are we getting a 3rd?
the first one ended up being a superb stealth title, and this one is quite cool too
Are we getting a 3rd?
Didn't get enough sales, so, no.
It sold poorly? I must say I'm surprised. Why's that?
2017 was a big year for gaming. Had to compete with the headlines for RE7, Yakuza 0, Nioh, Horizon ZD, KH3 hype and the Mass Effect dumpsterfire and a ton of other blockbusters. Shoulda delayed it till a quieter time.
1. Almost no one played the original, or let alone finished it. And it's a direct sequel, so if you don't know anything about the first game, you have no real reason to pick it up.
2. Horror is a niche genre.
3. Available on less platforms than the original.
All of these caused the game to only sell like 1/4th of the original.
doubt it. also, sequel was kinda in this odd position.
>mikami absolutely did not like stealth in the original
>he wasn't in charge of the dlc which focused more on creeping about
>sequel was handled by the same person who worked on dlc and really liked stealth which is now featured prominently
Not gonna lie, I was pretty disappointed that the little girl wasn't a brain in a jar at the end. I know it didn't really set it up for that but it was in the back of my mind the entire time I was playing.
>mikami absolutely did not like stealth in the original
What didn't he like about the stealth?
It felt like he was trying to make a re4 but scarier, from all the reading I did ages ago.
I adore the game, played it before the first one. Both are very unique, the first one is scarier and has Resi 4 vibes, the seccond is more into stealth and running away, you feel more helpless but I like 2 more, what a fucking rollercoaster. It's a shame many people missed it out, definitely deserves a 3rd shot but it's not very likely.
I think the first game did better. After all, Bethesda authorized three very tangible pieces of DLC that you pretty much needed to understand the story fully. Sequel got fuck all in comparison.
>it's a direct sequel
You'll miss out a some of the lore but it's still its own game, don't have to play the first one. When I played the first one I didn't remember Sebastian had a daughter or anything about his past, which is the main focus in EW2.
Try saying that without spoiling everything to people who haven't played the first game and see an ad about the second.
So which one is better?
God I fucking hate how close the camera was.
It was less about the camera itself and more about shitty black bars game launched with to improve performance. They were removed in a later patch.
But it won't be a cinematic experience without the letterboxing.
they have put a ton of options right in the menu to make the game easy as fuck, like one hit kill, infinite ammo... all unlocked from the get go in the standard edition
it's clearly too hard for today's standards
the game is begging to be played
1st one is jank as fuck and generally all over the place.
2nd is good for the first half, but devolves into a mindless corridor shooter.
I had such a great time with both games, and I hope there really is a third. The second was a bit LastOfUs-ish however. Also, gas arrows for the win.
I am currently playing both at the same time, on nightmare or whatever is called
I understand the gripes many people are having, because the gameplay, aka the enemies AI and how they interact with you is quite dated
not in a bad way, but ofc you can't confront like crazy, you need to pace your inventory and use environmental traps to avoid wasting ammo.... amazing artwork, btw
>2nd is good for the first half, but devolves into a mindless corridor shooter.
Honest thoughts on Stefano Valentini?
I was hoping there would be multiple villains with authentic tropes and motivations through out the game, leading up to the finale. Alas, I was disappointed.
The 1st one had way too many instakills to be enjoyable. 2nd one was alright I suppose.
do you remember when this game was announced and launched? it was bizarre
instead of shilling and hyping for months, the game popped up, and was released in a matter of weeks
they probably got the cash flow cut for some reason, so they stopped any DLC and launched to see how it could perform
Doubt it. Real shame because I really liked both the first one and second one. I'm replaying the second one as we speak and even though I see more cracks in it on a replay, it's still a really good game. Really rare to see an open world horror game too.
He was kind of boring, shit boss fight aswell.
my favorite games never sell well
I am witnessing the evil within and hitman dying with my very eyes
same, or at least shaved head hooked up to shit or something, she just comes out fully clothed with a full head of hair as if she was never in there at all
Any tips for that weird amalgamation after dropping down from that mental health hospital in the first game? I literally ran out of every ammo type except of wimpy shit and I can't think of a way to shoot the fucker, hide somewhere where he can't find me and shoot him again.