>kkk members are portrayed as a bunch of idiots
>killing kkk members doesn't reduce your honor
>you can beat/murder the white nationalist in front of the police and they don't give a fuck
Kkk members are portrayed as a bunch of idiots
woke af
boo hoo are you gonna cry?
oh no
That's why this boring game got so many good reviews
Why do you leftypol trannies hate the white race?
>buy shitty sjw game
>complain that it's pozzed
What did you expect? Of course they're to gonna reimagine the past as a time when you can go out and commit white genocide without problem.
heh you use to be a slave catcher? Goddamn sick bastard
>shoot him in the head
>Get good karma
>Go on to kill 10k people and still go to heaven
>"Killing" a npc in a madeup videogame world is equil to hating a race.
Arthur is the biggest blue pill character ever, he sure loves mexicans and other shitskins
We hate bitchmode whiners like you regardless of race.
cuz rightypol is mentally ill
>shitty sjw game
/pol/tards never use their brain, do they?
I'm just getting my revengeance for the Indians
Damn, the left can't shill or meme. Maybe if you thought about things instead of basing decisions on kneejerk emotions things would improve but you're just cattle to the rich.
>first time in saint denis
>black guy robs white women and shoots here
>beating up 1 black guy makes a swarm of them attack you
are the houser brothers, dare i say, /ourguys/?
>you can beat/murder the white nationalist in front of the police and they don't give a fuck
This is the only one that bugs me because for the time period they absolutely should give a fuck.
cuz rightypol is mentally ill
>Knock out a KKK member who assaulted me (because I'm trying to avoid killing people in this playthrough)
Not only did the line feel out of character for the nihilistic/apathetic man that Arthur was, it also felt out of place for my run through. This is a perfect example of bad writing.
That being said, this is the best camping simulator on the market so it gets a pass.
Very, very few games are even remotely historical because contemporary audiences all want the protagonist to be a contemporary person dressed up like someone from 130 years ago. Sad.
Kingdom Come is the most historical game ever, and it has potion making.
Arthur does that all game, it's not out of character at all. He spends half the game making veiled threats that he doesn't actually follow through with unless he's provoked. He was just yelling at the KKK fags like you would when you're trying to scare an animal off
kkk does not represent white race
Arthur is like a modern sjw living in 1890, one of thr worst characters ever made
What's wrong OP, you've been killed again by a team of white dudes online? It's okay goy, you can buy gold bars for an advantage.
Lmao no he isn't. He's just not a scumbag. He's a centrist if anything
kkk good
>kkk good
No. More like, how would an outlaw of the period actually react to them?
You are retarded and should be dragged out to the streets and be shot.
Why are you so obsessed with what people think of blacks? You'd live an happier life if you didn't thought about this shit and instead go back to Africa.
black man bad
I don't know how to tell you this, but the game does not have an unconscious state. You can't knock people out, if you hit them enough with what should be nonlethal damage, they simply die. I found this out when trying to knock out a man myself, and the game making it extremely evident that he had instead been killed. Further tests corroborated this fact, you cannot knock people out.
I don't hate white people, I hate white supremacists. Also I'm not trans.
Red dead 1 was the same, i don't know why rockstar has to always shove politics down my throat in his games, totally breaks the inmersion
>a AAA game made in 2018 can't do unconscious
>fucking Thief in 1998 could
How did we go BACKWARDS in 20 years?
>not a scumbag
>assaults trains and banks
>beat and kill honest people/ workers
But white guilt faggots like you do?
Why do you leftypol trannies want white people to hate their own race just for the benefit of non whites who hate the white race anyway?
>Why do you leftypol trannies want white people to hate their own race just for the benefit of non whites who hate the white race anyway?
I don't. I want white supremacists to stop hating non-whites. It doesn't bother me if white people love their own race, as long as they don't hate other races.
It's pretty simple.
There is no white guilt required to enjoy blasting kkk shitheads in vidya (or in real life for that matter). It's something all of us, no matter what race, gender or creed, can enjoy together.
Why should I hate my own race? Why do you support white genocide?
>I should hate people looking out for my races best interests
Why do you leftypol subhumans hate the white race?
