that you let the environment be your master and not the other way around.
>Some interesting responses here which all support the notion that this is almost impossible question to answer. After I transitioned I took a masters degree in Gender Research and decided to focus on coping strategies of trans women for my dissertation simply because, in Hull where I live, I knew only a couple of trans men where I knew around 20 trans women.
The statistics at the time - 15 year ago suggested that the split of mtf v ftm was about 80/20 - When I set up a support organisation from 2007 to 2010 we saw a distinct change taking place with dramatically increased numbers of young trans guys seeking support - while most of the trans women we supported were over 50.
The biggest problems is that we simply cannot or do not reach the majority of trans people and the stigma attached to being trans, whilst slowly dissipating is still very real.
Idk man. Cyberpunk is meant to be dystopian. If people end up wanting to live in such a society, then the writers have fucked up in the message.
Enhancing yourself is innatural and wrong. It all comes down to doing something against nature to fulfill your desire. You are weak so you want to become stronger, so you cut off your arms and install robot arms. You are a sex freak so you want to cut off your dick and install a robot pussy. Same shit really.
Also, wearing glasses does not modify your actual body in any way. Removing your eyes and installing camera sensor would be transhuman, not wearing glasses on top of your natural eyes you dumb fuck.
Why even waste time and money on tranny options?
Cause Yea Forums is full of gay 16 year olds who won't admit they want to fuck a tranny butt
That's not an argument.
Mass murderer isn't psychopathic enough to hurt themselves.
trans are insane monstrosities
cyberpunk is the one place where trannies are unironically allowed though
Of course you don't, you're an autist. Secular humanism isn't treated with the scrutiny that religion is. If society is encouraging and saying how 'good and brave' something is, retards will gravitate to it. It masquerades its own dogma. But the end result is the same. I wouldn't suffer as a believer, as the same as a secular humanist tranny, trying to self actualize myself as an anime girl. No 40% suicide rate for me. And to add further hypocrisy to insult, claiming that I care about people as the end all, while encouraging or supporting a lifestyle that leads to that high of a suicide rate.
>there wasn't any political spin to it. they didn't make a press release about it either
You say that as if it in any way matters, though. Devs struggle for media attention today with myriad of monthly releases. You make a talking about out of anything by necessity.
>and no FTL is not physically impossible.
It is physically impossible for any object that has mass.
I wouldn't fuck a tranny butt, but I would fuck an effeminate boy butt if it was wearing a skirt. That's different!
Except this actually makes sense in a cyberpunk setting, where almost everyone is a degenerate, you moron.
>"Trans" in a cyberpunk world is to be trans human. Idea being that gender doesn't matter.
Right, not that it doesn't exist. That it's not a big deal. Because you can change it easily or mix and match, like fashion. You know, like trans advocates would actually love, not that you've ever spoken to a single one.
> And the few people who actually pursued love and natural/traditional relationships would be revolutionaries.
>It's why books like 1984 and Brave New World make such a point about how natural sexual relationships are so despised/illegal in the greater world.
Lol, those are definitely not cyberpunk novels and that is definitely not a cyberpunk theme.
No i'm not wrong, the trans is about changing horizontally (i don't like X i will be Z)
the inherit purpose of cyberpunk, as the first post i reply talk about "inherently cyberpunt"
Improvement is inherently cyberpunk, cyber means adding machines to do better what you cannot, zooming eyes, strongh carbon fiber arms, blades, etc Its VERTICALLY improvement the purpose of cyberpunk
N-no! That's heresy! You must be outraged! Stay focused! Write E-mails! Raaaargh!
>and the moment you take away these media influencer, social norms remain the same.
The only examples of unchanging societies are those that are too small and too reclusive to ever intereact with anything new or unexpected. As long as new ideas enter the collective mind, society will change, there's no need for a big influencer to make it happens, it's a natural byproduct of people interacting with other people.
>You're still making an arbitrary distinction just for the sole purpose of excluding trannies.
Again, people wearing glasses don't deny their sex, unlike trannies.
Again, trannies don't give a shit if it's dystopian or not, they just want to be accepted as a part and parcel of society, whether you like it or not.
So if instead of cutting off my arm and installing a robot arm, I just got up every morning and put on an exosuit that gave me superhuman strength, that wouldn't be transhumanism? As long as I could take it off?
Please show me something that indicates circumcised men have a 20% suicide rate, don't worry I'll wait.
Are shitposts really the best exercise of your will to power, oh Ãœbermensch?
Does a digital number have mass?
every post in here over one sentence long about transgenderism is by some person whose sole experience with transgender people comes from twitter screencaps they've seen on Yea Forums
despite everything i was planning on getting this game, oh well
It's physically impossible for massless objects too. Massless objects move at the speed of light, not faster than it.
You really can tell that the age range here is around 16-25.
If you put this "losing part of themselves" and "it consumes them" to the "trans are inherit cyberpunk" ends up in quite a nice concept don't you think?
All the union guys I work with have nicknames, stupid shit like "Goose" and "Crusher". It's no skin off of my back to call them that, same as if some trans wants me to call them by a different name. I literally don't give a fuck and the world isn't falling down around me. Why are you so obsessed?
>If it can change then it can remain the same
It never did, and never will. You missed the point, didn't you?
>Social norms are changed by the media influencer
Social norms are changed by everything, ranging from your personal everyday experiences to global politics. Mass media are but a small part of that complexity
>There is absolutely that golden age which set those norms in the first place
Which one? Remember that your fantasy novels do not count as history
Which is why the media and the govt spend literally BILLIONS in order to spread tranny propaganda, protect tranny and spread them across society, and people STILL reject them.
Yep, completely natural and no social engineering at all.
>people wearing glasses don't deny their sex, unlike trannies.
So fucking what? That is entirely besides the point. Who cares why someone wants to get augmented? The point is they can.
circumcised men are part of the group called men, men have on average 20% of suicide rate. Yay, easy.
>Trans is inherently cyberpunk. Cope
Putting on an exosuit is literally NOT transhumanism, yes.
If you aren't modifying your body, it's not transhumanism.
You're right, but the politics surrounding it are anti-cyberpunk, as well as the corporate dicksucking.
Hi, I am product, I recognize your [sexuality] [favorite color] [gender], I am your [friend].
I can remember 151 pokemon names, trannies on the other hand are not nearly as interesting, or fun or enjoyable. Disregarding them is healthy for societies sake.
But will the game deal with the horrid mass shootings society has nowdays?
Someon has to stop those vile creatures!
I have decided that I have a second person in my head named George. I demand the government give him a birth certificate and unemployment benefits because although I am employed, George is not.
George also identifies as having no arms or legs, so I also demand disability
>No i'm not wrong, the trans is about changing horizontally
Yes, yes, you've made yourself clear. Repeating yourself won't make me suddenly agree.
>(i don't like X i will be Z)
Any change is like this. Improvement is merely perception. Guess what trans people consider an improvement?
Again, your distinction isn't real, you made it up to arbitrarily exclude trans people.
Saints Row (2008)
Saints Row - The Third (2011)
*does the same thing*
no one gives a fuck
Society changing as a concept, and society changing in a specific and directed way are two completely different things, user. Just like water evaporating is a perfectly natural phenomenon that happens all the time in nature, but people purposely doing it to obtain salt isn't.
Concept =/= Specific example
Not him, but in his satire, I think he has a point. Whats worse on an individual level?
Suicide or murder?
I'm not asking on a social level, because yes murder is far more damaging to social cohesion than suicide is.
But on an individual level, I'd argue that suicide is a far worse and is a clearly far more mentally damaged act than murder is. Humans had to learn how to murder on an instinctual level to survive. Suicide is contrary to this instinct.
