Do video games really lead to violence in real life?
Do video games really lead to violence in real life?
No shit sherlock
Of course they fucking don't
b-but i thought trump was based...fuck bros...
Of course not
No, parental neglect does.
Videogames are just one of the things they use to keep little Timmy occupied while they fill out divorce papers.
>Oh no! Don't destroy the industry Trump! How will i play shitty games!?
Ahem, the 2nd amendment extends to digital goods as decided in Grey v. Tulson
This is all distraction on Trumps part and bait on op's part.
Games are media and all media influences its audience. Video games aren't uniquely influential, and having influence is not itself a problem. An easily suggestible person can be moved to violence by any kind of media - the problem is not the media, but how suggestible the person is.
This thread is also now actually about video games. What have you been playing friends? I've been playing pic related.
Trump is actually BASED for wanting to censor games
The western games industry needs to be destroyed and rebuilt so this could inadvertently be a positive thing.
Fuck EA, fuck Ubisoft, fuck Activision Blizzard, fuck Bethesda, let all of them burn to the fucking ground.
was trying to progress in Siren until my flight
great game, i for some reason love the trial & error gameplay it has and i never get angry with it
Trump isn’t a politician they said, he won’t adopt the same bullshit rhetoric and smokescreen tactics they said
Why are american liberals so fucking retarded. Let's restrict the tools (guns) but not address the root of the problem (violent video games).
In their ideal world all guns, knives, and anything not made of plastic (or made of plastic that's too sharp) would be banned. They would live in a society of gamers that mass murder each other with punches, kicks, choking, etc.
Maybe at that point they'd contemplate just amputating everyone's limbs but no, they can't have that, how else would people play their precious fucking murder simulators?
>This thread is also now actually about video games.
Not with that OP it isn't.
>What have you been playing friends?
Finally got BWS working and install everything I needed so time for a fresh BGT re-run.
This. We need to export all the suggestible people out of here. To Canada.
How do we do that you ask?
We pump out enough propaganda that glorifies moving there. Someone start a gofundme.
i was gonna respond, but you seem too retarded
>Trump flip flops on gun control multiple times
>Trump flip flops on abortion and planned parenthood
>Trump flip flops on having the border wall funded by Mexico
>Trump flip flops on withdrawing from Syria
>Trump flip flops on replacing Obamacare with superior healthcare
>Trump flip flops on his enabling of white supremacists
>Trump flip flops on draining the swamp
>Trump flip flops on appointing a special prosecutor against Hillary
>Being anti-video games is one of the few opinions he has been consistent on (since 2012) and now you’re saying don’t believe that
I don’t understand Trump supporters. Why vote for a president who doesn’t mean anything he says?
>In their ideal world all guns, knives, and anything not made of plastic (or made of plastic that's too sharp) would be banned.
Yes, let us ban the plastic video games instead.
What can this conman do? His term is almost over. He's just blowing smoke just like with The Wall.
>sexual content in games is already heavily censored in the US
>now they're going to censor the violence too
Whats left?
No, and Rump ain't gonna' do shit, just like the last shooting a year ago because there's already evidence that shows vidya doesn't CAUSE fucking VIOLENCE.
Because supporting him is "owning the Libs".
>I don’t understand Trump supporters. Why vote for a president who doesn’t mean anything he says?
You fags forget who he was up against.
Just endgame grinding in MHW
You're being disingenuous. A favorite tactic of you and your friends. You know as well as I do that it's the content of those games that's dangerous to the psyche (especially of children), not the literal material of the media they're printed on.
Because he's a /pol/ meme that triggers libtards.
Man hasn't done shit for me. He can't even build a fucking wall. Fucking Romans were doing that for centuries.
Is that why you're the way you are?
let's start with bloggers
What is that supposed to mean? I didn't grow up on violent games like today's youth has if that's what you're implying.
>flip-flopping retard
>literal lizard person
I mean hell, no wonder the west is fading if this is all you retards can produce.
Violent videogames are 18+.
don't worry we can produce worse
Games are not more violent now than they were 10-15 years ago.
this is astral tier shitposting, and so topical that I couldn't even tell before this post! Good job user, you deserve this (You)
Why would you waste 3 paragraphs on bait this shit
You responded, and you should kys
Wow, it's like I'm really in the late 90s/early 2000s
Or we could just solve the problem by executing all Americans with low IQs and serious mental illness problems.
What are you doing here?
Literally nothing will happen.We're just as likely for states to start having their own movie content laws again.Games aren't under attack by the government.1st, and 2nd amendments are.
There won't be that many left.
>i couldn't possibly vote third party
>that'd be throwing my vote away
>obviously i have to choose between corporate shill #1 or corporate shill #2. how else will the country get better?
Exactly the point
Fucking retard
Can we just admit we voted for Trump because he was a chaos candidate and not for any ideological reasons?
i know it's for giggles but actual engineer would be more like the margin of safety against spillage is [insert maths here]
never ever want to exactly meet minimum requirements, unless you're a suit looking at dollar signs and then design a component to fail
not him but it's more about the system being flawed than the voters.
The real cause of all the mass shooting is white supremacy. Video games are just a scapegoat
Fucking retard
unless the third party grows by like 50000% it won't do anything due to americas election system
It's 50/50
I remember a lot of psychos in MW2 lobbies who probably should not have been playing that game at 14
On the flip side, i was playing duke 3d at 4 years old and here i am today so it honestly falls on the parents to realize what kind of media their kids consume. and with all these mass shooters, they come from a fucked up home and fucked up parents
>can we
This. It was a fun ride. But seriously we can't let him keep the nuclear codes.
