Back on the saddle
UNIST Thread
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Pass is vee
EVO was great and it only took a new update for this artist to start drawing UNI stuff again
pc lobby
Let's talk about that new trailer
>Hyde gets a C/EX follow-up to his fireball. Fullscreen wallbounce and is able to combo after
>Linne gets a new air-action, presumably j2C, being a flip into a downwards swing. Ground bounce
>Wald gets a follow-up to his 236x which still requires CS to combo it looks like
>Orie can special cancel into FF in the air
>Gord gets a follow-up to Grim Reaper which knocks down instead of wallbouncing
>Seth gets a new j214C? that leaves opponents in the air instead of the old j214C where it has both players falling
>Hilda can cancel her FF-A attacks into teleport
>Yuzu gets a new stance attack that’s basically Izayoi dash attack that pops people up. Trailer has her cancel from FF into the new stance attack
>Phonon gets a new move entirely where she does a barrage that pops opponents up and ends with an air fireball ground bounce
>Mika recovers incredibly quickly after 66C, enough to cancel into an aerial 623x
>Characters left with buffs to be seen: Carmine, Merkava, Vatista, Chaos, Nanase, Byakuya, Enkidu, Wagner, Akatsuki, Sion
That guy draws some great UNI art.
Still hoping for Joker despite news in one of the other threads saying his chances are slimmest of available character pool.
>the wagner/londrekia theme was fucking fire
also worth noting that the phonon rekka ender is just her IWEX so maybe characters with lamer IWEX animations will get something new
>Londrekia has a single icon beneath his HP bar indicating if his opponents are frozen
>Has a lot of leaping kick attacks reminiscent of Wagner 6C. Has a ton of IC moves it looks like that passes through opponents
>FF (since he loses grd using it) or his DP catches Wagner 214-ing him and he can combo after CS
>Has a j2[C] that knocks down
>Unique block effect similar to Hilda and Carmine
>Sick ass piano theme
>Most likely candidate for new vs. theme featuring him and Wagner
>New Stage with a fountain and Ritter Schild building and lots of misty blue lighting
>We probably saw his Arcade ending CG at the start
we're back like nothing even happened.
Yuzu and Hyde definitely got the best updates in my opinion
That was clearly Lond's solo theme.
Can't wait for that actual vs. theme though.
Back to S I L K Y S M O O T H 5 F R A M E S
Gym time is apparently starting earlier for me and my workout buddies so I'll be abit short on the PS side of lobby playing tonight.
Will be back later for PC lobby people after Park (I'm guessing he's hosting) closes up shop since I know some people will be hopping on later for sure and I said yesterday that I'll be down to play late due to day off tomorrow.
Let's have some fun fights!
P.S. the new song for Londreika is pretty good.
>Londrekia has a single icon beneath his HP bar indicating if his opponents are frozen
I really really REALLY hope fighting Londrekia won't mean you spend half the match encased in ice. That's infuriating enough against Carmine/Byakuya.
Don't get hit then
Other small observations
Probably a beta HUD but we’re back to character select arts instead of story mode portraits.
Wagner now has two icons beneath her HP indicating what buffs are active for blind moles
It's going to take a while to get used to netplay again. Doesn't help that I spent the day grinding Koihime.
Consider this, it only lit up when Lond used an EX move to outright freeze an opponent in place
Really like Londrekia's IW. It's second only to Hilda's in cool factor.
whatever it is I need it now
I really like inflatable noodle man's theme song
Go kingdom is the best kingdom
Oh right. I realized my Yuzu is quite whack since I got to experience offline play and get my ass kicked. So I'm gonna try some new things tonight with her.
In that regard, Seth, Phonon, Gord, and Linne seem to be reusing those IW only animations in their new attacks now. Not sure if they're outright changing some moves or are giving new options.
i was playing nanase for awhile but got bored and swapped to yuzu but having a rough time doing her awkward ass combos
is it just a keep practicing till muscle memory kicks in or is there like any tips that can help
Adding on to this, he doesn't seem to have any sort of traps he can place, not even a Jin D-snowflake. We'll have to see though
The more you play her, the more you'll get used to holding down buttons. It's awkward for everyone at first but you get used to it.
Best advice would be to play actual matches instead of spending too much time practicing combos. All you really need is 4-1 and 4-2, but even if you can't do those yet, you can work your way up towards them while improving your general feel for the character in live gameplay at the same time
is the room full? search isn't showing me anything
if you aren't in the US change your download region, it's definitely up
Mika is so terrifying to fight
yikes that was some awful lag
If you're at a crossroads for hold combos, try to start with some more easy execution stuff on her part like so:
2C > 4C > j.B > j. 2C > j. C and then from here you can do an assortment of things such as 66C or 66B.
Clawz please. I don't think the lag is me this time.
thanks, somehow had mine set as japan.
Everything looks normal on my end
>yuzu casually side-steps a gunshot inches away from her face
Aw shit, razzy with them [FF] tricks
I am attempting to learn how to correctly apply pressure.
>shield an air normal
>mika gets a frame trap
That's funny. I saw a lady on the news today disarm a guy without looking at him.
Of course the second I say that my net cuts out entirely
What the fuck it never fucking ends.
Hilda stop
What the fuck? Is that real?
>6f vs Hilda
I thought we normally had a good connection
Is this where Hilda gets her money
>melk just pulls out a hilda from nowhere
is there anyone this man cant play
>Hilda sponsors fight clubs
>Whoever wins joins Amnesia
I've yet to see him play a mean Carmine. Curious to see how he pulls it off.
Is pclobby full? I got my dl region in US. Also
looks like UNIST is on the menu boys
Melk mained Hilda forever ago iirc.
