I've heard some really good things about this game and i've been meaning to try out another fighter. Getting kind of bored of Tekken 7
Is skullgirls any fun?
It's hella fun but I think it's kinda dead now
Playerbase is pretty low, and mostly veterans - so expect to get stomped for a while.
But it's a fun, well animated game with good waifus.
I wish they made a sequel
I like polished toenails
Not really. It was a game made by/for the FGC, and they polished it so hard that they took out everything that makes fighting games fun and left behind nothing but panty shots and functions.
Try pirating it and fucking around before you buy, especially if you unironically have IRL friends that are interested, that's what I did and it's a ton of fun. Post more Squigly
It's a lot of fun. I think it solves the problem that these types of fighting games have, where making a mistake gets you trapped in a long combo and you just have to wait until your character dies. Damage prorates so quickly, and eventually the opponent can burst out of a combo that's too long, so it heavily encourages short combos ending in reset setups. It makes both offense more active, since you can't really ever let up the pressure, and defense doesn't end when you get hit, you'll likely have an opportunity to break out.
So mechanically it's really solid, just be aware that it's pretty tough to get in to if you're not that good at fighting games. Visually it's gorgeous, I wish more games took advantage of hand drawn 2D spritework. AFAIK it's basically just Skullgirls, Hollow Knight, and all of Vanillaware. As for players, if you post a fap-bait thread on Yea Forums on a thursday with Skullgirls characters you can actually get some reliable lobby play on the PC version. Not sure why but it works.
>the pics where she licks her pussy
I don’t get it. How can you draw feet like that, then the face is god awful?
It's an anime fighter, so it plays noticeably different than 3D fighters like Tekken.
Fetishists only practice the part they like.
Yes, it's fun. Like 7 people still play it. Fanatical is selling Steam keys for $1.50 for the next 30 hours. Do it.
I think this person wanted to focus on one area in particular. Not exactly sure why they'd be so single minded though. Hmm.
>Fanatical is selling Steam keys for $1.50
Not him but thanks for the tip.
>Fanatical is selling Steam keys for $1.50 for the next 30 hours
Interesting. Do steam keys ever expire? Or can I just redeem it and add it to my inventory? I might want to sit on this.
Get ye gone footfag, this is a thicc girl series.
And yeah the game is pretty good.
>tfw it isn't letting me buy it no matter what I do, Order cancelled every time.
Have you tried using Paypal? Dunno why exactly but some places reject my debit/credit card but accept them when I go through Paypal.
Nobody likes fatties.
Imagine being a parasite for one of the skullgirls and residing within her pussy.
So no one likes you, then?