
Why is he the only one who you can go full homo with?

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he looks like a faggot

I'd pound his ass, he would probably be into some kinky shit too, the closeted bitch.

Why is there cum in his eye.

Because half the people who see his character portrait think he's a girl

Because he's a boring as fuck Awakening-tier character that nobody cares about so straight people won't be annoyed and homos can't cry about no representation. I guarantee they were just thinking to themselves
>ah shit, the fujos will seethe if we don't include at least one male gay option after fates, who's it going to be
and picked the character everyone cared about the absolute least. Even Cyril is more interesting.

From all the supports I've seen with him, the dude doesn't seem to have any sort of sexual drive at all. Guess he can be gay because he just doesn't give a fuck.

Someone post his ending

I'm a shotafag, so I'd be more than okay with Cyril, but journalists would cry over how the only homo option was underage at first and how you were grooming him or some shit and we'd have another dumb controversy to hear about for weeks to come.

Yurishitters have taken over our once proud fujo series.

>Shota Fag
>Not having your doo doo hole ravish by bara cock

This thought he was a girl until I actually went over and talked to him

I keep hearing there was scrapped gay S ranks. Is there any truths to that?

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Because homosexuality is not correct

What do you sad fuck find attractive in a homosexual male character?

I don't want anything going in my butt, nor do I find gross old men attractive.

Like any character
Interesting interactions and Backstory

They're probably coming with the rest of the cut content in a free update in 2020 I believe

Why is Lorenz such a terrible character. Started my second playthrough as golden deer and I just don't want to even use him.

I tried looking it up, but found nothing.

Same with that supposed Edelgard and Dimitri supports that Yea Forums keeps claiming exist.


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They're into men and they'd rather see twi hot men fuck than see only one guy go at it with a self-insert they don't like or a random female character. The more the merrier.

he's the only one worth it

Ah. So they're too insecure about seeing a more attractive female. I wonder if they are bullied as much as guys who fap to trap on female.

he's actually a fairly good person, he just has an annoying atttitude

Same with Fernand and the blue head

No they're just not turned on by women. At best they'll think a female character is cute or stylish or cool but that doesn't mean they want to see that character have sex with the hot guy when said guy can do that with another hot guy. It's really not that deep.

the irony lmao
Why are you still here?

I'm a faggot but i won't mind if a cute girl peg me

To learn something new about the people who post on this board nowadays. You?

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You should learn about yourself one of these days.

Flashnews, you're bi.

Lorenz is a good dude. Maybe the best dude. He’s thoughtful and compassionate. He’s also ridiculously smug and self important.