Oh my god it is fucking real
>razzy playing on both pc and psn lobbies
well damn, I guess I'll hang around ranked for a bit. Are there any new people at least? Pc lobbies don't normally get full from what I remember
That was some pretty good defense Huo.
Now you just need to learn all of the other characters' OHs and you'll be doing even better.
I believe we heard of it back in July. Still pretty interesting and guaranteed to bring more eyes on the game.
Wait you didn't know?
Me and merk are thinking of repping Chicago with royalheart if he's down.
Pray for a chance for FB to send a playable demo of CLR by September 21st
They've been full the last three days or so. EVO really stirred up some people.
I miss those days, I have a bunch of new stuff to lab and practice now that evo has passed but I seem to fry every console that I touch. It was really nice to have a second setup between matches.
more constantly lobbies and a evo brought a bunch of regulars back
Honestly it's a little weird that Under Night's the one they went for alongside SFV and Tekken but I'll take it.
Not a new player but if you're around later I can play subs and other characters if you'd like to practice your execution.
I can't believe I beat dia doing this shit. It actually worked.
I normally either just labbed things out or did ranked on the Vita if the room was full and my turn just passed. Super neat to test things out immediately.
I'm only on PSN right now, only one Razzy around here. You must be thinking of my long lost twin who is a really handsome Eltnum player.
I'm just glad there's a bunch of new footage to watch
How intense the hatefucking between londrekia and wagner?
Likely one sided. Wagner is too Oriesexual
Oh, I'm not new either. I was just wondering. Still, it's nice to know people are hopping on unist. Shit is good
so Ishiwatari and Mori were saying that they heard all the GGPO screeching and GG2020 will likely have some rollback...... but they'll be using 'in house' technology instead of shelling out for GGPO so it's going to be SFV all over again
I wonder if cl-r will get the same treatment or remain untouched
As much as you pay up for a commission
His muscles are so big he can play on pc and ps4 at the same time
Depends if they're wanting to use CLR as their guinea pig to test said tech
If I'm a yuro, should I even bother with the pc lobby, or is it for US only?
Probably the memes about it being similar to SF might have shaped how the game is looked at and was added as one of the three games? Iunno, just guessing.
Maybe if pretty good is code for "completely ass"/
We're big 3 now boys.
I never heard a thing about it but I'd love to see you and merk play there.
cute vat
Probably ArcSys sponsoring the game to draw attention to sell CL-R
Isn't Oreo a Hydedere?
You could say it's quite steamy.
Bunny crew WW@
People have trouble connecting to people within their own state and country, being an ocean apart won't fare better
how come on the days where i try to warm up before hand, i do so badly, where on days where i dont play any video games before hand, i do so much better
rip me
Give me a bunny Yuzu and I'll join the crew.
Need help printing out the template here for my fightstick. Which format should I print the whole thing so I still have the instructions and still cut the thing out?
Yeah, I used to play Hilda before I learned the joy of Nanase last year. Haven't really touched her since.
Is it coming to the switch?
Very cute
Bunny Mika needs twice the rep
Speaking of which
Yes it is
Last year it was Guilty Gear with SF and Tekken. This was when GG was pretty much already out the door so I was surprised as hell they didn't do DBFZ instead.
This year if they were going for an anime game again it was definitely between DBFZ and UNIST. Really glad they went with UNIST
there's a spot open if whoever wanted in on the PC lobby is still here
Ok I'll get it
uhhhhhh is it supposed to be cut nicely around the red border like that? cause i was just gonna submit mine like pic related as im too lazy to do that on a big ass picture
how many mikas in the pc lobby?
ah damn i got kicked. ggs pclobby hopefully i'll do better tomorrow
236a more
officially we don't know
No you got it right. Don't know if this is the case but it sound to me like Akatsuki guy might be printing it himself. If you're sending yours to FA then they'll do all the cropping for you
Whatever plants are outside have taken my ability to use my eyes well, so I'm just gonna leave. Thanks for the games. I'm totally not dipping out for more Symphogear or anything.
We eSports now boys. Time to make some noise and watch some games sponsored by Red Bull (tm)
GGs PS comrades. Playing and watching the fights in this short time was quite enjoyable. As a side note, those FFs in that last mirror match were sick Dia.
Will be back later for that PC lobby.
Seriously though. You were blocking pretty much all of my attacks I threw out and had appropriate counter attacks. In that next fight you also did pretty well aside from getting hit from overhead and were able to put in some good hits on Dia.
If that isn't some serious improvement, I don't know what is.
Oh, then I'll just send it over to em in that format instead of printing it. I might mess up on it if I print in A-3 when formatting after all.
Help, how do I fight a good Hilda?
ggs. Heading to bed early tonight. Have stuff tomorrow and only got 2-3 hours of sleep on the flight back last night.
It was great playing with you all at EVO.
Sometimes I wish that I had a stick to customize with custom art but I'm too much of a filthy pad player to use them.
Reminder to desync the bluetooth controllers on ps4 when you go to your locals. I've seen so many matches get cucked in the middle because some dumbass doesn't pay attention to what they're holding. Pad players are scum.
Duck under standing 236x
Always be ready to crouch or block high
Shield 22A
How was EVO guys? Did it feel different playing offline? Were other players shit easier to deal with?
Christ, damn near dropped my controller on that last touch that should have killed.
I have no experience printing myself but I've gotten two prints through FA and they both turned out great. Just follow their instructions and extend the image past the lines, send it off and you're gold.
The print will actually only be what's in the gray lines but they have you extend it past that just to be certain that there won't be any white edges around the print which would look like shit
don't forget to dashblock
>How was EVO
Expensive but fun
>Different playing offline
Don't need EVO to teach me that fact
>Other players shit easier to deal with
Opening people up becomes way more difficult when someone like me stops falling for 6B and FF overheads.
