>After years of screeching we finally get Marvel vs Capcom 4
>Nobody even gives it a try just because of early graphics
What the fuck
After years of screeching we finally get Marvel vs Capcom 4
>After years of screeching we finally get Marvel vs Capcom 4
No we didn't.
doubly unfortunate because of how absoluteness kino the gameplay was. switching at anytime was a blast, and the admittedly shitty roster had some real fun to be found. i played a shit tone of dante jedah or gamora strider. shit was cash with teh soul stone
the dragon ball competition is really unfortunate because it ended up making the game flop just hard enough so they didn't try to fix it and we ended up with 2 bad games instead of just 1
>graphics suck
>roster sucks
Any crossover game would die at these two mistakes
I dropped it because of the shit roster, not the graphics
MCU synergy
When are we going to have Mahvel in the right place?
Not including Wolverine was a huge misstep but I never let a roster turn me away from a fighting game.
That said I didn't buy it because I can't play any MvC game worth a shit.
Seriously, another one of these fucking threads?
>the worst roster you could even fathom
>no xmen
>bad graphics
>chun li's face deserves separation from bad graphics because it was just that fucking awful
>no budget mobile game ui
>shit awful music
>horrible alternate costumes
>mcu shilling out the ass
>god awful story mode
>shit pr
>shit demo
>no polish whatsoever, graphics and game world had no consistent style
>literally less EVERYTHING than every single title before it in the series
>shit dlc practices
>"muh functions"
And I haven't even compared to DBFZ yet. I played the game at an anime con. The combat was good. The game is still complete irredeemable shit and I'm glad it tanked.
I'm watching the DBZ Fighters Evo finals. Are there no fucking moves that are negative on block in this game? Jesus fucking Christ with 10 hit block strings into block string.
Why is 2v2 bad?
>listing 2v2 as a bad thing
Hi rkappa
Why did they make the graphics so ugly? UMvC3 graphics were so fucking godlike in comparison.
2v2 is not inherently bad. But its not what anyone expected or asked for from a MvC sequel. It just ends up looking like a justification for the extremely downsized roster. It immediately put a bad taste in a lot of fans mouths right at the beginning. It was the first domino in the line.
As I understand it, no budget. Supposedly the game was budgeted at something less than what SF5 gets for its DLC. Not even the main SF5 game, just its DLC.
>use super
>switch and try to mix-up the opponent while they're blocking
It's ugly but the real nail in the coffin was the gem system.
I actually quite liked that system. It's probably the game's best feature.
>[word][ellipsis][word][snarky question mark]
go back to fucking twitter you cucktaku fag
Every move is negative on block save for like 8 moves in the whole cast. The problem is no pushblock and calling in assists to extend pressure
I type as if I'm talking to you, live with it or get fucked.
All together, everyone!
Thank god it wasn't actually named MVC4, Jen can still keep her promise to Wade
It's "early graphics" never left. and nobody gave it a try because it's support dropped in under 6 months.
>people who made the gameplay demos couldn't beat up Marvel characters
No one wants to play as boring as shit MCU characters. Xmen carried mvc since the beginning.
Graphics do matter. How am I supposed to feel good about labbing Dante combo when shit looks like THIS youtube.com
inb4 "wow its all about the gameplay" when so many FGs right now have both good gameplay AND visuals. Most strikingly the fucking PREDECESSOR is fun to play and beautiful. I can drop the graphics topic when playing a fantastic FG like Koihime (and it would be more about generic designs rather than outright ugly models and effects), not for MvCi which gets overshadowed by everything.
Fuck off that shit got patched instantly
The thing about the whole X-men ban in things like this game was the fact that it had no reason to exist.
Fox only had movie rights, never game rights. There was no copyright issues in any of the games released before MvCI. Previous MvC, Lego, Ultimate Alliance, all had X-Men. Then Perlmutter throws a tantrum because Fox wouldn't sell back film rights. Removing X-men from everything was supposed to make Fox films be less popular, but all it did was cause Marvel themselves to make less money, since none of the game profits went to Fox.
