It's okay.
You can like it now.
It's okay.
You can like it now.
Other urls found in this thread:
sotfs is even worse than DS2 and that's saying something
Wait, when did they change it to not fucking suck?
did they unfuck it yet?
it was still shit last time I played it
Yeah, they added falconers.
I've loved DAS2 since I played the vanilla game.
The 3 DLC were amazing.
and I like the SotFS version the most.
By far my favorite Dark Souls game.
90% of the DaS2 haters are whiny PC cucks who started with the DaS1 pc release and got super butthurt over the graphics bait and switch the DaS2 early footage pulled.
>no DeS
cringe and underage
1 = BB > DeS > 3 >>> 2
DS2 was shit at the time because it was just a huge step back from 1. But then BB came out and basicly ditched everything from Souls. Than 3 came out and decided to copy BB. Than Sekiro came out and said "Fuck Dark Souls games". And then you realize that DS2 was the last true Souls game. True Souls games being Demon Souls, Dark Soul, and Dark Souls 2.
>Dark Souls 2
>true souls game
more like a cheap chinese knock off
low effort garbage and completely forgettable
I was never ashamed to love it the jankiness gave it soul and the multiplayer was the series peak.
>multiplayer was the series peak.
yeah i never get connection issues in dark souls 3
I've always liked it. In fact I just got done playing it a bit.
It's certainly not perfect, but I love invading in it. If only there was a full eye orb.
>It's certainly not perfect
Losing hp when you died was tedious. Also I did no damage until I used a fire weapon/big blunt club.
That can happen with the bridge drake in 1, you know
>B-b-b-but 1!!
Honestly that's what I disliked the most.
It felt like they just pasted in totally random mobs and designs throughout the entire game.
Dark souls has aged like shit. It isn't nearly as fun to play non blind, got the remaster and got bored after a short while.
Zoom zoom
>falls into obvious trap
>expects to not get fucked up
git gud faget
How is that a zoomer thing retard? These games lose all their magic and wonder if you arent playing blind
Thanks user, I chuckled
Because the first Dark Souls is a timeless masterpiece.
>DaS2 thread
>Always these jank webbums
>Never showcashing how magic doesn't fucking suck like 3
>Or Miracles
>Or Pyromancy
>Never brings up POWERSTANCING
>Ranged weapons weren't shit either
>But m-muh janky collisions!
>Muh R1 R1 R1 R1 R1
Shit dude, why did I originally dislike ds2, played ds3, then went back to 2 after a week?
DS1 was only fun as an archer or dick ass theif.
the community is slowly coming around to ds2 and i couldn't be happier about it. with the complete shit storm that was DSR and DS3 being a "its alright" souls game im glad i finally have more people to play with, DS2 is a fantastic game :)
please explain to me how the ds1 even compares to ds2.
That was pretty good
>DS2 is a fantastic game
>game doesnt let you mindlessly R1 the shit out of every enemy
dabbed on
the hitboxing, i cant say a lot about, but you could easily fucking avoid that grab.
never fails to get a good laugh out of me.
nothing wrong with this. do you expect them to just supposed to phase through the boss or what?
>Never showcashing how magic doesn't fucking suck like 3
>Or Miracles
>Or Pyromancy
>Ranged weapons weren't shit either
We'll never have another game like it
des > bb >>>>> 2 > 1 > 3
You were never not allowed to like.
You were just wrong if you thought it wasn't the worse souls game.
>nothing wrong with this.
i have well over 1000 hours in ds2 and have never seen a falconer do that holy shit
i love how everyone seems to forget that there is GIANT FUCKING MOUNTAIN right behind harvest valley.
Time is convoluted.
is this the tryouts for the contrarian olympics
that was just ds3 trying to be clever in covering up its ass level continuity.
It's pretty fucking hilarious, if you ask me
In vanilla or sotfs? or both?
Can't really see it in vanilla because you can only find them in tall grass, but you really can't miss it in sotf
he volcano is way behind the windmill. If you paid attention to the game you would have noticed that this particular part, and many others, show memory gaps. Just like how it's sunny, you go through a tunnel and suddenly it's raining and you're in front of a castle.