Pretty good. I made it into the highlight reel for EVO, got my shit signed but offline felt way worse. I wasn't used to offline play till the last day.
don't know what the fuck happened there
what just happened in the pc lobby
the hell was that?
I should really practice isaac's combo routes
I literally just sent them this image with instructions and all. They'll know what to do, right?
how does it even get stuck like that
I couldn't do anything and had to alt f4
Cheers to everyone I met. I was a bit disappointed to not meet everyone, especially in the Saturday room. Really couldn't help it though. EVO isn't long enough to hang out with everyone.
I demand you guys reach out to the developers, and inform them about Player Lobbies, that've been part of ArcSys games for years. I don't want another installment trap with lunatics who are butt fucking retarded and insecure in their little containment special needs rooms. PLEASE! Think of the future, the future of others, the future of fun! PLEASE! I BEG YOU!
Yeah, I wasn't able to fight you at all. Congrats on making it so close.
That suite got waaay too crowded
Assaults were easy to block except in the cases where it's slightly obscured by that blue circle thing that appears when recovering after a knockdown. Orie's 6B is still unblockable though
Got further confirmation that I am extremely bad at opening people up when they aren't running face first into Yuzu slashes. Feels like I get hit constantly when resetting pressure, so I'm at a bit of a loss of what to do to make it more threatening
Just gotta be more jewish next time.
Yeah I think that should do the trick. If not and they need the full psd file they'll send you an email asking for it
I didn't know Eltnums pink color had a tribal tattoo on her right arm.
ggs. Good to have met you. I realized just yesterday that we never got a match of Unist, despite playing both Samsho and Koihime with you. Got me interested in the latter though, which is good.
>Mess up three times trying 360C
I play wald why is this so hard
nice job on the run at EVO, good stuff
iirc you came out of retirement for it, are you planning on sticking around to see what cl-r holds? it would be fun to play again if I can keep a console alive for longer than a few days
gg pc bros
I don't have the full psd file unfortunately. I just got it from people doing artwork.
At least I didn't backdash like all the other matches against Gord.
I think the connection is messed up. Normally we have at worst like 4f matches together but for some reason tonight it's 6f.
Melk you're cursed. What witch did you accidentally run into?
well, this seems a good time as ever since I won't be sticking around as long
I'll close the PC lobby and someone else can re up it after it comes back to me and rejoin back in for a few more
What up notes slayer, wish I coulda met you too
Oh and I had forgotten to introduce myself properly when we did meet. I was the guy who said he could have had a better chance against needle if I fought you some more.
Thanks! Both the Saturday and Sunday suite were crowded. Food court invasion would have been good, but I was trying to get matches with jp players.
Koihime is a great game. Whiff punishing feels so good.
Thanks! I hold UNI pretty close to heart, so I'll probably buy it multiple times again, especially for the merch. I don't know how hard I want to go competitively though.
It's pretty easy to find. All the psd template files should be on the store pages of the stick you want to order for. But again maybe you won't even need it
I'll take that as my cue to call it quits for tonight. Not really sure what's up with the connections. Never really had this happen before.
Is the Dneco slayer going to show up at 3AM or were you planning on taking tonight off
GGs by the by everyone.
kick people who pick random stage
>Excited to play against Vat
>Wire nearly dead and ends up dying later that night
>Excited to play against Hilda
>Connection takes a nosedive and everything feels super slow
one day we'll get a good match going so I can be properly wrecked
>4 frames
Dammit Razzy why is your internet so shit
( ´・ω・)
Meanwhile I'm thrilled when I get only 4 frames against Razzy
it seemed like a good opportunity to trade off lobby host, someone please carry the torch
Bruh. You were the one who got DNeco? If so, good shit! He bodied me in casuals on a recorded setup. I played like shit after Friday.
It ain't shit if I'm getting 4F with Hippie
>He actually believes the stage contributes significant lag
Playing on park or training stage gets so tiresome.
Sha's Miles Morales byak zoning made dneco look like me aside from actually recognizing the fake 214 blockstrings and smacking him in the face after the first round.
Wasn't enough to save him though
It's unfortunate. I'll mess around and see if there is anything I can do to improve it on my end for tommorow. Spectrum tends to to be a crapshoot between tolerable and kinda shit depending on the day. I miss having fiber.
It turned into 5 in the last round
maybe if i finish this tekken set soon
somehow yes. it was a weird set, he was doing crazy dps and eating shit on most of them, but also had good call outs for web sets and brought the dneco damage
>Paid $60
>Not even allow to use other stages
>Player pick generic black/red palette out of the 20 something colors
>Players too lazy to change music or set it back to random
What's the point? They should just create a starter pack for these guys. Make it $5 that comes with just a player room lock to one stage, one music, and one palette.
so uh, is nobody gonna put up a new pc lobby?
Yeah it sucks. Not really anybody's fault but still a bit frustrating.
Good to see you haven't dropped Hilda though
>Make it $5 that comes with just a player room lock to one stage, one music, and one palette.
No music
Seth only
Park Destination
Now that you mention it, I don't think I saw a single rekka from him outside of combos
Fuck me. Dash blocking is hard as Yuzu
It's hard for everyone
Just teleport bro. It just works.
You don't mind me telling what MU Yuzu needs to resort to dash blocking?
People who do it make it look easy
trying to calm down on it for a bit
Vatista, Hilda, Yuzu
He had the right idea in the mirror, but he also wasn't retaliating at points where he could
Another Yuzu
is that a no then?
maybe this is why the lobbies died out
or maybe my region changed back to germany for no fucking reason
Sorry, brainfart. "You don't mind telling me". Guess I need the sleep.