When you look at gender dysmorphia, you see a similar kind of individual self destruction. Your mind is so warped that you willingly destroy your own capacity to reproduce (the main driving instinct of all living organisms). To act contrary to this instinct is the epitome of mental illness and is arguably equivalent to suicide in the long term.
Murder on the other hand can be rationalized by an otherwise healthy mind.
I have no issue with someone being trans. It is the concepts that often, but not always, come attached with discussions on trans rights and identity that I find really stupid. When someone tells me that they'd rather be called "she" instead of "he", I do that and with that, the case is closed for me.
>It never did, and never will. You missed the point, didn't you?
Again, social norms exist, and you are trying to change social norms.
>Social norms are changed by everything, ranging from your personal everyday experiences to global politics. Mass media are but a small part of that complexity
My personal every days experiences are NOT changed by social norms.
Social norms only change due to:
- new technology
- new government regulation
- constant media barrage
If I'm still the mudhut caveman as my ancestors were, I would remain a mudhat caveman now.
>Which one? Remember that your fantasy novels do not count as history
Europe and East Asia from 300BC to 1450AD.
the decision to make a character white is as arbitrary and agenda driven as the decision to make a character black or trans
>Equating gang violence with terrorism
Why are right-wingers so dishonest?
Tell me how trannies being in Cyberpunk in 2077 is an agenda.
Why even have a trans option, they have the science to turn a man into a woman. There should be no transwomen or transmen, just men or women or hermaphrodites. It's stupid.
horizontal change is different than vertical change (the true inherit cyberpunk concept)
as i said first, and now confirm, you are just unable to understand that
Again, the point of society changing is through social engineering.
Who controls social engineering controls how society changes.
And no, trannies have existed as eunuchs for thousands of years before, the difference is that they are rightfully despised as abominations.
And what group are trannies apart of? Men, Women, or creature?
Those were before everyone's minds were poisoned by outrage addiction.
Willfully ignoring the fact that people actively treating trannies as if they were monsters is harming them is acting in bad faith. But nice try, have your (You)
>character already exist for decades
>hummm lets put a nigger to do it x10
Because that means you can't be a special snowflake mentally ill faggot.
I think you have trouble with modern definition of word trans, it's no longer person who is transitioning from one gender to another, it's person who is or has undergone said transition.
So you just don't make eye contact and don't talk to them when they're around? That probably looks real alpha in social situations, like you're powerful and not at all in the closet.
>There should be no transwomen or transmen, just men or women or hermaphrodites.
Futanari are objectively superior to both females and herms, though. So there you have at least 4 now.
no argument: confirmed
Not an argument. Propaganda in your face.
Media HATES gingers, they ALWAYS change gingers into niggers.
>My personal every days experiences are NOT changed by social norms.
Do you say hi or use any other smilar word when encountering a person you know? That's a societal norm dictating your behaviour. Do you pee in a WC when available instead of wherever, whenever, and find it repulsive if other people don't? That's a societal norm dictating your behaviour and changing your daily experience.
Most of the htings you do and think on a daily basis are the result of societal norms, wether you ackowledge it or not. There's a limit to how delusional a person can be.
>cyberpunk isn't a subgenre of scifi and anticipation
Kys retard
I understand the distinction you're making, it's just retarded. So for the last time, "horizontal" vs. "vertical" is a matter of opinion. "I don't like my arm I will be a person with a gun arm" is not fundamentally different from "I don't like my vagina I will be a man". It's not a distinction anyone cares to make in cyberpunk because the fact is, many of what you consider "vertical" improvements are pretty shit by our standards. Mutilate your face so you can see in the dark? Yeah, that's nice if you're a spec ops mercenary, not so much if you're a desk jockey.
depends on the state, it can be any of said groups but they are treated as their own entities in medical statistics and are not lumped together with group known as men.
4channel is the only place in my whole life that I see trannies being mentioned consistently. I don't see it on any other website, forum or ever discuss it irl yet its constantly posted here. Why are gaymers (with autism since its here) so interested in trannies? looking at those speed running events and seeing it filled with trannies a persons gotta ask why? whats the link?
what importance did the original fictional character have for being white? and why is it instrumental that a fictional character that was previously white remains white?
People treat gays and trannies like monsters because they ARE monsters who are bad influence to society.
Of course they are. If I saw Gollum walk into my store I'd throw him the fuck out too. It's not personal. I just don't cater to creatures.
You did not adress a single thing I said, merely repeated yourself. You have literally no arguments at all. pleas,e tell me how social engeenering changed the ancient greeks, the roman, or the egyptians? I'd love to know.
What the fuck's your point? A cow is a mammal, therefore cats are cows?
Because gang violence is a different problem than school shootings? Gang warfare also needs to be addressed, but only an absolute retard from /pol/ would lump what's happening in Chicago together with what happened in El Paso.
That's right. They're hell bent on fucking your imaginary waifu with niggers. First real life now your escapism. Shoot em up user. Take your revenge.
This 100%. /pol/ has to go back where it belong
Anglos are esoterically illiterate so when they heard about the occult androgyne and the idea of the union of male and female principles they decided to put on dresses and makeup and call themselves girls since all they can do is LARP, not understand. This is why the most trannies in the world exist in UK and US.
Good. But I can lump them all together. Mentally ill.
>Do you say hi or use any other smilar word when encountering a person you know? That's a societal norm dictating your behaviour.
And? What's bad about that?
People have said hi and hello in various cultures in the world, likely since the caveman era.
>Do you pee in a WC when available instead of wherever, whenever, and find it repulsive if other people don't?
Yes we do, because it's hygienic. Also social norms.
>Most of the htings you do and think on a daily basis are the result of societal norms, wether you ackowledge it or not. There's a limit to how delusional a person can be.
Again, my point is that what I do every day do NOT affect social norms, I practice social norms. Hollywood and media actively try to CHANGE social norms to fit in their vision for the future.
>sliding scale for body masculine >>> androgynous >>>female
>sliding scale for identity male >>> non-binary >>>female
> body options can be changed anytime at a surgery
>all clothing / make up / hairstyles available to any
>all romance options available to any with any other
As I said, no grey area. I don't flatly stigmatize violence because I'm not a pacifist. If it helps the working class to use violence, then obviously I condone it, otherwise not.
Rent free.
Actual trans people don't talk about being trans that much.
vertically improvement of cost of your "soul" your "humanity" this is what cyberpunk is, there is a huge cost for the changes
"i don't like my gender i will be women now, with the same shitty common ground level"
I don't know how to make more clear, maybe you need to read some books about it Neuromancer is a good one, or watch again Blade Runner
Because if you mention trannies on other website, you get banned.
>What is Thailand?
I think you're confused about the difference between transexual and transgendered. That's ok, it's easy because both are referred to as "trans".
Will they be hot or will they have horrible bone structures here? This is important. Creation of artificial beauty is fine, creation of artificial beauty standards is too far.
you can do what the fuck you want, just know that you have about 20% better change of not committing sudoku than a tranny.
it simply is. What is the problem to keeping to the beloved source?
Why i HAS to change to a black person in day and age of forced diversity?
are you just simply naive to bring the most flimsy argument "why we can't change something tha is already stablished to black to pander to diversity?"
really nigga?
>you can modify every part of your body except your genitals
this is your brain o Yea Forums
A place where there’s still less trannies than the UK and US (also a place where the predominant sex tourists are anglos)
But Cyberpunk 2077 is a polish game, directed by an american nigger.
ls it just me or is /pol/ dying? Seems like everyone has turned against them.
