I think modern Capcom needs to bow out from making fighting games. They do literally everything else 10 times better these days.
I think modern Capcom needs to bow out from making fighting games...
I agree they really dont care about street fighter at all
They were riding so high on SF4 and MvC3, what the hell happened to make them squander it all?
SF4 is not enjoyable.
I think you're a bitchass motherfucka and need to bow out from running your mouth
Just give me a modern goddamn darkstalkers first for the love of God PLEASE@!
It was popular and sold well, regardless. Can't say the same for SF5 outside of the competitive crowd.
Let's talk about Megaman Legends 3, So is there any real reason for the cancellation other than Capcom giving a middle finger to Inafune for leaving the company? The demo was ready, more than half of the game was finished and even the english dub got recorded...so what the heck happened?! The worst part is that it was so damm close and now it's fone forever and people no longer seem to give a shit about it... repaying Megaman Legends 1 and 2 made me realize how much I need the third one...I can't believe some idiots still defend and support Capcom after the crap they did! But still I'm sure they have done worse,I mean just look at "SF V" and "Marvel Vs Capcom 4", maybe someday we'll get to play this...one can only dream.
Also Sera best girl!
>Demitri with no startup invul on Demon Cradle
Capcom blames you, yes YOU, for its failure.
SF4 is more fun than 5. the last time i really liked street fighter was probably the alpha game on psp though
SF4 is about as fun as 5 for different reasons.
5 does things right that SF4 does not.
Both SFV and especially MvC:I were pretty underrated games. Some legitimate gameplay criticism underlies SFV's poor reception, but with MvC:I people hated it because it looked sort of ugly and it didn't have people's favorite cartoon characters.
I hope Capcom makes more fighting games. Pretty much all big fighting game names are deeply flawed, I unironically think that Capcom is better than most of them.
I agree
Would you shut up already about Legends 3 you dumb faggot you Mega Man fans are the whiniest entitled pieces of shit you have like 300 fucking games while other Capcom IPs barely have any
Ace Attorney 7 is going to be bad and Capcom will squander all their goodwill built from MHW, RE2, and DMC5.
>So is there any real reason for the cancellation other than Capcom giving a middle finger to Inafune for leaving the company?
Because of you user. You didn't gave your 120%. It's your fault MML3 was shit canned and it's your fault Darkstalkers died because you didn't bought enough compilations.
I miss Ghouls N' Ghosts/Maximo, Dead Rising, Breath of Fire, some of their older more gimmicky fighting games like Cyberbots, Power Stone and Kikaioh, any Mega Man that isn't Classic or Zero, etc.
These IPs really need to get sold to smaller companies if all Capcom is going to be is a Monster Hunter publisher from here on out.
Capcom didn't make those games
SF4 was developed by Dimps and MVC3 was developed by Eighting. SF5 is also by Dimps but I don't know why it's so lame compared to SF4
I already told you last fucking thread that the game was never greenlit by the development team's own admission. It was always in jeopardy. Inafune announced the development of a prototype pitch demo to the public, thinking Capcom wouldn't have the balls to cancel it. They did it anyways.
Inafune later gave a public post exit interview where he stated that a Resident Evil game, or a Mega Man game or a Devil May Cry game without his shining gold touch as a producer would feel empty and soulless and the fans and critics reactions would prove it. Capcom without Inafune is an aimless company.
Fast forward to late 2018 and early 2019. Mega Man 11, Devil May Cry 5, Resident Evil 2, all critically acclaimed. Mighty No. 9? A laughing stock.
Shinji Milami threaten that he would cut off his head of RE4 came out on PS2. It did, and rather than quit the company in protest, he stayed put and finished the development of God Hand, a low budget game. Inafune has constantly gone on and on about how Legends 3 is his dream game and he would do anything to make it happen. He built up the power and respect in the company to make it happen. What does he do as soon as he gets the ball rolling? He leaves the company and the project without a leader.
