Anyone else playing this?
Still haven't gotten final breast sizes.
Also Tit for Tat reads your inputs.
Anyone else playing this?
Still haven't gotten final breast sizes.
Also Tit for Tat reads your inputs.
Other urls found in this thread:
>Tit for Tat reads your inputs.
That's why you hold paper until the last second and switch to rock, works every time. Also The dungeon crawling is a little harder than I thought it was going to be...
Wait it was actually released.
Holy shit. Judging by your filename on Switch. Ninty did it, the mad men.
The absolute madmen.
Yup, just lost fiora to the big baddie. Actually had some troubles in the dungeon, one part my own stupidity and one part bad luck.
god damn
cant be bothered to download the NSP
You haven't even seen the next scene
I wish they'd go bigger but I'm still getting it
Are you even allowed to post it
It's technically SFW, but I'm not going to risk it.
Damn shame there are no nipples in this game.
But I probably wouldn't be able to play it until my dick was raw and balls are totally empty.
Gameplay looks mediocre. Why not just fap and then go play good game?
It's a decent mystery dungeon game though they kinda overpower some skills IMO. But I'm not exactly playing this for fapping, I just like a game that is a bit lewd, has fun with it and has gameplay that I find enjoyable.
Get the largest tits in tit for tat, they're so big they don't even fit the screen.
I like the effect that they bounce the posers tits out of the screen
Shit that pisses me off
>The last room in the floor is you search is a flower bath
Yuup, I know the feeling. Sometimes I just go around again and hope for enemies to spawn
post the biggest tiddies
Ain't got a switch
game looks really boring
Get one, it has tits and games.
I don't have the money right now.
>OP skills
And you need them if you got dropped into a monster room.
What games are worth it on switch? Astral chain soon, botw, this. I don't give a shit about smash or splat.
not worth $60
What games do you like?
In terms of anime titty games that have a world wide release, you have this and Moero Chronicle Hyper.
Personally I try to get them done with books, but I like it that in this game they added enemies that buff you and the monsters when defeated so you need to be careful with those as well. And the situation is really fucked up when you add that lava rock turtle bomber, that enemy is a pain in the ass. Which is a good thing.
Do these conversations offer other items than just the girl specific home cooking for you to take to the dungeon?
Holy FUCK time to remove all my switch friends i need to play this
Flavor text.
Yeah, thought so. Not that I mind
>needing to remove friends to play anime tiddie games
>not having anime-tiddie-comrades in your friends list.
Anyone you have to hide your hobbies from isn't a real friend
This, I have a place full of anime figures that makes people like cable techs freak out but my friends either don't care or collect the same shit. I can't even talk to normalfags outside of basic "how's the weather" sort of conversation.
I don't even think the cable guy cares all that much either so much as he just raises an eyebrow.
I live with my mother (Housing market is shit.) and have anime figures in a display case.
I used to be cautious with the naked ones, but now I don't give a fuck and just display them proudly.
She keeps my nephews and other kids out of my room now.
Freedom ain't free
>She keeps my nephews and other kids out of my room now.
Shoulda been doing that from the start honestly
Does the Experienced Bra do anything?
Also is there a way to increase your bag size?
You mean the 30 item limit or the bags you collect in the dungeons?
The 30 item limit. Or do I use the bags to supplement? I've been just selling those for omega.
There's various bags to supplement that limit yeah. One sends stuff straight to locker and other type allows you to put in and out items, use those. You can increase the bag limit with a potion or book, can't remember which one
I hope this was originally phrased as そのあとめちゃくちゃ話をした
Bros, can friends see what you're playing if you are on another user?
Is the gameplay fun?
God damn nintendo when are you going to make proper file transfer program
If you like mystery dungeon games it is a decent one of those.
Jesus that's one fine ass.
I'm not usually ass man but I do agree, that was just fine thicc ass
Damn fine
Ara ara
Still haven't got the Z size, looking forward to it.
Overall I like the bathing pics in Life more than I did with Z
How much do the tits scale with the girl? Because Ara ara lady is already stacked out the gate and I wonder how huge she gets compared to the others
Once I get into the post game I'll do some charts with different girls. But in Z they were still proportional to the girls bodies, I assume that's the case here as well.