Transhumanism involves the theoretical freedom to make your body into whatever form you want. Simply crossing genders is in hindsight of this idea pretty tame. Consider the possibility of someone taking the form of a dragon, attack helcopter, or in the case of you faggots a little girl so that you can endlessly finger your own ass in the corner and piss your pants as the rest of humanity flourishes into the future
It's a fucking choice,
Learn to pronounce
an act of choosing between two or more possibilities.
That means you can choose to be not to a tranny, but you decided to make a retarded post that shows how much obsessed you're
>Anglos are esoterically illiterate
Jews themselves teach about the "divinity" of hermaphrodites in the Kabbalah.
fixed for you
You've made your point, subhuman. The entirety of any given race cannot be over all the others, given that a subhuman like you exists.
This is an interesting concept.
Transhuman is to be MORE than human.
Trannies just want to switch their sex around by cutting their dick off, making them LESSER than human.
That'll happen when they spend literal years ruining every single thread on the site, Bond
Name a single trans character in Blade Runner or any Bilal or Moebius syberpunk comic
Clearly you've never read A Brave New World. It's definitely a kind of proto-cyberpunk. Huxley wrote the book in response to seeing the consumist culture of the USA.
But even if it isn't cyberpunk, the point wasn't that they are cyberpunk, but that they're well known dystopian stories that carry a similar theme to cyberpunk.
The theme of "what is human", "what is happiness", "what is freedom", etc.
Love is a revolutionary act in these kinds of settings. The idea that two individuals can still find love and still reproduce despite the horror of the world they live in.
But I see you're a fucking brainlet, and I'm less addressing your shitty comment and more talking to everyone else willing to read my comment.
fucking kek
It's not a choice to meet trannies in the game, no.
there will be no third option you idiot, you pick your voice and then build your body. Voice of the character determines how npcs will refer to you.
Queerness and gender non-conformity is cyberpunk
Trans is anti-cyberpunk because it reinforces traditional genders
Do it incel. Shoot up a school next. Teach the society a lesson not to mess with your Asuka-chan.
>I don't know how to make more clear
I don't know how to make it more clear that I understand your moronic distinction and reject it. Blade Runner doesn't even touch on this shit you absolute mongoloid. You're just namedropping. You have no actual understanding of the genre, and no wonder, with those English skills.
Transhumanism in cyberpunk makes you less than human. That's the thing: "trans", "beyond", is value-neutral. Cyberpunk is showing the flipside of optimistic views on transhumanism. If your contention is that transgenderism remains too much within the bounds of humanity still, then it's one of the least fucked-up things in cyberpunk.
The question I responded to was not asking about the devs
Jews are more esoterically literate than anglos so when they say that they understand the deeper meanings, whereas an anglo like yourself sees depravity in it
Well said sir. Fucking plebs. All over this thread.
/pol/ is not dying, it's being assaulted by literal corporations AND the US government.
Funny you leftist retards have the same talking points. Makes it easy to spot you faggots.
Just shoot them :))
don't forget about the horror of a dystopian society moved by forced drugs and behavior that lead normal people (the savage) to kill himself in horror
He didn't direct it, he made the tabletop rpg and they consulted him on the source material.
>12 inch cyber cock is not an improvement
>There is no slippery slope guys! Y'all paranoic DRUMPF supporters
Yea Forums is past the point of no return.
That's really fucking retarded user.
>blade runner
Now break it down per capita, Mr. Assblasted yurofag.
>Transhumanism in cyberpunk makes you less than human.
Again, vertical enhancement means you can enhance yourself so that you can be stronger and faster than normal humans, or you can transcend the concept of biological body by transferring into a robot body.
Cutting your dick off makes you an eunuch, and thus LESSER than human.
>all romance options available to any with any other
I don't like this. I greatly prefer the Fable approach where romance-able characters have generated sexual orientations and preferences and you can't romance them if you don't fit their idea of attractive.
Especially in a game with heavy character customization, that'd be a cool way to approach romance options. You can't romance this character because you are (female/overweight/black/blonde/short/whatever) and that's not who they want to fuck.
Based haiku frog
A player can identify as anything, but since there isn't a third "option" of sex in real life, why would there ne ed to be a third option? There are still only two gametes, cyberpunk tech will not change that
>Love is a revolutionary act in these kinds of settings.
It's a revolutionary act in 1984, to be sure. It's explicitly framed as such. But that is not a theme that occurs in cyberpunk, really. It's just you taking a general dystopian theme and blanket applying it to all dystopian settings.
Well, what a fucking nigger.
I'd rather not pay for their tranny, m8.
>support violent ideologies
>be a massive dick head against everyone
>people attacks you
Imagine my shock
What's the point of licking a glorified plastic dildo?
You're delusional.
and now we go to name calling and grammarnazi...
oof, Low iqs always end in the same cesspool
curious you didn't mentioned the Neuromancer book, hummmm
So in Cyberpunk if a woman decides she's a trans man and gives herself a robo-cock, I assume that's fine
so it's a completely arbitrary decision for a fictional character to be white?
You misunderstand, user. Your own hackneyed talking points just have glaring logical flaws in them so that plenty of people will be compelled to point them out.
Yeah, this is the shit I'm talking about. Disgusting shit.
In defense of whitewashing:
what importance did the original fictional character have for being black? and why is it instrumental that a fictional character that was previously black remains black?
>thinks japan invented cyberpunk
this is your brain on zoomer weebs narrow view
Its not dying, other boards are just getting more and more tired of their constant shitposting
Not a massive dick against everyone. Just their bottom line. Shitskins exist to be the next gen iphone paypig and pay taxes, hence why they import them. And they still haven't taken /pol/ down.
LOL you're retarded. Replicants are the epitome of this idea. "Does it have a soul if it wasn't born". It doesn't deal with cybernetics at the cost of your own soul, but the theme is there, the idea that technology is inherently anti-human.
But you're another retard who seems to imagine that cyberpunk isn't a dystopia, but is instead a desired goal for society.
The state holds the monopoly of violence.
To be against the state is to be usurp their monopoly of violence, so of course you have to be violent, duh.
Stop repeating yourself, you cunt, and stop inscribing your own moral values on the genre. That's your view, it's nothing to do with cyberpunk. And if you seriously think that "transhumanism makes you less than human" isn't a core pillar of cyberpunk because "muh vertical enhancement" you really shouldn't be in this conversation. It's peak "wow cool gun" tier missing the point.
No it has to do with the color of the writer itself too. One can relate better to characters with the same skin color, its the old "self-identification" of a character (used in market to sell to specific demographics either)
>Gee I wonder if niggers would reeeee if black panther was a white guy
>Implying Yea Forums gives two shits about the source material if it gets in the way of them being perpetually upset
Why? What's the improvement of a trans man having a robo cock?
>I literally HAVE TO kill innocent people
Kill yourself incel
Use your imagination user
Liberal companies noticed how it greatly helped Trump get elected so it is under constant attack ever since.
God! Tranny is getting mad here boys
"cyberpunk" is a dystopia because it chooses to be dystopian fiction. That's a conceit of the genre, not a reality of the world it portrays. The kind of technological advancements portrayed in most cyberpunk fiction would not likely result in the hellscapes they depict, but utopian fiction is comparatively boring. People don't want to read the story about how the hero had a really nice time and nothing bad happened, they want to read the story about how he triumphed over the obstacles in his path.
nigger what are you even doing, all my post was doing was explaining how trends have changed
I'm not defending Yea Forums's reactionism, just explaining what happened.
no shit it's cyberpunk, there are organ harvesting gangs, cyber furries and completely artificial bodies, futas are nothing unexpected in this setting
No, I just think it's funny when people cite Blade Runner over Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep or Neuromancer
>Trans is inherently cyberpunk. Cope.
>SJWS think the 'trans' in transhumanism refers to transgender.