Gord when he has vorpal and Merk to an extent too. I'd include Phonon but I don't have enough experience with that MU
>5 frames
>silky smooth
I can put one up in a few moments if no one else is going to. Too bad Melk is apparently having net troubles since I wanted to play him to practice my dashblocking and not going on autopilot, I haven't played him in ages
>Connection problem
>You have been disconnected from PSN
GGs everyone
I need to ruin my sleep schedule again
>lobby was full
>seems like a good time to end it
>nobody remakes despite early closure
PC people are weird
pclobby is up
the whole damn lobby
It's a bit frustrating that I can't block Icy's assaults online
same but everybody's assaults
mika can already do j.236x after 66C, the only change is the j.623x
wagner also got icons under her healthbar signifying her buffs. I wonder if the ice works like an actual status effect or if it will work just like how carmines 22C blood crystal works.
was fun, I'm used to offline so it was the same for me. I'm glad everyone loved the mika heads.
Congrats on your placing, wish we had played but my time there was limited.
>or if it will work just like how carmines 22C blood crystal works
better not we dont need more of that shit
See What said
He'll freeze but you it's not like he has any set-ups with traps so far
netplay sucks man, you can tell who goes to offline stuff based on the way they run offense
Says the dude who is also assaulting.
We're both doing it so it's fair game. I'm content with the fact that I destroy you when there's no lag too
I actually do need to sleep now, ggs all
Real talk, since Blitztank got in BBTAG before UNIB, should there be Blitztank as well as another different character from Blitzkampf to balance out?
sure, put it in Adler and the girl with the chinese dress in UNI
I'm not even teleporting or slashing in neutral. So I don't see why you're complaining about assaults of all things.
>I'm content with the fact that I destroy you when there's no lag too
what's that got to do with my assaults?
Put Alder in Tag and I might have the passing thought of buying it.
But I don't expect more than one guest character per series. Replace Akat please
Only if Arc gets put into UNI as well to make it fair.
>what's that got to do with my assaults?
The fact that you can't open people up without assaults
Acting ignorant to try to piss me off is less effective when you've explained it in person to everyone
I can't wait for the new characters in clr. Hopefully then I'll be able to find a main.
You think icey is acting ignorant and not actually retarded?
Have you learned nothing?
Ignorant of what? I'm just trying to improve and if I'm doing an assault here an there it fine.
He admitted to getting a kick out of trolling Basta, he's definitely self-aware
Also I feel like after I d/cd I'm playing worse now. And those SSS Gord combos looking good Hippie.
This is slander. I would never admit to something like this or troll Basta.
If only Adler could come into BBTAG. At least there'd be interesting controversy stirring up during evo.
Only one person joined so far. Are PC players fickle ghosts or something?
Never take him seriously, is what I'm getting at.
Just always assume he's being retarded
It was pretty obvious he was. It's why I just generally avoid fighting him since nobody ever pops off in anger like that unless they're messing with you or genuinely autistic
Not like he isn't easy to beat anyway, just really boring
Right right. Remember to watch your words carefully next time so that you don't start talking about commies again.
I have no idea man, the whole lobby was full before I closed it and I gave everyone like 5+ minutes notice
The PC players are autistic as fuck. No one has the balls to actually put up a room half the time.
Any west coast PC players in here? Might start messing around with online stuff in the next few days
Oh boohoo, fictional nazis
Now that I think of it, UNI's character designs are grounded enough in reality to not have that token chinese chick making Jam noises all that much.
Don't believe them basta. It's just slander against my name.
What's wrong with talking about commies?
That night was magical
It's just that it was really out of nowhere, you admitting to be a communist all of a sudden. The resulting political argument was fun to listen to, but I don't think you should go casually admitting stuff like that in America
I don't want a character that plays like jam, I just like china dresses.
> our only Canadian is also a commie
oh I am laughing
Who said anything about playing like jam? I'm just saying the series really doesn't have room to fit in any sort of girl wearing a chinadress
>you admitting to be a communist all of a sudden
Now that's fucking false. I don't remember much of what I said on that night but I have nothing but disdain for the communists.
>Everyone's bullying Icey
Stop, he's gonna buy a gun next EVO when he comes into town.
True or not you're still the most obnoxious person in these lobbies so it doesn't really make much difference in how I feel
I can't believe Icey is a commie now.
i cant believe mega mark is a communist canadian bros
Icey already shot up a school
That's fine, just remember I would never do anything to make you feel ill towards me.
Bros, you should have seen how black Hippie was. Literally the darkest person I've ever seen, it was amazing.
> Icy will buy a gun
ironically, me and a friend went to a shooting range last evo and had a good time.
I had no idea Sam Hyde played uni with us, he can't keep getting away with it
>believe the guy that actively fucked with me
man you really are retarded
That's the one thing I regret is not getting to shoot a gun in vegas. Hopefully next time.
Why do you think I keep posting these will smith faces
That's the thing. It'd be funny as hell watching the social media whores screech over an animu fighter cocktail series having literal Nazis.
When have I ever fucked with you? I would never do something like that.
Look man you should really cool it with the overt anti-capitalist messages
Anime already made Nazis cool unless people have already screeched about jojo part 2.
Don't worry, we're all good friends here Icy. I consider myself pretty neutral on the matter so I won't judge you no matter what your views.
Damn, I can’t believe they put Hippie in Tekken AND the new GG
LITERALLY, blacker than Redblade.
I'm ready to play now and gonna host like I said I would for any latecomer PC peeps.
Feel free to hop on board. kw will be pclobby.
remapping the buttons is taking forever. not the actual act, but relearning the inputs. it's easier butI keep messing up and dropping combos. it'll pay off...I think...
Make it Barkley
Still, I'm happy that Akatsuki and Blitztank got in. I just wish there were virgin vs chad memes against the virgin waifus.
I've made a pclobby but still only one other person here. Maybe I'll let you host so I can get off
Im floored we're getting Senrans in BBTag- we're one step away from getting some poverty tier unloved shinobi in UNICLR, I can feel it you guys
Ah I see haha. I don't mind hopping in your lobby either for the time being.
