Arthur Morgan:
>most white people are dumb
Why video games are mocking white people?
true statement.
If you've ever worked retail you know it to be true
because making fun of white people = more shootings = getting guns banned
it's all part of the jews plan.
you can just go on twitter and do exactly that until 1 snaps and starts shooting niggers
Why video games are mocking white people?
>most white people are dumb
I've seen married white women try to play 50/50 with a pregnancy when they've been fucking two side blacks and maybe once a month with their husband..
most white people are fucking retards that just so happen to belong to western civilization after it peaked.
more sales
because dumb brown people actually believe that shit
I remember people trying to buy Grand Theft San Antonio and Tom Cooper’s Ghost Racoon
we must never rise up or they will make video games illegal and then we would have nothing to do with our meaningless lives
Most white people are dumb, though.
It's trendy to bash the winners. Just ignore the lefties, niggers, chinks, spics etc.
>most white people are dumb
You're part of that 'most' if you don't agree with this.
If you were a winner you wouldn't be posting here.
>lol just ignore them as they outbreed and outvote you
Because white people are fixated on individualism and cannot defend as such against a collectivist mindset who's against them.
>most white people are dumb
>however, a good portion are the smartest out of all the races, not to mention tolerant! Civilization as we know it would not be as advanced as it is, if not for the fellow whites!
woah, incredibly based bros... he gets my vote
The definition of winner in this case is vague but I think I qualify as one just like my father, his father and so on.
I live in a country where neither of those things are happening.
I think with any civilization it’s just a few smarties that make it work. The average human being is retarded and I accept the possibility I am retarded
Well most white do live in countries where those things are happening.
White supremacy is just a coping mechanism for personal failure. If you were truly proud of yourself you wouldn't feel the need to seek pride in your race. You may as well take pride in your hair or eye color for all it matters.
why are americans so obsessed with race
>I think with any civilization it’s just a few smarties that make it work
no that's not how it works. When the collective IQ of a country dips below the threshold required to maintain the infrastructure of previous generations it will be quite eye opening.
White supremacy is now whites just wanting to be left alone. Most people don't want to live around niggers it has nothing to do with supremacy.
Mental gymnastics to justify stealing native land and using slaves
That's what they want to tell you but it's nothing like that. It's about inheriting this great civilization and now it's your turn and duty to develop it. Of course I'm proud and thankful of what my forefathers did for the sake of their children and I intend to return the favour.
It's part of living in a multicultural democracy.
Why are incelchan posting on this site? Go back to your "superior" dead chan.
their boat got sunk multiple times so even the last rats have deserted the ship and found other places to infest.
How come you fucks always seem to lose your mind and go violent when you claim it’s peaceful. Any group that’s about racial separation always turns violent. You can’t control that autism for long
Iq has been going up for the past decade. People are more educated. The only reason things suck now is the internet is everywhere and it’s easier for retards to spread misinformation
Nah. That's just all people.
>Europe is less diverse, so we don't need your stupid american identity politics.I'm smart even if I just ape the immigration politics of America.
He doesn't say that, he says he's meet people of all races who are good, bad and brainlets.
Probably has something to do with the civil war. Europeans wouldn't know because they've never had to murder each other to realize blacks are equals.
It's Americans, it's always Americans.
Americans are a nation of slaves.
Right now, they are slaves of Israel, and they have been brainwashed to hate whites.
Even the American far right is a bunch of anti-white racemixers.
America is incapable of being right-wing, and is, in fact, the biggest enemy white people have ever faced.
Want to save white people?
Destroy the USA, they are the source of all anti-white sentiment.
>consuming western media
>refering to playing videogames and watching movies as "consuming"
What's with millennials all talking like corporate representatives?
its rather easy too since you only have to get rid of half of america
I'm proud of what your forefathers did too, now gibs me dat
No, the problem is that the US population is way too easy to manipulate.
Look at how all the American right-wing movements have easily been derailed into being man vs woman slapfights.
America and all Americans need to be destroyed.
As long as they exist, the world will be unstable.
We truly got the bad ending during the Cuban Missile Crisis.
>why are video games racist towards white people?
Welcome to modern politics where racism is whatever "they" say and the individual doesn't matter.
Americans are bad but the mind virus spread and europes youth is just as bad
If you think leaving a power vaccum in place where America would be is a good idea you're a fucking retard
I am hoping China and Russia destroy each other in their attempt at filling that vacuum.
then Wakanda can rise up
White supremacy is just fact. Whites created all of modern civilization, have the most prosperous and highest quality of life countries in the world, and the most beautiful people both spiritually and physically.
Keep coping.
Most people are dumb. That applies to whites. Stop being a triggered little millenial culture warrior.
Also, notice how everytime they complain about people, it's always specifically whites, and when they complain about women, it's specifically white women, as if non-whites were better at anything.
Not to mention the rampant cuck fetish in the US, and the culture around nigger worship in the US, to the point where even Americans in /pol/ talk like a bunch of niggers with their "thot", "ho" and all that shit.