Yeah, MORALITY is what matters here, and my morality does not suffer trannies, full off.
Social norms dictate they are abominations and will remain abominations.
A guy who gets into freak accident and use cybernetic to enhance himself? That's good for him AND society.
A mentally ill faggot wants to crossdresses and demands society think he's a woman and cuts his dick off? That's bad for him AND society.
>Replicants are the epitome of this idea.
Really? Replicants are the epitome of vertical enhancement, the supposed "true inherit cyberpunk concept"?
No, they're not, you're being far too generous in interpreting this moron's words here and in doing so missing the entire reason it was brought up in the first place.
>But you're another retard who seems to imagine that cyberpunk isn't a dystopia
Or I guess you're just a retard with terrible reading comprehension
there isn't importance to it, which is my point
the decision for a fictional character being white is equally as arbitrary as making a previously white fictional character black
they're fictional characters
>Blade Runner or any Bilal or Moebius
I love how baby's first cyberpunk dictates the rest of the genre for you retards. Read more and discover the depths of absolute cyberpunk hedonism and extreme genital modification. It's even in the table top game. If you're uncomfortable with mental illness or trans people or gay sex then maybe cyberpunk as a genre just isn't for you and that's ok, but don't come here and act like you're an authority on the subject, it's embarrassing.
you are repeating this message again and again
/pol/ has the most traffic of the chans, stop lying faggot
saints row 2 had those options also.
lmao sure
Make Wakanda white
Literally every war.
When I said to stop repeating yourself the implication was kinda to come up with another argument in its place.
Brave New World wasn't even much of a dystopia and the savage was just a retard incel unable to adapt to a world that was a bit more complex than the nigger shithole he used to live in.
The 4channel change to the site makes it easier for soft faggots and plebbit retards to stick around and whine about "muh pol".
That some boards are now SFW and others are NSFW means that we can't chase off the faggots as easily. And now that it's been over half a year, these faggots are so obsessed with the idea of /pol/ that they constantly bitch and whine about it.
When I reality, pol isn't even concerned about vidya. They're currently obsessed with Epstein and the shootings.
The newfags here who play like they're old fags just can't stop thinking about pol and have begun to use the board as a catch all boogyman to silence genuine discussion.
no it isn't transgenderism is a form of transhumanism. Trannies go beyond the body they were given with. You may not like it and it may be unimpressive when compared to robot arms with guns in them, but transsexuals definitely fit in a cyberpunk game.
You know that by "transgender" they mean "you can put a ponytail on a man" right
Can you blame them? I'm a Straight Edge and if SxE people were promoted the same way lgbtqwertyuiop are promoted, I would fucking hate it the same way.
I hate attention whores, people who base their beliefs on emtions instead of logics and crybabies.
>The 4channel change to the site makes it easier for soft faggots and plebbit retards to stick around and whine about "muh pol".
>That some boards are now SFW and others are NSFW means that we can't chase off the faggots as easily. And now that it's been over half a year, these faggots are so obsessed with the idea of /pol/ that they constantly bitch and whine about it.
>When I reality, pol isn't even concerned about vidya. They're currently obsessed with Epstein and the shootings.
>The newfags here who play like they're old fags just can't stop thinking about pol and have begun to use the board as a catch all boogyman to silence genuine discussion.
What's the "vertical" improvement of being a literal furry? There fucking isn't one, yet that is a a part of the cyberpunk genre as described in 2020. Going from man to woman or vice versa has no legitimate advantage, but when your entire body can be replaced by mechanical parts and your personal opinion of what is better for you is the only metric, you can do whatever the fuck you want.
Nope, an eunuch is still a human without a dick.
There's nothing SUPERHUMAN about a human cutting off his dick, he ends up just being LESS than before.
History shows thats how things actually get done, retard. If people didn't get killed your faggot ass wouldn't be here on an imageboard talking like a retard.
It's out youtube.com
>I literally HAVE TO kill innocent people
>kill yourself nigger/latino/muslim
>Yeah, MORALITY is what matters here, and my morality does not suffer trannies, full off.
Well, there we go, you can stop pretending your hang-ups are features of the genre now when they plainly aren't.
>A guy who gets into freak accident and use cybernetic to enhance himself? That's good for him AND society.
Ah yes, that's definitely a core theme of cyberpunk!
>A mentally ill faggot wants to crossdresses and demands society think he's a woman and cuts his dick off? That's bad for him AND society.
lol y
Unable to continue his genes and thus denying the biological imperative.That's a failure of an animal and a human.
So i am guessing next you'll say that the game supports murder and drugs since those two things are also in it. Are you retarded? I'm genuinely curious.
And being a furry isn't vertical enhancement. You are literally roleplaying as a beast.
Furry, tranny are literally identity switches.
>Terrorism is ok if others do it!
Kill yourself incel
>After last week mass shooting in metropol city, the heroine was identified a member of the lgbt trans community, good for them!
sure, it's a fictional setting
Don't bother, these Yea Forumsirgins just want to bitch about "muh dilate hurr hurr peepee a gay" they don't actually give a shit about the source material for the game.
US and UK still has more trannies
>There's nothing SUPERHUMAN
Hey notice how you're using a different word than "transhuman" here
Depends, are trannies presented as a positive, neutral or negative thing? Cause murder and drugs are probably negative.
>I simply don't agree with your perfect reasonable argument that obliterates my point of view
>come up with another one or i win!
>Well, there we go, you can stop pretending your hang-ups are features of the genre now when they plainly aren't.
yeah, I'm against cyberpunk as a genre myself since I hate the fashion and the trannies.
>Ah yes, that's definitely a core theme of cyberpunk!
That's a core theme of being a human. Human advances and gets stronger.
>lol y
Being a degenerate isn't getting stronger.
>fascist bootlickers
>against the state
Same as for a cis man.
"All night, every night. And she'll never know."
>Terrorism is ok if others do it!
Not him but you have to be retarded if you think that this is what is implied by that picture.
That or completely obliterated in terms of actual counter-arguments so you have to act as if that was the argument, so that you can easily "destroy it".
In other words, go back to plebbit/facebook/twitter/whatever hole you crawled out of.
I'll bite.
Your are trying to imply that suicide is unnatural, an argument which can be refuted by the simple fact that there are other animal species neglecting their own well being in cases where they are feeling bad. Birds not eating or making any effort to survive when their partners died being the first example of such popping in my head. And there's also animals neglecting themselves in order to maximize the chances of their offspring being born, like octopuses starving to death while taking care of their eggs. But appeals to nature are weak arguments anyway, when talking about humanity and its propensity to artificially enhance and better itself.
If we are talking morals, I'd definitely support the idea that killing yourself is overall less reprehensible than murdering someone. It's your personal choice if you are willing to die, and you don't rob anyone of their own life by doing so.
Being trans is also a purely personal choice, which also doesn't hurt anyone. It might be seen as a sign of mental imbalance, but it's not hurting anyone else if you want to identify as the opposed sex. In a world where there are billions upon billions, a small percentage of people not reproducing is not hurting demographics in any meaningful way, and a living trans person can contribute more to society by its work than any dead person will ever do.
Tldr : leave the damn trannies in peace, faggot
Kill (You)rself
at first I was somewhat bothered by it, but now that I think about it, this can fulfill some very nice fetish fuel for me
>libs when the shooter is black, antifa, latino, or non-white right winger
I've read Do androids dream of electric sheep. The book and movie are different but equally good at depicting cyberpunk concepts of humans vs automatic reflex machines/supermen who can't fly aka Reps and Andies
It is a mental illness(caused by faulty genetics) and freedom of choice is irrelevant if it isn't done right. But it's CDPR so i believe they'll do it right. Also read here
Based on what we've seen so far, it's neutral in the game context, in the sense that it's treated as just sort of a thing people do, rather than a SO BRAVE AND HEROIC BE URSELF type of thing.
