What happened with that whole city of heroes drama from April 2019?
I followed a bunch of the threads but got sick of them
City of Heroes
Other urls found in this thread:
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Game is back and there is bunch of servers. One is 4chin server and the others are run by reddit, trannies and the faggot who held the game hostage.
Which is the good one? I want to try it out
Take a guess
the second one, 4chin is a major pile of shit and at least the redditors can laugh at things.
It’s obvious, I mean what’s it called
What a loser
Honestly if it comes to regular interactions I will take any redditor over a 4channer. This site is chock full of people that are so damn bitter, myself included.
I think I'd rather take the baiting morons and actual children of Yea Forums over reddits incessant smug posting and complete lack of originality.
It died rapidly because the only good part of the game is the character creator.
I played the game for about a year and bought the expansion. All I did was remake characters again and again
>wants to spend time with kids
lol ok pedo
Pretty much
>Game shuts down to to Korean Jews in 2012
>Hero dev secretly leaks the whole she-bang to someone to leak to the public
>Said someone is a faggot Argentinean named Leando
>Instead of giving it to the internet, he makes his own super sekret private server and charges people to use it.
>Does everything he can to keep his secret club secret, making fat stacks from it.
>One heroic neckbeard tells the world about it
>The entire internet descends on faggot Leandro with a mighty autism storm
>Leandro buckles after fear of bitcoin assassins.
>Gives some of the code at first, and after more bullying gives the rest but is still resentful
>All is good and work is being done, but then the tranny running the dev-build get spooked by fake DMCA (likely sent by Leandro)
>Serb down, people freak, blame is thrown
>Divide between reddit trannies and Yea Forums as they vie to get a server going.
>something about a Russian, and a bit more autism magic they get a server going
>Everyone else gets their own servers, happiness
>Then everyone stops playing after a few months since the game was boring as fuck
People realized it was shit, nostalgia is a bitch
Call me in 100 years when we have proper modding guides
Is there a guide to playing this? Ideally I'd want the Yea Forums server
The one by the guy who initially held it hostage. Reddit one is too hugboxy and the Yea Forums one is riddled with issues but people don't care because you can say nigger on it without getting a chatban.
>Can only find guides and info thru the way back machine