I just wish Akatsuki players actually existed here instead of pretending to exist
There's enough chestos to go around
>Need to go to the gym still
>Don't want to leave Hippie alone with Icey
Dang that was a nice conversion atic.
I can peace out if you want. I'm starting to get pretty tired if hippie wants to also call it early.
Not anymore. Most Akat players on PSN lobbies hardly show up
Go get your gains my guy.
I need to correct my sleep schedule even with the 2 hour time difference.
I’m perfectly content with being a ghost that pops up sometimes thank you
You sure it wasn't because of EVO month?
Fine, Akat players aren't dead.
Just extinct.
Certainly not enough to justify the overabundance of chesto memes
That's my line.
But I'm pulling for cl-r to be our year
Fuck, got fireball instead of DP.
We'll end it there then, GGs
What cause of EVO month?
Good games everyone. I'm shocked I got 5 wins tonight since I'm back to my no teleport/slashing shit again, or at least a heavily reduced teleport/slash. I also didn't VO once tonight, so I'm feeling really good about my Yuzu.
See ya tomorrow.
GGs along with the rest of PSN lobby, get some good sleep in.
I'll be back for PC lobby action if I don't pass out after the gym and it's still up.
I think I might play some Koihime now. Not sure if you picked that up on steam during the sale but come fuck me up if you got it.
>stop playing for a year thanks to life
>try to relearn
>pick up vatiasta despite never playing charge characters
>play yuzu, old main
>can only kinda play hyde but it's not enough for my autism
Aw damn someone else got koihime? I only have vanilla sadly
first match of the night and i already got memed to death by triple assault overhead
Try Chaos
Sorry lad. Saw it earlier in the night and wanted to see if I could replicate it.
Should've picked it up during the sale. Was like $15. It still could potentially go on sale on psn soon.
keep telling yourself that as you pick hilda's stage and play with 10f delay for the umpteenth time.
Guessing you're an EUbroski Golbat? Looking forward to seeing more Chaos if that's your main.
it's alright, i'll learn to use OSes one of these days
I gotta stop pressing buttons when stuck in a corner
Not him but I'm down to get messed up tomorrow on Koihime. RyoRaiRai right?
It completely skipped my mind to check steam for any fightan sales during evo weekend, despite having most of them wishlisted at this point.
Anyone down for a training/sparring partner? I need to practice defense and recovery from eating combos, I want to practice almost solely defense
What system and region? I need to practice pressure so this is perfect.
I should also mention that I don't mind playing you even with the lag.
Got used to playing in 10f with Mike on PS4. Dunno about anyone else.
Thanks for the games guys. Getting the 236A > j.5C > 66C > 22A online made my night.
I have PS4 and PC, West Coast. I'm at work right now though (I work nights)
Right. Against atic I would almost certainly just keep blocking until you find a good opening.
Trying to approach him in neutral usually ends in getting thrusted or thanatos'd.
Yep, rairai. Gonna learn my ring loli combos tonight.
That sounds pretty darn challenging to pull off. Congrats m8.
Same but I prefer PS4. Hit me up any time; I really enjoy playing long sets
>tfw orie bullying mika is in line with the lore
Well that ended predictably.
Maybe I can finally stop pretending with all these other mikas around.
Which character should I play if I just wanna win? I don't really have any playstyle preferences at all, so that's the only other metric I can think of for character choice.
Seth, Byakuya, Phonon, Wagner are all pretty strong and overwhelm people if played right.
no, I'm US like everyone else. Just tired of having terrible matches due to stage lag.
Seth, Phonon, Vatista, Yuzu
>all these other mikas around.
>still no mika main regular
I respect Clearlamp, he gave me pointers and was friendly and he clearly puts in a shit ton of effort into his play...but fuck me I hate watching his Byakuya. Same strat every match.
Phonon is the braindead easiest of the top tiers
this post is all fine and dandy but friendly reminder that byakuya is HONEST
Byakuya is definitely not top tier. Wagner struggles against zoning too much to be considered top tier too
Why is that? She, and the game overall, are clearly in a fine enough state despite her being literally unfinished if a couple can make top 8.
90% of Mika posters are memeing fucks
I don't think stage lag would attribute that many extra frames though. Or at least it hasn't int he past.
stage lag doesn't exist unless you're on an ultra poverty laptop and you can't hit steady 60 unless you outright disable the stage background
I don't think I'm good enough to handle Seth, so I'll probably just settle for the next best thing.
>Byakuya is definitely not top tier.
he has no weaknesses and does everything well to very well. he is the definition of a top tier character
Now that I think of it, it probably could've been my brother downloading anime again. If that's the case sorry for the laggy match.
There's at least 1 piece out there.
UNIST doesn't have netplay stages, every stage except training and park run slightly harder on pc so it can be harder to hit 60 fps which WILL massively fuck your shit up if you're netplaying against someone who is hitting 60 fps.
Phonon it is
Is there bunny Linne?
>no weaknesses
It sucks when you're in the corner against him, but even then it's not as disgusting as the shit Seth can do
Have you practiced Japanese or is he a good English speaker? Either way that sounds wholesome.
A shame about his cookie cutter strategies.
3C is your new best friend
Is it even possible to play Byakuya without flowcharting. It's so effective I don't see why you would do anything else
How does Wagner struggle against zoning? She has 214c and her shield point.
People sleep on byakuya hard. He gets full screen corner carry + anywhere from 70~80 meter on any touch + setup with 100 meter + like 2 or 3 GRD blocks just from doing any combo, even 5A starter.
