Instead of spending countless hours developing muscle memory for a stupidly specific rhythm game controller and complementing that skill with the ability to read cascading notecharts in one specific game, you could learn a real musical instrument, learn musical notation, which is incredibly versatile, and learn to play a piano, which is even more versatile, as opposed to spending literal years of your life getting RSI and learning to slam a retarded piano controller with the backs of your hands
Instead of spending countless hours developing muscle memory for a stupidly specific rhythm game controller and...
Other urls found in this thread:
so unique thread
never been done before
let me guess, you also had a "life changing intervention and began socializing and/or exercising while playing games less"?
fuck off
I think your both overestimating how much time the average person puts into these games; and vastly underestimating the dedication required to learn an instrument.
oh fuck i love popn music
the characters are cute as fuck too
I'm sorry about your autism OP
kys fag
>one chance at life
>want to make music
>didn't get music education as a kid because lol shit school, can't afford it as an adult
>every guide to making music opens with 'so remember when you learned an instrument in school?'
ah yes very good
Learning an instrument is boring and tedious.
Rhythm game thread since op is a fucking faggot as usual
What've you guys been playing lately?
Thoughts on the new IIDX cab?
Why did you make this thread again? And why do you assume that
>spending countless hours developing muscle memory for a stupidly specific rhythm game controller and complementing that skill with the ability to read cascading notecharts in one specific game
Is the only thing people do with rhythm games?
And how are you so fucking blind to the vastly different experiences of the two?
You know, instead of making this asinine post, you could have been spending your writing skills writing a book instead.
This user beat me to my next point. Do you not understand the human emotions of joy and entertainment?
I thought it was confirmed fake?
OP says this shit but doesn't even seriously practice. Doesn't know all of his major and minor scales, doesn't know basic chord construction, doesn't even know how to use intervals
instead of running around shooting virtual targets in any number of first person shooters, you could apply yourself, learn how to use rifles and pistols with a high degree of accuracy and take your knowledge to a crowded area. Such as a concert.
Might be real, probably just to attract the zoomers into playing though considering that Japanese rhythm games scares them off for some reason
It's funny you say that because I would have never picked up a real guitar if not for games like Guitar Hero or Rockband. I've been playing for over 10 years because of those games, and it's a hobby I enjoy quite a bit.
Music is all about practice. Listen to your favorite tunes, think about what makes those songs so good in your ears, and look to see if any of the artists you like are doing similar things in their music. This, and just dinking around on an instrument will help you understand it more. You don't need classes to know how to play.
semi related, here's a short song I made with guitar recorded in it:
Exactly, I don't get people who play hundreds of hours in guitar hero instead of learning how to play an actual guitar and not only make much better music but also get all the normie girls
I wish I could find a cute spergy guy with my guitar playing instead honestly.
that's gay
It's not ideal but it is what it is.
you do understand making music is vastly different from reading music, right? not everyone wants to make music.
I'm a cute spergy guy user
Fuck yeah. What kind of music and vidya do you like? Are you more fem or chubby? I like both so don't worry. How long is your hair?
why would I want to learn a real instrument? I don't think i've heard a real instrument in a song on the radio in years. It's all synth or drum kits.
>learn to play a piano
those are played with keyboards
I already play piano and guitar. which makes rhythm games much more simple to learn.
I like rhythm games that are more engaging than nodes on a screen.
like rhythm heaven, Muse dash & Harmoknight.
what are some good Rythm games that feel like you're a character actually doing engaging stuff??
Slamming colored buttons is fun tho.
I also play piano you autist
osu is literally pressing 2 keys and a mouse. Don't over complicate the enjoyment of my niche hobby.
>not niche
Actually talk to someone IRL and tell them how normal and not niche osu is.
Muse Dash
Radio Hammer.
>if my game isn't Guitar Hero, it's niche!
Fuck off, dude.
How hard to learn are drums? I really like the percussion in songs.
>Project Diva FT
>DJMax Respect
>Taiko(no drums though)
>Beat Saber
>Groove Coaster on PC
I love music games but I feel like I've hit a wall and I can't progress beyond a certain point, in all of those games.
I guess I'm pretty casual about all this. I love trying out new stuff and finding out how it works, and it's not like I absolutely suck either.
