You know them, the ones that had you rage and finally give in to searching them up on google. Be honest.
Hardest vidya puzzles/quests
wait a minute, that claw...
Todd always deliver
mournings end 2 in rs2
Never got stuck so bad I couldn't figure it out eventually
I was 11 when I played this and this shit here perplexed me.
wait a minute
that one unclimbable post
real shit
>his puzzles dont require him to take a 20 or 30 minute lesson on an abstract real world subject such as music theory or gene sequencing
get on my fucking level
This was such bullshit, I can't imagine ANYONE solving this on their own.
The bookstore puzzle in Silent HIll 3 on the hardest puzzle difficulty. Once I looked up the solution to that, the rest of the riddles were actually not that bad.
Pretty much every runescape quest with no guide. I mean how am I supposed to know to do that stuff?
Name a single good puzzle in a non-puzzle game. They are either too either or they are retarded in a way that requires trail and error with no actual hints what to do
too easy*
Not even phoneposting, just sleep-deprived
Fuck puzzles. Seriously, why the fuck are there even puzzles in games that don't even center around them?
this and recipe for disaster / one small favor
Unironically took me forever. I didn't expect the answer to be right the fuck in front of you.
Is Skyrim worth the effort to mod and setup for VR?
I have a headset, but I just use it for pornography and Beat Saber. Tried Fallout 4, it was such JANK that I stopped trying other games plus I got some crypto miner from the torrent and that scared me.
Are you thick? Jesus fucking christ i hope this is bait.
i think i got it now
>keep repeating random moves for 10 minutes until it works
was gonna post this
Took me two hours to leave Archives in golden eye back when it came out.
Kept doing a circle I think
Pretty much everything before the year 2000 or so. For example, Everquest would have been fucking impossible if it wasn't for the internet and millions of people. Or let's talk about the location of the 9th level in The Legend of Zelda (NES). Find that one completely random spot on a wall and hit it with a bomb, which are in short supply. Just keep bombing everything in the fucking world and hope to get lucky. Christ.
... well, 'a' million. I was online when the head honcho did a world broadcast "Well, we just broke 1,000,000 players" ... it was a pretty big deal back then. Most people were sitll on AOL dialup. ah, nostalgia.
when i was 11 i figured this out in seconds
Looking at that map reminds me of what a work of art that game was. The progression through the map by needing certain items, like the raft, or upgraded items. Brilliant design.
I was like 12 when Castlevania: Simon's Quest came out. I got stuck on this one part for a month or so where I simply didn't know what to do or where to go. I never did beat it.
Why does bioware put this in every game without changing it one bit?
That one murder in bl2, but it doesn't matter if you're wrong.
I'm ashamed to admit that when I was a kid I couldn't beat The Curse of Monkey Island 3 wuthout help.
Jesus I hated this. That and the blatant math problems from TSL. I love the franchise, but the puzzles really were hit and miss.
this is easy compared to some of the other bullshit in the game
are you retarded? just buy the fuckin vr version of the game.
best way to avoid crypto miners and viruses is to actually purchase ur entertainment products, dipshit
>just re-re-re-re-repurchase skyrim, goy
lel no
i'd rather download a free software to remove malware, thanks
hello fellow ancient man
this one I remember the most for some reason
>be 12
>have no ear for music whatsoever
>google wouldn't exist for years
I was 19 when that game launched.
Baba is you is too hard for me
Fuck that shit
>tfw you forget to put the bomb in and have to do it again
Fucking easy, this shit had an 18 year old me scratching me head for 2 hours before giving in and looking up a walkthrough about 7 years ago.
Penumbra was no joke.
They’re pretty simple once you get the idea. You pick a tile and do circles in 2x2 (with 3 actual tiles) panes and gradually trade it around these panes until it’s where you want. Doesn’t have to be 2x2, but it revolves around doing circles.
Wind waker had bigger ones at the oasis and it was a good way for quick rupies.
Don’t ask me how to do a rubix cube tho, I’ve got no fucking clue.
dude, just know binary lmao
Fatal frame 2 had one with a similar concept.
Tales of puzzles are so fucking stupid
In Zestiria, there's this one where you have to light torches on fire in order according to the number at their base. It starts off fine, but for some reason it doesn't seem to work anymore. Apparently you have to light the torches from the side the number appears on, because that's how fire works. Stupid fucking puzzle.