How the devs are presenting its inclusion is a different matter.
Transhuman means being MORE than human, SUPER means STRONGER, and stronger is MORE strong.
Which is why they fight against the state's imported invaders?
>The first time social ostrachization, institutional racism, economy and poor social policies actually cause crime
>Left bends over backwards to oppose all it has stated in the past
Indeed. It's frustrating talking to brainlets who all claim they've read this stuff and clearly have not.
user, I obliterated your bullshit argument with my own, the response then is generally not to flail about and repeat yourself and claim the opposition just doesn't get it, it's to find another argument to counter the argument that was just made.
>Your are
Stopped reading there.
see nice lack of argument there
A man wants to fuck a woman with his cock.
A woman wants to be fucked by a cock.
By changing social norms, you destroy society and nature.
It literally is. We're not talking about two wrongs don't make a right. We're talking about what's effective. If a nigger kills 10 people it goes unheard of, if a white guy does it, it gets front page coverage. Fuck your principles. The ends do, justify the means.
>waaah degenerates
You do know where you're posting, right? Do you also complain about water being too wet?
>Transhuman means being MORE than human
It doesn't, sorry. Basic etymology here. In fact this is precisely the naïve notion that cyberpunk intends to disabuse you of.
Is a person on 4channel.org seriously asking what the improvement of having a dick that doesn't get tired, hurt or diseased
Yea Forums is a Christian boomer site
>thins sex is defined by genitals
don't come here and act like you're an authority on the subject, it's embarrassing.
Now this is what I call epic! Libtards BTFO! XD
>getting flack from multiple user over bullshit arguments
Right, and thanks to cybernetics, now they can! Woohoo!
>Terrorism is okay!!!
This is why you will always be an incel. Kys and don't shoot up a school on your way out.
And thats the problem. Cause it's not a thing people sort of just do. If it was, you'd see more trannys irl and probably the suicide rate wouldn't be as high.
It's current year, you hopeless retard. Have your (You) and back to /pol/
This thread is christ fags talking about societal advancement and morality in a genre where society is massively deonistic and morally bankrupt and you can be killed at anytime by a shark in a suit attempting to steal corporate secrets.
I wont argue with you, you fascists will eat the bullet in due time. You can be sure of that
Yeah, I don't think you need cybernetics to be a degenerate.
That's on you.
>Cause murder and drugs are probably negative.
What? Murder was clearly shown in a positive light since you killed all the scavs to save the girl in the gameplay reveal. You also take the drugs from Dum Dum. How something is presented is irrelevant. What is important is your own moral compass not the way something is presented in a fictional universe.
I just want to masturbate in peace, screw social norms.
Yeah, getting real tired of those /cum/tards
Which of these normalfags are you? If so, why aren't you back on facebook?
Why would you have a problem if I or anyone else did? I do hope you were this energized when that antifa guy with the bikelock got arrested.
You know at least is being honest when he says he just hates cyberpunk. He at least seems to understand what the genre is about.
>Transhuman means being MORE than human
Trans- as a prefix means "across" or "beyond", not "above". Transhumanism refers to some future where what we call "people" are more than/beyond human, not necessarily superior beings.
Again, transhuman means BEYOND human.
You are confusing transhuman with SUBhuman.
What's the point of a woman having a dick?
I'm not a degenerate. I strive to improve myself.
Cyberpunk has transgender AND transexual people please try to keep up.
>not dropping this because of 100% black cast
>not dropping this because of leveled enemies in an open world
>not dropping this because of shit tier aesthethics
>not dropping this because of inventory weight restrictions
>not dropping this because of bullet sponge enemies
there are enough reasons why this game is going to be shit, trannies are just the cherry on top
just look on /d/, Yea Forums, /r9k/ and /gif/ and see how many tranny threads there are
There's nothing wrong with murder and drugs.
Based lord of pleasures
I'm sure someone shitposting on an anonymous video games board really knows and cares about society and nature
>cyperpunk game
>ew degeneracy is gross i dont want to play that!
>Wow whats wrong with terrorism and mass shootings?
Kill yourself incel
Why they can't make a proper sci-fi game set in the future? I don't want a dystopian garbage, i want something like gta but with flying cars and gigantic skyscrapers and you fight against a underground mafia or some shit like that.
Society is what we made.
>not dropping this because of 100% black cast
Keanu is not black. Try again.
Doubtful. You're currently campaigning to kill your own babies at the point of birth, as well as teaching your sons to be girls at the age of 4. You're genetic dead ends basically.
>Again, transhuman means BEYOND human.
user, I just told you this.
>You are confusing transhuman with SUBhuman.
No, again, that's an arbitrary distinction you're making based on your own warped morality that's not reflected by the genre.
Although technically subhuman still falls under transhuman given the definition we just agreed upon.
>I strive to improve myself
What, by whining on Yea Forums? Don't be one of those faggots who's in denial about being a mentally ill societal reject.
>100% black cast
That's not true in any of the trailers or gameplay videos lol.
>Transhuman, or trans-human, is the concept of an intermediary form between human and posthuman. In other words, a transhuman is a being that resembles a human in most respects but who has powers and abilities beyond those of standard humans.
Etymologically you're correct, but that isn't what the word actually means bro
>setting is mostly about technology allowing heavy body modifications or imitations
>lolbertarianism and moral relativism up the bum
Yeah, I don't get it at all why they would include transies. Especially them providing all that sweet extra visibility from underage alt-SJWs spamming youtube vids and blog posts about how they totally aren't offended about it but such decadence must be stopped.
Again, BEYOND human, not SUBhuman i.e. wanting to be a woman or a beast.
>I strive to improve myself.
>He says while wasting his time arguing over meaningless shit in video games on an anime imageboard
>He says while getting mad because a video game doesn't fit his ideology
how do you come up with this?
Seriously. Name what's wrong with it? Your fee fees? OMG someone died! And? Happens all the time.
>What's the point of a woman having a dick?
Because they decided they're a man instead and so modified themselves into one.
>Implying Im a liberal
>What's the point of a woman having a dick?
Bend over ;^)
>inventory weight restrictions
I'm fine with this if we have a stash in the apartment
It's not a thing people do because installing fake genitals is a substantially more involved and expensive (and irreversible) process than putting on a pair of glasses.
I guarantee you, user I fucking GUARANTEE you, that if the technology was there to make it comparatively easy and cheap, you'd see a fuckload more people do it. My basis for claiming this is the number of people who ERP in online games as a member of the opposite sex. People are bored and curious and there's no universe where a large chunk of men wouldn't present themselves as hot women just because it was something to get their rocks off to.
Warhammer 40K.
Yes, I improve myself by literally NOT buying tranny propaganda game and flock my brain with shit I don't want to see.
>If i snort cocaine i'm not hurting anyone but myself therefore it should be legal
Your intellectual dishonesty and obsession in "defending" mentally ill people is revolting. You're parading around damaged creatures so you can pretend you're a champion of virtue and tolerance. Trans people need to recieve help and support to fight their mental illness. They dont neet subhuman parasites like you whose only aim is to feed their own ego for virtual point. I bet you picture yourself in crowded places giving "heartfelt" lectures in front of clapping crowds. You're a literal walking cancer
>Seriously. Name what's wrong with it? Your fee fees? OMG someone died! And? Happens all the time.
>I'm not a degenerate.
I guess cyberpunk as a genre just isn't for you. If you're confused or angry about degeneracy in cyberpunk then just stick to Blade Runner and don't dig any deeper.