The real barrier to entry is cost. To really get going on an instrument like guitar or piano you'll need to shell out several hundreds. That's a lot of money for something you're not sure you want to do.
Neat stuff user
Buy a penny whistle and start fucking around. You can make a lot of early progress on what amount to toy instruments if you're legitimately new and willing. Only your pretension is stopping you.
Sometimes it helps to take a break and come back to it later. Slamming your head against something isn't guaranteed to give results. You could also mix up the styles of rhythm games you play and shoot for things that are wildly different.
Yes I am not binging those games, I go on and off and take breaks between them. Project Diva is my best game, I have some 350 hours between the PSP games and PS4 FT. I can do certain 10* songs but I cannot even finish the majority of them. Meanwhile I feel like a brainlet playing Groove Coaster because any slightly more difficult song makes me drop the ball and miss everything even though it's an extremely forgiving game.
Bullshit. These games require a few weeks of practice at best, while music is the most complicated hobby you can imagine, and there is literally no way you can just pick up a fucking piano and "learn it". It requires years of studying theory, doing shit like pitch training and simply learning the instrument. And you can't do it alone.
>These games require a few weeks of practice at best
spotted a retard
Just learn guitar user. Pelnty of good beginner materials and you can practice on Tabs.
Key thing is to try to master chords and chord progressions. Otherwise you'll be like me and be stuck doing basic tunes and very light finger picking tabs.
Its barre chords I struggle with. Fat fingers and poor posture. (Its hard to get good posture when you're only half decent guitar you have as a hand-me down is a Flying V)
I'd love to own a Piano. But I just don't have the room for it. Might have to settle on getting an old fullsize Casio midi keyboard.
Just trying to get into them, actually. Been giving this
You're a retard if it took you more than that to get a grip on a rhythm game. That, or you have no rhythm whatsoever.
Just get a keyboard, that's what everyone does. Only buy a real full-size piano if you're an actual pianist, since it's a big investment.
How's PC groove coaster?
Also get you a taiko drum. It makes the game much more enjoyable.
Yeah. I kind of want one because between you and me: I've really developed a large craving for 80s synth pop.
I mean I listening to Broken Wings by Mr. Mister right now as I'm typing this.
Literally what are you even bitching about? Who are you quoting? You're wrong, just just the fuck up faggot.
>pc groove coaster
I don't know about him but I spent 1.5 hours trying to everything to get my controller to work and never succeeded. Ended up refunding it. I don't know why they insisted on using some weird ass steam controller api. Also the game apparently has timing issues but I have no solid source so take that with a grain of salt.
Nice track, user. I'm trying to save up for an electric guitar at the moment. I feel like it's something I'll stick with for a long time. Wish you the best.
I love rhythm games but they are nothing at all like playing a real instrument.
Why aren't you wasting your time on OSU instead of playing a based instrument like the bandoneon, Yea Forums?
>It requires years of studying theory
Learning to play a piano requires enough "theory" to learn to read music, and a bunch of practice. You can do both of those on your own. Learning to compose music is a different and more complicated story.
Vib Ribbon
A thread recently made me want to head over to Arcade Club but I'm a NEET with literally no spare cash right now, shit hurts.
Will probably play some Taiko Switch tonight though. Maybe finally get back into Groove Coaster on PC like I keep telling myself to.
I'm learning to play the piano and I like Pop'n Music
I always thought I was pretty decent at those but after buying djmax respect I feel like I got my balls kicked in hard
I want to play a DMC-type action game with a character/weapon that uses Rhythm Game mechanics. The use of specific timings for special effects is common, but syncing them to some tempo isn't, and I have no idea why.
por que no los dos?
>there's people in this very board who spent hundreds of dollars on guitar hero entries and never bothered to learn playing a real guitar
Holy shit.
>making shitty faggot excuses for yourself
Never gonna make it
Nothing in life matters so what's the difference?
Playing rhythm games is fun.
Playing an instrument is not.
>yfw I play vidya while also being able to paint, play guitar, write+read poetry, exercise, and do horticulture+gardening
sure does feel good being over 90 IQ and able to maintain a balanced lifestyle. sorry about your brain OP hope things get better for you