Masochist potion was a new item, haven't seen those before
How do you do well in the skill bloom minigame? Do you just tap any icon, or is there a specific one to look for? Also, at the end do you tap everywhere as fast as you can or can you just tap the same area? I'm probably doing everything wrong.
>How do you do well in the skill bloom minigame? Do you just tap any icon, or
I think specific girls have places they tend to have more response to. For the end spurt I just tap as much as possible, if you get three bottles that should be pretty good. Not sure if you can get more than that though. Two big hearts is probably the maximum, haven't been able to get that yet.
Hows the overall quality of the translation anyways?
PC when? Chocobo Dungeon too.
Overall it's good enough. There's small mistakes from time to time, one with a potion which is a little shitty since it does the opposite the flavor text says. The item name is right though. Then there's sometimes weird stuff like the girls say something else than the subtitles, but that only happens in the minigames. Like saying "No" means "oh yeah, give me more" in the subs or something like that. Dunno why they did it that way, maybe for the localization? I don't mind it as the voices are untouched so you can hear the original just fine.
Thanks. Hopefully someone(probably JP players) figures out the best method for everything and makes a guide. I'm going to look for some JP sources of information later.
please tell me she eventually joins the party
On a scale of 1-10
>1 being literal as fuck
>5 being that perfect translation where there's no bullshit
>10 being NISA tier
About 6.5 some nicknames are changed pointlessly, some things are changed like janken or oppai janken being called Tit for Tat, some dialogue doesn't match up perfectly but there's no getting confused by shit due to terrible translations/bad google translate and no god awful forced memes.
>Thanks. Hopefully someone(probably JP players) figures out the best method for everything and makes a guide. I'm going to look for some JP sources of information later.
Please do, and if you happen to be in one of these threads could you share those tips? I'm interested on them as well.
Nah, that doesn't happen. Would've been cool to have the sisters go as a pair like you do with the fairies though, she could take the damage and get some boosts from it or something.
Does the defence decrese when in rage?
They take a lot of liberties, up to completely rewriting some stuff every now and then. For example: one character named Nanami is called nana-chan/nami etc. for short and the subs say everyone is calling her "Mimi". Idol translated to 'pop star', etc. It's like they still translated everything for a mainstream audience, but forgot to add the censorship.
finally, just the thread I was looking for
gonna be talking gameplay spoilers here
certain tier 2 weapons/shields together make tier 3 weapons/shields. weapon A + weapon B = better weapon A, vice versa for better weapon B. to get tier 4 stuff, any shield + Ochain (specific shield) makes tier 4 shield. I assume tier4 weapons operate similarly, but I haven't found what tier3 weapon is required to make tier4 stuff.
pay attention to the slots when synthing stuff. slots are always based on the base weapon, so combining a weapon+6 (1 slot) as base with a weapon(2 slots) means you lose the slot. however, gps straps only stay attached if the synthed item is the base, so it might be wise to wait until you leave the dungeon to synth stuff so you don't accidentily lose equipment forever upon death
Is this yuri?
is it on PC as well?
Not yet
hope it comes soon
I don't want my friends to see, that I am playing anime tiddy games, Xenoblade 2 was already pushing it
Why is maymay such a best?
Are they really your friends if they aren't aware or accepting that you play tiddy games?
Use a different account?
doesn't really work, we play lot's of couch multiplayer
oh, also pressing ZR and then right allows you to quickly change your partner's AI setting without pulling up the status menu
nice if you want to the partner to start/stop using skills, also makes it easier to split up at the beginning of a floor (make the partner wait while you go down a corridor, then set them to follow and they'll pick a random direction)
I'm kind of thinking about getting this. how good is it as a game?
pretty sure you can just hide that info
Mei+Mio is the best combo and ship
And Mei is of course top
Pretty good.
Though the skill blooming minigames are giving me Orgasm Girl flashbacks
Just play it pussy
I played SK reflections and Gal gun 2 without an drop of shame
Nice, thanks for the info user.
>Yurika + Hinata combo
Absolute patrician taste
>Still waiting on this game in the mail
How's the garden decoration stuff work? You guys got any nice setups to share?
Isn't this the incel harvest moon?
I honestly just use mostly the auto stuff and the sets they provide for now. Will see more if I manage to get more Omega Power.