In King's Quest a gnome asks you to guess its name. You have the following clues: The story features Brothers Grimm elements, and there's a note telling you that to solve problems, you need to think backwards. Did you guess it? Yes, it's Ifnkovhgroghprm. Easy!
Brothers Grimm -> Rumpelstilzchen -> Rumpelstiltskin (used for some North American translations) -> replacing every letter with the one before it in the English alphabet -> Ifnkovhgroghprm.
But difficult puzzles in a game where you expect difficult puzzles is one thing, the most memorable ones are the ones placed in games where you DON'T expect anything of the sort, and aren't in the mindset for it.
I think I brainfarted for an hour in Mask of the Betrayer, setting up the lasers, which is really an easy thing to solve in the abstract.
Was that the one in SH3's hospital? That's nothing compared to the bookstore.
But its super easy. There's a poster on the wall saying:
>press, move 2 right
>press, move 1 up
>press, move 2 down
>press, the door shall open
There is only one combination where that works. To be able to "move 2 right", you need to start at the first column. To be able to "move 1 up" and then "move 2 down", you need to start from the middle row. It can only be 4639.
Dishonored 2 riddle. It was fun, you could either solve it on your own in 15 minutes or go around it.
wow, there are people who didn't play on hard?
Tower of Hanoi puzzle in KotOR.
The one in Skyrim where you have to run to the gate but it closes.
I looked it up and raged.
It’s not hard, just poorly executed.
Obviously you play the notes from the statue song, but that didn’t work.
Then I think “huh, it’s on a loop so maybe I’m not starting on the right note”. I tried every variation, and then found out there’s just a ghost note that doesn’t play loud enough.
wasn't the solution just to go in the direction where the pillar casts a shadow?
This isn't good as it is overused and easy as fuck.
You have to smash the light that shines from behind your head (the shadow always faces away from you) by doing a backwards attack, that's how you get the arrow.
>its overused
Name 10 popular games where its used.
I don't know what you're talking about, but here's the "hint" for the book store riddle in SH3:
The riddle on hard.
"In here is a tragedy---
art thou player or audience?
Be as it may, the end doth remain:
all go on only toward death.
The first words at thy left hand:
a false lunacy, a madly dancing man.
Hearing unhearable words, drawn
to a beloved's grave---and there,
mayhap, true madness at last.
As did this one, playing at death,
find true death at the last.
Killing a nameless lover, she
pierced a heart rent by sorrow.
Doth lie invite truth?
Doth verity but wear the
mask of falsehood?
Ah, thou pitiful, thou
miserable ones!
Still amidst lies, though the end cometh not,
wherefore yearn for death?
Wilt thou attend to thy beloved?
Truth and lies, life and death:
a game of turning white to black
and black to white.
Is not a silence brimming with
love more precious than flattery?
A peaceful slumber preferred to
a throne besmirched with blood?
One vengeful man
spilled blood for two;
Two youths shed tears for three;
Three witches disappeared thusly;
And only the four keys remain.
Ah, but verily...
In here is a tragedy---
art thou player or audience?
There is nothing which cannot
become a puppet of fate or an
onlooker, peering into the cage."
The last 10 bioware games.
>mfw I finally solve the puzzle
>this starts playing
Fuck why was Skyrim so epic for le win? Can't wait for Skyrim 2
>youtube description is "another good song"
>its never a good song
>has enough money to buy a VR headset
>still pirates games, on public trackers even
BR or RU?
You played with the riddle level on easy.
And here's hard:
"Pure eyes, blue like a glassy bead —
You are always looking at me
and I am always looking at you.
Ah, you're too meek —
beautiful, unspoiled:
thus I'm so sad, I suffer —
and so happy, it hurts.
I want to hurt you
and destroy myself
What you would think
if you knew how I felt.
Would you simply smile,
not saying a word?
Even curses from your mouth
would be as beautiful as pearls.
I place my left hand on your
face as though we were to kiss.
Then I suddenly shove my thumb
deep into your eyesocket.
Abruptly, decisively,
like drilling a hole.
And what would it feel like?
Like jelly?
Trembling with ecstasy, I obscenely
mix it around and around: I must
taste the warmth of your blood.
