Why walk when you can ride?
Why walk when you can ride?
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Why ride when you can walk the savage lands of Morrowind and fight the mighty cliffracers before Saint Jiub wiped them all out
why be a dung scraping, sandpaper skinned, bug eating, sujamma drinking, dwarf fellating nigger elf when you can play my game?
Because I have 100 Acrobatics and it's god damn fun to jump, that's why.
You'll never develop your athletics if you ride everywhere.
*throws money at athletics trainer*
You can't train a skill above its governing attribute, so unless you're going around punching cliff racers...
i mean you could artificially bump up the governing attribute through alchemy or enchanting or spells, at least thats how i remember
I'm pretty sure it's limited by the base attribute, that is, disregarding any fortify effects. What you're probably remembering is that you can raise your speed a ton (with potions or boots) and then it doesn't matter if your athletics skill is in the dumpster.
probably, there are so many tricks in morrowind its hard to keep track of sometimes
i remember i made an enchantment that would increase attribute 0 to 50 because it was cheaper than just flat 50, and all i had to do was re-equip it until i got a high roll
I wish I could take an IP in an armed robbery. Even if I couldn’t develop it, just to know that the Todd couldn’t molest and abuse it anymore and to see that on his face would be worth it. The period described in pic related should have never ended, I wish I was an actual Terminator, which would be poetic considering that a Terminator game was his first project at Bethesda.
Just for you, same low pri-
Finish your sentence.
>posting that and not based dagothwave
while he wasn't the game director, Morrowind wouldn't exists without Howard
You like to dance close to the fire, don't you?
Seen any elves?
*casts drain athletics 100 on self for 1 sec* dont mind me bro just training for 1 gold
why ride when you can super jump everywhere with a 100+ jump spell & casting a slowfall spell before you land?
Why cast slowfall every time you land when you can just enchant a piece of clothing with 1 point of slowfall?
because its more fun to have the risk of dying and also you dont get as much distance out of it compared to casting slowfall near the end of your jump
Why would falling slower reduce your horizontal speed?
If anything it will increase your covered distance.
why walk when you can use a scroll of icarian flight?
whenever i have slowfall mid-jump on me, it always seems to slow me down greatly for some reason
>not 1 pt levitate for 1 sec
>he doesn't teleport across the map using interventions and preset recall points
You do move slower but at the same time you fall slower. It won't really impact the distance covered (assuming it doesn't run out before hitting the ground), and with a single point you barely slow down.
Anyone else annoyed that Mage Guild teleport is both faster, and cheaper than all other forms of travel? Like why even bother with the other shit? I guess cargo, but either way you'd think it would be more wide spread.
The point of the travel systems in Morrowind was that you needed to get familiar with all of them because none of them could get you everywhere. Mage's guild was great for large towns and Telvanni places but you needed the fisher boats for coastal cities and the silk strider for going inland.
And if you became a vampire then only the mage's guild would give you services so the only other way to travel was pylons, although I never found one.
>Rereading Vivec's 36 lessons.
>Vivec claims he went to Yokuda and fucked a Redguard King and gave birth to a race of monsters that destroyed the whole continent.
Seriously what the fuck was his problem.
Athletics is governed by speed, as is Short Blade. If you're not getting The Steed as your non-magic build sign and getting 5X Speed buffs every level up you're doing something wrong.
Like your wife rides me every night lol