What I'm trying to say is, shut the fuck up.
>I think modern Capcom needs to bow out from making fighting games.
Which fighting games have modern day Capcom made? If anything, I want them to start making them, free from any external companies pulling their strings.
Personally I hate it because active switching is free so the game now revolves around getting your opponent to block moves that cover the screen and last forever while you try to open their guard. Some assists had this problem too but to a lesser degree and if you screw up that is 1 or 2 characters dead.
The division that handles fighting games replaced ono by one of the guys behind Monster Hunter so maybe he's not that retarded at making decisions.
I think it's the perfect time for a Darkstalkers or make SF6 fast as fuck like ST or the alpha games on turbo speed. SF5 and 4 have similar game speeds to SF3 which was slower, this isn't inherently a bad thing but I think a fast as fuck fighter would be a welcome change of pace and since SF is the most mainstream capcom fighter then DS is better suited for that approach.
Mega Man Legends never sold well or was all that well reviewed, it's already a miracle that a third game was even considered for development.
What about Infinite and SFxT?
Infinite was inhouse, and most people found it fun. Problem with Infinite was just the god awful presentation and representation. A crossover game demands a level of fan service that Infinite simply didn't deliver because one side wanted to focus on promoting just one aspect of their franchises while muting everything else not relevant.
Fuck crapcom shills and fuck crapcom
Fuck legendsfags really, it's incredible how they think that the game had any chance at all.
Cause legends was always shit
only DMC, MegaMan and Ace Attorney, REmake 2 was disgusting casual garbage instead of the great "REmake of RE2" old fans expected for decades. RE Engine is ugly too and turn the girls into western tranny faces.
based zoomer
Honestly they just need to go back to getting Eighting to make their fighting games for them.
SF4 was well received, same with MVC3. But SFxT was terrible (even without the gems the game had a lot of crippling balance issues). SF5 had not only a lot of bizarre balance decisions but was a skeleton of a game at release which ruined it for years. MvCI was inferior to 3 but a decent fighter but there's a lack of passion behind it's presentation and everything unrelated to the gameplay mostly due to Marvel/Disney.
>MvC3 launch
>These graphics suck
>Where's Gambit?
>Why isnt 95% of the Marvel side X-Men?
>Who the fuck is Firebrand?
>X-Factor is fucking gay
>Fast Forward to today
>*sip* Yep. MvC3, that was a good game
What caused this reception to change?
SFxT got good, but it was too little too late.
You will always have faggots complaining, specially with the sequel of one of the most beloved fighting games.
Then you also have that the sequel was worse.
The only complain among those that's not utterly retarded is the X-Factor. The versus series has always been a huge mess and UMvC3 while still super unbalanced fares way better in that regard compared to the older titles.
So yeah there weren't a lot of issues with the game to begin with but lots of retards bitching over dumb shit.
Ain't that the truth. They should also fire all the people that worked on them.
They really dropped the ball with the RE2 reimagining though
A lot of people were too stupid to appreciate the game on its own merits and just wanted MVC2 with more sprites shoved into it
Are Bloody Roar 1 and 2 genuinely good?
To be fair there are a lot of sub series some with radically different tone and gameplay.
There are people who aren't fans of one series or the other.
What confuses me is the people who demand sequels to series that ended already.
I guess the gameplay was unique but there are people who still want a Battle Network 7 (that series had 2 fucking finales) or a Zero 5.
I give the Legends fans some slack because they're dealing with a cliffhanger, but I find it hard to see what they're longing for.
The characters are charming but I'm not even sure a 3rd entry would satisfy them.
MvC3 turned out to be a fun game and the presentation was godlike as a whole. You start to appreciate all the small things they added. X factor was a comeback mechanic but it being available at the start really changed when you wanted to use it. I mean SF4 isn't that good looking but all the small things in the presentation like the announcer are great. Compare that to SF5 and you get a female robot.
>Faggots Unite
so does that mean the constant nintendo threads are nintendo shills?