Defend this
Defend this
Literally Nobody:
Not a single soul:
OP: DeFEnD AnCieNT PixEl Art
You are supposed to lose 1 HP here, right?
I think it might actually be possible to slip past if you are very fast and precise about it
I haven't even played this game and I can tell that this is possible
>I haven't even played this game
well, while most may have played smb1, not that many played lost levels
he is referring being able to crouch as small mario in mario maker 2..fucking idiot
stand back
fuck off back to twitter and reddit with this, stupid cunt
Yeah, I'm thinking you should go back
FUCK you
This has to be bait
SMB2 Japan was not a good game
There’s no fucking way you unironically post this
i noticed it first time playing. told both my brothers about it. they told me that they remember it being in the original. damn i got angry about it thanks to my 'tism
Of course not
The first time that meme was posted on Yea Forums it got about 100 replies, people are chasing that dragon
Kill yourself you stupid kid
That's the original, though. I don't remember any part with this level of bullshit in 2, barring the spring overuse.