Been wondering about elves in some games. How come they are always good at magic? Where the fuck are the YOKED elves?
Been wondering about elves in some games. How come they are always good at magic? Where the fuck are the YOKED elves?
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why does her jacket say ELF on it?
that would be like if I wore a jacket with WHITE written on it.
You'd wear a jacket with "HUMAN" on it you retard
Because lots of fantasy settings are really lazy and basically attribute personalities to entire species instead of actually taking the effort to write actual characters.
no I wouldn't because that's fucking stupid.
I assume elf is just what humans call em. It's like a shirt that says nigga on it for them.
The setup.
I don't know, can we post overweight dark elves?
imagine wearing a shirt that just says 'nigga' on it.
Took too long to answer.
so basically they suck at sports?
the elves are the worst part of the manga but the dark elf is at least better than the normal one
really how so?
fuckin based, keep it up
they're just kind of boring especially since they just act as the "default" ones and I've never been a big fan of main girls being insanely retarded for no good reason
elves are either demi-gods or more magical humans
what would be the point of them if they aren't magical when their roles can already be filled by humans half the time
Manga's boring and doesn't get enough porn. The author should go back to making doushin.
Reminder the dunmer are responsible for the war in skyrim aswell as owning all of the banks and extort mass amounts of silver from the mines they forcefully bankrupt
We need Morrowind mods for this
I don't have anymore dark elf fats, you must carry on in my stead.
All I want are more YOKED elves
I wish.
Might be Artemis fowl fanart, there was a CIA nigger org called ELF on those books iirc
YOKED? I'm unfamiliar with this term. Please enlighten me.
Damn haven't thought about that series in many years. Might give it another go. Always liked the idea of the bodyguard blasting fantasy critters with .357 Sig.
Would be more interesting if people would write more "savage" elves, like the Wood elves of Elder scrolls, or the Nightelves of Warcraft.
Too bad they don't seem to go to that route, since Woodelves dont even act savage in any way, desipte their culture and way of life.
Night elves in lore used to be savage, now blizz is just writing them as impulsive brainlets.
I'm only read it for the cyclops/monoeye. But then again I get most of my cyclops fill from other manga
It's an abbreviation of "Easy Last Flight"
means strong and fit
More games need to have options for both yoked and chub
I want to bury my face in that rumbly tumbly
Character name? Please?
donk elves get out
Kuroeda from Elf Can't Diet
pusy bulge
Ty based user
you mean an abbreviation of "Easy Lewd Fuck"
I have throbbing urge to betray the human race.
I'm gonna need a source senpai.
Since when has the human race been fun in a game anyway?
>Night elves in lore used to be savage,
It had always only been relegated to concept art, Nelves of WC3 were all bog standard except for Purple Grom and her arch nemesis, Maeiv.
High Elves should have an AC bonus based on their CHA, provided they are only wearing cloth armor or cosmetic items.
Real question,
Which games actually don't rip off tolkein elves?
No tall, pointy eared, magic, forest, niggas. Something completely different.
The Wild Walkers from Endless Legend. They are fantasy elves, but their ears are literally their hair. Everything else is the forest stuff
Of coure, if you change it too much, they stop being elves
Its a shame we'll never get another game like Morrowind, let alone another Elder Scrolls game like Morrowind. The Dunmer are elves, and yet are so unique
Morrowind is great because there are multiple elves with their each unique culture. Morrowind dunmer are crazy unique though.
its interesting how they can make them so unique but hold just enough of those classical features to make even someone who hasn't played the game to realize they are elves.
I don't think Tolkien elves even have pointy ears.
>haven't seen this before
>forgot to check for a new chapter lately
God, this series is so good.
Yeah tons of games, they're called literally any race that isn't an elf you dumb faggot.
It's because elves are derived from the light elves of Norse myth, beautiful creatures from heavenly lands who are skilled artisans and craftsmen. I'll note that the tiny elf workers (Santa elves, Keebler elves) are probably derived from Norse myth as well, as the "dark elves" are associated with dwarves and so the small-sized, hardly seen, exceptional craftsmen are probably where the idea comes from.
A better question might be why you think mashing together a bunch of random traits and calling it an elf would make sense. Most people would probably end up saying that it's "not an elf" because they have a general idea of what an elf is, and being 10' tall with scarred muscle does not fit in with that idea. Why would something like that even be considered an elf, as opposed to an ogre or any of the thousand other fantasy-but-still-basically-human species in fantasy?
Elves are so mainstream.
Any games with cute cyclops waifus? Or where I can be a cute cyclops
Hitomebore, or Love at First Sight, comes to mind, though I don't know much about it. I just follow the artist.
>Any games with cute cyclops waifus?
Love At First Sight, from the creator of Teaching Feeling.
thats not ripping off tolkien, thats elves from mythology.
Latest chapter is pretty lewd:
>That Quad Spank at the end cus they knock the guy out.
Blond Elf's Aunt is a treasure that needs to be protected at all costs
Thanks man, this chapter was great