Tool for exacerbatong an already distorted state of mind =/= root cause. Want to solve mass shootings? Have better mental health help for easily suggestivle retards.
By the way I've been playong the Outer Wilds, it's certainly on the list of possible goty candidates for me. Thanks Tim. More people need to play it.
its been less chaos and more republicans having free reign with racist grandpa rambling mixed in
Retarded cunt
Of course, no one was seriously following politics prior to trump being a meme.
>i couldn't possibly vote third party
>that'd be throwing my vote away
>obviously i have to choose between corporate shill #1 or corporate shill #2. how else will the country get better?
cant wait for Trump to order ActiBlizzard to stop developing the new CoD so we dont get another generation of kids learning how to maintain, reload and shoot a gun by playing Modern Warfare
Retarded cunt
Won't win, and will face the same obstacles trump has.
Unironically yes
Trump is an incumbent, which means he has a massive advantage. Which means the only way to beat him is to vote for the only party that stands a chance of beating him and has the resources to do so, which is the Democratic Party. If you don't vote, or vote third party Trump effectively wins by default and you end up implicitly helping him win
there's also this delusion that the presidency is a kingship and that voting for some third party candidate wouldn't end in twice the shitshow as the trump election, as even their hairdresser was investigated for RUSSIAN COLLUSION for disrupting the monoparty
not how presidential contests work
Video games don't lead to real-life violence. Facts are facts.
He was just a better option than Hillary.
>Want to solve mass shootings? Have better mental health help for easily suggestivle retards.
People having a little cry sesh won't solve anything.These are reactions people are having to their lives, and society.
Pathetic retard
Pathetic retard
This is what you get for messing with my lolis.
video game revenue per person is truly the most powerful statistic for this comparison
does anyone at vox have a triple digit iq
Yeah, seriously, we can't let him get ahold of the nuclear codes!
And then you notice that the supposed liquid does not diffract light.
Just restructure the very fabric of society as a whole bro, it's super easy dude
Truly an epidemic nation wide
we're back to this again aren't we?
i don't think killing every single american alive is a proper solution
Isn't that what they're doing slowly but surely already?
>we could have avoided the era of brown and bloom shooters
>south korea
Now show the "Freedom per person" graph and the 'violent knife deaths' compared to the UK.
The problem is incels and the root of incels is women having rights.
it amazes me how many mental gymnastics will americans do before acknowledging that maybe giving any degenerate psychopath a gun might not be such a good idea
i'm afraid i don't have clearance for this
this, mental help only helps the genuine crazies with real brain problems, it doesn't really target people with nothing to live for and unhealthy world views
there's nothing else you can do, the problem is america in whole
maybe it would get better if young people didn't have an apparent future out of a dystopian sci-fi novel too
in retrospect letting jack thompson shake down take two for no good reason would have owned
bioshock infinite, from hell's heart, i stab at thee
Didn't say it was, but your solution is homo.How about we stop the anti white shit, and destroying the 1st amendment?The US has gone through periods of terrorism, and violence before now anyway.And before 2001 btw.
it's a great idea, and your country is a client state, and you are a slave trapped in american political discourse lol
It amazes me how many mental gymnastics the modern moron will do before acknowledging that woman are inherently socialist and never deserved the right to vote.
>it's a great idea
it really is, every day more americans die
i dare say, you should make owning tanks and nukes legal, that way more americans can die
>degenerate psychopath
The socio-political duopoly can't agree on who qualifies for that.
but it's funnier to let them cause a civil war
Holy shit, did that cow just blame GUNS for MASS SHOOTINGS? Like how are the two even remotely connected?
wait until you are ruled over by central americans with nuclear weapons
you haven't seen anything yet brah
No, the majority of Americans agree on who that is and how to deal with them. Rethuglicans owned by the NRA simply will not act on it.
mass shootings aren't caused by video games, guns, or even mental illness, it's negligent parenting. Mom and dad get divorced, mom keeps the kid since the courts favor the mom, mom barely spends time with kid because she has to work 3 jobs to support so she lets tv/video games babysit her kid, kid grows up with no parental figure to teach them that the violence is wrong so the end up getting desensitized
remember when that cow blamed games, television programs, and music for violent crime
based cow
Oh special little /pol/flake, how triggered can you possibly get?
>No, parental neglect does.
nah, it's inceldom
The problem is actually fixing itself as we speak since more and more often the kid would just take girl pills if male or become a BBC fetishist if female and remove themselves from equation in a decade at most.
>tfw the american flag has 13 stripes, but also 50 stars
Really makes you think.
Assuming Killary isn't democrat candidate again does this mean we can Gamers Rise up and cast this guy and his pals the NRA out of office?
they bend over backwards with bullshit justifications
Oh no
Is it her turn?
If you follow politics at all what so ever then you'd know hillary is not running. The democrat candidates have been known for a while now.
he knows exactly what he's doing
he also knows no one that voted for the orange will vote for a democrat for the rest of time
Only decent bait in the thread, and nobody really took it the way they were supposed to.People were supposes to see "white supremecist" and sperg out, but it didn't happen
sorry if i see the name trump three times in a post i stop reading
Get back to me when he does something, till then bullshit words.