When the usual suspects start shoving down everyone's throat trannies and fags, that don't make 1% of the population. And then said suspects start chaging their twitter pictures to "pride" and all those PC bullshit words in order to get more woke points, the game gets affected in a negative way. Being shitty writing, horseshoe narrative, forcefull things
Every gamer just want a game to be fun, not to be Political Correct because we live in the age of snowflakes getting mad over Toy Story 4 not being diverse enough
Right, so before we get rid of gender altogether as posthumans, we first transcend the boundaries
You're confusing lateral movement with vertical movement.
Democrat policies. And that can be compared as well to democrat bastions, at least in the united states. Detroit, Chicago, San Fran, all shitholes. Basically if you don't have immigrants coming in, you're death cultures.
Future pasty shooter right here
Again, reverting yourself to be a beast controlled by hedonist thought is not GOING beyond human, that's DEGENERATION and being a SUBhuman.
You can't argue this.
So? It's not "inherently cyberpunk"
Chopping your dick off won't make you a woman and inserting a cyborgdick in olace of a pussy = no need for third gender option in-game
>If i snort cocaine i'm not hurting anyone but myself therefore it should be legal
Yeah, that's pretty much right. If you disagree you're a cuckold who likes getting fucked in the ass by mommy state telling you what to do.
>Yes, I improve myself by literally NOT buying tranny propaganda game and flock my brain with shit I don't want to see.
Yeah you just flock your brain with shit you don't want to see in Yea Forums outrage threads every day instead
hahahaha he's rising up by doing nothing. what a hero.
Please don't attempt to redefine a word.
"Trans" in transhuman is short for "transcend"
>Women are subhuman like beasts
I guess FtM trans people are transbeastly then?
Yeah, I'm not buying this game, I have said before.
BEYOND is going outside boundaries, not reverting to boundaries already existing inside you.
he's also a hologram that you can't have sex with ingame. you will be forced to take black trannycock on multiple occasions if you want to progress the story
>Everything I don't like is propaganda
Based retard
Gamers rise up
can you give me a source?
You're not improving yourself if you're throwing tantrums about a game not lining up with your political views. You're actually regressing into a shitflinging ape. Keep crying on Yea Forums, mister 'self improvement'
>decide to be
Who let them?
They are women and ought to be remain as such?
Yeah, but that doesn't reconcile the fantasy vs reality thing. People can go into their own minds and indulge fantasy where they're this shemale or some shit, but reality will never make a man (and lets be honest, we're not pretty), sexy like a woman could be. That's all this is, is fantasy trying to mix with reality when dipships can't separate the two.
>Trans people need to recieve help and support to fight their mental illness.
Yeah, that's what SRS is for. You know, the actual proven cure, as opposed to your virtue signalling about vague alternative "therapies".
Go and suck on the nanny-state's fat mastitis riddled tit elsewhere. You disgust me.
Liberals, abortions up to 9 months
And making children use blockers at age of 3 or so
I'm not even shitting you..
Even then, "transcend" and "ascend" aren't the same thing. Moving past humanity and being an improvement on humanity are not the same.
That's kind of the key theme of cyberpunk, isn't it? That even in a world where people are able to "improve" on the design of humanity itself, everything is so much shittier and worse than it is right now? There's a reason it's dystopian fiction.
Yes? Since it's pretending to be something you are not.
Yea Forums's outrage threads are what I want to see. People getting mad at decayed culture and society.
Not trannies celebrating decayed culture and society.
No. I can't, because I'm not going to do your research for you, you lazy faggot. It's long well documented that democrats run every major city in America and have for a number of years.
Movement is movement for the purposes of going beyond something.
>It's not "inherently cyberpunk"
Yes it is lmao.
Lmaooooooo thinking your warped perspective is objective what a riot
I don't think that's his point.
You may want it to be, but the ideology that seeks to dismantle and replace gender identities is a real ideology and it seeks to replicate like all other memetic organisms.
This here is either an allergic reaction or simply a desire to oppose this memetic entity.
Actually, I'm improving myself by filtering out the trash.
You are not moving past humanity if you are reverting back to being a beast.
I wish i was just fucking joking..
now thats what I call one edgy nigger
so I should just take your word for it? do you think I'm as stupid as you are?
Yes, I can, because it's just your opinion that's not shared by either me or the cyberpunk genre at large.
That's false. In fact "trans" means the same thing in both words. It's not short for anything.
Right, and "fuck" only means one thing. Sorry if the English language is confusing, a lot of people have trouble with it.
Yeah, it's the states who propagate tranny, it's the states who provide tranny surgery, it's the states who force taxpayers to pay for these surgeries.
But of course, if the state decides that, it's suddenly NOT a nanny-state.
But it's set in a hypothetical future where cosmetic surgery is extremely advanced. Even if "reality" will never make a man a woman, if nanobots can make his body physically identical to a hot woman, what's the distinction?
This is where you're getting stuck on it, you're missing the part in this story where you can go down to the augment shop and have yourself physically transformed into Gianna Michaels for a few hundred bucks. It isn't just an inside-out dick and poorly-applied eyeliner.
>Since it's pretending to be something you are not.
So is any human attempting to be more than human.
>I want the board to be filled with whiny faggots like me
Come here at e3 then, you'll love it. All the whining you could ask for that accomplishes precisely nothing.
It's literally propaganda to normalize trannies.
And no, I won't deal with it. No game.
>You are not moving past humanity if you are reverting back to being a beast.
Anthropocentric conceit which assumes humans are naturally superior to other forms of life.
>Implying it's not going to be a generic AAA shit fest with "safe" game play mechanics that offers nothing of interest outside of a setting
This game will be a non-bethesda fallout ripoff.
No. Keep talking, you only come off dumber than you did before. It's known to anyone who pays attention to this shit that democrats run the big cities, some as long as 50-60 years straight. But do keep going and making yourself the idiot.
>who is Keanu Reeves?
imagine letting people cutting off their own genitalia who literally dont even know you exist live in your head like this rent free
>Everything I don't like is propaganda!
I like how CP2077 threads are somehow only getting worse
I assure you it's perfectly healthy mad to be mad at decayed things.
It's the mentally ills who wallow in filth and masochism that enjoy a decayed society.
Trannies will be in future society as they are now, what's your point? You can't handle reality?
Funny how these supposed hardcore transhuman advocates cling so hard to outmoded (and very human) ways of thinking regarding human exceptionalism and traditional morality.
well, the game itself is getting worse by the day, so...
I find it funny that "empathic progressives" suddenly are okay with bullying and body shaming, as long as the victim looks like "a nerd". Judging from the schnaz, this poor kid might be a jew. Fucking nazis.
so it should be pretty easy to provide a source. and let me specify not one from the democrats' political opponents that have a vested interest in making shit up about them. if it's so widely known it should be easy right? it would really help your argument.
This is cyberpunk as fuck, thank you for posting.
I want the board to have whiny "faggots" 24/7, especially nowadays when society is decaying and fast.
We need men who notice the problems and thus can fix the problems.
>I assure you it's perfectly healthy mad to be mad at video games
This. The game is set in a futuristic world full of punks with no regard for tradition or morality blindly doing whatever they can without first stopping to consider if they should. These people regularly slice off their limbs and organs to get chromed-out replacements merely because it looks cool and status is everything. Slicing off your dick to turn into sexy chrome girl because you think it's going to bring you more attention doesn't seem like much of a stretch.
Hell the whole point is this is a dystopia and you get to play around in one vision of futuristic hell. If you're the type that thinks transgendered people are mentally ill you should be happy they're going to be featured in the game because of the implication that transgenderism is rampant in dystopic societies.
>christ fags
99% certain that it's 8gag leaking.
>hey guys just do what you like so long as it doesn't hurt no one!