Nintendo was supposedly ready to fight to get X-Men in Ultimate Alliance 3, and that alone makes them more based than the developers of MvCI, aka Glorified Movie Ad.
I want a good game, not a shitpile.
that whole game was just to shill the avengers
we could have had Loki
>crossover game where most of the characters are from the last game
>Most new picks are totally safe and not unique at all
>No style to the crossover gimmick
>Chris Redfield is STILL THERE and in his shitty 5 costume
Game was doomed from the start.
>just because of the early graphics
>implying just because
Everything about this game sucks ass
Literally not a single thing of value, it's really incredible
Nice job outing yourself as someone who never even touched the game
I will never understand theses
Are you sure you're not the one who never touched it?
The roster is 90% returning characters while also managing to be smaller than its predecessor, while only adding, I think, 6 new characters.
The story (which apparently we just HAD to have) was the same "collect the six infinity stones" plot we've been getting for years now, with some very poorly made cutscenes.
The models look awful. It's blatantly apparent they were working with a shoe string budget. Everyone was forced to have a level 3 Hyper combo, and if they didn't have one before, it very likely was derivative of every other new level 3. They even altered Caps, and it did the same shit. Ghost Riders level 3, in particular, was awful.
They managed to completely butcher the soundtrack, giving the Capcom side remixes ranging from meh to awful, and completely did away with the Marvel side so they could get some movie soundtrack nonsense.
The stage selection was literally just the shit they used in the story mode, 3 of which were just different sections of the same street.
Even the gameplay, which was the best part, was ruined by Webball/reality stone spam and the tidal wave of Dantes and Dormammus. Don't forget the damage cap, which more or less invalidated the more creative combos, since you could never do more than 6000 points of damage, anyway. After all, no one wants to get touch of death'ed, right?
This game is unironically the best versus game in terms of gameplay mechanics.
You sound like you didn’t play the game, complaining about shit that doesn’t matter or is completely wrong.
>was ruined by Webball/reality stone spam
you didn't play the game
>Webball/reality stone spam and the tidal wave of Dantes
Those got patched soon after, Infinite is the most balanced MvC to date.
>Don't forget the damage cap, which more or less invalidated the more creative combos, since you could never do more than 6000 points of damage, anyway
Not true in the slightest. A bnb for a team can look different than another because you can literally tag anywhere. People are finding higher combos all the time.
>After all, no one wants to get touch of death'ed, right?
Yes. That's the whole reason why 3 combos are boring becaus they actually harm creativity unlike in MvCI.
And I don't mind GR's level 3. It looks a bit more menacing not having the camera rotate.
>graphics are shit
>2 v 2 duels
>no xmen, no vergil, etc
>story suggs ass
>x factor was way more fun than the infinity stones
it was literally a direct downgrade from UMVC3
>100 dollars of dlc to get the full game
>graphics are shit
gameplay > graphics. This is why nu/v/ is shit.
>2v2 duels
Makes not much of a difference considering how chaotic matches can be
>no xmen, no vergil, etc
>x factor was way more fun than the infinity stones
It probably would be to Vergil players like yourself because they don't have to think when they pop XF
>terrible graphics
>terrible VA compared to UMvC3
>Capcom roster dropped several of the most popular characters from UMvC3
>Marvel roster is literally the MCU
>no X-Men at all despite being across the board some of the most popular MvC characters
>not even fucking Wolverine
>they even cut Deadpool
>DLC added an even amount of characters so now the character select screen is permanently fucked as a monument to its failure
what a bucket of fuck. people should have been fired over this turd
>no felicia
glad it bombed
Honestly the fucking faces ruined it for me. It's like when a tv show changes a character actor during a season. And you can't un-see it. And they ALL look like that. Morrigan, Capt. America. wtf
That and no X-men.
Buy Darkstalkers Resurrection
worst roster ever.
how does something like this happen?
