I've been playing CSGO on and of since 2014, and have gotten pretty good at it with several accounts in global A ranking ESEA and Level 10 Faceit. My friends gave me the idea we play everyday and they started saying that I have a real talent with counter strike games and joked about me going pro, I said maybe I should and they legitimately encouraged me. But where do you start? You can't just message a e-sports team and say "hey I'm good pick me up" Also should I even try and go pro there's a big difference in being good at a game and being a professional. My current career is a butcher btw so the pay rise if there would be.
Should I go pro? and how?
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ESEA and organised comp matches between clans, also helps if you know a few pros yourself.
>Should I?
Depends if your actually good at it or not, but being a butcher sounds pretty comfy. I'd honestly stick with being a butcher if its financially viable and secure.
Yeah it is, I get $20 an hour and work 4 hours everyday from 4AM - 8AM I just make the first cuts of the day and then open up shop and leave so comfy indeed, although I live in a shitty apartment I'm stable. I always liked the idea of going pro maybe I could play more on the side and try out what you said.
thinking you will be able to quit your job is getting way ahead of yourself. getting high ranks in faceit and esea is generally the path to becoming pro, you gotta be the type of person that pro players want to play with though, know your nades etc.
you should have a good understanding of how elo works in the both systems so you can understand how to rank better.
if you wanna become pro you have to treat it like a job. good luck!
Thanks for the advice and yeah quitting my job is something I wouldn't do unless I for sure knew
It's kind of late to become a pro off your own merits in CSGO. You need already existing pros to notice you and also not dislike you or think you cheat because that will kill your reputation and effectively block you from becoming pro forever, even if you aren't a cheater.
You are never going to make it. Unless your consistently top fragging and have been competing in leagues you aren't going to go anywhere.
Lmao this guy knows nothing.
You answer OP, Adderall.
All the pros are taking this shit, just like all the 'Olympic' 'athletes' are doping.
Also half the CSGO pros cheat, so the esport is boring to watch. Shame though.
Yeah I've heard about the doping problem, it's huge in CSGO e-sports
>Also half the CSGO pros cheat
Tell me how this is different from someone taking clips from NASA and saying the moon landing was fake?
>8.5k hours in csgo
>still can't get good
>Everybody but me cheats!
>spends another 4k hours on the game after making the post
zoomer rage
Csgo is safe as best export but all it takes is EA or Cod to add mods and it will be superseded ..
I would say its better to have general skills rather than specific deep training atm and learn to be adaptable then go prob after seeing what happens in 2-3 years with next gen
Kek, csgo has no competition. ADS console shooters are entire different genre.
If you have 0 connections the only way you can make is grinding into FPL-C/FPL and getting noticed by dominating pugs. If you are currently level 10, I'm assuming a lower elo level 10 too, you couldn't even join a tier 4 team.
siege is the only competitor and it has the same issues CS has, but also some of their own issues on top of that.
Be honest, not a lot of people have managed to pull this off. It's really just ropz, and he only did it because chrisJ took him under his wing and met him irl and shit. Other pros were trying to kill ropz career before he even got a chance spreading rumors of him cheating.
if youre actually good just ask ur friends to compete in some local lans or online amatuer pro match?
You can put 0x sights on Bf and cod guns and then rebind ads to walk key and make crouch auto ads 0x
Then it feels like csgo
I agree its unlikely but cod has new engine this year and bf will have new engine in 2-3years
I agree current cod/bf engine is not suitable for esports but let's remember csgo and dayz was both mods and we are due another mod and dayz literally is why fortnite and pubg exist
Look at autochess its huge now in only 6months and will have esports soon
Don't discount the possibility of some Asian/RU/nz guy with 400iq making some amazing mod of any new engine if tools exist which they might as publishers want dlc but also see how huge pubg dayz csgo dota autochess got
Seige is shit tryhard clone its always has and always will be trash its for people that find csgo to hard
>siege is tryhard
>its for people who find csgo too hard
t. silver retard
OP you have the wrong idea. What you need to do is wait for the next meme shooter to come out then stream it with colored hair. Your counterstrike skills will transfer probably
this just might be the most retarded thing anyone has ever wrote
Esports are more about connections and marketing potential than actual skill. It's still important, but if you're a nobody it doesn't matter if you can 50-0 a pro.
