Is OFF any good? Or is it Undertale tier trash?
Is OFF any good? Or is it Undertale tier trash?
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never heard of it but yeah it's trash sorry
It's okay
Snooze tier at the beginning but gets pretty good I guess
Is okay. World is interesting. Gameplay sucks ass. Is worth playing it
Weird. I never finished it, but it's weird. There's lots of puzzles and shit in your way if that's your thing.
Really good setting, interesting story and dialogue. Good characters and awesome music
Gameplay and graphics are not so good, but it doesnt spoil the experience you'll have and playing it
im a brainlet and i dont like puzzles so i didnt like it
Good puzzles, story, characters, and music. Although the sprites in the world and it's map look simplistic to a fault, I really like the rough artstyle presented in the battle sequences. The gameplay however is basically that of a standard turn-based JRPG.
I'd say it's pretty damn good
It's like one of the first ones in it's own niche of indie pixel-art games. Undertale is mainly >oh you hurt thing you mean bad person now
While offs story isn't trying to be meta and it's pretty interesting in my opinion.
Better if you know French
Watch a walkthrough, gameplay's a chore
Play the game yourself and form your own opinion.
What did we do to deserve this absolute fucking banger. Everything about this boss was great.
You know he wont, which is why he said "undertail tier trash" because he never played it. Hes just a drone asking what the hivemind thinks.
It's a fun little RPG maker game. If you can handle RPG maker then you're in for some good old fashioned French weirdness. That element alone kept me going for a while. Stylistically the entire world is so bizarre, from the dialogue to the character portraits to the enemies to the world to the music. And yet it all feels purposeful, like that weirdness is trying to say something. I think it does end up saying something meaningful, though I won't spoil what that is. Some people say the translation is iffy, but I think the stilted nature of it adds to the game's overall atmosphere. If you know French though I'd recommend the original language. Mechanically it's a perfectly straightforward turn based RPG. Some of the names have been changed, but all the pieces are there. It's nothing special in that regard.
But I would like to come back to the music. Some of these tracks will really stick with you.
Undertale is pretty shitty though to be quite frank with you familia.
t. lefty faggot that doesn't care about sjw shit anyway
Peper steak is one hell of a battle BGM, that glitch-swing mess is memorable for years on me
Swing, Batter, swing for the world is impure
i think it's fair to say that most people who would be into a game like OFF probably enjoyed undertale
It's good. And it can't be """Undertale-tier""" trash if it came out almost eight years before Undertale did.
Undertale is good overall
t. libertarian faggot who loves freedums
>Never heard of it
>but yeah its trash
the essence of Yea Forums in a single post
I am meowing at my lung's fullest. I would even argue that the echo that reverberates back to me is the voice of someone I know...
Have you seen my dear brother?
Minuit A Fond La Caisse is such a good track
The combat sucks but I enjoyed it overrall. Dunno about Undertale, never played that.
pure kino
Ah yeah, that's what I come here for
I always confuse this game's logo with Xenogear for the PS1.
That's not Avatar Beat or Peper Steak. What you posted is indeed still great though.
i came here for this gif
much obliged
It has less strengths than undertale does
I was just thinking of shitting on this game until you reminded me about this moment.
>interesting story and dialogue
I remember one of the NPCs swearing and it completely broke my immersion. It was like Undertale trying to be Yume Nikki.
Oh it's fantastic if you're into weird RPG Maker games. Despite there being very little to the MC, I ended up really liking the Batter. The intro battle was kino.
It's good.
why is everyone comparing it Undertale? because they're both indies? anyway, this game was bizarre and weird but it didn't come off as weird for the sake of being weird. the world is fascinating and the music is just orgasmic. the gameplay is the weakest part ironically but it's definitely more of an "experience".
it also didn't bore me like Undertale
It's very good. I had fun while playing it, no regrets
Because the NPCs swear like it's trying to be comedic? What's the point of a game trying to be an experience if the NPCs take away from said experience.