The first fucking cinematic tell you that everyone forget things. that's why you come to Drangleic, to find a cure. After mytha you walk for a long time until you reach the volcano. But why on earth would they make you walk for ages, when they can directly give you the elevator? If you're not retarded you'll understand that your character just forgets parts of his journey. Just like you see only a tiny sunken part of Heide's tower of flame from majula, and it seems extremely distant, while it's just after a small tunnel. Or even how you can meet an NPC, meet him again after a tunnel or a bridge, and he'll act like it's been days since he last saw you, while it's been 2 minutes.
Jesus, do shitposters even play the fucking games they shitpost about? Of all the things you could have complained about in DaS2, you chose the one thing that's clearly explained in the game, from the very first cinematic. Want something that makes no sense geographically speaking? Ash lake.
did you play new game + or scholar of the first sin? its very noticeable
time is convoluted is from ds1 dude
These fucking guys were supposed to be in really tall thick grass originally iirc, so they never bothered properly animating the legs or skirt cuz you wouldn't be seeing them. I donno why they decided to put them all over the place in SotFS without changing the animation. Also, I don't remember personally, but I've heard these guys were supposed to have falcons they'd send to attack you, hence the name, but B team never actually gave them falcons in SotFS so every once in a while they'll awkwardly point at you for no reason.
yeah my highest NG is like 26, after that I usually just make a new character, maybe i'm just retarded and never noticed.
"Memory gaps" is like the lore version of "shockwaves"
>Dull ember moved from Iron Keep to the Bastille, BEFORE you even encounter the blacksmith
What's even the fucking point, just make infusions available by default
Also I always found it so strange that the game expects you to arrive to the bastille through Heide's Tower>No Man's Wharf>Bastille. Like who the fuck doesn't just do Forest of Giants>Pursuer>Bastille. It's like they want you to interrupt your exploration of the Forest mid-level and go to Heide's immediatly after the Giant boss.
Like it? I love DaS2 threads. DaS2fags are some of the funniest idiots on this board.
my point about ass level continuity stands regardless, its just that everyone and their dead cat was quick to pull the "muh con valuted" with ds3 and yet they rip into ds2 hard enough to fracture their wrist bones.
Was Dark Souls 2 soul or soulless, Yea Forums?
Not gonna lie this dude spooked the fuck out of me the first time I saw him. He just ran across the screen at light speed and I wasn't sure what I had seen. This is the kind of bizarre shit that makes DS2 the best one.
>ripping on the speedrunner hollow
ok retard.
B-B-But viability!
Are you implying it's some weird and rare bug? Because I love DS2 but that's their only walking animation.
>makes DS2 the best one.
git gud
i dont uh, really pay attention to the feet of my enemy bro...
It's not lore, it's a narrative ellipsis.
Whew. Finally. Ok everybody. We can stop pretending we hate it now.
The most soul, actually.
But also the most jank
the absolute state of 2cucks
>It's not lore, it's a narrative ellipsis.
top fucking kek
>git gud
Cool bait
This is intented and if you catch him he drops something unique
git gud
DS2 overall managed to be a much better game than DS1, hence why it still has way more players than DSR and DSPTDE combined.
The level design in 2 is beyond abysmal. It's hilarious that literal retards think giving you options for paths at the start makes up for shit level design and a lack of the interconnectivity DaS had.
I always liked it. Just because it's the worst Souls game doesn't mean it was ever a bad game.
>DS2 overall managed to be a much better game than DS1
2 was always the best Dark Souls
Of course, all three of them are shit compared to Demon's Souls and Bloodborne
I could like it at any point. But I don't, because it's still shit.
I'm surprised the DaS2 apologists haven't posted any of the 80 or so charts they have that reduce the overall level design of the series to dots on a chart.
Agreed, Fume is a better fight than Artorias.
>2 was always the best Dark Souls
Is there a better way to trigger Yea Forums's autists than by saying you like this game? Well, besides actually enjoying it. Like I do.
It's the one I put the most hours into.
I'm convinced that's one person with a mental illness. He's asleep don't wake him
What makes it even worse is that Heide's is kind of a giant fucking shitshow if you don't realize that blunt fucking owns everything in the game. So if you say, waited until SotFS came out before playing 2, you'd probably be using a sword and Heide's Tower would seem like a place intended for when you were a higher level, and doubly so if you didn't know anything about ADP. It also doesn't help that just about all the classes start with some kind of slashing weapon.
