>This is the new Bomberman
Thanks, Konami.
This is the new Bomberman
Other urls found in this thread:
Bomberman is Hudson game, isn't it?
Hudson was bought by Konami and later dissolved as it merged properties into Konami ones.
That's not bomberman
>loli instead of a cute shota
yeah I'm mad
i want to fuck a bomberman
>another spermhead thread
Le sigh
that bomberman belongs on my bombergland
>lolis can't have tits
Super retard
>liking oppailoli
your not real pedo
shame on you
that's oppailoli, she barely has B cups.
*not oppailoli
You're clearly a virgin
Speaking from experience I see
wtf i love bomberman now
Give me that fucking PC release, then I'll thank Konami. And put Harmony of Despair on PC while you're at it.
Well yeah everyone but your mother has experienced being a virgin at least once
As much as I don't hate anime girls I would really be expecting more backlash from Japan for such lowbrow content at this point; not just this I mean towards their entire entertainment industry.
Well to be honest I admire Japan for their simplistic, true to life, and practical principles. Its like: YES, that is what Bomberman should be. Games are made for pleasure. It's so obvious isn't it? A business designed to sell pleasure should make decisions to sell as much pleasure as they can. Actually, the way I see it this revelation implies a failure in western design.
Yeah I changed my mind, this is how it should be.
>This is a jizzbrain thread
Thanks, Yea Forums.
What's it like coming somewhere you don't belong just to try to stir shit up?
Does this artist do nudes?
I must know, for research.
I know exactly why you're here OP
I'm not surprised someone like you can easily identify his own kin.
Thank you, Konami.
>admit you're a virgin
>the people who recognized how pathetic you are are somehow the pathetic ones
>trying to dissect banter instead of making a comeback
Well I can tell you obviously never socialized in real life. Stick with the mom jokes bud.
>Grim Aloe
I fucking love the メスガキ archetype
Stick your mom with the bud if you know what I mean
me too user, it really uhh sparks my interest
What's the gameplay even like
It's basically Bomberman MOBA.
But that's bomber (girl) there look at her hair pin
whats the gameplay look like tho
Meant for
in my pants
anybody got pics of sepia ingame?
A weird mix of classic bomberman and moba.
>that tummy
that menu is giving me big DDR vibes
wtf i love bomberman now
And is a good ass competitive game too, I watch the streams from time to time
>PC release never never.
Her one doujin is already one of my favorites.
How can it be competitive when no one plays it? The game was dead as fuck when I went to Japan in May.
4 on 4 online MOBA-like. The objective is to blow up the enemy's base while protecting yours. Everyone has life bars so you don't die on hit but you get stunned for a while so getting raped by bombs is a possibility. You also get to respawn again.
Every character has unique actions like the Belmont nun who can teleport short distances by using the Belmont whip as a grappling hook.
Stages are made into a grid but there's free movement. Basic powerups are still there but I'm not sure of the other ones.
that's the best goose filename i've every seen did you thinmk it up
It looks fun. Shame we will never play it.
games can be competitive when they are dead too, but damm I didn't know about being dead, yikes.
>Her one doujin
She has like three.
>Arcade only in the age mobile
What the fuck
Playing dead games is my fetish
Yeah, in the cities I went to there was one cabinet for it in Nagano and that was it that I saw outside of Tokyo, in Tokyo I went to about 7 different arcades between Shinjuku and Akiba, and there was one arcade in Akiba with two cabinets and that was it. I never saw any other people playing it and when I tried playing it myself, once in Nagano at around 8pm and twice in Akiba at around 2pm and 5pm, every time it timed out the entire two minute matchmaking selection and only one of the three attempts got a single other player and the rest of the slots were just AI.
It's not like the arcades were dead themselves, Gundam Versus was incredibly popular everywhere I went such that it was hard to ever find a free cabinet, Chunithm and some RTS / MOBA were also incredibly popular.
why can't cute anime girls be real
>>PC release never never.
It's been confirmed for a pc release.
if it's anything like Konami's other games they will be "cloud" base but actual download everything.
IIDX and Sound Voltex works perfectly here.
They're adding DDR soon too to the Konami cloud services.
>It's been confirmed for a pc release.
That was announced like an entire year ago and there hasn't been any word on it since, it's not happening man.
Yeah, just like PSO2 coming to the west
>That was announced like an entire year ago and there hasn't been any word on it since, it's not happening man.
Mention within events and such in Japan.
Just because you don't hear it online in the West don't mean Konami isn't talking about it.
A lot of people thought DDR would never get updated news till recently.
We're also getting DDR mobile where you can plug in a full size dance pad for whatever reason.
See ya in 9 years then
>Mention within events and such in Japan.
I literally cannot give you a source without recording the events myself.
I'm pretty sure they were streamed at the tournament events, you have to keep in mind Konami Arcade games announcements function very differently compared to the west.