I don't know. Maybe because they're both oddball indie RPGs? It's a pretty loose connection but that sure as shit didn't stop the fanartists.
Jahpets boss was really great. The build up showing how frustrated he was having built the people an actual safe and calm place only to get no credit for it and then have it plauged by ghosts.
Plus this was the only boss I felt like you had to be smart with items and healing since his damage output was pretty high. Everything else felt like it was just damage sponges with no risk of losing.
>why is everyone comparing it Undertale?
Because Tumblr found it and threw it in to their rape dungeon where Undertale resides. That's pretty much the only reason why Off related content has millions of views on Youtube.
>why is everyone comparing it Undertale? because they're both indies?
no, that's because OFF was discovered and translated by the homestuck fandom
it didn't take me out though. it sounds like it just depends on your personal taste user. i didn't think the swearing was out of place, and really i even forgot there was any. also what does any of that have to do with my post
Good game.
The chad OFF vs the virgin Undertale.
I tried playing it and it felt like pretentious garbage. Can you please tell me why this game is worth playing?
Cool setting, meh gameplay.
Absurdist 2deep4everyoneincludingthecreator garbage.
Because people do not know about Middens.
At least Undertale will be remembered.
As one of the worst fandom on Earth, that is.
It’s one of the few genuinely deep games.
>see orange X
>think it's a MEGU thread and click
>it's just some dumb numale 2d indie roguelike trannygame
>Being this blind
bad gameplay, play it anyway. nice soundtrack
There are exactly 0 deep games
you are so mad over orange x go back to pol
Spoilers you fuck.
>megu thread
megu thread
I agree with most of this.
criminals are weak to bibles
Good thing that a new translation is coming.
Neither of those guys said or implied what you are saying. Stop being a faggot.
OFF is older than fucking Undertale you imbecile.
OFF is older than most of posters on Yea Forums probably
Off is the only game where I had to use pen and paper to keep track of stuff to solve puzzles. Weird game, even weirder story. It is french and it shows.
There are absolutely 0 comparison points between OFF and Undertale beyond having an overworld where you walk around and encounter battles. Anyone that brings one up when talking about the other to make a comparison should have their opinion discarded because they don't know shit about anything.
Same goes for LISA.
>undertale is bad
Feeling like a cool kid yet?
They are all three RPG Maker games though and RPG Maker games are kind of always the same thing gameplay-wise.
Look up what Undertale was made in. And don't say "same thing".
Sorry, I'm retarded, Undertale isn't made with RPG Maker, I was thinking of OneShot.
Toby got his start making RPG maker games and Undertale is heavily inspired by games made in it
OFF is pretty good.
The soundtrack is awesome
>It is french and it shows.
I don't remember the part where the queen can't stop herself from keep fucking hugo
>that moment when i accidentaly went to purified zone
Amazing game, its been years since i first beat it, replayed recently, still holds up
the gameplay is pretty mediocre but it didn’t stop it from being a great experience. Bosses somehow got me hyped up despite how it played
OFF is great, so is Undertale. Both fantastic games. Undertale's better though because it's gameplay isn't trash.
Who cares if you're dirty lefty
t. UTfag
>tfw seeing what mortis ghost's artwork looks like now
seems ok to me, just some character design is pretty lame
It's still extremely based.
So what's the best video/series on off then? If the game play is so bad, but the everything else is worth the ride, then this should be the right place for an LP.
is it manly?
As manly as baseball can get. Not at all
Just play it you fucking faggot. The battles are boring, but the puzzles are fun.
I like seeing people try to voice act the characters, sometimes they do a good job.
I unironically liked Markiplier's OFF playthrough.
It's too French to be manly.
This is unironically what most people here think of most games
What the flying fuck is going on in this comic
I read it like 4 times and I'm not closer to understanding
What the fuck was Batter's problem?
Is this what you do with every game that has slightly uncomfortable gameplay?