I'm not asking you to hate your own race and I don't support white genocide. Why are you strawmanning?
White identitarianism isn't a problem. White supremacy is. The former is celebrating a white identity and culture, just like celebrating a black identity and culture. The latter is wanting to subjugate or exterminate other races.
so if a game lets us enslave a blm member would it be fun? and in real life too? wow
Why should I hate white supremacy when you anti white cucks openly support etho supremacists who do want to genocide the white race? Why do you want to subjugate the white race?
I don't support ANY ethnosupremacists. Black supremacy is every bit as retarded as white supremacy.
I don't want to subjugate ANY race. I want races to live as equals.
How is this hard to understand?
blm =/= kkk
A better analogy would be a game which lets you take on Boko Haram or something. Yes, that would be fun for us all
>I should hate people looking out for my races best interests
If you think the kkk represents best interests of whites, you're going to have to explain why you think this.
>my races best interests
>thinking that the interests of your "race" actually align with the interests of you as an individual
lmao cucked
Remember when faggots didn't sympathize with what we were shooting at in video games?
>create a strawman almost no one agrees with
>attack strawman
>claim victory over everyone who has any opinions at all in common with strawman
Classic NEETsoc debate tactics. You fuckers ruin every good discussion on /pol/ and since 2016 you've been ruining Yea Forums too.
Wrong. If you target someone with a gun when they're on the ground, the reticle changes to red, indicating they are still alive.
Ok I know you're a troll, but Jesus man. You should hate white supremacy because if your parents raised you with any sense of decency or compassion, youd know it's wrong. Not to mention misplaced. Know what's worse than any minority out there? Your typical white corporate shithead like Martin skreli who buys a patent to a lifesaving medication, just to raise it's price by 1000% for shits and giggles. Other races are not your enemy. The corrupt government full of evil men is. This applies to every country in the fucking world
The KKK supports the further existence of the white race, you leftists universally want to genocide the white race. Why should I hate the KKK if I don't want to be the slaves of non whites?
The corrupt government and corporations are made up of anti white leftists in Europe, being a white supremacist is the only moral position to take
You sound like such a faggot.
I'm going to bet if you took a DNA test you wouldn't be 100% white. You'd probably off yourself because you're too stupid to realize race mixing has been going on for thousands of years.
>hating the kkk means you hate whites
Lol retard
If you stick around you dumb faggot then you'll see that law does show up if you kill the Klan. It's just it takes longer than normal because the game really wants you to loot them and go.
this is literally false
Oh, yeah the US government isn't corrupt at all. That's why they're not 19 trillion in debt
Nice. Did you come up with that yourself? Very creative.
And theres people who unironically want to see bully 2 from nuRockstar.
As if a faggot like you would get his hands dirty if it really mattered.
>The KKK supports the further existence of the white race,
the klan spent most of the 20th century trying to keep catholics and european immigrants out of america despite them being "white." the kkk, like all racist organizations, have no interest in actually supporting individuals of their own race, they just want to chimp out and kill people who are slightly different then them
I hate black people because of the prejudice that exists against them.
there also are a lot of them in media who aren't able to talk the way they should since it's expected from migrants.
I am a migrant in my country as well and I adapted well enough.
aw shucks
I don't recall murder being okay with the white eugenics guy. You can punch him but he is the one who starts off the whole thing, considering Arthur gives who opinion on the issue only for him to sperg out and immediately start insulting him in the street. If he didn't do anything you'd call him a beta.
>defending an anti catholic group
Fuck off snownigger sympathizer
It's ok, They are democrats
there is a video on youtube when they do all they want with the guy (yes they kill him too) and the police wont do shit even if it happens in front of them
How come the Japanese don't do this? They sure don't make any games with explicit anti-Japanese theme, where you can punch a Imperial Japanese soldier, or some net right winger which suddenly circumvents the mechanics of the game.
But apparently, Europeans think what Rockstar did is acceptable, so they get everything bad coming to them. Its legitimately fucking sick. I wonder what members of production allowed it.