That's Stardew Valley
but she has no tits to tat
We had a match anyway
I want to tit her tats
But the result was inevitable
>getting smug after a little increase in tiddies
Is this game part of a series?
That’s ok user. Money is tight sometimes. Game will still be around next year
I read up on it a bit. So, there were two previous Vita games released only in Japan, right?
can she grow like, huge G-cup size tits?
>Meimei will never call you her liege
Why even live
Yes, but the first one was Vita only(full translation patch available), and the sequel was banned from releasing on PS4 in the West by Sony right before launch. Had an ESRB rating and everything. This new one can be played standalone though.
Everyone can get Z-cups, though they might still be too little for some enthusiasts tastes.
I kinda like that they changed it to that in the translation instead of just "Master"
Ten minutes left until we know how the game's opening sales in Japan.
The first two were Vita only, right?
First was Vita only, OLZ was PS4 and Vita
what's "z-cup" in this game, exactly? Because I know they wouldn't dare go as far as what I think z-cup would be, which is like alien-beachballs
I see. So, is this like unprecedented levels of sexual content for a Nintendo platform?
If they combined sell 30k that would be fine. But dunno if that's reality.
About normal ero manga big tiddy size I guess? At least in Z that was the case.
Well don't forget Nintendo has shit like Senran Kagura and Nekopara granted Nekopara is the all ages version
switch has softcore porn games with JAV actresses on its store
Does this game have any actual nudity?
It's one of the more extreme games but I don't think it's the most unprecedented. I think that title goes to GalGun 2 for now and that's probably getting usurped by GunGun Pixies later in the year.
The closest you get is butt shots and pasties
Console game from Japan,so the answer is no.
I've never gotten higher then an I cup. I always finish the dungeon too fast or a monster lowers my boob size. Haven't found any good weapons yet. I've just stuck with a claymore ever since the ice dungeon.
>Nudity as in exposed nipples
No, can't have that in a console game
>Nudity as in they show damn near everything they're allowed to on a console game
surely someone's working on doujins for this game?
The later dungeons will get longer and will provide more omega power for you to get into the higher sizes. The more advanced weapons have a little bit more going on, but I would suggest getting some weapons with slots so you can put some traits into there, for example you can put something that increases the amount of seeds you can get from the enemies.
Niche games barely get anything, I've seen one pixiv image of this game. Though to be honest I haven't been looking that closely.
Prolly not.
But you can buy the artbook at least.
That might have nips
Switch has Moe Chronicle H released in the West as well.
Any traits you would consider must haves? Like Poison chance, strength +60, etc?
Is this pseudo-erotic weeaboo filth available for PC?
I'm playing through pokemon mystery dungeon while I wait, and I wonder how this game handles post-game content is comparison. PMD has 99 floor dungeons that set you back to level 1 and are hard as shit.
Eh, those might come to play later in the game. Most stronger ones are probably very good anyway. But I'm not that far that I can actually suggest anything reliably.
Can't say yet, sorry. There's nice puzzle dungeons though that make you think how to handle specific situations with the tools the level offers. They're actually quite nice. But the post game in Z was certain challenge dungeons that you bought from the store. They had different goals and starting points, but probably the last one was something like 99 floor dungeon.
Wait six months
[NSW] Omega Labyrinth Life (D3 Publisher, 08/01/19) – 6,643 (New)
Not great. PS4 version didn't even chart.
> For comparison, the previous entry Omega Labyrinth Z launched at 9,320 retail copies on PlayStation 4 and 8,821 copies on PS Vita for a total of 18,141 opening week sales.
Hopefully it sold decently on digital and overseas. But this doesn't look great.
Imagine the braps it can produce
that's actually a pretty nice ass for a jap game
At least they don't have to rely entirely on Japanese sales this time. And how did the original Omega Labyrinth do?
It did sell more than Matrix's last title by 1600 copies so that's a positive.
I just hope that this isn't the end for the series. They've improved after each game, but the sales have been going down.
Well we'll have to wait and see. The thing you have to remember is that the devs aren't making the game for a quick buck. It's something they seriously want to make.
As long as that spirit is there and they can break even which they probably have they'll make more.