>It's the one I put the most hours into.
DLCs have tons of interconectivity in the level design and those are around 40% of the game.
And a few of the early levels like Forest and Lost Bastile also have interconectivity.
I'm surprised nobody ever made a "days/hours/minutes/nanoseconds since Yea Forums cried about ds2" image
I feel sorry for you.
>I feel sorry for you.
Ever notice how it's always the same webms in these threads? Almost like it's just one or two problem areas and the rest of the game is solid.
Old Knights die to a base longsword or broadsword just fine, you just need a few extra swings so you need to take them in 2 waves of hits instead of mashing R1 4 times with a hammer.
>Tfw I like every souls game + bloodborne
Cant imagine being so hateful and faggy like some of you and engaging in wars of what is the better game.
People keep jerking off to DS2 but everytime I see a boss fight it looks like boring and tedious versions of DS1 bosses.
>But the DLC fixed it!
No it didn't.
>the rest of the game is solid.
plebbit is down the hall kid
I still dont like it
It isn't, people are just too lazy to dig up new webms
fuck Sotfs, vanilla might get the most hate but it's better without all the necessary changes
He's the same faggot who selectively saves images that only favors his delusions.
Best post
>2/SOTFS is hard to cheese and actually requires some skill and proper timing
>Whine because you can't spam R1 against the areas local gank squad
>ds2 tried to reinvent the wheel, making it cumbersome and ugly
>ds3 was just based on ds1
This is the equivalent of saying "I know you are but what am I?" over and over again until people just stop talking to you.
This is how stupid DS2 is
>Bandit and Swordsman both start out built to encourage offense and rolling to avoid damage, with low health and shitty armor but decent weapons
>but they have low adaptability stats so they have garbage i-frames and can't roll away from anything
>Knight starts with stronger armor and more health and looks built to be using a shield and playing defensively
>he starts with the 2nd highest base adaptability stat in the game
none of this makes sense
>This is the equivalent of saying "I know you are but what am I?" over and over again until people just stop talking to you.
This deserves to be a copypasta, this is great
Also Ash Lake is pretty clearly based on Yggdrasil
yeah dude so much skill with that lightning spear spam
das2 as a game just wants you fucking dead and it will cheat to do it.
When first Dark Souls managed to make world which's visuals accurately reflected distance traveled, is it really so wrong to ridicule DaS2 for not managing the same?
>He doesn't know
what? that they nerfed the lightning spear amount?
"oh no now i can only save my lightning spears to easy mode the boss instead of the whole game"
it wasnt just ammount bro.. they nerfed them into the dirt a while back
alright, fine
Yeah it was always a decent game. It only gets so much hate because the series gets put on an absurd pedestal it never deserved to begin with.
Shit this is just me fucking around after buying it, i beat it multiple times pirated lol. And I have only done pvp in it recently
Yeah, like, Seath, Nito, Bed of Chaos and the Four Kings hanging out in Lordran with a land area no smaller than a small town was accurate as well.
>Yeah it was always a decent game.
oh wow, you learned how to change the dead zone on your controller! congrats user!
yeah be cause i TOTALLY enjoyed having to walk all the fucking way across the fucking African continent to get from the anorlondo bonfire to the fucking rotating stairs!!
git gud noob your just shit at vidya
i honestly dont remember this considering that once i 100% it a 2nd time for SoTFS i dropped the game forever
holy shit wow, you genuinely are just retarded arnt you?
fair enough, it being my favourite souls game i play it quite a lot, now lighting spear was good and all but the nerf didnt really effect me personally. but they went from doing like 226 on a moderate faith build to barely even 200 at 99 faith
You need to understand that DaS2fags are retards who don't understand the importance of responsive controls in an action game, and genuinely believe that a lot of options that all play like shit make up for fundamentally broken mechanics. I know it's hard to believe anyone could be that stupid, but they really are.
That's not my point. In DaS 1 if it looked like two locations were 500 meters apart, you could make it from one to the other if you walked 500 meters. There was minimal cheating by warping locations/player around without you noticing. Looking at the map of the game this is clear, with areas lining up as you'd expect with minimal clipping.