You never played Myst?
why doesn't he just make another game? why are these people one trick ponies
He had no problem. He was created to do exactly what he did. Just the way the world works.
That's a good question indeed.
I know that the game hit it's stride around 2013 and was one of the biggest reblogged topics on tumblr back in 2014. Of course if you remember how tumblr was back then, the immense tidal wave of concentrated cancer that exploded from them overwhelmed Georis to the point of never wanting to open up about the game again.
Can't really say he's a one trick pony if he simply doesn't make another game. That expression is really only used if he made several games and only OFF was good.
I'd love to see a sort of OFF "remake" that incorporated some sort of baseball gameplay elements to the combat.
Shit my whole feed was nothing but off, though i think that was earlier than 2013
Then again undertale fandom is garbage but deltarune didnt get any hate when it was announced and turned out to be good, so thats not a thing that can stop devs from creating new stuff.
The gameplay could definitely use some touch-ups, and the dialogue.
You're definitely not wrong, that's a valid point. It's certainly noticeable how many notable RPGmaker games out there are just 'one and done' games done by a single person (Not that I'm asking for them to milk to death or oversaturate what they have)
It's wild to think the game is 11 years old now.
>i bet everything's going to look so much better now that i purified the zone
>also mfw getting fucked to death by baby astronaut demons
I kind of imagine a mix of Winnie The Pooh Home Run Derby mixed with OFF. Maybe different bats for different attacks, maybe different swings that you'd have to adjust.
A better question is what was Dedan's problem?
>that anniversarry OFF stream where mortis joked about how batter was a lesbian and zacherie would smoke weed and dab
It helps for Deltarune that it was aimed at and largely caters to people that did play Undertale, and it's not as interesting to streamers because it's a bit harder than Undertale was and there is barely even an illusion of choice (no real pacifist/murder dichotomy even if the game does change a couple of story-beats if you go one or the other)
It's alright. Gameplay is bog-standard RPG maker fare, figure out the one broken move and it works on literally everything in the game. The world and art are interesting enough to carry it.
>Undertale tier trash
I didn't really get undertale's appeal, and I loved Off
Nah, Undertale is way better
Post yfw peper steak starts playing
undertale's mostly a silly earthbound-inspired walking simulator that has more gameplay to it than most walking simulators (and boy how can you tell earthbound inspired it, it's not a rip-off but it's going for the same kind of tone)
The game is good.
t. played the game
I'm french and the story is pretty hard to understand
not hard but there are very few things clear and established
He was the only sane character in an insane world, give him a break
I felt so old when i looked at the release date. Honestly surprised that people still remember it, for something so basic looking it left an impression on everyone.
so is OFF actually about a father overcoming his demons from his past and deciding whether or not to turn off his son's life support? it seems that way when you think about it, with the batter going through his memories of growing up on a farm and witnessing the slaughter of animals (zone 1), being drafted for war (dedan) and witnessing and dealing out death there, one of his pet cats dying (japhet/valerie) and him going to amusement parks to cheer himself up (zone 2), him getting a mundane factory job (zone 3) after the war and perhaps witnessing fatal workplace accidents, and his son becoming deathly ill (hugo) and his wife (the queen) arguing whether to keep him alive.
it also seems to take place in hugo's imaginative perspective oddly enough, with him envisioning his father as a baseball player because that's his favorite pastime sport, his mom as a sort of princess, their cat's meowing actually being language so complex we simply can't understand it similar to "i am groot", the world not making any sort of sense at all (metal being extracted from cows etc.) with childlike beliefs derived from parental discipline (too much sugar being bad for you etc.), the religious imagery (father son and holy spirit add-ons, key words like "purification" and "uncleanness" and "holy wrath", the names of the characters etc.) stemming from his christian household upbringing, etc.
Watch Mikennemonic's play through of it. He's a jaded fatass who doesn't give much of a shit about anything. His videos are great.
it's a deconstruction of the wizard of oz, don't overthink it
I've always considered OFF to be one iteration of a looping universe that constantly dies and comes back.
