Other urls found in this thread:
He dodged a bullet. FPS' went down the shitter fast.
>What you're supposed actually makes sense and is intuitive
He's correct and in fact HL 1 & 2 were basis for every linear FPS/3PS since - if it weren't for HL there'd be no COD and no Gears of War.
same could be said of everyone favorite N64 zelda game.
Valvefags have nothing left...even the games they did get are being taken away....
half-life really is cinematic garbage. people shitpost against naughty dog, rockstar and kojima all the time for making movie games, but they never keep that same energy when "based gaben" does it.
schizo thread
kys hl killed fps games.
what are some videogames where I can play as Alf?
FUCK OFF /vr/.
Yes, totally because the market didn't got saturated with Doom clones which started becoming stale until Half Life was released and gave the genre life again.
Never seen people so ignorant at games and yet so proud about it, it's cute watching these kinds of people talk like they had any authority.
prove him wrong.
weirdly obsessed but also based
now this is the real based
Name one good fps or game influenced by hl, faggots.
garbage like cod, moh, naughty dog games don't count.
yes, THE alf from alf life
He is already in denial, Half Life isn't unresponsive by any means and what speglords like those fail to understand is that games like Half Life gave the genre the change it needed so badly and prevent it from dying. The genre wouldn't have survived of mediocre Doom and Quake clones only. Valve not only in fact saved PC gaming but also shooters so revisionist hipsters should probably be more thankful instead of smelling their own farts all day.
I can't believe people are actually responding to a thread that is literally just screencaps of Resetera posts from 5 years ago. What is wrong with you people honestly? Why do you get outraged so easily?
Reading these makes me mad.
>actual puzzles that give you clues how to solve them through the enviroment=bad
>spraling maze with key to door in one of the corridors=good
I get if your saying it lead to the mediocridy of the genre i guess thats true but i would really blame that on COD
Original prey
>having a bunch of screenshots of random forum posts of some random retard's hot opinions on HL saved on your hard drive
fps should have followed good non linear story based games like marathon , deus ex and system shock.
or maybe follow sin and goldeneye.
Not cinematic garbage with no agency like half life.
>linear cinematic trash.
it's probably the same Schizo doing the same thing to Portal tf2 or any valve game
>deus ex
>good non linear story
Fun Fact: This is the first time that anyone has ever replied this to me.
I was playing a little game and seeing how long I could go without getting this reply before I filtered it. I lost track of how long it's been but anyway, I will now filter this word.
What does "confusing sound direction" mean
>genuinely posts his own opinion instead of the following the norm
Horrible, isn't it, Yea Forums?
Go back to the Doom general faggot
Or don't, actually
>confusing sound direction
You just have no taste. Original FEAR offers more interesting and varied combat approaches than your average quake clone and I prefer it over that game as well any day. Better AI, better atmosphere and continued evolving pacing instead of overdone episodic format which makes the game feel disconnected and playing like a glorified map pack.
I didn't choose the Alf life,the Alf life chose me
>unresponsive controls
what a valid opinion
>contrarian hipsters are now hating on Half-Life
I want off this ride.
imagine being this zoomie.
people who cared about fps and games in general always hated hl.
Ok, retard.
Very obvious you never played any of the games you referenced you gormless hipster zoomer faggot
Must've been a very secretive bunch, kept hidden for all these years
keep defending scripted sequences and linearity.
doom, quake, unreal,duke, deus ex ,system shock ,marathon, blood, goldeneye , sin, powerslave , thief will be always better games.
What does that even mean? Where the fuck are your arguments? I'm supposed to clap at what OP posted and celebrate the stagnation of the genre instead of having the always needed variety? Fuck no, I don't follow hiveminds and nostalgia faggots are one of the most insufferable, disconnected from reality people around so while i absolutely love shooters those people can go fuck themselves for all i care.
>screen capping your own posts
Omega yikes from me
Translation: The minority who wanted more doom clones always hated Half Life.
hlbabies will never understand what a good level with agency is.
>i was specifically thinking of the beginnign of the two games
so he didnt actually play them beyond the beginning?
What the fuck are you talking about? Half of what you just listed are all fucking full of scripted shit and are all linear.
hahaha no.
Hlbabies can't defend their game.
>this thread again
remember that op does this for all valve games and is constantly sethig
If hl didn't exist the genre would be better. Prove me wrong hltrannies.
So because you can't go through a secret door/ventilation shaft and skip the entire level then the level design is shit? you are a fucking schizo
>Muh one path tunnel is good
This is you hlbabies
>Unresponsive controls
So he didn't play it?
I never played HL1 but I thought the good parts of HL2 were the physics puzzles. If not for those and the gravity gun (which often assisted in physics puzzles) it would've been completely forgettable.
Marathon was better.
>unironically defending the casualization of games for normalfags
wow, valvefags are pathetic. next you'll defend lootboxes because "based gaben" invented those too.
Hlcucks will deny this.
Hlniggers defend the casualization of games.
please stop begging for attention and samefagging, it's starting to get embarrassing