>we won't provide any assistance to the underlying issues.
>we'll just blindly clap as you self destruct.
See, it's ironic that you fail to understand how you are part of the problem with mass shooter types.
The mentally depressed kill themselves, the tranny self mutilate, the chronically anxious self medicate with drugs and alcohol.
These are all fine to you.
But the person who refuses to destroy themselves and instead lashes out blindly against a society they have grown to feel has rejected them isn't in any way connected to the above people, because "muh NAP".
What you're advocating is literally the kind of shit cyberpunk and other dystopia settings try to warn against.
Tolerance toward self destruction is not a fucking virtue.
Yeah, sue me for being a human centric or whatever?
Human is the top dog of this planet, and reverting to being a beast to fuck beast is degeneration.
>I find it funny that "empathic progressives" suddenly are okay with bullying and body shaming, as long as the victim looks like "a nerd". Judging from the schnaz, this poor kid might be a jew. Fucking nazis.
The only problem I'm noticing is whiny faggots
You're welcome user!
Now you know how terrible democrats are getting by the day and you will vote correct Trump 2020 next campaign! Good for us all my friend!
Yeah, snorting your cocaine and chocking on it if you want to should unironically be legal. Also, thanks for showing how much of a triggered little weasel devoid of actual arguments you are, /cum/brain
Immagine getting this triggered 300 posts later for someone pointing out that you're a mentally ill subhuman. Oh sorry, i mean transhuman
That's the point.
They DON'T have to be future society if we don't let them.
Seriously, less than 3% of the population.
>Tldr : leave the damn trannies in peace, faggot
The day trannies stop forcing themselves in our games you can bitch about we bitching about it.
>tapletop RPG from the late 80s
>has trannies and all sorts of degens
>game is made about it
>they keep the trannies and degens
Are you actually fucking retarded?
As I said nigger, do your own fucking research. Look up who the legislatures are in Chicago, Detroit, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Atlanta, New York. And tell me what you come back with. Fuck off with your burden of proof shit, we're not in court, you have the internet, and if you don't know this shit, you shouldn't even be talking to begin with. I'm not your special ed teacher.
Is a beast more than a man?
Is a woman?
Come on man, where has the good old Yea Forums creativity gone?
so there's no source then? why would I have to make your argument for you?
Have you tried turning your brain off then on again?
Are you actually fucking stupid? Gender dysmorphia is a mental illness that will ALWAYS exist. Of course a Cyberpunk setting is going to have trannies.
I'm against the table top and I'm against the game too.
I'm against the concept of degenerated culture and being proud of it.
It's pigs. Machine pigs wallow in their own shit.
Got a problem, wojakposter?
>our games
Another misconception, you entitled little bitch.
lol whatever nigger
You'd get your ass kicked in a fist fight with a gorilla. One day you will in all likelihood die because some single-celled organism made you its bitch.
We are top dog because of our ingenuity and technology; we alter our environment to suit our whims, and continually improve our ability to do so with time.
And yet you sit here and argue that, despite this being our greatest strength, to employ it (namely, to use technology to let us swap genders at will) is some form of degeneration, rather than an expression of the thing that is the very reason we run this fucking planet. Using our intelligence to transform the unimpressive bag of meat nature gave us to work with into literally whatever we want, this in your mind is a "reversion".
Wrong, it existed as a mentally ill that needs to be treated.
Modern society ENTERTAINS it.
Cyberpunk ENTERTAINS it.
>muh pol
>muh t_d
Rent free nigger.
>I'm against the table top and I'm against the game too.
>I'm against the concept of degenerated culture and being proud of it.
>It's pigs. Machine pigs wallow in their own shit.
>virtue signalling redditor getting outed
>angrily posting stale memes and boogeyman
>N-no you!!
Seek professional help tranny. You're not natural nor welcome
You're going in circles to sidestep the fact that each of your arguments has been countered already.
>Is a beast more than a man?
It certainly can be, depending on what you're measuring. A man will never naturally be as strong as a bull, or as fast as a falcon. He would need to modify his body for it, or, to say it in other way: transcend humanity.
>this entire thread
>hundreds of threads like this in the past months
>thousands of comments on articles about it
>low sales of SJW games
lol what? But I like abortions and trannies. I'll be voting for anyone who gives me more of those.
>If I treat literally everyone who has gender dysmorphia, gender dysmorphia is gone forever
>No simply turning someone into a woman with futuristic technology isn't a proper treatment
Jesus fucking Christ you are stupid
No its people discussing how cyberpunk is a dystopian genre, not a genre where you want to play out your fantasies of chopping off your dick and getting a metal vagina.
user, current medical consensus is that SRS is in fact the treatment. And if in the future it can be done even better, to the point of seamlessness, then why shouldn't it be done?
>You'd get your ass kicked in a fist fight with a gorilla.
That's why we don't fist fight gorilla.
We make weapons to fight gorilla.
>And yet you sit here and argue that, despite this being our greatest strength, to employ it (namely, to use technology to let us swap genders at will) is some form of degeneration,
Because it is.
You say technology and ingenuity is our strongest weapon, yet you use his strongest weapon to revert back into a gorilla.
Oh okay. So are you actually just in this thread to protest the game?
If you want there are plenty of blog websites you could go to that might be better suited to your tastes.
>mmh, grayons
Just get off my damn lawn, illegal
Yeah, it's not proper treatment at all.
Someone who's addicted to AIDS should get rehab, not hooked into a cocain machine 24/7.
Are gorillas confirmed for CP2077? Gorilla corpo cops when
Current medical consensus can be changed, by the government.
Medical consesus back then is about treating them from mental illness via a better society and environment to live in, NOT entertaining their mental ill FURTHER.
>Someone wants to be another gender
>Have the technology to turn him into another gender because it's CYBERPUNK
>This somehow isn't a treatment
Do you have downsyndrome?
I don't think you quite understand what I'm saying. You don't own "games". In fact it's kind of ludicrous to think so. Imagine if cinemaphiles argued not just that capeshit is for plebs, but actually that Marvel should make gripping foreign dramas with philosophical themes about the nature of mankind, because that is what true cinemaphiles want.
>They DON'T have to be future society if we don't let them.
What makes you think you have control, you don't even have control of a videogame lol. Trans will be in the game. Trans will be irl. Deal with it lol.
No, just trannies
>That's why we don't fist fight gorilla.
>yet you use his strongest weapon to revert back into a gorilla.
Why wouldn't I? I mean, if I do that, then I'd definitely win the fist fight with the gorilla. I can always change back. This is the whole point; I can use technology to do whatever the fuck I want. That's the apex of human development: complete and total freedom from biological constraints, the ability to do anything within the realm of the physically possible, not to be constrained by nature's "design".
Yes, yes and yes, and no.
This is Yea Forums, I can complain about the game.
Well, yeah, tranny gorilla is in the game.
We're not arguing here dude. I'm saying what's objective fact. Now you can choose to check it or continue to act like this. It doesn't change the fact that I'm right and you're retarded or misinformed.
How is Decker falling in love and miraculously having a child (in the most traditional way possible) not an allusion to this theme?
How is the Savage man in ABNW being denied the chance to love and ultimately killing himself because of it not an allusion to this theme?
Stop talking please. You're a fucking brainlet faggot.
>>Someone wants to be another gender
This is already mental illness.
Sex isn't something you "want to be".
You are born male or female or a mutant. Exclusively.
>Cyberpunk ENTERTAINS it.
That's kind of the point of cyberpunk, no? Why do you even come here. /pol/ tourists aren't even talking about the game anymore. Just go back if you came here to talk social politics goddamn.
The question is why would you?
Why do you want to change into a gorilla to fight gorilla? Just for the SAKE of it?