His staggers are downright disgusting and he actually gets an incredible reward off throw if he has a web down. His frame data isn't the absolute best but it's still better than most, BUT his hitboxes are definitely some of the best. Both his jab and his AA are strong in OSs and his jab even covers assault. To top all of that off his overall execution requirements aren't even on the higher scale of the cast. He is the definition of a top tier character.
Maybe posting bomk memes will help me like her more.
He knows english well enough to convey basic shit. I didn't have a conversation with him.
That's nice but excuse me while I fuck off to the other side of the screen.
You definitely don't get free buffs fullscreen against Hilda and Vatista either
What happened to all the ones who played her here?
This is the first I'm hearing someone seriously downplay wagner like that.
Is this icy doing this?
Just ask Redblade, or look at all the Wagner players in Japan
>Implying Icy knows frame data
There are like 4 Mikas in PC lobby right now and Basta isn't even one of them.
Also sai, you should take up the host since I'm going to close the lobby and go to sleep once it gets back to me
>ones who played her here?
Aside from a guy who subs her on a rare occasions, a guy who only settled for her because he couldn't play anyone else, and like two guys who can play her well but one of them being rare drop-ins, they hardly exist to begin with.
Does Yea ForumsNIST use stick or pad?
>no 5f normals
>nonexistent high/low or left/right game
>pressure has to come in short bursts or can be called out on reaction by sharp opponents (by this I mean any time he reaches for web set cancel, from a normal or a rekka)
>movement and neutral tools are shut down hard by characters with superior range, has no answers to yuzu/merk/phonon/vatista besides simply outplaying them
>dash is TRASH
I'll give you that he has excellent OS options, and his normals are great for calling out negative reverse beats (2b,2b) and assaults (5a, 3c). His throw game is also scarier than most due to his corner throw loop and possible post throw combos with setup. But his bad matchups are bad, and those are all with the actual top tier. He would be the best in the game if those characters didn't exist, but they do.
Why do people call UNIST one of the most balanced fighting games? I don't see what it does any better than other games.
I use keyboard
I find wagner incredibly basic to fight against. NA only really has Schoolbus and Redblade repping her and there's a reason why it's only those two that play her in any good capacity.
Parity between characters. They're all fairly equal.
Because most of the cast hovers in the "pretty good" range while a small number of top tiers exist and the bottom tier consists of like 2-3 characters.
Every character has made it to Top 8 in some capacity both in Japan and in the West, anything is possible if you're good enough with the character.
Generic 360-looking pad.
There are only two characters universally considered bottom tier, and we had 3 of them in Evo 2019 top 8. Everyone else is very close.
>one of the most balanced fighting games?
You also have to directly state which game you're comparing it to. Wald for example doesn't suffer as much as Potemkin
It actually isn't it just looks that way to noobs and intermediate players because the GRD system carries bad characters. Characters who get high reward off their rps are actually disgusting to play against and fighting a solid player who uses one of them will literally make you want to just quit the game.
>Because most of the cast hovers in the "pretty good" range while a small number of top tiers exist
So why don't people only play the top tiers in that case? Clearly they dominate most of the cast then.
Basta plays Mika?
GGs atic and anybody else leaving the pclobby. Thanks for the fun games. Thanks for hosting m8!
I'll make another lobby for anyone who still wants to play more.
You take that back!
I'll find my main in cl-r.
GGs atic, I need to bash my head against you more to get back to where I was.
Because the top don't dominate, only have a slightly better edge. Mika is literally unfinished and two got into top 8 at EVO.
>the GRD system carries bad characters
GRD carries every character, what the fuck are you talking about. Which character doesn't want to win vorpal
>Characters who get high reward off their rps are actually disgusting
You can't say something like this and not specify even a single one
The top tiers are hard to play and they don't dominate hard enough to carry you, otherwise we would have never gotten as diverse of a top 8 as we did, compared to a certain other game this weekend with 4 top tier gorillas in top 8
He's like one of 2 actually good ones I've seen here, he just plays other characters too.
Because the base of the game (frametraps, throws and throw tech baits) is something every character can do. Every character can make silly frame traps due to reverse beats and generous cancel windows, and successfully calling out a bad throw tech in almost any way usually hurts bad. There are some characters with outlier strengths in terms of neutral or mixup or some other factor, but in a first to 2 or first to 3, this isn't enough to invalidate another character.
In long sets you'll see the difference in balance more clearly, but in tournament anyone really can win.
Is it pronounced Lin or Lin-nay?
ggs everyone, head to the replacement pclobby if you want more games because I am falling asleep
Londrekia looks nice. I might try out Mika soon although given the state of my other "subs" right now I probably won't get very good with her.
>calling a character that didn't even make it to top 16 at EVO op
His mains are Wald and Mika I'd argue. Plays both of them crazy well. Chaos is a sub he picked up recently.
So if I'm personally more interested in long sets than tournaments, I should definitely go for one of the top tiers?
Lond doesn't really look all that interesting to me so I hope to god to see more soon. Ice niggas always put me to sleep though.
The people who say this are always cannon fodder so just pick whoever you like. Even if you pick up Phonon you still have to work for your win against anyone that's semi-decent
Hilda, Carmine, Seth, Vatista, Byak and Phonon all get a higher reward than the majority of the cast for "winning" their strike/throw game. Hilda Seth and Vat are all particularly bad because they can run actual 50/50s and their pressure has no "loss" aside from potentially losing GRD, it also all just loops back into itself. Carmine has disgusting fuzzies but he also runs his life, runs the timer and burns GRD like water trying to open people up considering basically every special he has is a free shield. Byak and Seth get absurd rewards off the throw part of the games pressure game, on top of the typical GRD swinging. Phonon is, ironically probably the least offensive with her throws just giving her high frame advantage and having explosive damage.
