Is this game any good?
Is this game any good?
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It's fun.
MC dresses like a fucking idiot though.
The main plot is mind tormentingly dull especially compared to its predecessors but its an enjoyable autism fest that fixes most of the gameplay issues with FFTA
It's better than the first, but you still can't name your soldiers.
If you haven't already, try the FFTA's hacked version on ffhacktics.
Just give it a shot. the optional missions are much harder this time around. It's very enjoyable and laws are completely optional to obey this time around. They're just there to give you buffs if you follow them.
I don't know what it is but I just can't get into it like I could FFTA. There's just a bunch of small shit that they changed that I don't like. Off the top of my head I don't really like that corpses disappear instead of stay
It has dragon waifus
inb4: muh judge system
It's an improvement over FFTA but still can't beat FFT.
It's aight, a better version of Tactics Advance in most respects. Its story is absolute boring hogshit that tries hamfist FFXII into the Advance games' iteration of Ivalice, but you're not playing A2 for that.
Gria and Seeq units are almost totally worthless compared to the hume/viera/bangaa/nu mou/moogles you start out with, by the way. Enjoy it, too, since gria get Geomancer as an exclusive job and seeq get Dark Knight (Lanista) as an exclusive.
And FFT still can't beat Tactics Ogre.
Good thing both of these franchises are fucking dead =)
I want to fuck a Viera
I would settle for a gria though.
God, it hurts.
To anyone looking for an SRPG to play, I highly recommend the One Vision mod for Tactics Ogre LUCT. It fixes pretty much every balance issue of the base game and actually gives you reasons to use heavy armor and all the weapon types.
I enjoyed everything about A2 more than FFTA except for the story.
Too bad all the knight classes are still trash.
Would you consider it okay for that being my first playthrough?
No. It buffs clerics to a ridiculous level which can make a lot of battles frustrating. It's interesting when compared to vanilla, but you won't know that without playing vanilla.
To be honest by the time i played this i already moved on from the genre and all i end up seeing was the absolutely shallow gameplay, that said its not that bad, its good even, great aestetics and good weapon shop sistem, i just don't like it
Also in FF tradition your MC dresses like an absolute faggot even in comparison with everyone else, i just wanted to say that
I'd advise against it. It makes the game a lot harder in a lot of places simply by virtue of not letting you cheese it with naked archers and by putting you on relatively even powerlevels with the enemies, and it ramps up the complexity a lot quicker.
>gameplay issues with FFTA
Such as? Never played FFTA.
l a w s
>that tries hamfist FFXII into the Advance games' iteration of Ivalice
Vaan, Montblank and Penelo barely make any appearances and outside of that there is not that many references.
Eh, knights are pretty good if you pair them with another knight, since that lets them basically form a solid wall.
But then they just sit there and do nothing. Negligible damage and some minor status healing. And then all the archers and wizards can attack around you anyway. I'd rather have a warrior (warriors with spears are so fun). I used Denam as a spear warrior until I got lord, and not only was he a tank rivaling a knight, he also shit out damage like nobody's business. God I love warrior in OV.
Plus side, it fixes the law system so that it isn't retarded anymore.
Minus side, the story is bland boring shit, jobs are unnecessarily and artificially gated behind story progress, and a huge amount of grinding is required to get access to the story missions required to progress all the way through the game. I'm serious about the story. It opens up with the MC appearing from nowhere, joining the guild, and then nobody asks any questions about any of it until the occasional story bit which is "hey look there's more writing in this magic book I have."
Laws can fuck you over and can be triggered by actions you had no intent over, such as critical hits or counterattacks. They can end up stealing a character or even completely eliminating the main character, meaning an automatic mission failure and needing to spend gold to resume playing the game.
It's entirely possible to run out of MP and fuck over a variety of jobs entirely, since you needed to have no secondary job selected (or Alchemist) in order to even use items.
Thieves are no longer broken as fuck. They are now useless as fuck.
