What's some good online vidya for people who are high?

What's some good online vidya for people who are high?

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The suicide game. All you need a gun to the head or a rope and a chair.

the same good ones to play when you aren't high.

Apex Legends


Earth Defense Force
Arma (any edition) if you can find a stoner squad to go with you
Disc Jam

oh and serious sam of course

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You must be fun at parties

All great answers

Turn your car on in the garage and take a nap

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mario kart

God I hate this smug piece of shit. If someone were to throw acid on his face I would cum buckets


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true but at least im not an alcohol fag

Every ARPG ever.

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Also, play san andreas

why is weed so comfy bros?
literally godtier for playing vidya

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All of them? If you're used to being baked and playing vidya its just like playing vidya normally.


get the bugs out of your teeth.

makes you feel like a kid again

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drugs cause addiction, gang warfare, and death.

Tetris 99

Why do drugs make Yea Forums so mad?

shut up nerd

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Metal Gear Online when you roll as Enforcer

lots of people on here live in states where it is still illegal. that coupled with the annoying 420fags that overhype it and make it look bad. i don't blame a lot of anti-weed people even though i'm a pothead myself.

It usually smells bad and anons dont want to mask their melee tier musk

As long as if you're not an annoying fuck when youre sober you alright


just download fractint

few years ago vanilla wow private servers I could lose 8 hours in what felt like minutes while blazed. look forward to doing the same with classic wow.

Because throughout the years there has been one truth of Yea Forums.

Yea Forums is a counter culture board. If something is popular on Yea Forums, it's probably not popular anywhere else. There are of course exceptions, but generally speaking, this is true.

This is just code for “I burned out my dopamine receptors from constant video games and porn and now need drugs to squeeze any enjoyment out of life”

>weed on meds makes me feel like my mind is legitimately shattering like glass
>alcohol on meds makes me pass out after one sip
h-hell yeah straightedge


require friends to effectively obtain; frequently used while socializing/having sex.

so even the mention of anything instantly triggers these fragile KHV that constantly told themselves, "if I just say no to drugs and keep my head down and grades up, I'll grow up to be a successful video game developer with a beautiful wife! all those losers partying and smoking marijuanas and having sex now will regret it later!"

of course the kids that partied, used drugs and had sex during high school grew up to be rich, desirable managers and CEO's that effortlessly bully Yea Forumsirgins.

TL;DR same reason anything makes Yea Forumsirgins mad. the genetically superior.

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another insightful philosophy from dude mcweedbro

Who /straight edge/ patrician here? No alcohol, no drugs, exercise 5 times/week, etc.

deal with it

Battle royals, you can wander around at your own pace without fucking up anyone else's game

>juuling at their age
This is why they aren't tag champs.

I use weed as a bit of anxiety medication, and specifically focus on upbeat 'hype' games because it helps keep my energy up after work (otherwise I'll crash and sleep the next 14 hours til work again.)

>Monster Hunter: World
With orchestral scores playing in the background.
>NBA 2k19.
Casual game. Sport I don't even follow. Really easy to get hyped up and immerse yourself.
>Faster Than Light.
It's just a beep boop space roguelike, but being high allows it to hold my attention for longer.
Turn the lights off and wear headphones.

I only read 'online vidya' after posting.

Don't play coop games high, you'll just be a fucking burden.

This banger right here.

Forgot link


unironically modhau and battlefront 2 are both really fun high

We could really use a ban on Hollywood and its glorification of brain damaging "fun".

Downloading Fortnite now. Let's see what the fuss is about.

Why can't WoW Classic be out already?