I dont care about the rest, but:
Burger king > McDonald's
American KFC is E tier, in most parts of the world it's B tier because of various delicious burgers they do with chicken. Australia, New Zealand, fucking Russia do crazy shit with those.
Discuss what? There's no games.
This is unironically the worst tier list I have ever seen, good job.
>in n out in F tier
Flyover state cope. Imagine hating what you can never have.
I had KFC in china and couldn't believe how different and excellent it was compared to american KFC.
I wouldn't eat at KFC if you bought my meal and paid me a sum of less than a few hundred dollars here in the US, but I get a craving for chinese KFC every once and awhile.
subway is literally going bankrupt because of how shit their food and business model is
>Chick fil a
>F tier
Bait if I've ever seen it
>no chick-fil-a s+ tier
>chicfila in F
>taco bell and KFC in anything but garbage tier
Weak bait.
This list angers me
>Fastfood chains in anywhere but F or E
Jesus Christ, eat some real food, you fat fucks.
Gaemer fuel
Massachusetts resident for 23 years, Dunkin donuts is C or D tier their coffee needs tons of cream and sugar and their food is microwavable shit
Krispy Kreme is shit, Dunkin is arguably even better.
What bizzaro world do you live in?
In Russia right now and can confirm it's at least 100x better than what you can get in the US
This. Mcd has better fries and their sundae machine always works
>KFC in F tier
>Taco bell isn't in F tier
This has to be a bait list right? This can't be an actual opinion someone holds.
You missed out on when Cinnabon was good, and less expensive.
>Subway at S tier
>Doesn't even mention Jimmy John's
You have shit taste.
KFC is fucking garbage. Taco bell is still mediocre, but nowhere near as bad as everything below it.
Shame. Feel like I'm missing out on some good burger places too because I live in shitty rural ohio.
Hell no
Imagine being an amerifat
i don't get what the Five Guys hype is. i tried it and the burger was burnt to fuck and the fries were okay at best. i do like their hot dogs, though.
>subway in anything other than f tier
Fucking casuals
Panera is ok but absolutely not work what they charge. Also, around here, people are fucking obsessed with Raisin Cane's and I just don't get it. It's solid for sure but I've never once been there where the place wasn't packed as fuck inside, drive through was 20 cars long, and the wait was 30 minutes. Shit's like that right up until closing time and I don't fucking get why. It's good but not THAT good and certainly not anything special.
Jack in the box is terrible, kill yourself.
I don't get why people never mention how shitty thier burgers are packaged. The bottom bun is always pressed and steamed into a soggy broken mess.
How the fuck is this considered a good burger?
>Krispy Kreme higher than Dunkin Donuts
Into the fucking trash it goes
SS tier coming through.
Popeye's is SS tier
The samefag is strong. Dunkin's pastries literally taste like they're stale. Krispy is always soft and fresh tasting.
Also their coffee is shit.
Where's the Bee?
I just had Little Caesars the other day and holy fuck it's good.
The standard Krispy Kreme donuts is like eating sugary air, and the rest of their selection sucks
>6 chains ive never even heard of
>hardees and carls jr on the same list
>S tier
How the fuck can someone's taste be this bad? My cheap ass maxwell house breakfast blend that I make every morning tastes better than any of their shit.
Tell me why people like chic-fil-a?
I've eaten there and it's never been anymore than "just okay", but I see people all the time talking like their food makes them jizz their jeans with a single bite. I don't get it.
Obviously it's subjective but to me it's some of the best food you can get from a fast food chain. Problem is it's expensive and the portions aren't filling, and the one near me is always hilariously crowded
I also don't get it
And their fries suck
I feel like im going crazy about this but did BK change the shit they put on/in their fries? I swear they use to shit on McD 15 years ago, now they taste like shit
It's probably because CFA hate the gays, and people can't dissociate a tier list for food and their social and humanitarian beliefs.
>Raisin Cane's
I don't get it either. In fact, I think their chicken strips are the worst around. They have no breading, taste bland as fuck, are usually hot as fuck, aren't even crispy, and the skin peels off leaving you with this hot, moist chunk of chicken. The texas toast is the only good thing about Raising Cane's.
Being junk food, it's still pretty tasty, but I'd rather have McD's chicken strips or even Burger King's chicken fry things they had for awhile.
BK changed in general a while back to try and be more like McDonalds and every change was for the worse
Fuck Chipotle and any "Mexican" place that puts fucking rice in burritos for that matter
>stabucks on top
0/10 not even gonna bother looking at rest of picture
Here's one I made a little while ago.
Arby's is pretty dang gud if you don't get the roastie beef.
Chicfila is always tasty.
BK always makes me sick now, used to like it but they changed somehow.
Refuse to go to McD's since the local places hire shitty teens who always fuck up your order.
KFC and subway is garbage.
Taco bell is mediocre but not as offensive as KFC/subway.
Wendy's seems okay but haven't had it much.
Panera and cipolte are great but I wouldn't consider them fast food, more like halfway-fast food.
But always remember to support the local places exclusive to your area, because they're probably way better than any of the stuff I listed above.
I don't even know what most of these even are
KFC should be F.
I don't really give a shit what you think of everything else, but KFC is irredeemable garbage at this point. It's a shame, I used to like it.
>In N Out at bottom
>Jack in the Box at the top
Oh, this is just bait.
actual facts and logic coming through:
its all location based. been to an in-n-out that was fucking dogshit terrible (fries were like rocks and the burger was soggy) despite other in-n-outs being just fine or ss tier.By the same token theres a panda express near my house that has way better shrimp than any other panda ive ever been to.
I unironically love Subway. Especially the BBQ rib and ROAST BEEF, Honey Mustard. Favourite since a kid. May not be vidya's, but damn I'm hungry.
Have you ever tried Canadian A&W?
>A thread about a game i like was deleted by a mod for no apparent reason, but a thread about american fast food chains gets to stay up for hours
Get the spicy deluxe, it's objectively the best thing on the menu.
Regular sandwich is just
Buttery bun
And lacks a big flavor profile aside from salt and fat.
Cook Out beats all that shit
Jack in the Box has pretty meciocre burgers but they're fairly cheap compared to the other options.
What can I say? People like food. Plain and simple.
Just how it should be
>5 guys in D
You must have dropped your brain in a fucking deep fryer you absolute mongoloid
>thread's been up for two hours
it isn't even a thinly-veiled off-topic thread
>in most parts of the world it's B tier because of various delicious burgers they do with chicken
Can confirm, UK KFC does good burgers
Also they recently improved their fries
>5 guys in S tier
man i'd love to have an american's taste in food. imagine being that impressed by brutally average food
Why the hell is KFC B tier, chicken tastes like ass, and the skin is greasy as a bottle of KY jelly. Also their restaurants have the finest smell of fresh anal shit that missed the toliet by just a few centimetres, and now just sits on the floor.
Oh wait, it's a Taco Bell - KFC combo... that's even worse.
>Chick-fil-A and In-n-out in F
disliking good things doesn't make you unique
No Wienerschnitzel = Bad list.
Also subway should not be at top.
apparently pic related only exists in the midwest?
was gonna say something about subway being below F tier, but after looking closer the whole thing is bait.
can't really say it's shitty bait since you got so many bites, somehow.
I have most of these restaurants available too me in a 5 mile radius. Is that bad?