Whiche one, Yea Forums? To me new Cate looks better but OG Cate has more soul.
Whiche one, Yea Forums? To me new Cate looks better but OG Cate has more soul
Inb4 soul>soulless
God I hate that meme so much
First game was better.
>more soul
That doesn't apply here
It's not about the games. It's about the Cate's. Also first Cate's voice actress was better.
first one, the bodysuit is much better than some generic leather jacket. why is there so little porn of her anyway?
Perverts respect her too much to make porn with her. Cate is a strong, intelligent woman who is above your dirty thoughts.
>female spy
i bet she seduces innocent targets, takes their intel and leaves in the middle of the night like a fucking succubus
And that's a good thing.
>NOLF 3 will never come out
I liked the second Cates clothing and looks more but the first one had better Voice Acting and Character. First game was also better.
I really need to finish the first one and replay the second again.
>but OG Cate has more soul.
Bad graphics is not soul and should not be confused with soul.
>that scream when she dies
this is the only game where i tried real hard not to die
both, 2 is just a more high poly version of the character and looks better, but first cate has a better voice and is more of a catty bitch thief turned spy rather than being a confident austin powers but a girl type in the 2nd
in terms of games i feel like i like 1 more, although 2 is so fucking good, just crashes so much even with the shootersforever patches that i can't be fucked to finish it
also playing 1 as a stealth shooter and reloading everytime you get caught is both autistic and fun as fuck
cate is hot as fuck but i agree with all of this, some female characters you just can't see in that way, like the boss, or certain versions of motoko
the first was the better game, so there is that. the second game felt rushed and I have a hunch a lot of features and content was cut from it.
get out, zoomer. you have homework to attend to.
as someone that loves both i don't get why the first is universally considered better, i love it but the levels do drag on a bit while the 2nd one has so much content crammed into each one (at least until the end)
it does suffer from an early 2000's forced rail shooter section though, can't remember if the first one had one but the one on the unicycle with the mimes in 2 really sticks out to me
also shogo is a fucking awesome game, just lighting a signal fire for a certain autist
NOLF 2 was too wacky. Respawning enemies sucked too.
people dont make porn of her because they never played the game, not because of some moralfaggotry
Both were good examples of a game with a female central character done right.
Thank god the franchise is dead and NOLF3 will never become sjw-spouting shit of a game it's bound to become if made today.
Is contract JACK worth playing at all? It got fucking savaged by the gaming press at the time but I feel like that might be just because the consensus on NOLF2 was so good and people were expecting an expansion on that rather than a more straight action game.
Didn't 1 have that once the alarms went off? I always played both like a savescumming stealth autist so I never encountered that. The wackiness was kind of a bonus to me in NOLF2, the fucking ninja fight in a tornado'd mobile home was a hell of a setpiece that hasn't really been matched in any fps since (mostly because everything is so deathly serious now) and its not like the first wasn't wacky, half the plot revolved around spontaneous combustion and every single character was a caricature. You definitely felt like more of a spy in the first one, though.
both nolf games have cate constantly shitting on her incompetent male superiors and compatriots and the big strong white knight character turns out to be a traitorous shithead so i don't get this opinion
everyone with descended testicles loves nolf you pickpocketing cockney child
The only thing that was a little annyoing in the first game were the drawn out cutscenes of people just talking and talking and talking. All those debriefings could have easily been half as long.
At least its from the era of skippable cutscenes, although personally I loved them and wouldn't see myself skipping them when i inevitably do my next replay, or any of the previous ones.
sure, it was so well known that no one brings it up, ever! tombraider now THATS a good female protagonist game, people rather shitpost about FEAR or shogo or blood than NOLF
There is a very fine line between strong female characters and forced female characters. On Yea Forums we always have the Mad Max Fury Road threads about whether or not it's feminist propaganda. Sometimes it's very hard to pin point when exactly a female character is cool like Cate or when it's just emberrassing forced "women are epic" political nonsense like the Ghostbusters reboot.
