>Still nothing to play since GoW came out last year
When is the drought going to end for fucks sake?
Still nothing to play since GoW came out last year
>look up top 20 games this year
>One single exclusive (Sports game) rest is multiplat
Lmao what the fuck
>implying GoW was even worth playing
ps4 has the weakest lineup of any playstation
>implying based Moriko would fall for the Sony meme of all things
>implying she's not too busy with MMOs and being a housewife for her white boyfriend
That sts user score because people are shit at games
No love for Days Gone or Judgment? I really enjoyed those two.
Still butthurt over ps4 I see
Butthurt that i bought a console and now have nothing to play yes
Either you're very picky or a brat. Which exclusives have you actually played?
lmao seething ninintendo fanboy
muh exclusive movie!
kill yourself retard
>Butthurt that i bought a console and now have nothing to play yes
More like butthurt because you couldn't afford to buy a console
>fuck your movie games
>give me persona
persona 5 is trash though
is the fridge supposed to be Bloodborne?
best games usually arent exclusive on none nintendo systems. and mhw icebourne, and borderlands 3 are right around the corner. gears of war 5 is as well if you own an xbox but thats 1rst party.
Everybody's Golf back in 2017. No other exclusive since
CTR is also exclusive for now
CTR is on the Switch and the Bone. It's also a remake of a 20 year old game with microtransactions.
>Thats what Sonybros really believe
I dunno for you but im still waiting for Iceborne
>the famous waiting game
literally a yearly release on Sony's system
It will end soon, and im waiting of my own accord so it doesnt bug me too much
Happy PS4 owner here
Why would I give a shit about Sony's worthless western 1st party cinematic "games"? Playstation is absolute GODtier with 3rd party jap games alone
Arent they all on Switch/Steam uncensored tho?
End of life cycle, my man. Slowed down rate of exclusive releases on the old device as they ramp up production to have a lineup of 5-10 games at launch for the new system. It sucks but it's pretty standard fare.
But the Ps3 had amazing games at the end of its life cycle or atleast people say it had them
which jap games? please help
>im waiting of my own accord so it doesnt bug me too much
I don't even need to paraphrase this. HOLY SHIT.
what anime?
About 2% are on Switch, all delayed with no exceptions that I know of (DQB2 maybe?).
About 40% are on PC, a large portion of that are year/2/3+ old ports that got there way after their relevancy for me, the rest are also delayed to a lesser extent, and only 1% have a simultaneous releade date.
So for all intents and purposes PS4 is still the go-to GODtier consoles. I also have a good PC and no problem playing in it, it just so happens that PS4 is still the superior version and things don't look like they'll change with PS5. If Nier Automata comes out 3 weeks earlier on PS4 then it's pretty much a PS4 exclusive in my eyes, same for all the other games with ANY sort of delay on PC.
Pretty vague question, easily answered with the hundreds of lists you can find online.
But i am, i skipped on World because i knew an ultimate was coming, and here we have Iceborne. Its been a rough 1 year and 8 months
>not waiting less than a month to play objectively superior versions of a game
Name a single multi-plat game that isn’t a visual novel or anime game with boobs that is objectively better on the Switch than on the PS4
>the same first two posts as yesterday
I'm not an empty-brained vagabond with zero tastes that just so happens to haphazardly play whatever lands on his lap, between his drooling adddiction of CSGO and DotaChess.
A 3 week delay of Automata would be intolerable to any fan of Taro, it would be impossible to avoid spoilers too, lest you avoided all places you often visit during that period. Even that wouldn't work though, because it was such a shit port than many PClets had to troubleshoot on release day and got massively spoiled in the meanwhile.
If I was like you and didn't give a shit about games then yeah I wouldn't mind delays and playing whatever is in front of me without a care in the world. Thankfully I'm not a dispassionate zombie.
I really enjoyed Judgment even though it will probably be on PC in a year or two. I've been busier with my Switch so far this year to be honest.
who mentioned the switch?
Someone has the grumpy dumpies :O
>tfw you realize the PS4 is nearing its end-of-life with only one (1) fucking worthwhile exclusive
Attn: Sonyfags,
Just got my first Sony Console (PS3, will end up with a PS4 later)
What exclusives have I been missing out on the most?
what genres do you like?
>hundreds, thousands of games in the last 30 years
>op has nothing to play
Being a single console fanboy with shit taste in video games must be miserable.
Pretty broad taste, though I tend to not enjoy straight-up fighters. I ended up buying it to continue the Yakuza series if that helps. especially interested in any RPGs or games with unconventional mechanics/stories.
Demons Souls
God of War
Why not play some older games you might not have tried? Right now, i'm playing through sleeping dogs definitive edition. It looks great and i find it much more fun to play than gta, movement is very snappy and responsive, and combat has combos, parries, grabs, environmental finishers it's great. Driving is also very fun and more arcady, you can ram other cars burnout style. Hong kong is a very striking setting, and the radio stations have some catchy tunes, some licensed, other original compositions. Highly recommended!