Other urls found in this thread:
This thread isnt video games and you're an underaged faggot
Ain ev'n gotta be like dat.
>According to the Bisexual Resource Center (BRC), 45 percent of bisexual women have considered or attempted suicide, followed by bisexual men (35 percent), lesbians (30 percent), gay men (25 percent), and much lower rates for straight women and men.
And thank God for that. Bisexuality is deviancy and unnatural.
>inb4 that's too wide
>Suicidal ideation – Thoughts about killing oneself; these thoughts may include a plan.
>In the United States, the annual prevalence of suicidal ideation in adults is 4 percent.
Pick a side.
This is not the only thing that proof bisexuality is not a healthy sexuality, but I like 40%-related memes.
who cares its reddit
post red pills.
What the fuck am I even looking at. What the fuck are you even saying?
>Competitive Fortnite
What the fuck is this thread even about? Epic shills autism is getting worse
Posting a random picture without looking at the thumbnail
This, what the fuck is OP even trying to convey?
With the same smirk and the biting lip!
Makes sense. Someone who identifies as bisexual more likely is ashamed of being gay and wants to latch onto hopes they're still straight while someone who admits they're pure gay accepted it.
I'm not bi, but I'd totally fuck a trap.
A 16 year old just made more money play comp fortnite than you or your children or your children’s children or your entire family will ever see in their entire lives.
based and pig pilled
Bisexual women literally think more about killing themselves than bisexual men, dense brainlet.
Good shit.
>ITT mentally ill steam trannies are seething
And he's playing Fortnite.
>3 million dollarydoos
>more than you'll see in your life, let alone family too,
ask me how I know you're underage
What the fuck even is this thread? I genuinely don't understand what OP is on about.
soon you will join the 40%
45% soon, can't come soon enough to be honest
I find odd how bisexual women are more likely to think about killing themselves than fucking bisexual men. I think it's due to the fact they're fetishized as fuck.
Even if you made 50k a year, that's still 60 years.
women are more emotional and they attempt suicide more than men in general, not surprising at all. It has little to do with "fetishization" which can be a positive, even lucrative opportunity for some.
Literally fake news
On the other hand, all the LGBT collective agrees in that being a bisexual woman is living in easy mode.
>Among bisexuals, men and women agree that there is a lot more social acceptance for female bisexuals than there is for male bisexuals.
>Your only income comes from salary
Ask me again how I know you're underage.
>even if
Is that a lot to you? That is a young adults wage just starting out in an industry lol
thats just because women always think about killing themselves to get attention while guys act on it
>thinking chink shills know what they are saying
>expecting a thread with a reddit screencap to be good
What about lesbians? They're women too and surely have male friends or relatives.
I think he's saying Epic are cool guys because their devs don't post on Reddit.
>will never get a sequel to this series since he cleaned up and is making bank off Nagatoro
Fuck this gay earth forever, the bullying isn't even good anymore either
what about them
They don't think about killing themselves as much as bi women do.
best guess is what that other user stated, they probably accepted there gay and moved on which somewhat lowers the suicide rate
>tfw nanashi won't do hentai anymore now that his sfw shit became popular
I want one of my reddit posts to be posted on here
Not enough.
Is he trying to change light bulb on his lamp but he's too short to do that? Please explain
Bisexuals are more harmful, tho.
i genuinely think being attracted to traps is just a fetish and i still identify as straight. i prefer women at the end of the day.
t. ranny
Trannies only harm themselves. Bisexuals hurt every group of monosexuals.
He's trying to reach the portal to Gensoukyou but can't reach it. What I'm wondering is how he even got it up there in the first place.
and then these retards will go on to blab about how privileged men are. The cognitive dissonance is getting out of hand. Women make billionaire trust fund Jews look like a fucking disadvantaged group, socially, yet there's no end to the claims of victim hood.
If they're 2D, they don't count.
Are there any studies on 3DPD lifestyle?
Been working pretty great for me so far for 20 years now
Trannies spread delusion, bisexuals just have preferences like everyone else.
2D is a gateway to 3D
intelligent design
Monosexuality is the natural state.
I know, but so far you can say you're straight, since it's just a drawing.
No it isnt
Im 2D only
And yet it is you, who 1. visits reddit, 2. advertises reddit on Yea Forums, 3. makes shitty threads and 4. phoneposts.
To summarise: literally kys yourself.
>Over the next year, we’ll be spending more time focusing on various aspects of matchmaking such as intra-team balance, player conduct, new player experience, abusive behaviors, account buying, friend and teamplay aspects, high mmr matchmaking dynamics, and other issues in an effort to make the overall experience of playing Dota more fun for players of all levels
Yeah im thinking Valve is going full reddit.
>and then these retards will go on to blab about how privileged men are. The cognitive dissonance is getting out of hand
Just like Yea Forums isn't one person, faggots aren't one person.
have sex
The picture doesn't even say what OP claims. Epic still have has its own subreddit, they only don't post in that particular subreddit anymore.
OP might have actual brain damage.
For now...
Are you OK?
You may not belive me, but this is on epic store right now
>Monosexuality is the natural state.
As far as I'm aware heterosexuality is "the natural state".
But it's bullshit that doesn't matter.
For mentally retarded people. But they would end up like that anyway. Well-adjusted people can differentiate between 2D and 3D just fine.
I will say, from a purely anecdotal perspective, every bisexual girl I've ever been with was mentally unstable in some capacity. And I know for a fact 4 out of 6 of them were molested at a young age.
Who cares about this overrated series.
Pictures of reddits threads are now Yea Forums - video games?
Seriously, fuck off.
tiananmen square massacre
Winnie the pooh
>anime profile picture
yeah checks out
enjoy the rest of your stay
Fuck Epic!