It's not just that GRD carries every character, you need to try and imagine the game if GRD, CS, VO and the vorpal damage increase didn't exist and play it mentally that way, the characters I just listed would suddenly have their risk/reward of strikes and throws become leaps and bounds better than they currently are. Obviously that's not how the game is, because GRD is actually a fairly well thought out system that gives worse characters the ability to contend with stronger characters by the virtue of rewarding proper defensive play.
I'm jealous you all went to EVO and had fun. Wish I could have went. Did you all play some casual offline or anything?
Met the JP players?
Run sets?
Bully Redblade?
Cool. I'll scan through the characters and see which cool spear girl gets my attention.
I'd say read the thread. Pretty sure all of that but the last one happened.
I'm pretty sure I pissed off redblade since me, Lamp and atic were still talking/ playing Koihime at like 2 am in the suite and he told us to leave already.
No one is saying Wagner is op, All I'm saying is you're fucking retarded if you believe she doesn't have the tools that help her get in on zoners like Vat and Hilda.
He needs to play her more I haven't seen anybody play Mika here at a high level since Haru and that was forever ago. I never even saw him play her before.
She has tools, correct. That's what makes her good and not trash like Akatsuki in those matchups. But I seriously hope you aren't implying that she gets free shield buffs and charges against Hilda and Vatista and that it's braindead easy to get in on those characters
The dude pulls out at least 1-3 360C combos for 6.5-6.8k damage every night he plays her.
Maybe you played him on PC under the alias Onimarus?
Sorry meant to say the characters I listed would have their risk reward ratios of strike/throw become even better than basically every other character in teh cast by a large margin. If you couldn't GRD thrust, VO or CS through hilda, seth, carm, vat and byaks gameplans you would (and usually actually are) pretty much fucked until you get it.
Compare that to some of the other characters who people say are "good" or higher tier like merk, wagner, hyde, elt, yuzu etc. and you still sort of stand a chance at breaking out and getting the match back into your hands if you don't have one of those GRD-based options assuming you know their character and know their data.
How did you all do in pool, I only say atic and rooted him on.
I think most made it out of pools in our group. I got 2 byes, 1 win and 2 losses.
Nobody said the shit was free or zoners are braindead against her. Why do people keep thinking when someone says "this option is strong" they mean it's fucking unbeatable. She wasn't considered one of the strongest characters for a little while for absolutely no reason.
On PS4 so no but I hope he brings her up more. I'm dying for Mika exp. and always thought he mained Chaos.
I have no idea what to do again.
Let him know next time you see him. I'm sure he'd be happy to show you stuff.
Calm the fuck down, I never said she was trash either, just that she's not top tier.
>She wasn't considered one of the strongest characters for a little while for absolutely no reason.
I wouldn't take day 1 tier lists seriously
Curious, how much was your total cost to go to vegas and attend EVO?
unistfriends, has there been much new blood joining your game after evo or are people waiting on the new version instead?
Be wary of his FF combos when you do face him. Those things can be pretty crazy.
>all those back to back Enkidu grabs
Are you waltzing? Good stuff hahaha.
GGs pc lobby
Thats all for me tonight Ill have more time tomorrow
Not him, but hotel was $484, airfare was about $430. Food wasn't too bad, I think about 10-20 a day, I was on that one big meal a day plan. I splurged on this trip though.
>Day 1 tier lists
It's still be debating even to this day. She's obviously not top 5 but most likely in top 10.
Around $100 for gas and $100 for food. $200 for the hotel, and $30 for parking because I picked the wrong hotel
Some people have hopped on PC and supposedly more is on the way according to the posts from yesterday night.
PS4 has some old players coming out of the woodworks as well whether from break or EVO hype.
I'd say now is a good time as ever to hop in if you haven't yet on either platform.
Hotel and flight cost the most honestly. Having Sha and his friend pay me $200 to sleep on a frozen hotel room floor basically paid for my food for the week. Gambling also helped so I ended up not spending anything.
GGs Angel. Your Enkidu keeps improving with each lobby visit! Keep it up! See ya next time!
Well enkidu felt nice, but I've clearly lost my way.
pic related, me waking up from night one in iceys room
Still ended up being one of my cheapest evos ever though, I spent maybe 160 on the whole thing.
If I end up going next year we should all just chip in for a big suite we can all just hang out in.
That sounds pretty cheap. Did you drive or is flight just cheap in August?
tfw I want to hang out with Yea Forums UNIST crew but I hate sharing a room with others
I'd still visit tho :3
Is it still up?
Yep. Playing somehwat-random select currently. Fun times.
3 of us left.
Yeah you guys have fun with that, I'll be staying down the road away from all that snoring and complaining at night.
From everyone I met at evo from Yea Forums I'd be willing to wager that 6 of them would be down to split a massive suite at luxor/mandalay.
I don't think I've seen Carmine's IWEX before. That was pretty awesome.
It's weird how you can't check people's character records on PC
I'm really fucked if I'm trying carmine and chaos.
I just wish my brain would quit resetting like this, I want to have something to fall back on.
Too bad there's no name search feature. Maybe they'll add it in the next one.
>Balance patch with 1 new character sold is new game
I thought this was silently banned after BBCS. Still gonna get it cause UNI is life, but damn, even Arcsys are more generous these days.
No worries haha. Those characters are pretty tricky to get started on doing anything resembling basic combo for the unfamiliar.
The sequence that follows that is pretty sad if I remember unless that was further along. Didn't it also air on Father's Day?
I don't get this complaint. There's new moves for each character. That's already more than what you get with BB's Extend games aside from new story
The Father's Day episode was the one where he shoots Illya
We'll probably get gun-nun too to be fair
And I wasn't happy with those either still bought them all god help me. Just seems like a step down from [st], that game included balancing, new moves, a story mode, challenge mode, tutorial mode and 4 new characters.
Right, and the Mother's Day one where he blew up the plane with his foster mother. They must've planned that out. What a ride.
