Donna Burke, Singer of Sins of the Father, and voice of the idroid in mgsv...

>Donna Burke, Singer of Sins of the Father, and voice of the idroid in mgsv, retweeted the leak/rumor that came out last week about Metal gear Solid 5: Demon Edition at Gamescom 2019

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Source: My ass

>mgsfags are still this delusional after all these years
Just let it go already jeez

>DLC story
Also its sounds interesting enough but I dont know if I can go through V's grind again unless they cut out most of the fluff and pointless filler missions.

Death Stranding is an anagram for: Project PT = MGSV Demon Edition AKA Part Three

Just use mods senpai

Are there any good mods for MGSV? I thought it had Denuvo which makes it mod unfriendly.

can I just get a restoration patch instead of having to rebuy the shit

it's literally one obsessed guy.

Lmao, even if this is real, there is absolutely nothing they can do to regain trust in the West.

Which is sad, cause I'm sure the dev team is actually trying to go for that, I 100% expect them to be met with vitriol and hate that hasn't been seen in ages.

Konami is dead, and will stay dead. Nothing they do will bring MGS back.

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If they released an actual MGS game it would automatically sell well

Check nexus mods. It's crazy.

I still dunno, man. Highly doubtful.

The casual market would think "Oh Survive was just a bump in the road. this one will be good!
It's going to be the next game that either saves or kills MGS


I mean... if by some miracle this turns out to be real then Im set.

>HIDEO KOJIMA Removed from the credits including the missions credits.

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Also that new Sniper partner... I don't know... makes it sound more faker than it already looks

yeah that's the biggest red flag for me

>regain trust of western fans
>by re-writing the plot and completely removing any trace of the original creator from the project
konami is dumb but they aren't THAT dumb

on the other hand... what if that's a way to retcon Quiet and add Sniper Wolf? i know there's virtually no chance but just in case

>selling the same shit game THRICE

the sheer audacity of konami is breathtaking

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Man, Fuck Kojimbo, if Konami actually does it and does it good, I'll shill out for this

This has to be one of the dumbest things I've ever read. I almost wish it was true because it would be amazing to see Konami go through with something so fucking stupid.

Fuck Kojima we just want a good game.

I don't believe anything but all of this is the Phantom Pain; it's dead , it's over. Live. Have Peace.

It's time to let go

redundant re-release i'm already a demon

>Removing Quiet
Sounds SJW enough for this to be actually true.

Without Kojima? Nah.

Now maybe if it was a spiritual successor of sorts...

They removed the few interesting stuff in the game (and very dumb, specially Kojima justifications for some of them)
Thanks SJWs...

As long as Solid Snake(voiced by david hayter) is in it you can be damn sure it will sell well regardless of how good or bad it is

Because Kojima's story was shit? That's an undeniable fact. People have been saying the games story was the worst since before it's release


>laughing skyrim/RE4.jpg

they literally are not going to make another MGS and if they do it'll be complete fucking shit without Kojima helming it. It'll be a cheap imitation at best.

Sniper would would be a kid around the time but that would have been cool. I remember before mgsv's release there were all these theories about us seeing gray fox or sniper would as child soldiers, and it's a shame we didn't get that because Kojima just HAD to add a fucking plot twist at the end

>They removed the few interesting stuff in the game
What exactly from this game was interesting? If you're talking about quiet just go to pornhub

>crying SJW about something that isn't even real
it's true, you people really are obsessed

I'd like to see them try.
It'd be pretty interesting.

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