Sure, Nolf may be all about that. And it's so nicely done that it makes you think through humor.
Or not think and still have fun.
Calm down tourist, people post about whatever they like lol.
When alarm went off in NOLF 1 a set of enemies would spawn only once. In NOLF 2 enemies constantly spawn so you can't clear out a map.
I liked the dialog. Voice acting was good also.
>On Yea Forums we always have the Mad Max Fury Road threads about whether or not it's feminist propaganda
That's literally just a single bot/turbo autist making those threads.
I'm in the camp that fury road is great but then again i don't hang out on Yea Forums, for the record i fucking love mad max to a pathologic degree. The ghostbusters shit was just garbage from a shit director and I don't think anyone, even the 'give it a chance' and 'it'll be good' people thought it was good. Please don't inform me either way, though, i stick to old asian films mostly.
Yeah I get that, same with perfect dark desu, it sucks that now having a female protagonist is some political point and not just because you have a story you want to tell with a female character.
As I said i'm a savescum faggot so I never really experienced that, but on second thought i probably did as a 14 year old and just godmoded my way through it.
>samefagging this hard
New Cate of course. Better looks, voice and game. Too bad she's forgotten history now but maybe it is for the best, i shudder to think what they would do to her in current year.
>constantly brought up as the ultimate lost fps
>multiple fan projects to make it work on modern pcs
>gog, night dive and others have stated that they desperately want the rights
okay fag
There's no point saying inb4 when OP already said soul.
radium poisoning
I liked the wackyness, but the respawning enemies was just a chore.
lmao'ing at your life, you sad boomer
NOLF1 personality > NOLF2 remodel > NOLF2 personality > NOLF1 model
>incel buzzword
lol no thanks
don't you have a lol thread to be in?
>not knowing what new means
fuck off esl, hope you get driveby'd when you go buy your next single of toilet paper
thanks for bumping this thread about a game you hate :)))))))))
new Cate is way cuter
i know the first game has conversation options and shit but i still liked 2 more
Umm... I actually noko'd instead of bumping thank you very much, ugh...
Thanks for bumping my thread at least.
Ah, what a great game. Amazing atmosphere.
nice way of saying 'i've closed the tab in shame', please try less hard next time
In the 90's/early 2000's, 2 years was practically an eternity when it came to advancements in graphics.
>Newfag doesnt know what noko is
please, try less hard, maybe get the mentally ill nigger across from you on the bus to write your next phone post
Nolf 1 is so fucking great. I recently played it again and still enjoyed it. The second one is garbage
A noko still bumps, you fucking faggot, how can you not know that shit, jesus fucking christ. Next thing you'll do is think saging with an image doesn't work.
Why though? I love both and saw the 2nd as a welcome evolution.
>The second one is garbage
seethe harder discord trannies
cum inside a woman never, friendless 20 year old wannabe shooter, shame you live in a noguns country
that's some Max Payne vs Maxd Payne 2 level of improvement
I don't like stealth games but I like action FPS. Can I enjoy these games by shooting my way through them?
>Train map dialog
>"Shh, I thought I heard something, stop talking moron."
>"Did you just call me a mormon?"
same kind of time frame, also similar in that a lot of people shit on 2 in favor of 1 while both are excellent games in their own right
>cutscene heavy but mechanically competent nolf3 by a AAA studio never
NOLF 1 was by far the funnier one.
Yes. Crossbow especially is fun, as you can pin people to walls.
>cutscene heavy
fuck off faggot, videogames are for GAMEPLAY
incidental guard dialogue was the best, both 1 and 2 did it so good, literally a lost artform since no one nowdays is going to spend 3 mins listening to two guards talk about what ultimately turns out to be a monty python reference, although nowadays i guess it would be yeet or some yt shit
just talking about what happened to max payne 3 you clown, good game with too many cutscenes and a soundtrack that turned into the band's last good album
Left has less soul, literally dead inside.