Meanwhile DaS2 does whatever, and several areas are totally on top of eachother.
You're acting like DaS2 doesn't have some obnoxious bonfire placements as well. But that's not the point here, if there was bonfire under the first lift, or closer the mechanical staircase your complaint wouldn't exist. But no matter where you place the bonfine in Earthern Peak, the transition to Iron Keep would still be offputting.
>DS1 and DeS weapons are simple and reliable
>DS2 weapons are a straight upgrade with power stancing adding more moves and combinations to the weapon pool
>Bloodborne has trick weapons that trade large variety for more depth and specific uses against enemy types
>DS3 has alot of boring weapon arts and only a handful of weapons actually benefit from them
How did it go so wrong?
basically all of anorlondo is "look how big this area is :DD" your right about the bonfire thing, but my point here is that all the complaints people make about ds2 can also be applied to the oh so fucking holier than thou ds1
The absolute state of DS2keks.
>b-but ds1!
Every fucking time with you 2cucks
I never got that feeling when ascending Earthen Peak to Iron Keep. But if you were to point out the inconsistent water level when going to Heide's Tower of Flame, to No-Man's Wharf and then catching a ride to Lost Batille, then I will agree with you 100%. Even I can point out flaws of DaS2 and still love it.
im just trying to get you faggots to take ds1 off of its high horse and come to terms with its jank.
DS1 has no jank zoomer git gud
But no one defends DaS level design after Anal Landing.
The only bad level is Demon Ruins/Lost Izalith. The rest is kino.
git gud. the lava zone is the kinoest
point proven in full, thank you sir.
imo the whole extension from valley of bad rap artist and deep root bowl is the worst area in the game.
swiggity swooty
Have these threads seriously been going on every single day since the release of this game
Yes, Dark Souls 2 is unironically the most discussed game on Yea Forums.
why is the scythe an overhead attack?
becuase hes onehanding a two handed weapon.
DeS is overrated
I love DaS2 but that's their animation lol
I still think DaS2 SotFS is the best DaS experience
It's not organic discussion anymore, just a few discord trannies trying to influence public opinion about a shit game.
yeah softs made a lot of nice changes, also some questionable ones, EG: the dull ember
DaS2 is tranny repellent.
git gud and dilate, faggot.
but ds2 lets you be a tranny
its my only weapon against all the trannys i go college with
Bearer seek seek lust
I've noticed that it's most likely the same discord group of 10 posters that make daily positive DS2 and DS3 hate threads
>player character is canonically a tranny
>tranny repellent
what did he mean by this
Easily my most played DaS
Actually the only one i've done two playthroughs because there's so much secrets and details to it. It feels like a grand scale odyssey through and through.
But what if it's fun anyways?
i wish they would have done away with soul memory even with the ring it still doesn't help much
I'm playing through the series for the first time and Jesus, what the fuck happened? 2 felt like it was made by people who played DkS1 without understanding what made it good. Literally the Donkey Xote of vidya.
>But what if it's fun anyways?
coping seethe
>because there's so much secrets and details to it
>go to colosseum bonfire
>see a soap sign at unreachable area about the stairs
>"it's probably some guy clipping through and left the sign there"
>try it anyway by hugging the wall
>managed to cross
>there's a corpse with an item behind the corner
>it’s supposed to be shit!
Even if you think that is a satisfying explanation of the shit geography, you have to admit that it’s obviously made up after the fact to account for poor planning in development. They fucked up. It would have been a better game if that particular aspect was more like DaS1, but they failed to achieve it and this resulted in a worse game.
I do like it. Hell, I'm playing it at the moment. The online is surprisingly alive, soul memory 1,5 mil and summons errywhere
This is why "fun is just a buzzword" bears credence.
I don't care
done a halberd playthrough, cestus playthrough and a pure caster playthrough. what weapon type should i go for next bros?
>I don't care
Based skeleton rofl
Post the big guys
for you
every single way you think about it it's dogshit. but damn is it fun to come back to for no reason
>Come back a few hours later
>Still the same guy posting jank webms
Is anyone gonna talk about the fucking variety of builds you can have?
>Inb4 guy posts havelmonsters
You're thinking of Dragon's Dogma.