>Drop 3v3
>Replace with uninteresting and imbalanced stones system
>Roster is a big downgrade from UMvC3
They fumbled and DBFZ picked up the ball.
>releases a year before avengers did, so the normies dont know who thanos is
i feel bad for capcom since i assume marvel didnt want mvci releasing the same time as their own games that would actually get the extra bump from avengers
i remember they announced black panther DLC before the game came out, that sure was arrogant of them; not as arrogant as that whole esports video that got leaked though
I bought it and had a good time, especially once all the DLC was on sale. Never got the chance to buy any of UMVC3's DLC last-gen so I made sure to snag everything this time. If they were given an extra year the game would have been fine.
My local Best Buy finally sold their last 5 boxed copies for $0.01 each about two months ago.
That really fucking annoyed me. How fucking lazy can you be? Just recycle MVC3 voice lines and pay bare minimum.
>mcu shilling out the ass
>Marvel roster is literally the MCU
I fucking hate this argument because EVEN if it was just about the MCU, there is a lot of new interesting characters:
Scarlet Witch, Vision, Star-Lord, Loki, Hela, Punisher, DareDevil, Iron Fist, Ronan, Yondu
but NO, they picked the worst characters EVER.
While I greatly enjoyed the gameplay everything else was a huge step down from Ultimate mvc3.
The presentation was so absolutely horrid. Ugly characters, garbage music, pitiful menus and layouts. The whole game reeks of half assery. The roster was gutted and the slimy season pass that contained mostly characters that were in the base game. Sucks ass cause X was really fun to play
Wasn't the budget for this game about half that of the season 1 DLC for SFV? And Capcom couldn't use their assets from MvC3/UMvC3 because they'd already deleted the source code?
Fuck you I love Chris in mvc3
Jedah was not a safe pick and he's sick as fuck
NuCapcom sucks and the garbage they peddle is rightfully ignored.
They're the worst westaboo company.
It didn't play like your normal MvC game. It's Capcom trying to reinvent the wheel just like they did with every SF game. The presentation is miles behind the next available competition. UMvC3 looks great compared to it.
>neutered all his moves because you can't show blood in a Christian vidya game
>stuck in this turd of a game alongside X, Sigma, Monster Hunter, and Venom
Sounds to me that they ran our of time and funding. Apparently the budget for this game was very low.
It flopped because they didn't add the best character from 3. The roster is pitiful.
user, even normalfags think UMVC3 is a better game.
Some retard who doesn't understand fighting games was in charge of PR for Marvel I guess.
Yeah sure he can't decapitate himself but he's still the best looking character in the game
Remember how much Capcom fan made fun of KoF XIV because of the shitty graphics?
Their shitposting just backfired on them.
It can get pettier, there was a guy who didn't allow pre-release screenshots in a wrestling game to show him being beaten or vulnerable
Thats because UMvC3 is unironically and objectively the most fun fighting game that exists
>b-b-but muh OP overused characters
Fuck off you faggot, you're not going to nationals and fighting top players. You just suck and want something to blame it on.
Darkstalkers have always been a staple of MvC.
imagine if the game was in development around the same time as Spider-Man PS4 and MUA3
Low quality graphics are usually indicative of an overall low quality game. And it was.
And don't forget, they made MvC:I to heavily bank on esports.
Not Jedah
you are fucking with us right?
imagine if Marvel vs Capcom removed Ryu and Chun Li. Fuck Marvel.
The presentation was cheap and hideous. The roster sucked. The gameplay wasn't actually that good, it was okay at best, which was far from enough to carry all the crap.
It was too arcadey, too cheesy, too combo heavy retardedness. It's not what your average marvel movie watcher is looking for in a game. It's what MvC2 fans are looking for, and even they hated it for the first two reasons.
Jedah was probably the most asked for Darkstalkers character other than Demitri. He was a safe pick.