NOLF2 had great graphics and amazing animation for its time (2002).
yep. Although there are 1 or 2 stealth only sections.
That's the first game on his webm.
max paynes gameplay was shit with out the cutscenes every 30 seconds
But that's NOLF1
NOLF2 Kate looks like a human being compared to 1.
I absolutely hate respawning enemies. And everything seemed totally rushed. The first one had lots of quiet moments, and those training sessions and a story that was a bit ridiculous but still serious at heart. The second was just over the top comedy that didnt work for me
NOLF2 Cate in NOLF1 outfit would be amazing
its a good comparison. Mp2 failed almost as hard as Nolf2 did. Its like both times the developers didnt really get what made the first one so great.
They should redo the series
What's the best NOLF mission and why is it Hamburg?
Safecracker is my jam desu
>yet another remake
whats with everyone wanting remakes instead of sequels?
safecracker is by far the best one. that and the space thing
absolute fucking pleb jesus fucking christ i'm surprised no one paid for a post-birth abortion although i guess spending money on your death would be a defeatist practice considering that you'll likely kill yourself
i mean that's a bit harsh but max payne 3 had fucking excellent shooting and an incredible fusion of gameplay and graphics
neither failed, though
how old are you, for curiosity's sake
like, compare these games to what soldier of fortune 3 was, not to mention that both mp2 and nolf2 are consistently beloved and have modding scenes that still exist
project those insecurities harder newfag
imagine how numale the sequels would be
people can still poz up the remake too
Why? The games are perfectly fine as they are.
It's worth pointing out NOLF was extremely "GURL POWER" in the first place. Cate was always attractive, but the "man's world" theme was laid on pretty thick at times.
There's nothing wrong with Feminism, hell it's literally part of the setting in this case, it's Neo-Feminism that's an issue. It's okay to have a GURL POWER game if the themes are genuine and not manipulative, false and preachy. Basically put the game, characters and story ahead of your agenda.
I don't remember the game suffering from any such issues
>theres nothing wrong with feminism
fuck off white knight
It's pretty sad that a whole generation is being raised on these polar extremes of bullshit faggotry. Hopefully you will grow up to be something other than a brainwashed mongoloid.
>being this brainwashed by the social media jew
wow what a shitty reply
have some idolshit to calm your virgin soul
isn't numale a buzzword? or a better term for herbivores who can't get the courage to fuck?
is this yt reactionary shit or just a good video because i don't want to waste my time on it when ic uld be getting my daily gacha rewards
>he thinks roasties should have rights
we gave them the ability to vote 100 years ago and its been downhill ever since
>widespread electricity
>global captialism
>everything you love but blame your failures on
yeah sure lol
I prefer the new one, she looks much more real and likeable, also the game didn't force you in shitty stealth levels with no toggle crouch option, so everything's better about the second game.
dude im amish, I just visit the internet cafe to shipost on you tech junkies
India was a shitty stealth level
'dude' get a better gimmick, if posting isn't fun to you, give it up, also smoke a dab
devi's advocate but marrakesh is the same thing but with no forced mime unicycle chase, both excellent levels in a good series
it was much better than any stealth level in the first game
remember when 'forced unicycle section' was a funny thing, fellow alcoholics?
Best NPC conversation.
having respawning enemies in a STEALTH GAME sucks ass,
>sneaking through the siberian compound base thing
>silently take out a few guards
>they actually respawn and run back into the same room im in an instantly spot me
yeah nolf is full of that
oh lol lmao roflmao you;re 7 years old ok
>my daily gacha rewards
a masn gacha do waht a mans gacha do
>1960s spy-themed FPS series
>Literally impossible to be stealthy because the levels are so linear and if an enemy sees you every single enemy on the map instantly knows where you are
nigger i even did it on the ps2 version so you can't claim shit
do u rememba
that ragnarok online shit
that real online shit
the good times