> 2 > anything
Those guys neatly showcase just what a lazy shitshow SotFS was.
The reason why they were in NG+ only was because that's where they shoved in all their half-finished (well, quarter-finished in DS2's case) assets like these Falconers and the first Freja encounter.
No one gave a fuck during the creation of the enhanced version so they just copypasted them here and there.
>The game is broken
>But look at all the builds!
This was an ironic shitpost, right?
these games being broken is half the fun user
shame it's wasted on such a shit game though
Holy shit where did DaS2 touched you?
Imagine having so much webms to post only to try to persuade people from NOT having fun
No diagonal rolling in D1 puts it behind everything else. Even Demon's Souls has aged better than D1.
Why yes Demon's Souls is my favorite game in the series, how could you tell?
If you have too many or too few chromosomes, then sure.
Reminder REAL Dark souls fans like 2.
Zoomers pretend 3 is good, despite being forgettable, not worth more than 1 playtrhoug had quite literally reusing EVERYTHING from previous games.
Dark souls 2 was a sequel in every way possible, it took what it was used on DS1 and expanded upon, now wether you like it or not or consider it good or not, thats up to you to decide. but its just like a sequel should be, its different from the first iteration, but not enough to be a completely different game, it has your basic aspects with a twist and some more. familiar, yet fresh.
Dark souls 3 was just a mish mash of everything without much care or attention. even taking bloodborn into its inspiration.
and Sekiro was just a bland game with very little appeal except for the hardcore fans of japanese aesthetic, because honestly the game doesnt offer too much.
If the game didnt go through dev hell, it would´ve been the absolute BEST iteration of the series. and still, it has the best combat and magic of all three. the only real flaw is the world building and technical issues like graphics and MAYBE the implementation of how grabs and i-frames interact. even though adaptability fixes all of that (for the most part)
>talking about being a real DaS fan
>brings up BB and Sekiro
>doesn't mention DeS
If you're a PCock who started the series with DaS, your opinion is objectively worthless.
Too bad I don't
please die in your sleep.
Unironically the comfiest part of the game.
>Spells of all kinds actually work
Its like everyone forgot all of ds3s problems for DUDE TWIN ANIME GREATSWORDS LMAO
Or DS1s infinite backstabbu
It's honestly fun as fuck to come back every now and then and find new ways and moments where the game soils itself.
Theres not much to say about DeS because its the first one. its get a pass on a lot of things.
Mainly grass spamming and game breaking bugs.
>actually work
None of the combat actually works because all of the input, hitboxes and movements are shit. All of them being equally bad is not a point in the game's favor.
git gud
>DaS2 has Whips and makes effects actually useful.
>Magic is great and varied
>Hexes arent broken
>Miracles are viable too.
>Great moveset on most weapons
>tons of fun builds to try out
>being so contrarian that you pretend to like DS2 over every Souls game
It's fine to enjoy it, but claiming with a straight face that it is a good game is an insult to human intelligence
>game looks like shit
>input is shit
>hitboxes are shit
>tracking and enemy AI are shit
>level design is awful
>soul memory
>but if I say "builds are viable" 5 times in a row that will make the game not shit
God I wish that was me
>input is shit
factually wrong.
and even with all that its still better than Dark souls 3. that uninspired garbage for praised for no reason.
>factually wrong
Lying won't fool anyone.
>yes the game is aggressive garbage on all fronts, but DaS3 is bad because I like the taste of semen
Good for you.
Dark souls 3 is garbo, zoomer.
literal uninspired trash that has no weapon variety and actually removed features from the original game. like armor and poise which server practically no purpose whatsoever.
and each DLC got even more fucking retarded with the movesets and weapons which enforced powerstancing even more, magic was dogshit and worthless, there are no hexes and miracles are even worse.
But hey it looks just like bloodborne and has epic reused assets from dark souls 1 xD like me yet?
Wanna know how I know you haven't played Dark Souls?
based. the one and true ranking
You probably didn't even play DeS on release, child.
Wanna know how I know you're a fucking retard? It's because I've been on board with the series since day one and have played every game in it.
>not killing it with regular fucking bolts from the platform before the stairs
>webms of DS2 hitboxes
The whole series is like this. It's just more obvious in 2 because of the reduced I-frames in rolls with low adaptability.