The Sun has fallen out of orbit with the Earth and will collide in 5 minutes! Your only chance to survive is get in a shelter full of:
A. Cawwadooty faggots
B. Gaylo kiddies
Make your choice Yea Forums
The Sun has fallen out of orbit with the Earth and will collide in 5 minutes! Your only chance to survive is get in a shelter full of:
A. Cawwadooty faggots
B. Gaylo kiddies
Make your choice Yea Forums
Whichever fanbase has the most girls.
This is the nth time this same thread has been psoted this month
Kill yourself
What would happen if a sun made of ice would collide with a normal, lava-made sun? Both suns would be the same size and ice-made sun’s temperature would be -1000 degrees of celsius and normal sun’s temperature +1000 degrees of celsius.
Would their combined effects cancel each other out so that instead there would be only empty space or one 0-degree sun?
I don't think underages care about CoD anymore, so all the codfags left are W@W/Modern Warfare fags. Meanwhile, Halo's fanbase has always been cancerous.
>you will never live to see space exploration
>you won't live to see life extension science come to fruition to even get a shred of a chance of living to see space exploration
The worst part is knowing that if we eventually get the ability to bring people back to life or perfectly reconstruct them as though it had happened there will be a fuckton of moralfags stopping it from happening
cursed image
It creates an Obsidian sun.
>-1000 degrees Celsius
all we need to do as strike at night that way the Sun will be weak and we will be strong
No one will stop them.
No one will care enough to bring me back.
I think it's funny that the scientific work to create an AI as intelligent enough as humanity is praised while attempting to do the same thing with organics are shunned.
Wouldn't it have to be traveling faster than light speed to get here in five minutes?
>-727 K
Really keeps the noggin joggin
The absolute zero is -273 degree celcius.
You retarded child
Sucks, I bet I'll be just on the way out by the time they find out how to eliminate the aging gene
It will be you but not really you, you will always feel a bit empty inside, not literally, but just something missing, you will then proceed to have a existential crisis, followed by specters that suddenly appear in the very corner of you eyes, you turn around but every time they seem to appear, you fear it is your "self" manifesting itself to take yourselves back.
shut up fag
it's incredible how exponentially unfunny these kinds of threads have become
i wonder, am i getting old or am i just a jaded sack of shit?
If there's an absolute cold, then why is there no absolute hot?
Is that really the big issue here rather than the fact that a piece of ice that big literally couldn't exist
Yeah ok whatever you say you fuckin nerd
Uh huh sure, thats what they said about bigfoot too.
Telling people to kill themselves is just an impetus to do so in as explosive and grand a way as possible, which means more mass shootings.
You really need to stop.
Why can't a piece of ice that big exist?
They are literally just zero-effort trash meant to inspire reactions based on how bad/stupid they are, and idiots continue responding to this dumb shit because it's one of the consistent things that factually will always work.
>the sun has fallen out of orbit of the earth
based retard
kill yourself tranny, dilate, have sex, cope, go back to discord/reddit/resetera, dog
There is it's called the Planck temperature it's like 10^32K
I'm more amused about 1000 degrees C Sun. It's way too low, we would freeze to death if it was the case.
The gravity would make it collapse in on itself until it turned into plasma or started fusion, either way it isn't ice anymore
Gaylor, OBVIOUSLY. At least they'd have creative survival tactics and map making skills.
>It will be you but not really you
That's only if you do a recreation, but there are ways around that. Once we gain control over everything in the universe, we'll be able to turn back time so we can find each person as they're about to die, so it's not a reconstruction but still you being saved from death.
You haven't been here long enough. Eventually you will come around and laugh at the insanity of how incredibly horrible one place can be.
>The Sun has fallen out of orbit
okay epic, made me reply.
>Gaylo kiddies
Remind me, when was the last Halo released again?
ill just die thx
no need to
we have a trillion lions
>place rockets on australia
>earth now becomes one big space ship
We will find a new sun
How could they defeat the sun?
The latter. Take things lightly and don't overthink things.
>jaa, gomen gomen
Yea, that’s what’s stopping our progression
Gaylofags tend to have more diverse tastes, surely some fellow weebs will be among them.
Codshelter would just be normies.
It's only funny when there's a good chunk of time between the threads
the sun doesnt orbit earth you nigger
things in space cant fall
ice is way less dense than lava so the lava sun would cool the ice sun at a much faster rate resulting in a minor drop in temperature from the lava sun and the ice sun vaporizing
>sun made of ice
>normal sun at only 1000ºC
i fucking hate this board
Look up absolute zero.
Absolute zero is when all movement of atoms ceases. Absolute hot would mean what? Atoms moving at infinite speed?
Yes. Past the planck temperature the laws of physics don't exist
>all of the newfags replying to this stale as fuck pasta