Most arcade announcements get events and few mentions online rarely before the actual release.
You might just have to wait 2-4 years because Konami is pushing out the rhythm game department games first since they're highly popular within and outside of Japan even within the NA region.
That's actually character from Guiz Magic Academy, that doesn't appear in Bombergirl.
Grim Aloe is also originally from GMA, but her cameo in this game really gave her popularity a boost.
>I literally cannot give you a source without recording the events myself.
Surely there would be Japanese game sites reporting on the announcements unless the game was so dead no one even cares to write about it.
>he doesn't know
Konami has been doing stuff like this for ages with their games. Willing to bet you don't even know about Otomedius games.
I know that Otomedius never had a PAL release and was region-locked.
Come to think of it, the 360 is probably easy to hack by now.
Konami only cares about the money. That guy, though, loves his lewd drawings.
Every game should only have cute girls in their cast desu. Nips know their shit.
You probably weren't a high enough rank to matchmake properly with everyone else, there's always people playing in the afternoon
t. Platinum rank
>Surely there would be Japanese game sites reporting on the announcements unless the game was so dead no one even cares to write about it.
Once again, different market.
The arcade market is stuck in time while the product become advance the way they advertise them haven't changed.
>Can only matchmake with the people at higher ranks who have been playing it for ages already
Doesn't that in itself tell you that the game is dead because there are no new people starting it and sticking with it?
It doesn't take many wins to rank up initially.
Besides that's flawed logic anyways, That'd be the same as complaining that IIDX Arena is dead because you are just getting matched with CPUs when everyone that's playing is A rank.
I don't think it's flawed logic at all given that I was also playing plenty of Starwing Paradox and except for a few times the game threw up connection errors that was always giving me full matches even though I was playing at low ranks. The lack of Bombergirl cabinets around and not seeing them ever occupied speaks for itself, the game obviously isn't doing very well in Japan.
>That'd be the same as complaining that IIDX Arena is dead because you are just getting matched with CPUs when everyone that's playing is A rank.
Which is again the same problem of not having any new players interested in it. An actually populated game like Starwing Paradox or Gundam Versus doesn't have this problem. Or I guess we can just say that the matchmaking systems are shit.
don't mention it
Bombergirl needs a console version on Switch. Not PS4 because it would be censored to hell and back.
It's going smoothly, at least.
>this is what bomberman has become now
the only thing sadder would be a bomberman gacha, fuck konami
This is always a good scenario.
>bomberman is a cute girl with nice tits now
oh boo hoo, how horrible
I enjoy watching fags like you get mad. You got your edgelord bomberman game years ago and it was trash.
Fuck yes.
yes I am angry that the core aesthetic of bomberman is no longer the same
Wasn't the arcade version already censored?
This place is a good place sometimes.
>take an iconic design and replace it with generic moe, with the only recognizable feature of it being a fucking pin of said iconic design clipped on the hair
>I am angry that a spinoff looks sexy
Some people were posting photos of the artwork with light flashes over the nipples, but that's actually just part of the animation where the CG shows up and the nipples are always covered by hair or cloth anyway.
see I wouldn't care if the last bomberman game didn't bomb making it unlikely for a new main bomberman game to be made
Still better than act zero
>the last bomberman game
R bombed because for some reason they decided to make it look as ugly as possible, have a stupid perspective, and charge $60 for it when it didn't even have a story mode.
>last bomberman game didn't bomb
The Switch game was the best selling game in series in ages, and Konami was reportedly very happy with the sales it got.
I agree that it had good reasons for why it bombed but it still makes me sad as fuck
Well shit. I guess i know what I'm preordering
Fuck dude, I feel ya there. Been working on 2 projects lately, slow going. Not doujin/hentai shit tho. Can't fucking stand translating, but I do it for the greater good.
Is it possible to play this on a PC?
PC release when? New Bomberman game when? Crossover game when?
Check the wiki page, it has two links confirming both of those statements. Or just use a search engine. If you're too lazy or stupid to do a basic search before asking such a basic question then you don't deserve the answer.
>womb tattoo
200% lewd
Did they announce the price too?
it's about tree fiddy
Switch version where? Come on Konami, we saved your video game department AND bomberman.
You owe us.
Will Infinitas ever come stateside I wonder.
>Hudson is fucking dead
What went wrong?
absolutely based
They already learned that porting a VS game in steam is going to fail. Who the fuck remembers school of ragnarok?
No. Either hope that Konami actually follows up on them saying they'll make a PC version (and expect to pay per credit or get a subscription) or that one of the Bemani cracking groups releases it.
I just want it to be released from the arcade prison.
My need to blow shit up is so strong I'll play this game on my bomberboy's grave to get my fix.
>the 360 is probably easy to hack by now.
it's not
Go be gay somewhere else
Mods are asleep, time for a (unny thread
So they replaced the bombers with lewd but "sfw" lolis?