There are other issues present in FFTA (standing still means you get more turns) which are also present in FFTA2, so I wouldn't say it fixes everything, but those three are the major FFTA problems that FFTA2 fixed.
>chocobo knights can't use secondary abilities
A white rider with time magic would be A+ support
>chocobo knights can't interact with stage elements
I got completely fucked on a stage where I needed to run around and pick up sparkles on a timer. Had my chocobo knight run over there, and couldn't figure out why the weren't picking it up. Turns out you need to get off your chocobo (losing it permanently) to get the item. Even worse, getting off the chocobo takes a turn, meaning it takes longer for them to grab the sparkle than it would a normal character.
Seriously, fuck whoever thought that was a good idea.
how is there no modern day successor to these kind of games? Outside of XCOM it feels like SRPG is dead. I know theres a new jew version of this being released by square enix on phones, but I'm very hesitant to get into a game that will have most of its content locked behind gacha, fatigue and microtransactions
Niche market. Support the good shit when it comes around, or take matters into your own hands.
wasn't there supposed to be a game having been made by a collaboration of a bunch of old legendary japanese developers? One of which was the main guy behind FFT? This was like at least 5 years ago. They showed the concept for the game and it looked like it was going to be using hexagonal tiles instead of square ones? art style looked realistic instead of chibi/stylized. Don't think anything ever came of it.
For your own good, just forget all about it.
Best Tactics by far.
The auction house minigane was really fun but also totally gamebreaking.
>Unlock AH
>Grind in there for a few hours
>Emerge an unstoppable monster dual wielding Excalibur2's and flatten the rest of the game
Haven't played since launch, think I'll give it a replay. Thanks OP.
I'm just trying to find info on it and all of my searches are contaminated by the new fft game for phones coming out
A new Fire Emblem just came out though?
found it, its unsung story. THAT SHIT IS STILL NOT FINISHED holy shit
>fire emblem
>tactics game
>not just a shitty social/waifu simulator now
no thanks, fire emblem is the same shit as persona nowadays. It might be an ok game under the surface but I cannot stand the faggy ass relationship sim bullshit that is at the forefront of the games
I warned you. If you really want to be disappointed, look here.
Unsung Story
Hint: it's a disaster. Turns out the FF12 person involved was just doing promo artwork for the game. They weren't even aware that they were named in the Kickstarter until after it was complete, and was only involved in the promoting and some concept sketches. By the time the Kickstarter was done, they weren't involved in the game anymore.
From what I remember, the people developing the game kept shoving in multiplayer feature after multiplayer feature until they ran out of money, and then let the project die. I think another developer picked it back up and had to start completely from scratch, but given that the project at that point had 0 funding, it's taking forever to put any time into it and work has been tediously slow. Still not out yet, obviously.
Three Houses isn't Fatesawakening though?
coulda fooled me, all I see anything of it is all of the high quality art of the waifus from the end rank scenes of the game. As far as I'm aware you still make decisions on which character is your canonical girlfriend/boyfriend/what the fuck ever. Beyond that it looks like harry potter: anime edition. I get that in japan, school life are your "golden years" but I don't care, its not interesting to me.
Goddamn Dual Wield Paravir in this game was the most broken shit.
What are some other fun broken builds?
>As far as I'm aware you still make decisions on which character is your canonical girlfriend/boyfriend/what the fuck ever
That only even happens late game and it isn't a focus nearly as much as the last two were. Doesn't have the children bullshit either.
And the school is a neat take on being able to customize everyone and set them up for later rather than the older system where X is always a myrm/SM or Y is an armor and can only become one of two different flavors of armor.
>What are some other fun broken builds?
Paladin/Blue Mage, Paladin/White Mage, or Paladin/Seer
Summoner/Red Mage with Blood Price, and an element absorb robe
Defender/White Monk
Cannoneer anything. Hell, Ether Shell alone make one great for the rest of your party.
