Play Samurai Shodown
Play Samurai Shodown
make an op that doesnt fucking suck template nigger
based mina poster
Is that the chick from Mabinogi
how mad were the irohafags?
Did she actually get announced as DLC?
I feel like I get no respect because I play Genjuro and easy mode it.
Do you get to romance the cunny?
Is there even any cunny in this game?
I don't play games that don't have the option
I do.
Tomorrow the US gets Rimururu and o n the 10th we're getting a balance patch which is cool. Really hoping Darli gets a few nice buffs, a throw combo into her WFT would be great, as she feels a bit lacking as of now.
Can you do the world a favor and kill yourself?
S2, specifically.
So probably not free.
No, only Shizumaru is free for everyone. Season 1 was free for the first few days but now it costs real money.
Got this as my first SamSho. It's tons of fun. Probably one of the first fighting games I've played where I find practically every character in the game enjoyable in some capacity. I don't even have a "main". I just pick someone new every match, because they're all fun.
She looks cute.
It's my first SamSho too and I love it. It has a great "pick up and play" feel where it's very easy to pick up a character and understand their moveset but actually using mechanics like weapon deflects, recoil canceling, and issen effectively adds a good deal of depth to fighting.
How long till irohafags start to pretend care about the game?
You’re right. No one respects a Genjuro-fag
>been playing all day to get ready for Rimururu
>notice her stage is already available, that’s cool
>decide to play through story mode since I haven’t finished it for everyone
>Rimururu shows up as an opponent
Well goddamn, just let me fucking play as her then
made for bisection
I know but I'm saying I don't think anyone gets S2 for free.
Iroha will probably be part of S2 as well. Really the only high scoring fan pick I don’t want is Cham Cham. What a shit fucking character. Gimme my based nigga Andrew
I will as soon as the Switch port happens.
They already did, most have left by now though. Based on the fact that Mina (#1 in poll) and Shizumaru (#3 in poll) got in I imagine Iroha (#2 in poll) will come eventually.
While it's kind of sad to see veterans like Sieger and Gaira get left in the dust for waifu shit the roster and season 1 dlc at least have pretty good variety. Basara alone made me happy honestly.
Cham Cham when?
Better not touch his waifu or he'll bruise your laifu.
I hope she gets bisected whenever he plays
Cham Cham is pretty likely honestly, despite only being in one non spinoff, actually good SamSho game people love her.
Eh, I think the newcomers from VI are best left forgotten. I wouldn't mind some of the Sen characters though. Most were shitty but Golba or Kirian.
I will once my wife Mina is released
> wanting some spanish fuck over the president of the united states