So it's not enough that /pol/ shat up the rest of Yea Forums, now they're going to get videogames banned for the rest of us too because they've tricked retarded zoomers into going apeshit and mass murdering people.
This fat faggot Donald Trump and all the other republicans are starting to say it's video games that are the problem.
Yea Forums has always been the counter culture, the left own all of our pop culture now. from movies, video games, the internet and tv.
The left are the party of the elites and the rich, they have power over all pop culture now so the counter culture are against you.
Lucas Martin
It's because Americans are fucked up in the brain. There are shootings in other countries, but Americans love to go out in a blaze of """"""""glory"""""'''" like a TV cowboys and kill one-another.
Joseph Young
Let them take the video games, but they can't take our guns. The demons are possessing our citizens and going on rampages in order to trick the government into taking away our weapons, so that we can't fight back against the imminent demon/alien invasion.
Jonathan Peterson
They really aren't. Both dems and republicans play for the same team. Literally the only person vouching for the common man is Bernie Sanders, but Yea Forums would rather have a blithering retarded faggot like Donald Trump because it "triggers" the most people
Bentley Cooper
>burnout sandles vouch for the common man holy fucking shit. people like you are allowed to vote
John Young
Keep voting for people who will rape the average man and let the country decay. Ignorant retards like yourself are the reason the country is going to shit, and you're so full of yourself that you assume everyone else is the problem.
Gabriel Kelly
Look at the 10 richest people in America, almost all (if not al) are democrats. Look at hollywood, almost all democrats. Look at the games industry, almost all democrats. Look on twitter at all the trump haters, almost all rich white people. Look at tech companies that control our speech, almost all democrats. Look at TV companies, almost all pushing leftist politics.
The left own the pop culture in the west.
The counter culture is against you.
Yea Forums has always been the counter culture, they always fight against whoever is in control of our culture. When it was the right they were against them, now the left is in control and we are against them instead
Christian Hall
We like Donald Trump because the elites (the left) hate him so much, if you all turned around and started licking his nuts we wouldn't like him anymore.
Owen Evans
If you think the left is where the elites are, you're too stupid to understand anything outside of a binary. Class distinction exists, and the hollywood elites gain more from republican policies and people like Donald Trump. They only support the dems because they can coat the neoliberal shit with nominally progressive social causes, which makes them look hip and forward thinking without actually having to do anything about wealth inequality or fixing our stupid country.
Aaron Lopez
I'm laughing because you're the bad guys and you don't even see it.
The power is with the left, even if hollywood is full of republicans they are not allowed to say it. They all virtue signal to the left because their career will be destroyed if they say otherwise. All our video game developers do the same, with black disabled trans protaganists.
It's literally easier to be gay in hollywood or video game development than be a conservative. That's how much power you have in society, you can get people fired for saying a joke.
And you wonder why Yea Forums is against you? You're the bullies, you're the power that silences us everywhere else on the internet for shit-talking and you're surprised we don't lick your balls? We can't even laugh at jokes from comedians anymore because you shut that down too.
Who holds real political power? The right. Even the democrats are a mostly center right party. Conservatives in America are a group that rules over a country that is culturally way more to the left than they are, and they hate it. They have all the political power they could ever want and still want to be treated like they're culturally the majority as well, so even though they control everything they still bitch and whine and moan. Doesn't matter if you have congress, the president, the judicial branches.
And retarded faggots like you posting on Yea Forums are a prime example of it. Suck on a gun, bitch.
Brandon Adams
30 years ago the right wanted to stop swearing, violence and tiddies.
We all fought against them, they didn't win.
It's 2019, the left want to stop swearing, violence and tiddies.
They got everything they wanted, movies are progressive propaganda, video games are progressive propaganda, comedy has been totally destroyed, tv is progressive propaganda, free speech is in the verge of being destroyed in America, you have no free speech on the internet anymore because the left stopped it.
Nicholas Robinson
The culture is controlled by the left, they'll tell you sucking a dick is actually eating a vagina and you'll believe it.
Sebastian Mitchell
Pop culture is where the real power resides, because it is where you brainwash the populace.
Sebastian Adams
None of that shit holds real power. You guys just like to bitch and moan.
If it did, then Donald Trump would have been destroyed by now from all the retarded SNL skits that have been made, or the feckless criticism from celebrities.
None of that matters. Satire doesn't matter. Political power does, conservatives have controlled it and done more to shape the face of the country, but they also want to play the victim card as well.
Hudson Watson
I really really like this post. Very articulate, user. I will be screenshotting this. And to think, someone actually said something poignant on Yea Forums
Justin Jenkins
Cant believe this all started from a single shitty ds3 All you retarded millenials need to kill yourselves
And op, your an imbecile, you're literally starting arguments on other boards that /pol/tards flock to
This is either garbage bait or op's a moron
Anthony Carter
>He takes /pol/ topics seriously user, you're supposed to interpret /pol/ as satire.
Sebastian Foster
Alexander Bailey
I can't shit talk anywhere online anymore outside of Yea Forums, the internet used to be a fun place and the left ruined it. I can't have tits in my western video games, the left ruined it. I can't enjoy comedy anymore, you ruined it. Star wars is ruined, star trek is ruined, terminator is ruined because of the left. Mass immigration is a thing you push and we aren't allowed to complain about it Free speech is not a thing online and it won't be a thing irl much longer, the next leftist president will do away with it.
Almost everything is ruined or being ruined and it's ruined by the left, Trump can't make video games good again, he can't make movies good again, he can't fix comedy, he can't let us say what we want online, we can't even swear on steam forums anymore.
Whatever laws Trump makes or passes will be changed back when the left take power again, the brain washing the left have over the entire population can't be undone so easily.
The real power in how we all live our lives is held by the left, you are what we must fight against. You are the man, you are the power we must resist against.
Robert James
I hate pol but blaming vidya was something done before even internet was a thing.
Levi Campbell
>Scapegoats the "left" for literally every problem Jesus dude do you really believe that or are you pretending to be brainwashed? All those franchise film issues are because of Netflix and the rise of streaming, they aren't allowed to make any creative risks with film anymore. That's why there's no comedy films anymore either. But there's plenty of edgy standup, there always has been. There was never tits in video games until the past decade, GTA4 had pasties yet GTA5 had full titties, so you're just making up things to be mad about now. Internet is literally a lawless toxic cesspool still, not sure where you want to talk shit? Facebook? Why do you want your grandparents to read your shitposts? That's not what that website is for. Take a breath and try to be objective about these issues, the left vs right thing is a manufactured fight just to get you "On Our Sideā¢"