Normally I'd say you were overreacting but considering the Klan wasn't even active in 1899 and how the game handles the former slave owner mission (no choice to give him the shit or not and leave it in the players hands, just Arthur dumping his shit in a fire and saying how some legacys deserve to be pissed on) rockstar definitely had a agenda. The shit like that One Angry Gamer fag getting mad Tilly and Lenny speak proper is retarded though since it's mentioned Lennys father (a house nigger) taught him and Hosea/Dutch would have taught Tilly.
You don't attack that civil war guy in Rhodes and Arthur is pretty polite with him.
The dutch gang hilariously hold 21th century progressive views.
The first game wasn't anywhere near this PC.
Then why do KKK hate each other and isolate themselves into multiple groups
>rockstar definitely had a agenda
Oh, word, an anti-slavery agenda? People only say this shit for things they disagree with.
uhh, buddy, 90% of Japanese games that don't have you fighting and killing god have you destroying some sort of authority figure. Persona 5 is about anti Japanese as Japanese comes, the whole game is basically critically tearing apart Japanese society, culture and politics.
How many Japanese games feature Oda Nobunaga as a boss, villain, or similar? A ton.
As it should be
The federal government hates white people and seeks to infiltrate and destroy any pro white groups that threaten their credit based system
>because I'm trying to avoid killing people in this playthrough
How are you going to avoid killing hundreds of people on missions?
>At least he doesn't do the robbing and killing based on race
Leftists are jokes
heard this game was ass to plat
>if you don't support the KKK you're a transgender discord tranny
This tribalistic us vs them bullshit is insane
I chalk it up as "Arthur had to do it to take care of the gang", since most missions have Arthur doing that anyway.
Surprise, people had different opinions about things in 1890 too! Even about slavery! Why, they had a war about it!
Fuck off.
Wtf I love rockstar now.
You don't lose honor if you kill white supremacists in real life either.
Good much better than loving white people
Wow it’s almost like he’s an outlaw or something.
Why do you leftypol trannies hate the white race?
>kkk members are portrayed as a bunch of idiots
Uh, they are. You can hate black people and still look down on the KKK for being fucking dumbasses.
>tattooing a swastika on your body to nix it out as a sign of Nazi hatred
Did none of his friends tell him why this might be a bad idea?
White people deserve to be genocided.
>game portrays democrats as a bunch of retards and lets me kill niggers
based rockstar did it again
Rockstar became shit a long time ago.
The only non-PC dialogue in RDR1 comes from a drug addled comic relief character, and it was an explicit parody of early 20th century scientific racism.
>>kkk members are portrayed as a bunch of idiots
There are no college educated professors or doctors or scientists who are members of the KKK. Strangely enough most of them seem to be below average IQ - it's almost like it's an organization made up of fat inbred rednecks with bad teeth who have never travelled more than 100km away from the place of their birth
weird huh
>you can't rape Tilly
Honestly what's the point of this game?
Its quite strange that you cannot even buddy buddy with the KKK. Them also being fumbling idiots in the game takes away from their real impact on history.
RDR2 is such a mess.
>white nationalist
Just like every leftist is a communist. I hate modern political discourse, nobody actually knows what terms mean.
>you are smart if you worship niggers and wish for a white genocide
This is what leftypol trannies actually believe
also Herbert Moon
would you unironically contend that the kkk are anything but idiots?
based, how it should be
Nope. you loose more honor for double-taping a KO-ed enemy, and if you give it enough time they might get back up. saw it happen a few times. though there is a small possibility of them dying from punches.
Go ahead, tell us what the KKK is.
Nigger even Nazis straight up Nazis hated the Klan viewing them as illiterate backroad bumpkins
I don't hate non whites, I just want them to have 0 political power in my country so that we can hope to remain functional enough to not collapse and create a living hellscape for my children.
so you do hate non whites
literally Yea Forums
I wish them all the best, but the focus of national politics on racial issues has been a complete disaster.
okay retard
Imagine unironically wanting to have children when the entire planet is doomed anyway
So even though you skipped the introductory paragraph which explicitly identifies the organisation as white nationalist, which part of what you just posted sounds like it wouldn't be adequately described by the words "white nationalist" to you?