Hedonism and mental degradation.
>This is already mental illness.
And the treatment in a Cyberpunk setting is simply replacing his body. Whats your point you retard?
Today boy are tomorrow men. Watch me.
And so the point of Cyberpunk is BAD.
>Why do you even come here. /pol/ tourists aren't even talking about the game anymore. Just go back if you came here to talk social politics goddamn.
I'm here to talk about vidya, and Cyberpunk 2077 is a vidya, but a vidya that engages in prescriptive programming.
>I want an exploration of a possible dystopic future to not feature degenerate culture
I hope you realize just how retarded you're being. Cyberpunk is a world where Mega-Corperations have replaced all world governments broken up nations and turned them into franchises, nearly everyone is living in poverty and human rights are a joke and the super rich control everyone from their ivory towers.
Did you think Robocop was an endorsement of American corporatism?
My point is that the treatment is wrong, and it's NOT a treatment but an endorsement.
Like an cocaine addict is given as much as cocaine as he wants because he WANTS it.
Blade Runner is barely cyberpunk. ABNW just isn't. Again, you're applying blanket dystopian themes to a specific genre because "hurr they're both dystopian".
>My point is that the treatment is wrong
That's not a point, it's a baseless claim. Make an argument you retard.
Yeah sure, but you're less complaining about the game and more complaining about real life degens and trannies. You might get better traction elsewhere is all I'm saying. You do you I guess.
Damn. I wanted to shoot gorillas in uniform AND have a monster futa cybercock. OR maybe I'll just play a dude biker with a huge beard.
Yeah, ironic bad thing is still bad thing.
The point is that we prevent bad things from happening, and not hurr let's pretend we live in the bad things while serving as propaganda to ENCOURAGE the bad thing.
>Did you think Robocop was an endorsement of American corporatism?
No? Why would I think that? Robocop is about law enforcement.
but if you're right you can easily provide a source. you reluctance to do so makes me conclude, naturally, that such a source does not exist. it's honestly that simple. should a person believe everything he reads on the internet?
I will say this, you hit an interesting point in your attempt to troll.
The savage was indeed an incel in a society he couldn't entirely understand or live in.
Says something about the state of the world when people are treating irl incels the same way the people in ABNW treated the savage.
Gasp! I wonder if this is somehow relevant to the event of the past weekend?
Could it be that incels of today are raging and lashing out against a world they can't thrive in?
Nah, it must be the guns.
>Quick, doc, you gotta help me! I want you to remove my infected appendix!
>Oh, you WANT it, huh? You should just learn to live with it!
Ah yes thanks for pointing out paranoid righties but they're blatantly here
Altered Carbon is bretty gud
>That's not a point, it's a baseless claim. Make an argument you retard.
It's not a baseless claim, it's how olden society has treated mental ills, by segragating them from society.
>Yeah sure, but you're less complaining about the game and more complaining about real life degens and trannies. You might get better traction elsewhere is all I'm saying. You do you I guess.
The degenerates IRL are the same as in Cyberpunk.
>Damn. I wanted to shoot gorillas in uniform AND have a monster futa cybercock. OR maybe I'll just play a dude biker with a huge beard.
As said, mental degradation.
This guy is a legit retard
>Person wants X
>Instead of giving him X, it's more practical if telling him he doesn't need X
This is your brain on downsyndrome. Keep being retarded.
Huh, so is this implying mentally ill faggot have infected cock or something?
No, their body is perfectly fine, their mind is what's wrong.
>It's not a baseless claim, it's how olden society has treated mental ills, by segragating them from society.
lol, they also smeared shit on their eyes to cure cataracts
Yes, if a person wants cocaine, just gives him cocaine.
Entertain EVERY desires and thoughts of him, regardless of its merits.
Cocaine kills you, turning you into a woman with super advanced technology doesn't. Fuck you're stupid.
>Robocop is about law enforcement
Other sickness might not work, but their treatment for trannies work.
Ofc Yea Forums has no grasp of reality as usual. At this point they don't even know why they even hate them, they just do because "based and redpilled" /pol/ does
Nice plebbit reference.
Yeah, casting people out from society always "works" for everything, from a certain point of view.
Our treatment works better though.
Complaining about trans people in a cyberpunk game is like watching porn and throwing a tantrum when there's nudity, then going on a crusade about it. It's baffling that you think you think you have a valid reason as to why trans people shouldn't be in there. You sound like a soccer mom babbling about why blood shouldn't be in Mortal Kombat.
>but a vidya that engages in prescriptive programming.
lol you probably believe violent videogames cause mass shootings.
Yeah, cutting your dick turns you into a superhuman, man.
Don't need superior technology for that.
Imagine being that much of a retard
Not an argument
>lol you probably believe violent videogames cause mass shootings.
Well, that is the Republican party line now.
Yeah, it literally doesn't.
Entertaining tranny gives to society where 5 year old can be a tranny.
Slippery slope is not an argument.
>Not getting a SynthFleshâ„¢ GirlTunnelâ„¢
Cyberpunk is inherently transhuman retard.
>I want to fiddle kids, please give me libido-nuking drugs doc !
>no, it's just your mind having a problem, so deal with it
Don't try to be reasonable on Yea Forums majority of the board is paranoid /pol/ immigrants here
>Yeah, cutting your arm turns you into a superhuman, man.
Wow, look at that, the same argument applies to all cybernetic enhancements!
Why not? I don't like trannies thus I'm gonna complaining about it.
Mass shooting is seen as bad, even in games.
But trannies? It's normalized as part and parcel in society instead of treating them like mentally ill faggots.
That and "angry" music, vote those retards out.
>not inherit
>Everything that republicans do is good because I'm a rretard without his own opinion
>Entertaining tranny gives to society where 5 year old can be a tranny.
You mean where a five year old can receive a needed cure whereas otherwise they'd just feel like shit?
>think the 'trans' in transhumanism refers to transgender.
It means going beyond, cuck. Learn some fucking linguistics.
>The degenerates IRL are the same as in Cyberpunk
>As said, mental degradation
This is about a game. You know, for fun? You don't have to self insert into every piece of media. They're just toons. Am I a robot biker with a metal vagina? No. Am I a black cowboy who doesn't partake in society's degeneracy? No. Am I a crazed chem addict? Nope. IRL I'm a guy who works a normal job with a normal family. At the end of the day these are just characters. You need to learn to seperate media from reality. If you want to protest these things IRL cool, whatever, I support your right to voice your opinion. I just think this is a poor outlet.
You are the one resorting to it right now. Please tell me you are a troll, and not simply completely lacking in self consciousness
>Transgenderism is such a good thing for society. I hope my games will be more inclusive about...
So following your logic, if they want to fiddle kids, give them kids so they can fiddle?
Ah, but it's the act of putting an enhanced arm that makes you super human.
It refers to the same things in both instances and one inherently includes the other. You need to brush up on your linguistics.
Based retard
I can't wait for posters to have id's on every board
>Ah, but it's the act of putting an enhanced arm that makes you super human.
Or an enhanced robo pussy. Where your dick was, I mean. Although, put it on your arm, why not.
>5 year old
>needs a needle shot to not feel like shit
Yeah, unless it's a literal sickness, and not mental illness.
You have no control over other peoples life choices, gender dysphoria is a mental disorder that affects people's life. Trans people just trying to be a functioning member of society unlike most of the Yea Forums
>Name a single trans character
Literally dozen of examples by fucking Pondsmith, go read the actual source material you retard.
Yeah, I don't find trannies fun.
I don't find trannies in games fun, especially when that fun is about normalizing mental illness.
But it's not me, but it's society who proves it's not a slippery slope.
Not old enough to get a gun.
But old enough to take estrogen.