Nobody played Darkstalkers or knows any character from it outside of Morrigan. Nobody was asking for Jedah.
coz like 50 japanese buy the game. it costs a lot and theres really no need. it's only for weebs.
Did you even read my post you dense fuck?
That's naive to say it was only the graphics that turned players off.
The roster being so much smaller than even the base MvC3, a number of popular characters getting cut, unbalancing the Marvel and Capcom sides in representation.
And those who did give it a shot like me were disappointed further with it's shitty soundtrack, lack of character endings in Arcade mode, among other things.
kinda off topic but,
You know what really buggles my muggle?
Xbox One Japanese Ports
They've got to have sales in the double digits. Imagine if you were on a team responsible for localizing a game that you know will sell dozens, or maybe low hundreds of copies.
I didn't like even MvC3, much less this shit.
However, even I admit that the hypest shit was vanilla MvC3's win screen music. That was so cool. Too bad they replaced it with a much shittier version for UMvC3.
it was fuckup after fuckup since the reveal trailer. from functions, chuns face, weird ass demo, that evo gameplay session, main boss as dlc, meme tournament...
if pr was on point i swear we would still play the game today.
too bad coz the roster wasnt that bad for vanilla. it has some weird choices but meh.
it is what it is and can only hope they make another vs game in the next 10 years
Anyone who equates characters with functions doesn't understand the people who enjoy fighting games.
Especially Crossover fighters. They live and breathe by people knowing who the characters are.
he was a competitive fg player. i understand his point of view, but not a good thing to say at loud.
theres like 1000 people in the world who share his view.
millions just fuck around with magneto in arcade mode
>couldn't use X-men
Dead on arrival.
Now that X-men are back on the table what we need now is another shot by someone other than Capcom who is willing to make a Marvel only fighting game. Ideally it would be a 3v3 game, but even 2v2 would be fine.
I played MvC the first time because I liked the characters I saw (from the respective cartoons) and wanted to play as them. A casual like me doesn't give two shits about fighting game "mechanics" especially when I have no plans on entering tournaments.
That's why the Single Player experience in MvCI hurt so much.
A lackluster story mode that doesn't even give you a good chunk of the roster. Absolutely NO ending after finishing the arcade ladder.
Those were things that kept me playing even the characters I didn't care about in the other games, wanting to see just when happened when they took down the big bad.
The biggest tragedy about MvCi is the fun characters that are trapped in the game. I had so much fun running my Venom / Jedah team, but the game ran out of steam so quick and everything else about it was so bad. Corner loops with Thanos / Ultron were also great.
How the fuck is this game SO ugly? How did Capcom think this was a good idea??? Mvc3 was years older and looked better. What the fuck man. Glad Capcom started getting their shit together
>black widow and winter soldier, the most boring MCU heroes fighting wise get added as dlc above all others
fighting games division are far from getting their shit together. we'll see at capcom cup if they're part of the redemption arc.
new tech in sfv and a trailer for the new fg is what they need to bring people back.
highly doubt it tho. probably just a winter pack of 3 characters.
>lets add Black Widow when we have Gamora in the game
Fucking why? The only things separating Black Widow and Gamora is skin color and Gamora being much better. Why couldn't we have gotten Antman or The Wasp or Vision? There are so many better options.
You're joking right? All people know is Morrigan, Felicia and maybe best girl Hisen-Ko
but it's just the "function" of Dante you like, right? Looks shouldn't matter, right?
Nobody gives a fuck about Darkstalkers outside of a few FGC heads that keep begging for a 4 that'll never come
Morrigan and Felicia might as well just be crossover exclusive characters at this point for all most people know
Ah Morrigan, the Captain Falcon of Capcom.
Marvel has their shitty mobile fighting game, they have no interest in making a real one.
the only good thing about this game was Jedah lol
Thanos, Ultron, Venom, Sigma, and X were fun too. Every other character that was fun like Iron Man, Dante, and Frank West were done better in earlier games.
I hope we get TvC Frank back one day