>have the most prosperous and highest quality of life countries in the world
What is Singapore and Japan
it's not survival of the fittest any more for whypos
i'm a little late to the party but i figure i'd just post this, since its relevant.
a black person commiting a mass shooting is a very common event and hardly newsworthy, while broadcasting about a white shooter is politically correct and fits the narrative, and for some reason latinos are counted as white
video games
Black crime doesn't make the news because the Jews don't want it to. Not because it is more common
>racism against whites
>racism against minorities
>what the fuck you white devils why you shooting us
something, something demonization
sorry i couldn't find a better formated picture
believe it or not folks despite being 13% or the population black people commit around 50% of violent crimes in the country, and if you consider the fact that most of the time its men who commit these crimes it becomes more like 6%
this kind of projecting is common in media nowadays as it is considered pc and its racist to question it. Videogames are now bigger than movies or tv shows so big money can influence the content of the games that reach the masses.
Nobody justifies that shit except right wing media. Everybody knows it was a shitty thing but there's no going back and changing it
Can i be a husslepuff?
Why are whites dying out then?
If you go on shootings because of it doesn't it just prove them right?
It's so easy to spot ESLs.
Yeah when black people / mexicans / asians come in, I know I'm in for a good time.
>Most people are dumb.
Yeah, I agree. I hate people.
>Most white people are dumb.
Wtf no.
Psst. If the statement "most white people are dumb" offends you, you're one of the dumb ones.
Boomers are scum sucking dipshits, but white people are far more close to actual human beings than any other group. I've worked it retail for nearly a decade now and the worst customers are Indians and chinks, niggers at least only come in when they actually have money to buy a fucking business suit, which is what I sell; asians will remorselessly waste your time and effort.
Is there anything worse than dealing with a Karen? Even outside of customer service they're so bad.
Europeans have murdered each other for far less, especially slavs and particularly yugoslavs.
Estonia really isn't white as you imagine it anyway. They look kinda white, but they are as savage as mexicans.
Lmao, 600,000 dead white men for a lie. Well, more like 30 million dead white men if you count the world wars too, also fought for lies.
Are you implying ww2 was fought because of the holocaust?
Sounds like that's exactly what we need today, more people willing to get their hands dirty instead of spoiled, pussified millennials.
If getting your hands dirty means dealing drugs and committing crime with the intent to go to jail in wealthier countries then sure.
Racism towards white people is fully justified if their bourgeois mannerisms are being mocked.
>1 billion
>dying out
lol ok
Because people are realizing that whites people are a bunch of dumbfucks who the world would be better if they all died tomorrow.
No, that's just your problem for being poor.
>imagine being white in 2019
it's over white boi, we takin ovah
>most people are dumb
>and niggers are the dumbest
how did he get away with it?
Take out the boomers, fool, worldwide reproduction rate is like 0.7.
Black Karen, also known as Shadow or Dark Karen.
A violent enviroment creates worthwhile people, yes.
A peaceful one creates "people" like millennial scum.
Oh no that would leave only 700 million
The white race is literally extinct
Huh, I guess the negro ghettos create the most worthwhile of people. You should go visit so you can become worthwhile as well. After that you can visit somalia.
I've never worked in retail cuz I'd kill myself but
>Knew this girl in high school
>She worked at a bargain box
>Would drop in because I was collecting all of the resident evil hard copies, just bought 3 and was waiting for them to stock 2
>Some guy comes in with like 7 games
>Madden 2002 and other old games absolutely no one would fucking buy
>"I can give you 8$ for these" she says
>"That's less than a dollar a game!" the guy says
>"...There's 7 games here sir"
Granted that was probably unprofessional of her to say but I had to hold back everything not to bust out laughing
No, because they are black, they are stupid.
maybe there was one of these in it
Well estonians aren't black but they're still pretty stupid and thuggish. They make russians look cultured.
I would hope she docked it to even less than 8$ if that shit was in there
Jews doing this in the first place proves Hitler right. But yeah, I suppose the effects of attacking white males nonstop from every angle, while at the same time flooding countries with brown people to replace them, and also bannng free speech and guns, will so predictably lead to violence that anyone who obliges them is a tool.
>correcting someone is unprofessional
Never change, Yea Forums.
Nice, they are likely to stomp the fuck out of muslims if they get near them, then.
Other whites could learn from them, instead of being "tolerant".
I was under the impression that if you're correcting a customer you had to use kid gloves.
Instead of saying "You're wrong" you've got to say something like "You're on the right track but"
At least that's how they taught me to correct people when I volunteered at a science center
>Iq has been going up for the past decade.
Actually, it has been going down for the past two decades. For the first time in this century, people are getting dumber in the west.
We had climbed up a good average of 10 points over the last century. Although this has fuck all to do with actual intelligence and everything to do with better health care, dietary customs and so on.
However, last decade or two saw a decrease of median, which is really, really fucking odd.
They're just another violent minority user. If it's profitable, they'll group up with muslims to deal more drugs.
Not wrong. Altruism is the dumbest thing whites ever could have tried. Trying to civilize these creatures of color. The Chinese won't make the same mistake though I think.
Muslims are anti-drug with their beloved Sharia law, so they will be sworn enemies.
There's a lot that could be learned from slavs and their no-bullshit attitude.
>Muslims are anti-drug with their beloved Sharia law
Trust me, they aren't. That's why they're such an issue. Muslim infested areas are a hotbed for drug dealing.
Probably because the only people that actually call themselves white supremacists are nutjobs. Everyone intelligent is just lowkey slightly racist, because slight racism is generally no worse than any other opinion you could hold on people from personal experience.
>trust me
No, thanks.
You're pretty gullible if you think muslims don't drink or deal drugs in europe.
That's because most people are dumb, whites included.