Ruins your combat

>ruins your combat

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What did Fatshit do now?

How so?

I don't understand how autists are still playing the same handful of missions still to this day

>can not dodge as far in succession
>new stagger mechanic. Basically enemies are alot harder to kill I.E. 1-2 extra hits unless you push them with your weapon.
>got told during the closed beta that it sucks and nobody wants this
>Devs go to leddit to say guys trust us its great

>basically its shit because i cant get good
All of those problems can be fixed with shitters getting good.

the only thing that needs to git gud is the game itself
retarded fucking swede devs

I used Parry anyway
Stagger allows me to kill them just as easily? Fine, I'll make sure to do that
The last point is just people that don't want to put effort into learning. If it's broke, I'll be sure to tell them myself when I get my hands on it, instead of crying beforehand.

>also market weaves like some be all end all new gameplay shit
>just levels backwards with entirely scripted encounters no randomness and shitty modifiers
>are legit baffled when people tell them that this was the stupidest thing to waste dev time on and to just make more maps or release mod tools
>slave rats now take 2 hits to kill on legend
>making a game harder means making enemies spongier
It makes the game feel like an utter slog because before it was about positioning and movement they basically just nerfed movement and made basic enemies spongier so now your forced to camp corners and hope your team has enough stamina to push enemies back instead of crowd controlling via a mix of movement and combat.
>instead of crying beforehand.
its literally been out for like 20 hours you can test it in base game

Remember how during the beta and internal test for WoM everyone repeatedly said the combat changes were dogshit, no one will ever touch Weaves, and the expansion is massively overpriced?

Surprising absolutely no one, turns out Fartshit didn't change a single thing from the beta.

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>lave rats now take 2 hits to kill on legend
>making a game harder means making enemies spongier
Legend was always a baby diff, its why players were asking for an add on difficulty, just move down a tier if its getting too hard for you.
This is the way it was always intended to be

Did they change combat to be client sided instead of host sided so I can actually properly stagger rats with my hits now? Hitting a rat only for it to power through my blow for half a second and hit me for half my health because loldifficulty is the main reason why I stopped playing. Even worse is how fucking blocking is dependent on the host so fuckers can hit you through your blocks too. Just fucking fix this and I'll go back to playing.

>giving an enemy more health makes a game feel more difficult in a meaningful way
no they ruined combat by making enemies tank more hits and making it impossible to kike groups

make sure to post you enormous grievances with the game by leaving a negative review OP so everyone can be warned how bad this game you spent 200 hours in is
so very very outrage

Was interested in picking up the game because its only 8 bucks right now. Played the first game, thought it was fun but didn't feel like it had enough content to really warrant consistent play. Seeing posts like are exactly what I'm talking about. My problem with 1 is that there were really not a ton of people playing (this was years ago). On PC, it was either a very small amount of starter rooms and then mostly turbo autist rooms that were hardcore only. Unless you were an autismo who no lifed the game since day one, it felt pretty rare to actually get a good game going with other people.

videogames dont have a meaning, stop being angry for not getting gud.

There's nothing I love more than listening to turbo-autists cry about how a new patch has ruined their game that they have put 1000 hours into playing.

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Don't do it. It will be fun but ultimately frustrating as you see and think of the potential that is completely wasted by incompetent and out of touch devs. Almost every decision they take is random and borderline retarded.
People want more maps, weapons and other shenanigans? We'll add more grind!
They don't understand what made their game appealing and are now trying as hard as they can to create a game as repulsive possible.
The item system is retarded and completely hostile toward players, fuck the devs, fuck the game. If you absolutely can't resist, don't buy into it unless it's dirt cheap with everything.

This is coming from one who was a die-hard fan of V1 and thought V2 would add up.

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If you got a buddy that's also interested, do it. Shit's a blast with someone else, and not just because "fun with friends is always fun" but because the game is frustrating without a level of either co-operation or just understanding that fuck ups happen. I've had hundreds of hours just doing random missions with a few online buddies and am looking forwards to the next expac and wondering how I'll have to play around the changes.
I look at it like a dark souls/roguelike kind of challenge, how best I can handle the bullshit they throw at me with the tools I have at the moment (health pots/bombs/ultimate charge) and eventually you start being able to run through missions like a hot knife through rat-flavored butter and it's just a zen state of enjoy-ability.

>and thought V2 would add up
To be fair, Vermintide 2 is just better than the first in every way except balance, but no matter what flavor of the week the balance was at it was always fun and satisfying to play. I have not played in months though, and haven't touched the Winds of Magic stuff, so maybe the devs have actually managed to fuck up in such a colossal way that somehow V2 isn't the direct upgrade to V1 it used to be.

they fucked the melee combat up to make shields not useless but in doing so made every weapon underpowered the steam review bombs are starting and leddit and official forum shitposts are gunna start flooding in its only a matter of time before the A double down or B scrap the whole thing.

>steam review bombs from manchildren
So kneejerk reactions from idiots. Did some popular streamer say this or something, is that why they're up in arms?

Do the new enemies show up in regular gameplay or just on the one new adventure level?

if you have the DLC they show up in all maps

I wouldn't say that V2 is straight up better in every aspect. For example V1 maps have more soul, especially the DLC maps, the castle the dwarfen ruin, the curier. Item acquisition was also much easier through the means of the quest board, which should have been ported over but wasn't to stretch out the games lifespan. Everything in V2 screams that it's stretching out time artifically, carrots on a stick can never be reached.
Endgame gear was at least acquirable via that method. Like hats dropped in V1 and don't do in V2. I've got almost all hats in v1 while having fewer hours clocked in than in two, which I don't even have half of them. The boxes at the end of the screen are retarded and you can get three junk items from your emperor's vault the same with your midget chest from lower difficulties.
Red weapons in vermintide two are lackluster, same with the item system in general. It was much more fun to fuck around with your loadout and weapon traits in V1.
All this is from the endgame perspective, which is completely bonkers in V2. It took me 500 hours to get the orange skull mace for Sienna, that's insane for a game that doesn't benefit the slightest from you spending a lot of time in it. Everything they built up on from release was with their old monetisation of chests in mind.
The crafting system is abysmally bad and wastes time.

These faggots don't know how to handle their game at all.

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