name a character that is a bigger bro than junpei.
Name a character that is a bigger bro than junpei
He’s only a bro if you play as the girl, otherwise he’s just some fag that gets mad at you and then apologizes
Atsuro, Junpei is based but Atsuro is on a whole other level.
i thought about playing the undub until i heard dub junpei. it's literally perfect.
I cast truck.
Guy from Tales of the Abyss
Yosuke from Persona 4
Yosuke isn't a bro he's a lacky. Nobody in Persona 4 is anything but a lacky.
I've thought about playing P3P because of direct commands and to play as a girl, but I know Junpei would be my favorite and I already know he's off limits to romance.
That girl with spats and a bowl cut seems cool
>never played the game im just into that
Shut up Stupei lol
Nobody in this game has a personality. She's just the one in spats so tomboy fags can go OMG SPATS TOMBOY FAP FAP FAP! She has no actual character.
Just try it out. Even if you can’t romance him he’s still a total bro towards you
okay tranny
Well she has a character, it's just really bad
>”waaaaah I can’t self-insert anymore”
>being a tranny
mega yikes
>stops himself from fading away from existence just to save his little sister
Based and Atsubropilled.
Everyone in Persona 4 has a character. They're all just... Annoying? Is that the right word?
Yosuke - typical dude bro that can't get bitches
Kanji - sexually confused >big guy came straight out of /fit/
Naoto - hates having tits and like police stuff
Yukiko - stuck up bitch with a Tidus tier laugh
Chie - Meat and Kung Fu 24/7
Rise - Likes to sing and dance. Dick her down any day desu
Teddy - obnoxious gay bear
Adachi - edgelord
Yu - in the anime, a total Chad
Well maybe I should have worded it better. They have a "character" they just don't have a story.
You know nothing loser
They're one note, is what they are
They make the mistake of tying character development to social links, which doesn't work since the characters are the same at the start of the game and at the end.
Ok listen her you little shit tomboys are top tier I've never played 4 so you can say what you want about spats girl but im still into that
You can like a character's design without liking how they're written. I'm a massive reverse trapfag and Naoto got on my nerves more and more with each subsequent playthrough to the point I didn't even do her link on the third and final, but I still appreciate her appearance.
If you can even call that character development. They're pretty much all just upper middle class retards whining about how good they got it.
>Any further P3 content we ever get will have a shitty new voice for Junpei because based Vic Mangina got #metoo'd
Why can't nice things happen?
>Any further P3 content we ever get will have a shitty new voice for Junpei because based Vic Mangina got #metoo'd
Unfairly, too
I wanted him and Chidori to live a long happy life together it's not fair bros
Yangus, innit?
Any further P3 content we would have gotten would have been shitty PQ or arena shit where everyone is written like P4 LOL SO WACKY characters anyways.
I think my problem with P4 wasn't that the characters weren't written decently for what they were, it's that I had no sympathy for their mewling about their non-problems when their archetypes from P3 faced much worse shit with a better attitude.
Yukiko is the standout example:
>Just watched a girl the same age be forced into taking over an entire Zaibatsu and fixing all the shitty unethical experiments her father approved, which she does with incredible bravery and maturity
I haven't played the story mode of the P4 Arena games but I hope the P3 characters just call the P4 ones whining faggots every interaction.
Isn't he fairly conservative too? I wouldn't be surprised if it was someone jumping on the chance to deface him. I'm not a colossal Mitochondria fan by any stretch of the imagination, but it's hard to imagine anyone else as some of his English roles.
At least I don't have to worry about it too much with Junpei because is right, P3's story is wrapped up tight so anything else he appears in will probably be near-unreadable shovelware.