How would you scream?
Would you shriek "It hurts!
It hurts!" as cinnabar-red tears
stream from your crushed eye?
You can't know the maddening
hunger I've felt in the midst of
our kisses, so many of them
I've lost count.
As though drinking in your cries,
I bring my hopes to fruition:
biting your tongue, shredding it,
biting at your lips as if tasting
your lipstick.
Oh, what euphoric heights I would
reach, having my desires fulfilled
like a greedy, gluttonous cur.
I longed, too, for your cherry-tinted
cheeks, tasty enough to bewitch my
I would surely be healed,
and would cry like a child.
And how is your tender ear?
It brushes against my cheek;
I want it to creep up to my lips so
I can sink my teeth into its flesh.
Your left ear, always hearing words
whispered sweet as pie —
I want it to hear my true feelings.
I never lied, no...
but I did have my secrets.
Ah, but what must you think of me?
Do you hate me? Are you afraid?
As though inviting you to the agony
at the play's end, if you wish, you
could destroy me — I wouldn't care.
As you wish, you may destroy me
— I wouldn't care."
Maybe don't be a scrub.
No shame.
I vaguely remember trying to light the forest on fire.
>type in "lufia"
>0 results
I'm disappointed in you brainlets
>implying it isn't
It isn't.
I won't buy Skyrim again, again, AGAIN, on principle. Even if there was scientific proof that playing Skyrim prolongs life, I'd still pirate it, fuck paying Bethesda 3 times.
i don’t know what it was exactly but i completelt misunderstood what the pattern was here and just brute forced it. turns out you are supposed to go in the direction that the shadows point
Some of the clock puzzles in FFXIII-2
this is what I was talking about
I forgot to mind read at the time
what game is this?
a lot of NES games like zelda were designed to be so confusing or cryptic that you need to buy nintendo power
These got fucking hard. Ended up just using a solver for it.
The Dig
how is it in comparison to some of the other big point and clicks by lucasarts and doublefine?
Get on my fucking level
This shit too
it's great. more mature in tone
oh fuck this one
New versions of the game spell out the solution on the wall to accommodate deaf people like you.
i can’t believe people actually got stuck on this. like how can you play through the entire game without doing this simple action even once?
played asscreed for like 3 hours and got bored
what's the deal with that part, i really can't remember the game having ANY complex mechanics?
I just thought i had to pull them all in a certain order
pretty good.
>being such a brainlet that you have to look up anything ever about any game in existence
I bet you guys haven’t even found the secret bunker in Colorado irl
solid sci-fi
I spawned too far away from it.
mathematical bullshit questions in KotoR 2 but it's okay. I like being challenged and it's still by miles better than the stupid as shit "babby's first form fitting puzzle :)" from the retards at Bethesda.
fuck Todd.
dragon flute puzzle in Shadowgate 64
honorable mention: the warp knight maze
It's weird, I just can't remember young me having any particular issues in MMBN1 but at the same time none of the areas stood out to me either.
A good chunk of those puzzles in FEZ
I always loved how this is one of the first real puzzles in the game, also maybe the hardest or at least most annoying to figure out.
unironically the most bullshit puzzle in all of gaming. No one but the creator actually knows how to solve this correctly without a guide
you are climbing a tower and have to get on top of that light post. all you do is go under it and press the jump button. one of the most basic mechanics in the game that i can’t believe people really couldn’t do it
took me about 15 minutes with pen and paper
nice change from usually braindead games these days
also, it's randomly generated, so you can't just look up the solution online
too bad there are more ways to enter the house and there is even a solution hidden in the level so brainlets aren't properly filtered
didn't mean to quote
I'm sure this isn't the hardest puzzle by far in this thread, but it uses a mechanic that isn't introduced and never used again afterwards and I fucking hate things like that.
I genuinely dont believe you. Citation is very much needed
Honey on the comb makes the moustache
I doubt the current zoomers will get this, but growing up it was mind numbingly hard
At least she's wearing her best outfit
how does this work on the 2ds systems that don’t close?
Apparently you can switch the sleep switch and it'll still work.
>that fucking room
The floor puzzle in the Nomad Caverns in Descent 3 stumped me as a kid. I'd always just cheat to skip the level