Only for arcades in Japan right now. They've yet to pull the trigger and expose the world to the game proper.
Well I can't say I'm not disappointed, but at least I'll have no fapbait for awhile.
I wonder if we'll ever see a return to the N64 game.
>The more you win
>The less clothes she has
>Purchaseable outfits
Give me a job Nippon
such a healthy girl!
How is the game called ?
This. I’ll even forget all the horrible treatment of kojimbo and how you ruined the whole mgs saga with that shitty online game.
>thinking you understand a market from across ocean
>or that one of the Bemani cracking groups releases it.
What'd be the point without the multiplayer?
With your mouth, normally.
>What'd be the point without the multiplayer?
there's several unofficial e-amusement servers that have full network support, including multiplayer
they're all sekret klubs though
I just wish it played like real Bomberman. It's some kinda weird MOBA.
Kino design
Os so that doujin I read recently was legit bomberman girl, nice to know.
I swear, the slutty tease demon/succubus loli designs are always the best. I can name like 5 off the top of my head that make me diamonds instantly.
>I can name like 5 off the top of my head that make me diamonds instantly.
Do it
I bet Darkstalkers would be much more popular if Lillith was more assertive and aggressive. Her persona just gives off the vibe of cosplay and not real sinister succubusism... Same for Morrigan for that matter. .
Lilith's problem isn't her personality.
Around here we don't take kindly to people who don't like Tomboys. You best watch yourself, stranger...
>i will now buy your game
who i have to kill to play this?
Is every bomberman in?
>Hudson was bought by Konami
Hudson was a Konami side-unit
Shit threads like this are fine, but the word "cµmbrain" is banned so we can't derail them.
Fuck this board and it's cummods
>This is a Japanese holy servant of God
Don't lose. Definitely don't lose.
Goddammit, just who is this artist?
Huge improvement.
What is she a vampire Loli and what is she doing in Bomberman?
It almost seems like the blocks are entirely inconsequential in this game, which seems like a really bad decision.
edgelord bomberman was terrible, but titty bomberman really isn't all that much better
Well, they still drop powerups that you need, but it is very much about clearing a path to the enemy base for the mobs to attack and take out the opponents on the way
Post Kurobon.
We can't even play the game why are you waifufagging over it ?
people don't actually want to play bomberman
Because we can’t play it.
It's interesting that it took this game to spawn new Tokimeki merch
Home hilarious tidbits from the first 40 minutes
>the censor bars actually make it hotter, I hope Konami actually understands this
>is this alright? won't this stream get removed from NicoLive?
>it's alright, they put censor bars where necessary
>to us japanese having it be hidden like that actually makes it better, you know, like those bubble wrap censors
>(when playing aqua the vampire loli) the people behind me are telling me to lose for the CG, but as a gamer I have to show my best
>(when playing aqua the vampire loli) the people behind me are telling me to lose for the CG, but as a gamer I have to show my best
I just think the worst part of Bombermsn universally is when you’ve depleted the map of blocks and there’s no way to trap people until HURRY UP!
>It even has Max
There are dozens of them in Towako and other H-manga but that's cheating, so I'll stick to girls from anime and video games.
>Maria from Shinmai Maou no Testament
>Shuten (there are a lot of this archetype in Fate, like Kuro and Wu, but only Shuten really counts as a demon)
And then there's obviously Grim Aloe. Sadly lewd dom demon lolis are 95% relegated to porn.
is she a demon or a dragon?
I want to explode inside the explosion loli.
So they got Tokimeki and Twinbee reps in this, so when's my Goemon rep with Yae?
This is beautiful, can't wait to play it.
Just give her a helmet like the original version and she is gonna be perfect.
I want to explode her if you know what I mean
Is this coming to consoles? I want better quality pics
>big tits
>no ass
What a fucking shit design.
the fact the game actually is good is very fucking weird. i played it a little in "no account" mode.
PC port coming when all the characters are released. only 2 are left; still hoping for a Snake waifu
only arcade and PC.
It was announced for PC back in September.
Funfact: the game is so popular in japan there's some esport competitions.
people really really like it for some reasons
i gotta say sepia belmont is a cutie.
the arcade game is made by the pachinko dude because pachinko are now dead.
and it's strangely very good.
the hell.
why do people cry when they got Bomberman R who had a spectacular support from Konami?
I hope for switch port
If they moe up every Bomberman character across all the titles this will create money from thin air.
super bomberman r is dead with no sequel in sight, bombergirl is still thriving
I need pics of the brown girl
Shit. Was hoping there was some people online still.
Any good games left to go and blow people up?
And has the artist drawn nudes or have any doujins that have been posted online?
>the fact the game actually is good is very fucking weird. i played it a little in "no account" mode.
tell us more user
>generic anime girl
>frog retard