How is Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning?
I noticed it's on sale on Steam. Should I get it?
How is Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning?
It's a single-player MMO that's far too large for its own good (fully clearing regions will drive you to boredom), but with good combat and pretty environments.
It constantly swings between mediocre and decent.
Ok, thanks.
Does the magic feel good?
Its the most mediocre game i have ever played.
It can do once you start to really specialize in it. Low-level magic play is pretty miserable.
>single-player MMO
you are regurgitating what Yea Forums told you. it has a batter story and quest writing than 98% of single player garbage out there.
low level magic hits as hard as a greatsword
It's the definition of average cookie cutter RPG.
It's fine if you have time and in the mood for something like it.
it's a better game than skyrim
Got bored before I could finish it.
While you're a low level mage you're off to play with staves and chakrams which are pretty neat. Especially chakrams.
ok just checked youtube and this looks fucking great, howcome i never seen a single thing about this game
do it for her
Played thought it again recently
It's nice but be ready for 15min of aimless running to the other side of the map, just to talk with 1 npc and run even more
that literally never happens because you can fast travel to any location and unexplored areas have enemies to occupy you
if you have nothing better to play then sure go for it
t. someone who played it longer than he should have
at some point the MMO feel kicks in and you realize that it takes you ages to clear all quests in an area that are all pretty much the same
also, you get the majority of your abilities too soon so you become a powerhouse and have no new abilities to look forward to
that voice actor is so annoying to listen to
They are called side quests for a reason
I've played it to completion with three different characters, including the DLC. It's too damn big and feels like its missing a persistent multiplayer component.
It had incredibly "meh" reception on release but after the studio bitten the dust people realised that the game wasn't half-bad even if it was a little too easy.
The game is about 30% too long. The last island/area you go to for the story is basically just corridors you run straight through to the final dungeon and boss. You will have hit the level cap by that point and avoiding enemies is the only logical thing to do.
It's a fun game, but the end is a slog because of that.
if you're interested, it is worthwhile
comfy music
listening to poetry
being an elven goddess
sympathising with a villiness and helping her out
i also enjoyed just watching my friend play it since it's so relaxing
she jumped every time she fought a spider and held her breath every fight, it was great
there's an fov fix and color tweaks as well
it made the game much more comfortable to play
pic related as an example i found of an fov change
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