Insult the game and I will shoot you on site
Persona 4
Other urls found in this thread:
>supposed to be a super genius detective
>make a plan to lure the killer
>ends up getting caught in her own fucking house
>even thought she has a gun
>and shes too fucking retarded to put a camera out
Imagine actually like this trash chatacter.
>The fabled Detective Prince joins the group
>her only contribution is to provide "The Story so Far" summaries and provide the most obvious of observations
>everyone still praises her as if she was a genius
Fuck this shit.
how DARE you
I won't dignify that with a response
Begone, cretin.
her goal was to get caught
A camera might've scared him off
And did she have any plan to get herself out of the situation once she was caught? No. Because she's a hack.
>On site
Good thing I don't work on one
what was the next step in her master plan?
>A camera might've scared him off
why tf didn't she just use a hidden camera then.
Shes like 150cm tall and the guy who caught her able to caught Kanji with no problem, what do you expect ?
Crashing the shadow world
With no survivors
I just downloaded the iso for my ps2 emulator.
What am I in for?
Best Girl.
Play Undub Version
Worst Persona game
Why do boyish girls do it so much for me
Saw one in the bus today and my dick just about exploded
to be fair everyone before then had been reported to have been captured away from their homes, she had no way to expect that she would be vulnerable at her own home when everyone until that point had multiple testimonies per person saying that they had left their house before getting kidnapped.
she also had no way to expect supernatural elements at play either, if she was packing heat expecting to deal with a normal human culprit, especially in japan, she would have a huge edge over anyone.
IIRC she does help you draw the conclusion between the letter and another culprit, but given how fucking long the game is, a 'story so far' character is pretty much needed.
Maybe its like the case where i got less boner seeing a hot girl completely naked compared to seeing a hot girl wearing a sexy bunny outfit.
Yes that's what I wanted to do, but there's no way to change language from the options menu.
Do you know a way around it?
Download the UNDUB version. Google it, its only 2gb anyway.
Oh fuck me, it was THAT easy...Thank you!
Anyways, I decided to play this game solely because of Chie and Naoto.
Enjoy it user.
You will be unconfortable with Naoto's voice at first. But you will get used to it especially if you romance her
>Yu's face
Never fails to make me laugh
Dude Naoto is so hot
>tfw Kanji and other IT seeing this
Sorry my bro Kanji
It's ok, I know her voice from BBTAG and I don't mind it.
I'm not.
>Stop! Before you go to deep!
What did she mean by this?
Friendly reminder that fucking Yosuke and Chie of all people solved the mystery before Naoto did. She literally just repeats what they came up with.
Horrible gameplay
Friendly reminder that Yosuke and Chie should be fucking.
the worst Persona game ever
even that fan game (racing all day) was better
>dresses like a guy
>can't wear armor for guys
I would post some smartass comment but I'm not going to insult the game. While it's not my favourite smt game (nocturne has more challenge which I enjoyed) it's still like top 5 for me if only because It what got me into smt in the first place. Also, Ryotaro is best uncle. Have a nice day, Op
Bait harder user
Thanks for the bump though
Yeah, he's got a robot for that
>Is a guy
>Wears whatever he wants
She literally had to have her winter jacket custom made because she couldn't fit a men's size.
What's make you think she would be able to wear the armor.
I get Yosuke, but what the fuck did Chie ever do?
she gave me a broner
What is this from ?
persona arena manga.
Does it good ?
For me its Rise
>group theorises the killer is "saving" people by killing them
>when confronting Namatame in Heaven, he says "ah, its the people I saved, don't worry, I will save this girl too"
>the group doesn't acknowledge this for an entire fucking month and still think his idea of saving people is killing them
>Nanako dies in a very powerful scene
>the group confronts Namatame and they then decide the best thing to do is murder him
>the way the dialogue options are presented is that you basically stutter your way into telling Yosuke to stop being a faggot
>its only after that little stunt that they realise killing a guy before hearing his side of the story is fucking retarded
>btw the child isn't dead it was a fake out lol
fuck this part of the game
To be fair Persona 4 is the Jojo part 4 of persona games. Its the most comfy persona games so far
Just started P4G on very hard mode, any general tips without spoiling too much? Social stats/links to prioritise early on etc
If you just playing it on the first time and want to max s links in 1 playthrough, good luck beating Shadow Yukiko. You need it.
I like Persona 4 out of all of them.
Everyone on Yea Forums including their mothers hate it. Just like Nier Automata. This sucks.
Nah, they are vocal minority who plays Persona 5 as their first persona game.
/pg/ is plagued by them nowadays i rarely visit that place anymore.
Before 2017, people were non stop praising Persona 4 in Yea Forums and /vg/
You don't reason with psychos. In addition to he just took Nanako. The IT is in high tension mode. The confrontation was done better in the anime imo.
That being said, although I think it would be better recieved by the edgy people of Yea Forums to kill off Nanako, I don't think it would've worked in the tone of this game.
>that image
For me it's Cheeayy
Speaking of which, I don't understand how she came to the conclusion that Adachi was the killer
>they literally just established that Namatame was kidnapping people right in front of him
>somehow hims saying "that settles it" is the smoking gun
really felt like she was waiting for Yu to come up with the answer and then pretended that she was the one who actually solved the murder before him
Its so happy.... yet sad....
It's happy because they got a happy ending, it's sad because that's the last time Yu would ever see his friends and vice versa until they finished the next year of school
of course that all means nothing anymore because P4A and P4DAN and P4G and... jesus christ Atlus why
Also reminder that Naoto, the "smart" one, was one of the people who insisted they murder him
Honestly they started flanderizing 4 in the spin offs and remakes. The cast became one note jokes and the power of friendship was x1000 more present and annoying. I think that's why everyone has such a misguided view on P4.
Although I'm happy p4 protag has a "canon" personality, i wish he was more deadpan like in the anime.
He does say he'll be back in summer in Vanilla 4.
>Naoto wears high shoes to make herself look taller
Heh i just noticed this
Yukiko is better