Same goes for Shade with Bullet Girls. That said we need to wait for this year's TGS to know what D3 have planned for the coming year. It should be Shade's turn again this year alongside the Onechanbara Remake with Matrix being the following year.
I hope so. I really like the OL series and would like to see it continuing its path of improvement. And I should also give bullet girls a chance, I have phantasia still on my backlog waiting to be played.
It's bad to wish this on such a niche franchise, but I hope the PS4 version isn't even in the top 20.
I do recommend Bullet Girls, it's a fun TPS with some interesting mechanics regarding the clothes stripping.
I will say this though, Phantasia controls better than 2 but it sacrifices the clothes stripping mechanics except for boss battles. I personally think 2 is the better game with 1 being janky as fuck but great for a decent challenge. The time limits in 1 are pretty unforgiving. This is changed in 2 and P to being extremely lenient.
Also I do wish OL continues though. It's way more fun than you'd think. The puzzle dungeons especially.
Ah forgot a part. Phantasia for Vita is a bad port and downgraded. Play the PS4 version if you're going to play it.
>but I hope the PS4 version isn't even in the top 20.
>I hope this game that already sold poorly to sell even less
Something about the girl in the title card reminds of Bokuben. Did the mangaka do the art for the game?
So do I exist in game? As in is there a PC character for the visual novel parts?
No, the artists are Fly
and Umiko35
Maybe one of their artstyles looks a little similar to Taishi's?
Yeah a girl named Hinata.
No self insert faggotry is in the game if that's what you mean
Ill play it anyway. But I do like pretending I am the shota
Yeah, I have the ps4 physical in my shelf.
Then everything's fine.
Holy crab cakes, the thread is still alive.
Through dick unity
Max Level for Skill Bloom is Lv 30, individual skills max out at Lv10. Just to let you guys know, a single skill bloom gets you up to 30 character drops, and by the time I maxed out a single character I had already reached x999 drops from them. I'm sure I spend like almost 100 000 µ nectar to get there
I am so glad that that panda was able to be saved
Isn't that expected for this sort of title? How many physical copies did they produce?
No idea. We are mostly just comparing it to the previous numbers they've made.
Juri____ best girl
I want the game but the price is not ok. I's a battle of common sense versus titties. And surprisingly, titties seem to be slowly winning it.
For most people 60€ is a little bit too much, yeah. Even though it does offer lots of content with the actual dungeons as well besides the tiddies.
I want to know what color her nipples are so badly.
I got a thing for blue girls.
Think about it pragmatically.
If this game sells, they'll bring more titty games in the future.
Like how Senran Kagura Brust was digital only when it was released in America, but did well enough they did a phyiscal copy in Europe and for Deep Crimson.
And Gal*gun, wasn't that actually a huge success in west when it sold pretty badly in Japan?
Probably, getting the collectors edition of 2 was a giant fuck you though.
What was wrong with it?
It was webshop exclusive.
The webshop was based out of the UK
Even though it was the American version
So you had to import it regardless.
Is the game good? I haven't played a mystery dungeon game in a very long time. I did try Etrian Odyssey one for like 30 minutes and hated it though.
Etrian Odyssey's Mystery Dungeon is one of the worst out there.
this girl post-game or something? I never knew we had blue chicks in here
god I wonder what color her nipples are
And PQube never fixed that? That's pretty fucked up, hope they got some shit about that. At the time I didn't own switch yet so I bought the PS4 version, at the time sony still hadn't launched their guidelines.
She's the spirit of the ice dungeon. You meet her sometimes walking in the floor, sometimes taking a bath and if you manage to get TFT petal you will also battle her with Oppai Janken at the end of your run for bonuses or possibly saving your run.
I would if it was here already :(
>>At the time I didn't own switch yet so I bought the PS4 version, at the time sony still hadn't launched their guidelines.
>Gal*Gun 2 was the last game that released before the censorship
>the PS4 version came with a leaflet advertising the imminent release of Omega Labyrinth Z
If only you knew.
At the time I was happy that Z was coming and was happy about the leaflet. If only I knew how things turned out. Fuck.
>tfw actually making a list which flowers go well with which girl sweat
how does her bra fix itself whenever you go back to A cup?
Omega power fixes everything, even flat 2D girls
Temporarily at least
ω power
I actually like the way Pai is drawn in this version more than the previous