I'm more worried about not having a main than actually getting anything done with those 2. I'm pretty sure I'd never do more than just mess around with them, so getting btfo as them doesn't sting as hard.
Give us Arc.
We'll have to see what happens. Remember that [st] was originally just Phonon and Mika with no hints at all of the console characters
Also remember that the balancing was kind of trash for [st] originally and they gutted Gord way too hard
Then why wouldn't they end the trailer with a teaser for more characters or something? It looked pretty conclusive to me.
Has Squish not been the same since Clearlamp destroyed him at CEOtaku last year?
Most iterations of UNI have had pretty shit balance. Honestly I'm pretty sure our current version is pretty much a fluke, and cl-r will go back to wild imbalance.
Kaguya has some abandoned data in the files too. Nowhere nearly as much as lond, but enough to imply they considered her for a spot at one point.
I'm looking forward to it. Balanced fighting games are pretty boring.
Because you don't blow your entire load 5+ months before the game releases
Was very disappointed when he stared low key blaming Akatsuki for his loses.
>Also remember that the balancing was kind of trash for [st] originally
Not for my boi
UNIST is perfect while UNIEL was boring kusoge. Blazblue-style balancing is painful as well despite how much I like the game
I always thought you had a main in Mika and I've heard you played a pretty mean Linne back before I joined these lobbies.
>$40 for the version upgrade and Lond
>additional $5 each for 3 new characters released throughout UNICLRS lifespan
I wouldn't call an ambiguous "More character coming, stay tuned!" blowing your entire load.
Just like they did with EL and ST right?
What's wrong with this exactly?
The fact that It'll be $55 for 4 characters.
My mika is very inconsistent and at best pales in comparison to the other regulars, and I have an identity crisis every other month because I don't know why I still have her in my rotation.
So? I've played [st] almost every day for the past 2 years. I'm more than willing to give French bread a $100 for an update and new characters.
I like UNIST as well, but that's a shitty attitude to have. It only encourages companies overcharging their customers and creates animosity towards them even if people are still buying the games and DLCs
You have a much more solid Mika than I, despite your identity crisis. That said, maybe Cl-r will help resolve your issue once and for all on who you want to main.
Well I like your Mika and can say that I wouldn't know even half the stuff I got in my kit if not for all those 1v1s we had in the past to learn combos from.
That being said maybe you should join the Linne train again if you want to try something different than usual for awhile.
I'm surprised you're still doing that 66B into 214B stuff.
Maybe Londrekia will be the character that finally clicks with you?
I wish FB would exploit me as a customer more. I will fucking pay for more colors. Give me the shit I want, I don't fucking care if I'm exploited.
Pre-order multiple copies from different stores when the Japanese version releases then so you can get all the bonuses. Be sure to buy all their other fighting games too, not just UNI
After that break I took, I'd actually guess you've got me passed up by this point. Most of the mika's I've seen come and go recently have more consistent plans than I do.
I'll take the compliment, but I'll admit when I've fallen behind. I might give her another try someday.
Really bad force of habit.
If stores get exclusives colors and I like them then I'll do it. Though I highly doubt that would ever happen so I'm not too worried.
Realistically, what are the chances of clr being worse than st?
You get physical goods instead, and from what you were saying earlier it doesn't seem like you even care about the content, just that you want to support French Bread
95%, UNIST was too good for any successor to be able to live up to it
I'm willing to support them if they give me things I want. I want a new game, new character and more colors. Give me those things and I'll pay and support them.
Also I just do 66B into 214A since it's a touch faster and seems to get people who try to hit me out of 214B more often than not.
Explain UNIST to me as a GG player.
That's still an incredibly shitty blockstring unless you actually spot a green shield. You lose 2 blocks of GRD and your turn; why not cancel into something like DP instead
I wish fighting games didn't always force you to move on to the newest iteration whether it's actually better or not.
Oh it is, I'm not defending it, I just made the best of my dumb hands always going to 214 on instinct.
There's people still playing GGAC+R and BBCF to be fair, not to mention Street Fighter
They're both fighting games. You can only gold burst, there's no airdashing, non-projectile grounded moves are all air unblockable, and it's far less setplay heavy with more focus on frame traps to open people up.
This is such a generic question it's hard to answer unless you ask for something more specific. Just watch the Evo top 8 or something if you want to get a preview of the game
Heads up PC lobby that I'll be closing up shop in 20 minutes.
Thanks for playing til the early morning. These have been really fun fights.
Alright it's after 5 and I've gotten beat up enough, GGs
What the fuck is this debbie downer attitude about UNICLR? Games barely been announced and everyone's being grim about it and acting like nostalgic boomers about UNIST
Anyone EU PC in these threads?
Longshot I know.
I have no idea, I know most people here are expecting there to obviously be more than the 1 character.
Better to keep expectations low to not be disappointed
GGs broski. Thanks for sticking it out this long! Have a good night and see ya next time!
I'm expecting 4 to be in CLR
I'm expecting them to remove 5 characters.
Because UNI does not have a good track record, and fighting games becoming worse with a new version is pretty common.
There's low expectations and then there's expecting the next game to come out like blazblue CT or some shit.
I honestly expect 2, maybe 3 at the moment.
CP and CF 1.0 were pretty awful too
I was actually so mesmerized by the game finally not moving like a glacier in CP that I forgot just how fucked it was.
The system mechanics changes were great and I enjoyed both games, but holy fuck that character balancing
Character balancing is honestly kind of overrated, I'm fine with a really top tier heavy game if the mechanics themselves are great.
Those were some fun Wag/Orie matches Raz.
GGs to all who came into the 2nd late night lobby! Great matches and lots of fun random select fights. See you all next time!
My weeb daughter wasn't in the top 8, therefore she isn't top tier.
French Bread please buff Phonon!