My reasoning for this is we see the previous world in the Room, and everything's very different. My theory is that each world has a sleeping god that will be awakened when that universe dies. Hugo became godlike when his world was destroyed, presumably by another Batter-esque figure. I believe the Batter and the Queen are Hugo's personifications of his now-dead parents, and the three Guardians, his imaginary friends. One maybe could go as far as to say Hugo's real father was the one to destroy that prior universe.
The Judge is misled. He has good intentions, and the Batter is undoubtedly evil, but the loop's gotta continue. The Batter kills God since God's a retarded baby who's scared of his dad, and in the wake of the dead universe, Zacharie will create another, as he's the most likely candidate for a new god.
It will be remembered, but at what cost?
The atmosphere is way fucking different than undertale. As people have said the combat is mediocre but if you can stomach turn based combat I'd say go for it.
Any soundtracks like Off's soundtrack? I like the creepy ominous music it has.
I'm sure someone else can come up with a better response, but the only one that comes to mind for me is Lisa.
It can be an eclectic range between chilled and laid back to upbeat funky battle shenanigans at times, but some tracks have this looming,
ominous undertone to them.
>Goodbye Baby
>Creep on Her
>Arrow to the Head
>Summer Love
Gives me the same feelings as Off but for different reasons.
Brokentooth March is my shit though.
pure autism
I can only remember Dedan swearing and it was completely in character for him.
>tfw Toby pretty much based Papyrus to be Dedan but a Brony.
I would of been pissed.
A lot of the fan-games have music on par or somewhat even better than the original games. It helps that using basic Fruityloops opens up the abillity to make remixes of previous tracks.
Pointless has some good jams.
>and a...named...
Most likely Gaster.
>tfw Ghost took out Dedan swearing.
It fit his design and personality as a bitter man who got pissed off at how much of a pushover the Elsens are. It made his interaction with Hugo more wholesome and genuine.
Just finished it
FUCK you guys for recommending it. Oh my god was it such a fucking snore. And the ending was just the biggest waste of fucking time oh my god
I sat on my phone every encounter as batboy autokilled every boss as I nodded off. Jesus fucking christ at least space funeral was interesting. At least one shot wasn't bogged down with random encounters. At least Lisa had some weight to the story.
Shitty games like these don't hold a fucking candle to Undertale. Shows what a fucking masterpiece Toby fox put together with Undertale&Deltarune. He deserves to retire 6 times on that money.
nice bait retard
What? There are no utility skills worth shit.
Lisa the Painful>Undertale>OFF>Lisa the Joyful
There's almost no strategy in battles at all aside from choosing who to attack first. It's literally just use your strongest attack over and over. The elemental weaknesses aren't even worth looking at.
>Actually thinking manually inputting attacks and specials changes anything
Sure you feel like you're playing the game but you're just wasting time. It's like walking to work instead of driving. It's tedium. If the game is so simple that the premade AI can spam A and win why try?
after he specifically confirmed that the batter and zacharie are not gay for each other, he was hung and crucified by the tumblr community
after which, he said he's never making another game
(between this and wadanohara what is it with tumblr trying to harass RPG Maker developers)
>what is it with tumblr trying to harass RPG Maker developers
Teenagers and colleged aged communists trying to exercise whatever petty power they can by wielding the mob mentality. The only good way to answer the question, "Is [Character] gay for [Other character]?" is yes, and they know this. Saying no is just an invitation to be accused of homophobia or erasure or whatever buzzwords you can use to rile up a lynch mob. So you can basically force people at gunpoint to make your fanfiction reality. The actual morality of it is irrelevant, the people riling up the mobs love to destroy things more than they love to be fans of things. You see a lot of the same behavior on Yea Forums, with more of a nihilistic twist. Think of TORtanic posting or Ononono posting. People want to feel like they contributed to destroying something as an exercise of the power process. Or sometimes just seeing something crash and burn is enough.