Start up a twitch channel and stream your pro gamer skills and put on the best and believable corporate kiss-ass personality you can, one that all the kiddies will enjoy. Even if you don't pull any views it will build a portfolio for people who get an interest in you
I came in this thread to see people laughing to this poor retard for playing CS in 2019. Instead all of you are being faggots and encouraging him. Everyone in this thread should kts
It's hilarious watching so many people try to be esports famous and failing. Rather than give this retard actual life advice, I want to see him throw his most important years away. I'm looking forward to the thread he makes 5 years from now whining about how esports ruined his life
t. To scared to install cs
Don't worry I was you for 15years but now I'm god at cs after 2years on 1v1 servers and ffdm
why would anyone with taste want to install cs? The only reasons I can come up with are jailbreak, surf, and trolling ranked matchmaking. None of these are something as retarded as what you suggest
Use all the available tools to your advantage like twitch, youtube, leages, and social media. Only way to get noticed is putting yourself out there. Dont go out thinking you are a god either, always keep trying to improve something.
Lol "guns feel weird this game sucks"
>proceeds to install 80gigs of UbiSoft trash with ugly skins n no culture "I can shoot good in this!"
you'll never go pro with schizophrenia like that, casual striker
>casual striker
t. quake larper
>. But where do you start?
You form a stack with your friends and you play open tournaments with them for money?
You win tournaments and you get invited somewhere.
>You can't just message a e-sports team and say "hey I'm good pick me up"
hahahaahahaha no you can't.
That's not how it's done.
If nobody knows you, you need some actual achievments, your lvl10 faceit does not mean shit.
Win a couple of lans, get noticed and then you might get invited somewhere.
Then again if you're anti-social you have more chances to become a popular streamer or youtuber, than a pro player.
Also forget about earning money, it was never about money until 2012.
don't fucking as Yea Forums lol
All fps games are for casuals and children.
The best fps players played heaps as young teens then quit and played wow for 3years then played as adults again
Literally all the pro players have stories like this. Shroud 2k coldzera .. All of them.
The reason for this is later in puberty you loose your reflex but mind expands so playing thinking games from say 16-19 is actually optimal then retraining in fps from scratch
This is why there is actual hope for console kids as long as they get PC at 20
i was level 10 in faceit retard, you wrote that if cod of bf adapt mods it would suppress csgo which is untrue and retarded as fuck
Watch the 20v20 cod footage on new engine please cod ditched quake3 engine do you even internet
Once ea let dice ditch frostbite (which is terrible esports engine) (could be 5years time thou) that could be good too
You don't understand what I'm saying the only game to mod in last decade has been arma that's why only new fps is dayz and BR which is a short form version of dayz
learn history a new moddable popular engine will lead to new fps games its that simple the probability cod or bf allow mods is extremely low but its present now more than before.
Bomb defusal is good and it will be hard to top but autochess topped moba after 15years of dominance no reason some onw can't top cs after its 20years and they would have already if modding wasn't banned in all fps games for last 13years
you grind every LAN you can for five to ten years, place as high as you can with amateur teams until you get in a semi-pro team, then repeat that process for another five years until you start getting raped by top100 literal who pro teams, then you join one of those and hope that you're good enough to be in the top 0.1% of players who gets to be invited in a team sponsored by an actual org willing to pay an actual salary
>where do you start
Find/form a team, grind online and offline tourneys whenever possible, when you start getting results you either get noticed by an org or you can contact one to discuss sponsorship. Of course you can't walk up to fnatic after winning your first lan, but if you live in a first world country I'm sure you're gonna be able to find a smaller organization which is good enough to pay for trips in your own country.
>should I even try and go pro
Depends on how much free time you have, as making strats/actually practicing is going to take a good chunk of time every one or two days, plus the tournaments, since you're going to play a lot more than what you're used to it can feel like a chore, a second job, so consider the risk of burnout as well.