You are saying that the setting is what allows the gameplay to be better due to having greater control over class changes. They are not related in any way. They could have those changes without tying it into a school setting. The school setting was most certainly chosen because fire emblem has become popular with the fujoshit crowd who are mostly japanese teens and sad weeaboos elsewhere and the devs know that a school setting would be attractive to them due to the culture. Don't confuse in-game settings and explanations with game development decision making. The devs could have made it any setting they wanted and used whatever bullshit explanation for why or why not you could do something in the game. School life was chosen to appeal to the otaku/weeb crowd. That shit is gay. Period.
the moogles are the cutest in this one
>moogles are typically floating little balls of fur
>now they look like mischievous children
what an abomination
You're juat determined to hate it, so it's pointless to try to convince you otherwise.
Advance has better story. A2 has better gameplay.
same character in ffxiv, is this what you prefer?
>the old games GAMEPLAY was so archaic
>now that its in a school SETTING it allows for much more in depth gameplay
that is literally what you are saying. Go be dumb somewhere else, its too early for this kind of bullshit
You got one moogle who had access to the Bard class, so Bard/Time Mage for them was an excellent choice.
Templar/Bishop for a Bangaa was actually an excellect combination as well. Anything with Haste is desirable. Having Petrify on top of that (along with Rasp, healing, and attack magic) made a surprisingly good combination for a magical Bangaa.
Thanks, user. I really wanted to like the gameplay because I was interested in doing the other paths/sidequests after I finished, but the combat seemed so damn bland to me. Maybe this will make it better. Just gotta hope I won't get filtered by the changes, since I don't really remember how to play anymore.
moogles in XIV look hideous due to their proportions and their rat faces.
FFT and Tactics Ogre are better, but it's stilll on par with FFTA
As somebody who loves everything ivalice related, is it worth it to try out vagrant story in this day and age without having any nostalgia for it? Is it really as tedious/impossible to play without using a guide for the combat mechanics like I always read about here?
honestly, what does it is that ridge of fur/fat between their head and their body. Shit looks off to me for some reason.
No, it isn't. Don't put words into my mouth.
I like the old games, but I also have no issue with what this one did.
No, Battle bans the race of one of your main units. Have to spent several hours grinding a new unit to replace them for one battle. Fuck this game.
It's still a good game but the weapon switching really was kinda dumb. You can't even kill low level shit if you got the wrong weapon equipped since those deal like - 90% damage. But it doesn't make the game completely unplayable. I had fun with it.
"And the school is a neat take on being able to customize everyone and set them up for later rather than the older system where X is always a myrm/SM or Y is an armor and can only become one of two different flavors of armor."
Sure sounds like it user. You start your thought with talking about the school setting and end it talking about the gameplay of older games. Don't know why I need to keep repeating it, but they are not related in any way.
Geomancy parivirs are where it’s at. Their abilities already hit twice as hard as regular attacks, so geomancy results in more damage by reducing elemental resistances.
Ravagers are pretty busted by themselves, give one ninja tabi and a ribbon and you have a unit that can buff their own attack, fly across the entire map, and oneshot assholes left and right with sneak attack.
user, I was more talking about the fact that having so much customization has an appeal. This thread is about FFT and it's off shoots, so forgive me for thinking that factor would appeal to people here more than characters being set a specific way.
The whole school aspect is just a different way of handling that. You're the one spurging out over the fact that it exists and making grasping assumptions.
sorry, I just think fire emblem is fucking trash. Not just this iteration, but the series as a whole.
>Warrior/Templar with a Blood Sword
>R: Counter
>P: Unscarred
It's called Fel seal someone literally copied FFT though I never played it.
>makes summoners and assassins better while kneecapping all the nu mou and moogles
ehhh, in games like this art design/style is a big deal and this ones is terrible.
Didn’t assassins end up way worse though
Between stat growth nerfs, nerfs to status effect and instant death accuracy, and changes to MP, they’re not nearly as busted